RFK is doing some great things! According to The Atlantic, RFK has done more damage to vaccines than ever—and this is amazing!


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Just doing what he was hired to do.

Oversee and police what is added needlessly to daily foods known to be harmful.

RFK requested the wheel and the brakes to all the nonsense.

I applaud this mans remarkable efforts!

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So, if RFK is unwilling to ban mRNA jabs in humans, can we at least get him to ban mRNA and DNA products in food animals, like Sequivity (Merck) injections in swine and DNA being fed to salmon? We are running out of food that is GRAS and I don’t want to eat bugs! And can we, at least, require “vaccinations” that use cell cultures obtained from healthy babies that were murdered in the womb during an elective abortion (e.g. HEK293) in their development, testing and manufacture, a form of cannabalism, to be conspicuously labeled with this information and the recipient be required to be informed of this connection?

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Give RFK Jr. some time. He knows what he is doing, but doesn't yet have his people in place. Every controversial decision he makes will be supported by the key MD scientists.

Drs Jay, Martin Makary and Oz aren't even confirmed yet.

RFK Jr. has been careful not to give the MSM a chance to call him a conspiracy theorist.

The first step re mRNA should be to end the EUA, while beginning research on its effectiveness. I am still hopeful that once RFK establishes himself, someone like Dr McCullough can be nominated for Asst. HHS for Health.

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This is an important step forward.

I hope he addresses the GMO issue in which the argument used to make GMOs legal was that they are mostly the same as natural so them must be safe. What's wrong with that argument is that toxins can be harmful and even deadly in minuscule amounts. New proteins, enzyme's and other types of molecules can be very toxic. Despite that, the GMO's were given the safe until proven unsafe based on GMO's being mostly like natural. The devil is in the details.

Also, GMO's are aligned with Roundup because they are designed to be roundup ready which means they can handle roundup in large amounts. However over the years lots of weeds have evolved to become able to handle roundup themselves. Therefore more roundup is used with GMOs that handle more roundup and this increase in toxicity ramps up to higher and higher levels. Hopefully that loosing battle will be shut down.

I pray that RFK Jr. finds a way to flip all of this on it's head by some how reseting the food industry back to organic and move forward from there using regenerative smaller scale organic farming to restore health to the soil, the plants and all life.

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An important step in the right direction!

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Godspeed RFK Jr.


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I hope this includes the fact that companies are currently allowed to label packages as “0 trans fat” when they are actually currently allowed to do that if one serving contains 500 mg or less of trans fat. Such as Frito Lay and Ruffles potato chips…

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Dr McCullough: What is being done to get the Science followed, wrt ending Culling of flocks and vaccinating birds, to prevent the H5N1 plandemic from getting worse?

It seems that the US Dept of Agriculture, headed by Brooke Rollins, has been in charge and is going in the desired direction of Big Pharma and Big Food on this?

I posted RFK Jr's remarks on this, on my neighborhood "Next Door", replying to the position of USDA, and what I wrote was removed, twice. Even "Next Door" is in bed with Big Pharma.

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How about explaining what FDA approved "natural flavors" are? Every single f food producer I have asked say it is a trade secret. Another worthless government agency to be dismantled.

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Lets get back to basics. How about ending Nitrites and Nitrates in hot dogs, etc.

Oscar Meyer had eliminated them from most of their hotdogs, but then about 9 months ago, they quietly went back to Nitrites, as if no one would notice.

Now only the high priced hotdogs, labeled as Organic, don't have Nitrites.

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I would like him to get nattamycin out of our shredded cheeses also.

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This could well be Mr. Kennedy’s final steppingstone in a well-informed and thought out strategy needed to finally ban the addition of fluoridating chemicals to public water supplies. Prayers that the end of fluoridation is near.

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The ingredients-in-food issue is getting a lot of press. Not getting press is the ingredients-in-feed issue. By way of illustration, consider this narrative. (2016) "We now know that major changes have taken place in the food supply over the last 100 years, when food technology and modern agriculture led to enormous production of vegetable oils high in ω-6 fatty acids, and changed animal feeds from grass to grains, thus increasing the amount of ω-6 fatty acids at the level of linoleic acid (LA) (from oils) and arachidonic acid (AA) (from meat, eggs, dairy).” https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5093368/

Notice the mention of arachidonic acid. As far as I can tell, there isn't a science writer anywhere in the World who routinely reports on arachidonic acid research. If there were someone doing that, RFK would be expressing concern about the arachidonic acid content of poultry and swine. Perdue University researchers have begun looking into the matter.

