Sorry but I find it very offensive to connect JS Bach to this sick being.

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My very first reaction too - just reading the headlines. Bach is divine, healing. Baric is just a obsessed scientist not thinking of the consequences and playing with all our lives. He tries to be God, while Bach's music is God.

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Why apologize. John is a dyed in the wool liberal which means blind spots. They want so badly to do good, always first coyly underscoring their academic prowess, what they know, but then find themselves confused and fomenting about righteousness, naïveté sets in and bingo the liberals become the useful idiot to the nefarious minded who see them coming every time. Major problem in Democrat Party of majority liberals. Marxists and Fascists love them, use them, they understand how to manipulate the defect. John is smart, educated, lovable, nice guy, but terribly afraid he may make a bigoted statement. God help him. This is the blind spot bad people look for in liberals to use them. I think John had a major liberal brain fart and big pushback over his comments last week about Gaza. Maybe he’s starting to see the conservative light of actual cognitive critical thinking means straight talk, not worrying if you are called a racist, aphobe, or ist, by baiters. When he stops setting up his audience with credentials you’ll know he’s there and not just “well intentioned”, which is the road to dystopian hell.

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Has he come clean and confessed his buffoonery concerning Gaza? No, he hasn’t. The leopard hasn’t changed his spots, but he will, if not during his life, during his judgment. Too late then.

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Thank you

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Just had my scorched earth comments comparing liberalism to conservatism’s critical thinking instantly wiped. Now we see who hides in the bushes and who walks the path with a big stick. When liberalism’s pretenses fail.

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Totally agree!

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A monster who belongs in prison, should not be allowed anywhere near a lab of any kind. These are the people taking animal viruses and humanising them and manipulating them to be extremely virulent and dangerous to man

Who in god’s name would even want to do this? Someone with a pathological psychiatric abnormality. It is a crime against humanity and must be stopped.

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Very accurately stated!

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No doubt the amount of money funneled from the DoD is a steady stream. Recall the massive hike in pay that Fauci received when doing this kind of research.

Consider the presidential candidate that will shut down these bio labs. I'm referring

to RFK Jr. He is adamant on this topic and has made it a public promise and priority once elected.

These labs that tamper with lethal injections then to be mandated into the arms of Americans is beyond the pale. I think that is why people struggle to believe it.

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"Who would even want to do this?" The military, obviously. They hope to develop pathogens that only target specific nations or groups of people. Thus they can win wars, and hold nations in abeyence to their wishes. And the military, by the way, mostly no longer works for the interests of the people, but for the selfish interests of the wealthy few.

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Currently at least I'd have thought it too risky to use on enemy populations as looks like the current vx tech is too leaky and there's too high a risk of such a weapon mutating and becoming a problem for the inflictor's own population. Maybe they're trying to look for a pathogen + non-leaky vx combo (but I find it hard to believe they'll discover it anytime soon).

In the meantime though, I imagine that like nuclear, armies would be weary of using such biotech lest their enemy retaliate with something of their own.

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How come Fauci's NIH sent 3 different vaxcine samples to Barric at UNC 2 months in Nov 2019 for a novel coronavirus (COVID 19) that was not discovered and recognized till early Jan 2020? This is being gifted with psychic ESP vision form then Glassmaker of the window of opportunity. Pure scum of the earth

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Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


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That's a gobsmacker of a YT video. Thanks for this.

PS J.S. Bach was a genius and a good man who left a legacy of sublime art for humanity. Up there in the very title of the post, might there perhaps be a more apt character for an analogy to Dr. Baric? Um, Dr. Frankenstein comes to mind.

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Totally agree!

Might retitle this post…great example COGNITIVE DISSONANCE!

Wake up more and help ASAP…

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Aaah get out of here, BotTard!

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The real question is, why?

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Why ask why, just take the shots and die.

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Hey Steveo, you've just written a new nursery rhyme for the kids zero to five.

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Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, to live was but a dream.

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How about we add a line?

Jab, jab, get your jab -- quietly, do not scream!

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, to live was but a dream.

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There's already one nursery rhyme about the plague: Ring around the Rosie

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I hated both the rhyme and the game when I was a kid, and could never understand why other kids liked them. Turns out some traditional children's games are "trauma games"...ugh!

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I wonder was that the 1 G roll out radiation from all that printing press static electric charges? Lol

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Yes, but maybe it's time for new cheerful plague song for kids! 🤗

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That was my first question. Why? My 2nd question, isn't this an admission of guilt?

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God Complex personality???

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This question is self explanatory, why going to the moon? Because the moon is there! Why climbing the Everest? Because the Everest is there challenging! Why opening the genetic box of Pandora? Why manipulating and engineering them? Because it has always been there! And guilt? These people don’t have those genes simple!

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Baric and those that funded him belong behind bars for murdering millions of innocents.

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It’s long overdue that Team Baric’s work and involvement in bio weapon development be highly scrutinized, publicized, and penalized. In a just world he must held accountable, not lionized and celebrated as he’s been since the onset of the scamdemic. (See links below)

As a North Carolinian who early on (mid 2020) was very skeptical and suspicious about the campaign, I watched in disbelief and disgust as Baric was repeatedly recognized by regional media and government as some sort of brilliant rock star celebrity. My figurative screams and shouts of opposition (“He’s a mad scientist! Complicit in creating this bio weapon!!) went unheeded. Argh!




