Great piece here Nicholas. Funny, the same people we saw bullying RFK today are the exact same people who voted AGAINST ID to vote in the last election and the same people who voted AGAINST a bill that would require the deportation of illegal migrants who commit sex crimes against women and the same people who think little boys can turn …
Great piece here Nicholas. Funny, the same people we saw bullying RFK today are the exact same people who voted AGAINST ID to vote in the last election and the same people who voted AGAINST a bill that would require the deportation of illegal migrants who commit sex crimes against women and the same people who think little boys can turn into girls and compete against them in sports and use their bathrooms. I want to be very clear.
Great piece here Nicholas. Funny, the same people we saw bullying RFK today are the exact same people who voted AGAINST ID to vote in the last election and the same people who voted AGAINST a bill that would require the deportation of illegal migrants who commit sex crimes against women and the same people who think little boys can turn into girls and compete against them in sports and use their bathrooms. I want to be very clear.
Well, they have to support their paymasters - Big Harma.