Many people suffer from TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome, a mental illness which clouds their perspective of reality. What seems to be more pervasive is RDS, Russian Derangement Syndrome, another form of mental illness. For anyone like myself who had to shelter under his/her grammar school desk to allegedly minimize the effects of an atomic bomb delivered to us from the Soviets (Russians) this mental illness can be difficult to overcome. But it’s not just my baby-boomer generation. The indoctrination of a propagandized vision of Russia as an evil, land grabbing empire still persists in education, media and politics. It’s past time for the United States to heed the wise advice of its first President: treat all nations with benevolence and avoid foreign entanglements. European and Asian people have been fighting amongst themselves for millennia. George Washington recognized and understood this when he offered his advice. We are foolish to think times have changed and we can somehow affect the millennia old attitudes of Europeans and Asians for one another. Before we completely drown ourselves in debt we need to end all foreign aid and bring all our military personnel home along with the military equipment.
🎯 next, unpack the same type of propaganda surrounding hitler…HDS is a real mental illness that’s been indoctrinated for far longer. I think they’re developing a vaccine to cure this disease…it’s amazing how far they will go when they need to create a villain for their narrative…
Very much agree and disagree a little too...the Soviet Communist doctrine was very arguably a real threat to our existence. Those missiles and their warhead WERE pointed at us. Since the "fall of the Soviet Union" though, that philosophical and world-view conflict is technically over and done. So at this point, I very much think you are right. Was it always true or not, not sure, as that has a lot to do with who is really calling the shots here and there.
Those missiles are still pointed at us and we still have our missiles pointed at Russia. Putin is no fool and realizes nobody wins with a nuclear war. I’m not so sure NATO nations are so wise. Russia has exercised great restraint and patience in Ukraine. The Russians could have destroyed Ukraine in less than a week’s time. Russia has wanted to obtain normal relations with Europe and the United States, but RDS persists. We instigated the Russian aggression by breaking agreements intended to ensure a neutral Ukraine. How can anyone have a good relationship with another when armed weapons are pointed at each other and one of the parties keeps breaking promises and poking the other party’s side? At some point one of the parties needs to put down the weapons and extend a welcoming hand. RDS is a huge obstacle to overcome.
Russians have always played better chess and Putin is a master of it.....that is until Trump came along. It's reassuring to know that the two countries are led by sane and realistic people.
As a boomer, I well remember learning to duck and cover under the desk. Even at that tender age, I remember thinking "How on earth is this going to help in an atomic attack?"
Even then it never occurred to me how propagandized we were, and it was only going to get worse.
Indeed. It would seem that treating Russia decently would economically benefit Americans. It's interesting to note that the only time our political class was remotely interested in Russia as a "partner" was during the Yeltsin years when we wrecked the place. But now, Russian nationalism bad.....Ukrainian nationalism good. It's the same people and the same story: exploit these countries for every dime we can, support their dictators and call them "democratic governments," only to turn around and hate them when their people vote for a government that pursues their own national interest.
This is very simple. The EU is toast financially, they want to break Russia into smaller pieces and take their 75 trillion of natural resources. There is a history of some leaders in the EU stating this. The EU needs war so their failed Marxist economy can be blamed on war and Putin. Trump needs to exit NATO ASAP.
Look at this fact: every European leader immediately backed Mr. Z after the White House drama. As a matter of fact, they used the exact same statements. The Neocons control Europe.
We saved Europe's ass twice. No more; Trump should exist NATO and tell European leaders good luck. We're not spilling any more American blood for a third time.
As a European I respect your opinion, and applaud Trump and Vance taking down Zelensky, but it was the neocons and the Biden criminal organisation who started this, and the US's reckless "generosity" towards Europe has made our pathetic pols junkies by now, junkies who see more warmongering as the way to get the next fix. And while Ukraine is notoriously corrupt, Biden and his gang poured tax dollars into that country (where has it gone?) and that coke-addled fraudster Zelensky is the personification of the Ukrainian money junkies c2025, only somewhat less of a fascist, screaming for even more. But we are being "led" to utter disaster by Starmer, Macron and Co, wrapping themselves in their flags as most desperate and deeply unpopular "leaders" tend to do. Pity the younger generations growing up amidst this never-ending merde!
Biden and his neocon war mongers opposed the Nord Stream pipelines, and then lift sanctions that allowed it to be completed and then blew it up. These keystone cops have made the world a dangerous place. Hopefully it's not too late for Trump to unfuck the mess.
Baker/Bush promised Russia NATO would not expand "one inch" if Russia allowed Germany to reunite, and then the next Dem, Wild Willie Clinton, did just that adding Poland, Rumania and Bulgaria to NATO.
The Democrats, the party of slavery, censorship and war push war. Trump wants peace.
