It's not about the climate changing, agree it is always changing. The issue that should concern all of us no matter what party, religion, or beliefs, is TOXICITY. We are poisoning ourselves through over-medication, vaccines, pesticides, and our food supply, our water supply and our air. Everything is getting more and more polluted and si…
It's not about the climate changing, agree it is always changing. The issue that should concern all of us no matter what party, religion, or beliefs, is TOXICITY. We are poisoning ourselves through over-medication, vaccines, pesticides, and our food supply, our water supply and our air. Everything is getting more and more polluted and sickening and killing us and other species. How you can be against someone who has dedicated his life to fighting the corrupt forces that are doing this for money and mostly getting away with it, is truly beyond me. We need to protect people, protect the constitution and our rights, AND protect our planet. RFK, Jr. is uniquely positioned to fight for all these imperatives. And yes, it will be a grueling uphill battle because of the massive corruption in our regulatory agencies, government and media. But we have to start somewhere and ASAP! If you can't see the massive escalation of pollution and sickness that has transpired in even just the last 50 years, then you are willfully ignorant. If you hate environmentalism, then you are digging an early grave for yourself and your children. (and by the way, Trump won't give a shit)
I LOVE the environment just as much as any tree-hugging leftist does. I'm not a city-dweller. I live and play in a wilderness area for this very reason. I wish the Left would stop acting like they have some kind of a monopoly of concern about this just shows it's all about politics to them and not solving actual problems. The Left are no angels on this issue. The Big Tech bros get all their products made in China because it's cheaper there and environmental regulations are very lax vs in the USA. But they hypocritically turn a blind eye to this because $$$$.
I'm 110% in favor of reducing pollution.
Hell, I've invented, patented and spent years working to commercialize an environmental technology. I also invented, patented and built a pedal-powered boat that swims like a shark. My green credentials are plenty strong....even though I'm also conservative and an "evil oilman". ;)
It's not about the climate changing, agree it is always changing. The issue that should concern all of us no matter what party, religion, or beliefs, is TOXICITY. We are poisoning ourselves through over-medication, vaccines, pesticides, and our food supply, our water supply and our air. Everything is getting more and more polluted and sickening and killing us and other species. How you can be against someone who has dedicated his life to fighting the corrupt forces that are doing this for money and mostly getting away with it, is truly beyond me. We need to protect people, protect the constitution and our rights, AND protect our planet. RFK, Jr. is uniquely positioned to fight for all these imperatives. And yes, it will be a grueling uphill battle because of the massive corruption in our regulatory agencies, government and media. But we have to start somewhere and ASAP! If you can't see the massive escalation of pollution and sickness that has transpired in even just the last 50 years, then you are willfully ignorant. If you hate environmentalism, then you are digging an early grave for yourself and your children. (and by the way, Trump won't give a shit)
I LOVE the environment just as much as any tree-hugging leftist does. I'm not a city-dweller. I live and play in a wilderness area for this very reason. I wish the Left would stop acting like they have some kind of a monopoly of concern about this just shows it's all about politics to them and not solving actual problems. The Left are no angels on this issue. The Big Tech bros get all their products made in China because it's cheaper there and environmental regulations are very lax vs in the USA. But they hypocritically turn a blind eye to this because $$$$.
I'm 110% in favor of reducing pollution.
Hell, I've invented, patented and spent years working to commercialize an environmental technology. I also invented, patented and built a pedal-powered boat that swims like a shark. My green credentials are plenty strong....even though I'm also conservative and an "evil oilman". ;)