(2023) “Poultry meats, in particular chicken, have high rates of consumption globally. Poultry is the most consumed type of meat in the United States (US), with chicken being the most common type of poultry consumed. The amounts of chicken and total poultry consumed in the US have more than tripled over the last six decades… Limited evidence from randomized controlled trials indicates the consumption of lean unprocessed chicken as a primary dietary protein source has either beneficial or neutral effects on body weight and body composition and risk factors for CVD and T2DM. Apparently, zero randomized controlled feeding trials have specifically assessed the effects of consuming processed chicken/poultry on these health outcomes.” https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/15/16/3550

The feed issue also affects laboratory animals and domestic pets. (2012) "Obesity is currently regarded as one of the most alarming pandemic diseases worldwide as it is closely related to, and in many cases causative of, Type 2 Diabetes (T2D), coronary heart disease, cancer and other pathophysiological disturbances. A cluster of these disorders are linked together under the term Metabolic Syndrome. These factors include impaired glucose tolerance and/or insulin resistance, dyslipidemia (high plasma levels of triglycerides and low density lipoproteins), central obesity and hypertension...The rising incidence of childhood obesity and T2D, high blood pressure, hyperinsulinemia and dyslipidemia are particularly worrisome as these children often mature to be obese adults. This risk of developing obesity and T2D has largely been blamed on the increased consumption of energy dense foods and fat intake, particularly saturated fat, but it is interesting to know that the mean fat intake of the human population has not increased much in the past 50 years. It is true that the vast advancement in technological developments has led to a reduction in physical activity worldwide, but as obesity now involves infants and the populations of developing countries, this obesity pandemic cannot be attributed to this alone. In addition, laboratory and other domesticated animals have also been subject to the increased prevalence of obesity, despite having largely unchanged living conditions for many years." https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/41405

Ever wonder why the so-called Mediterranean diet consistently produces favorable results? Shifting protein intake to a more plant-based diet decreases arachidonic acid intake. Excerpt: "The Mediterranean diet is low in arachidonic acid and rich in healthy fats such as monounsaturated fats found in extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO), nuts and omega-3 fatty acids from fish, which has been shown to lower the risk of inflammation, heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity, and other degenerative diseases." https://advancedmolecularlabs.com/blogs/news/new-red-meat-study-controversy

Rather than go on about this, the scientifically curious reader can try these web searches:

omega-3/6 ratio endocannabinoid system

Biological Effects of Arachidonic Acid: Introduction

Anna Haug Animal Products

Anna Haug Individual Variation

Hulbert - The under-appreciated fats

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Its time for RFK Jr. to at least cut Fluorides in our water supplies by 50%, while he gets CDC and NIH seek to research the possible harm that Fluoride represents vs the benefit.

With the withdrawal of the nominee for CDC, I would recommend Trump/RFK Jr. appoint a new Acting Director, who is more in line with RFK Jr's vision. We need that person in place soon, and can't wait for a compromised CDC director to be nominated and confirmed.

And what about studying the effect of Aluminum in so many vaccines as being the likely main culprit wrt Autism? Can HHS unilaterally cut the Al in half, in these vaccines, and spread out the children's vaccine schedule? Stop giving MMRV, but instead given MMR and Varicella at separate times (at least 1 month apart as required for Live Vaccines.

I don't believe Congress would need to be involved to cut Fluoride by 50% and Al in vaccines by 50% and to spread out the children's schedules.

I am still hopeful that RFK Jr. will soon be allowed to push for you to be Asst. HHS for Health.

We know that RFK Jr. follows everything you say and write, and we know Paul already recommended you to RFK Jr. I suspect that RFK Jr. is waiting to get someone like yourself in place, before focusing on the mRNA jabs.

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Fluoride is already an EPA regulated contaminant in drinking water. But the EPA allows adding it, and not to treat not the water to make it safe for consumption, but to treat the people drinking it. And the FDA also allows it, completely avoiding responsibility for adding a drug to the water supply, and in that case, this may well be RFK Jr’s introduction of fluoridation into the regulatory landscape within the purview of HHS and its oversight of the CDC. Then the EPA will have to abide in the federal court’s ruling that orders it to eliminate the risk of harm from fluoride exposure in the water supply.

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I don't think the new EPA or pending FDA heads will give RFK Jr a hard time on this issue. My suggestion is just to cut by 50% for now, since there is still a lobby that thinks it helps children prevent cavities.

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