The Rockefeller’s kindly “donated” the land on which the UN sits in NY. The UN & its predecessor, the League of Nations, has been a part of the manipulation to eradicate country sovereignty. They’ve been playing the long game.
In a re-run of the WWII scenario, the UK and EU are betting that America will come to their rescue when they are about to be overrun -- America will HAVE to show up.
I vote "no". It's time they slept in their own bed.
We need to continue to make our position crystal clear, and to pray. Not only for ourselves and our own leaders but for the populations across the UK and EU. They are the ones who can create the necessary groundswell to stop their political leaders from launching WW3.
This article made excellent points. My only quibble is the implication that Biden was involved in anything done in the last four years. Biden was titular. He had no administration, he had no power, he made no decisions. The Deep State was in total control.
Keep waiting for a reaction to blowing up the Nord Stream Pipeline, with the disingenuous western press continuing to not address the truth. Did the US legislative body (or a secret committee) know/approve this action?
"Keep waiting for a reaction to blowing up the Nord Stream Pipeline, with the disingenuous western press continuing to not address the truth. Did the US legislative body (or a secret committee) know/approve this action?"
No, that was done solely by the Deep State, who have been in control for the last four years.
Britain, Germany and France are too broke to assist Ukraine. Thank God JD Vance spoke up about Z wanting US troops in Ukraine. No way. Even with the insane corrupt history in Ukraine, this is Obama and Biden’s war—not Trumps
Putin is the victim of a propaganda campaign by the deep state war machine that needs you to believe he is a villain. Tucker Carlson laid bare that Putin is a level headed leader that loves his country…now brace yourselves, the same is true of Hitler…
Many people suffer from TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome, a mental illness which clouds their perspective of reality. What seems to be more pervasive is RDS, Russian Derangement Syndrome, another form of mental illness. For anyone like myself who had to shelter under his/her grammar school desk to allegedly minimize the effects of an atomic bomb delivered to us from the Soviets (Russians) this mental illness can be difficult to overcome. But it’s not just my baby-boomer generation. The indoctrination of a propagandized vision of Russia as an evil, land grabbing empire still persists in education, media and politics. It’s past time for the United States to heed the wise advice of its first President: treat all nations with benevolence and avoid foreign entanglements. European and Asian people have been fighting amongst themselves for millennia. George Washington recognized and understood this when he offered his advice. We are foolish to think times have changed and we can somehow affect the millennia old attitudes of Europeans and Asians for one another. Before we completely drown ourselves in debt we need to end all foreign aid and bring all our military personnel home along with the military equipment.
🎯 next, unpack the same type of propaganda surrounding hitler…HDS is a real mental illness that’s been indoctrinated for far longer. I think they’re developing a vaccine to cure this disease…it’s amazing how far they will go when they need to create a villain for their narrative…
Very much agree and disagree a little too...the Soviet Communist doctrine was very arguably a real threat to our existence. Those missiles and their warhead WERE pointed at us. Since the "fall of the Soviet Union" though, that philosophical and world-view conflict is technically over and done. So at this point, I very much think you are right. Was it always true or not, not sure, as that has a lot to do with who is really calling the shots here and there.
Those missiles are still pointed at us and we still have our missiles pointed at Russia. Putin is no fool and realizes nobody wins with a nuclear war. I’m not so sure NATO nations are so wise. Russia has exercised great restraint and patience in Ukraine. The Russians could have destroyed Ukraine in less than a week’s time. Russia has wanted to obtain normal relations with Europe and the United States, but RDS persists. We instigated the Russian aggression by breaking agreements intended to ensure a neutral Ukraine. How can anyone have a good relationship with another when armed weapons are pointed at each other and one of the parties keeps breaking promises and poking the other party’s side? At some point one of the parties needs to put down the weapons and extend a welcoming hand. RDS is a huge obstacle to overcome.
Very well said.
Russians have always played better chess and Putin is a master of it.....that is until Trump came along. It's reassuring to know that the two countries are led by sane and realistic people.
Jack B - this is one of the best comments I’ve ever seen.
As a boomer, I well remember learning to duck and cover under the desk. Even at that tender age, I remember thinking "How on earth is this going to help in an atomic attack?"
Even then it never occurred to me how propagandized we were, and it was only going to get worse.
Indeed. It would seem that treating Russia decently would economically benefit Americans. It's interesting to note that the only time our political class was remotely interested in Russia as a "partner" was during the Yeltsin years when we wrecked the place. But now, Russian nationalism bad.....Ukrainian nationalism good. It's the same people and the same story: exploit these countries for every dime we can, support their dictators and call them "democratic governments," only to turn around and hate them when their people vote for a government that pursues their own national interest.
This is very simple. The EU is toast financially, they want to break Russia into smaller pieces and take their 75 trillion of natural resources. There is a history of some leaders in the EU stating this. The EU needs war so their failed Marxist economy can be blamed on war and Putin. Trump needs to exit NATO ASAP.
