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The Left absolutely fears exactly one man: Donald J. Trump, who set America on sound economic footing for the first time in decades. Trump accomplished so very much during one term while being mercilessly beset by lying and conniving bastards on both the Left and Right. The uniparty is terrified that Trump will be elected again. Could any other candidate from any party have withstood the unmitigated attacks that Trump has withstood? Absofreakinglutely not!

Your nonsensical comment that Trump is a "sellout to big corporations" is not based on any facts at all.

Trump could not be bought off BECAUSE he is self-made and did not need to go to DC in order to become wealthy like Biden, Pelosi, McConnell, et al.

Wake up!

If all of the deep state swamp is completely terrified of one person, then that one person is who I want as my President.

Trump 2024. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

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I disagree. The left loves Trump. He fires up their base like no one else. He made the left love censorship. The Left media is withering on the vine without him. This is why you still see Trump in the news continually for the next two years. They need him. And yes, he did some good things for a few years, gained the trust of the republicans, and then bam, when the pressure hit, he did everything Big Pharma needed him to do.

Trump invited RFK jr to the Whitehouse to talk about childhood vaccines early in his presidency. RFK Jr explained that all that was needed to expose the truth about them was to open up the CDC public records. Trump said that sounded good. After the meeting was over, Trump coincidentally received a million dollar donation from Pfizer. He then placed a former pharma executive in HHS. He never spoke to RFK Jr again.

When the pandemic hit, he was giving lip service to early treatments but he never actually did one single thing to help the American people have access to early treatments. Instead, he gave billions to pharmaceutical companies to develop mRNA injections and then contracted to buy them from the companies that he paid to develop them. After he signed Operation Warp Speed, he took zero action to ever help early treatments become available (or to stop them from being blocked by the NIH, a government institution) because you can't legally have both early treatments and EUA injections. He knew that and his actions aligned with that plan.

And, he was the President while the federal government was actively censoring true information from social media. It was HIS government doing that. He was also the president while HHS paid billions to propagandize the public in favor of the injection. That was HIS government. And he still supports the injection today.

Again, I agree that he did some great things in the first three years that he was president, but when it really mattered, he did everything needed to push us into a state of a totalitarian bio-fascist state. I think it was always the plan. Gain trust, then turn on us while pretending it was someone else's fault. If we elect him again, why would he do anything different? It worked really well, and people still support him.

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Untrue about the Pfizer donation. Bill Gates bragged that he advised Trump to ignore "this guy named Robert Kennedy" on vaccine safety, and trusting another successful businessperson, Trump took advice from a deep-state eugenicist.

Look up the video on Gates' braggadocio.

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Yes, it's true that Bill Gates was advising Trump. Hopefully Trump supporters know this.

However, I do believe that Pfizer gave one million dollars to Trump after he met with RFK Jr. In your opinion, is this story untrue?


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After researching this, I believe Kennedy has misremembered the timeline of events regarding his meeting with Trump and the potential vaccine safety commission. (And no, Gates was not "advising" Trump; the men had two conversations about vaccines, according to Gates himself.)

News reports show:

โ€ข On December 17, 2016, Pfizer donated $1 million to Trump's inauguration campaign.

โ€ข In late December 2016, Trump calls Kennedy to meet at Trump Tower to discuss the potential vaccine safety commission.

โ€ข On January 10, 2017, Trump and Kennedy meet for two hours after which Kennedy spoke to the press and announced the upcoming formation of a vaccine safety commission. Later that day, someone on the Trump team downplayed that idea.

โ€ข In February 2017, Kennedy told a news outlet he had met again with Trump's team regarding the vaccine safety commission but nothing had been made official yet.

According to the video of Bill Gates describing (ridiculing, actually) his two interactions with Trump, Gates said he met President Trump at an event in March 2017, during which Trump asked Gates' opinion about the vaccine safety commission. Gates said he told Trump that was a terrible idea and that "someone's whose name is Robert Kennedy Junior" was not someone to listen to on the issue of vaccines.

โ€ข News reports show Kennedy claims he had meetings with the Trump vaccine safety commission team until fall of 2017.