Look at this fact: every European leader immediately backed Mr. Z after the White House drama. As a matter of fact, they used the exact same statements. The Neocons control Europe.
We saved Europe's ass twice. No more; Trump should exist NATO and tell European leaders good luck. We're not spilling any more American blood for a third time.
I thought I was the only one saying to scrap NATO! Awesome—I agree
Phil D - hear, hear!
As a European I respect your opinion, and applaud Trump and Vance taking down Zelensky, but it was the neocons and the Biden criminal organisation who started this, and the US's reckless "generosity" towards Europe has made our pathetic pols junkies by now, junkies who see more warmongering as the way to get the next fix. And while Ukraine is notoriously corrupt, Biden and his gang poured tax dollars into that country (where has it gone?) and that coke-addled fraudster Zelensky is the personification of the Ukrainian money junkies c2025, only somewhat less of a fascist, screaming for even more. But we are being "led" to utter disaster by Starmer, Macron and Co, wrapping themselves in their flags as most desperate and deeply unpopular "leaders" tend to do. Pity the younger generations growing up amidst this never-ending merde!
Very sound observations, what a memory, thanks
Biden and his neocon war mongers opposed the Nord Stream pipelines, and then lift sanctions that allowed it to be completed and then blew it up. These keystone cops have made the world a dangerous place. Hopefully it's not too late for Trump to unfuck the mess.
Baker/Bush promised Russia NATO would not expand "one inch" if Russia allowed Germany to reunite, and then the next Dem, Wild Willie Clinton, did just that adding Poland, Rumania and Bulgaria to NATO.
The Democrats, the party of slavery, censorship and war push war. Trump wants peace.
Jeffery Sachs nails exactly what’s going on .
Yes, Jeffrey Sachs is a man of integrity, intelligence, and wisdom.
Yes 🎯
The US made a mistake in signing on with UN and then allowing it to squat on our soil
and perhaps worst of all, carrying the UN for a bunch of whiny thumb sucking 3rd world
The US continues to make the mistake of carrying NATO also
Let the Germans protect themselves. . .I am sick of the US serving as
police officer of the world
Our founding fathers warned against entanglement in foreign intrigue
I am NOT suggesting signing off entirely, just letting thumb suckers
see what RESPONSIBILITY means
The Rockefeller’s kindly “donated” the land on which the UN sits in NY. The UN & its predecessor, the League of Nations, has been a part of the manipulation to eradicate country sovereignty. They’ve been playing the long game.
In a re-run of the WWII scenario, the UK and EU are betting that America will come to their rescue when they are about to be overrun -- America will HAVE to show up.
I vote "no". It's time they slept in their own bed.
I sure hope they lose that bet! Who knows.
We need to continue to make our position crystal clear, and to pray. Not only for ourselves and our own leaders but for the populations across the UK and EU. They are the ones who can create the necessary groundswell to stop their political leaders from launching WW3.
Great article! Love your historical perspective in your writing. Sets you apart from other writers.
I just shared this post with a friend and told him exactly the same thing: John's command of history is extraordinary.
Really great review John. Thank you!
This article made excellent points. My only quibble is the implication that Biden was involved in anything done in the last four years. Biden was titular. He had no administration, he had no power, he made no decisions. The Deep State was in total control.
Save for his financial interests and Hunters history there
Keep waiting for a reaction to blowing up the Nord Stream Pipeline, with the disingenuous western press continuing to not address the truth. Did the US legislative body (or a secret committee) know/approve this action?
"Keep waiting for a reaction to blowing up the Nord Stream Pipeline, with the disingenuous western press continuing to not address the truth. Did the US legislative body (or a secret committee) know/approve this action?"
No, that was done solely by the Deep State, who have been in control for the last four years.
Good point. Thankyou.
What about the whatsapp from Truss the then UK PM to Bidens men ‘Its done’ ?
"What about the whatsapp from Truss the then UK PM to Bidens men ‘Its done’ ?"
The UK and the rest of Europe are Deep State minions. They do as they are told.
Amen to this!!
Britain, Germany and France are too broke to assist Ukraine. Thank God JD Vance spoke up about Z wanting US troops in Ukraine. No way. Even with the insane corrupt history in Ukraine, this is Obama and Biden’s war—not Trumps
Putin is the victim of a propaganda campaign by the deep state war machine that needs you to believe he is a villain. Tucker Carlson laid bare that Putin is a level headed leader that loves his country…now brace yourselves, the same is true of Hitler…
Solidly good piece.
Western Europe is an irrelevancy from here on in. If I were you I wouldn't waste my time thinking about it any longer. I know I don't.
The fate of their "leaders" is sealed and we just await it playing out.
Well done.