โ€ข In February 2018, Kennedy told media that Trump's team had not contacted him in about six months, and Kennedy assumed the idea of the vaccine safety commission had been abandoned.

In an interview on Rumble with a young man I did not recognize, Kennedy made the following statements:

โ€ข Kennedy said Trump contacted him in late December 2016 and asked him to meet regarding a vaccine safety commission.

โ€ข Kennedy said he met with Trump for two hours that day (1-10-17) and several other people were in and out of that meeting. Kennedy said after the meeting he was escorted (by Jared Kushner) downstairs at Trump Tower to a press briefing where he announced that Trump wanted him (Kennedy) to head a vaccine safety commission. (Kennedy did not mention the demurer statement made by someone in the Trump administration later that day.)

โ€ข During his meetings with the Trump administration in early 2017, Kennedy said Anthony Fauci was one of the people who attended the vaccine safety commission planning sessions.

โ€ข Kennedy told the interviewer he met with the Trump team several times about the commission in January/February 2017, but he also said "then a week later Pfizer donated a million dollars" to Trump and the vaccine safety commission was dropped.

Kennedy's statement during that 2021 Rumble interview regarding the timing of the Pfizer donation and the White house's cold shoulder about the commission is an unmitigated and provable lie. Here is the documented timeline:

1- December 17, 2016: Pfizer donates $1M to Trump's inauguration campaign

2- Late December 2016: Trump calls RFK Jr. to meet with him about a vaccine safety commission

3- January 10, 2017: Kennedy meets with Trump and other officials at Trump Tower, and Kennedy is encouraged to make an announcement to the press, which is walked back later that day by someone in the Trump administration

4- January/February 2017: Kennedy meets an unknown number of times with Trump officials, including Anthony Fauci, to discuss the vaccine safety commission

5- March 2017: Trump discusses the vaccine safety commission with Bill Gates and Gates advises him to drop the commission and ignore anything said by Robert Kennedy Jr.

6- Spring/Summer: Kennedy tells the media he is still having meetings with the Trump administration about the commission

7- February 2018: Kennedy tells the media no one in the White House has contacted him about the vaccine safety commission "in about six months."

I have the links to all the news reports, to Bill Gates' video and to the Kennedy interview on Rumble in late 2021 to document everything I have stated above.

Your "smoking gun" of the Pfizer donation to the Trump inaugural fund had nothing to do with Trump's decision not to work with RFK Jr. on a vaccine safety commission, IMO. If you look at news headlines in 2017, every media outlet in the world was ridiculing Trump for even talking to noted vaccine skeptic RFK Jr.

Yes, yes, RFK Jr. was/is right about vaccines being poison.

But no one would say that in 2017, and the world, the deep state, and the DC swamp made fun of Trump-the-outsider for even considering the notion.

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If Trump followed the advice of Gates, how is that considered โ€œnot advisingโ€? You have a lot more details than I do but it doesnโ€™t really change the overreaching truths.

1. Trump went with Gates suggestion

2. Trump did not work with RFK to open the public data.

3. Pfizer made a million dollar donation for one single event.

4. Trump signed Operation Warp Speed

5. Trump hired a former pharmaceutical exec to head HHS.

6. Trump is still singing the praises of the injection that he made possible.

And there are more but those are pretty clear and revealing facts.

I donโ€™t really think the rest of the details or timeline make these significant and substantial facts different or less valuable to understand.

All RFK needs is for the data to be opened. Yes, itโ€™s unpopular to be against vaccination because of the years of propaganda. We need someone to stand up to it. Who would oppose opening public data? People who donโ€™t want transparency of public data, thatโ€™s who (aka the pharmaceutical industry and captured regulatory agencies and governmental officials who are responsible for maintaining good regulations that serve the people).

For people not to see who is owned be corporate America is a testament to the power of propaganda, brainwashing, and the influence powerful corporations have on media.

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Agree. The truth hurts.

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You are absolutely correct, DTT. Sad to see so many lemmings wiling to jump off a cliff for a Democrat who has nothing to offer as President. He's a one trick pony who should continue his anti-vaccine crusade.

TRUMP 2024

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