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Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


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To John Leake:

I’m neither a virologist, nor a scientist. However, my response to your comparison of Baric to Bach is an “apples to oranges” comparison. Whereas, Bach sought the edification of man through the glorification of God, Baric has studied and developed methods to degrade/destroy man -antithetical to the glory of Man’s Creator.

I would propose that a more fitting comparison to Baric would be Oppenheimer. While all three figures have, indeed, changed the world by their lives work, neither Baric nor Oppenheimer did so through edifying means or motives.

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He was comparing how focused both were yet one did and used it for the good while baric for evil

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YES, and without "knowing" his heart how can one really understand his real intent?

-- was he really motivated by the science and so focussed he could not see how this could be used as a weapon as opposed to an antidote to one? or

-- was he really in fact another pure bred Mengele?

We here would all like to be able to say he was evil but was he simply a tool of the CIA who was / is a tool of the WEF who are tools of the uber rich oligarchs? -- the tallest marionette string pullers.

I perused the droll presentation he made for a few minutes. Not something of passion explaining how many lives he could take. More a recital of the fine points he was so proud of; innovating the threading of a needle through a forest floor of biome.

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He will go down in history in the same way we think of Dr. Mengele from Nazi Germany. Covid-19 came from his work

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Exactly right!

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Answer to why, pure evil. Dr. David Martin exposed him years ago. Here’s the most recent talk. https://substack.com/redirect/cd3e877e-725e-4626-b0ad-5bddd2f1fbda?j=eyJ1IjoidWdzc2EifQ.jIl17zNJjwXKfbgdXZvtXgiwgdxyy_JPvDseMwP41Zk

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Ralph Baric was joined at the hip in his SARS-Cov2 work with Shi Zhengli(The Bat Lady) who became the Director of Emerging Infectious Diseases at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. They worked side by side for years, Ms. Zhengli spending time at UNC Chapel Hill and Baric making untold visits to the Wuhan lab. It was all about Gain of Function.

But as has been said many times and is always word repeating: ‘It was never about the virus. It was always about the vaccine’. There are those who believe that the SARS-Cov2 virus was and remains a virological chimera, that it was something akin to an influenza but that it never achieved epidemic let alone pandemic status, that it was always a risk much like the seasonal flu, that phenomenologically it was a “pandemic of testing and false positives” and that it’s symptomology was massively eclipsed by hospital death protocols that had little or no relation to disease. These are issues that I believe the history books will sort out. The question for me where Baric is concerned is what was his relationship to the vaccine? Patents relating to the vaccine go back to at least 2003, perhaps earlier. What we know about the vaccine(s) today is that from a mechanism of action standpoint, looking at both short term and long term effects, the technology and its effects appear to be extraordinarily complex, containing a long(over 200) list of ingredients of unknown interaction and purpose, and that the mRNA and the Spike remain in the body for an extended and unknown period of time, possibly forever. And the lipid nanoparticles transport the spike protein to every organ in the body, including to the brain. It is the LNPs that make the vaccine potentially much more harmful(and deadly) than the virus. Their presence in the vaccine means that it was never the intent for the mRNA to remain at the injection site, unlike what we were told from the beginning. There is still much to learn and unpack, and the increasing emergence of ‘died suddenly’ episodes and widespread health effects that are overwhelming an already compromised and debilitated global health system mean that this story is very far from over. In Winston Churchill’s words, we may just be at the end of the beginning.

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They were taking patents out for vaccines to treat a "virus" that hadn't been identified or released yet! It was a criminal enterprise from the very beginning!

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Excellent perspective Brien. Well said. Thank you!

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Brien, you've written an excellent statement of truth here. I disagree on just one point. I think the SARS-CoV-2 virus was a masterpiece of lab virus creation with a variety of features that would target the elderly, chronically ill adults, and obese adults. Combined with suppression of effective early treatment and deadly hospital protocols (incentivized by governments), it accomplished a first round of culling the population at least in the U.S. and the UK.

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Perhaps, but how many Covid deaths were due to lack of treatment and mistreatment? Covid was highly treatable from the beginning using a host of different treatments, many of them neutriceuticals. We know that the covid death counts were wildly exaggerated due counting those who died “with Covid”, which was often just a positive PCR test with comorbidities, as having died “from Covid”. It simply wasn’t true. Many elderly could have been saved with proper treatment, just like they are from pneumonia caused by the seasonal flu.

And the hospital death protocols - essentially Remdisivir and a Vent(with starvation and dehydration thrown in) killed untold thousands.

This is an area that history is going to have to sort out.

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Exactly. From the beginning there was a lot of talk about the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of the virus. This was especially stupid, as if the virus has such a property that can be numerically specified as 0.2% - or whatever - these sorts of figures were bandied about as if they meant something. Which shows the public are easily fooled. The fact was that people who were said to be infected SARS-CoV-2 (but in any case had some respiratory infection) largely died because of failure to give the correct treatment i.e. medical incompetence on a vast scale, partly mandated, here in Australia, by the TGA and AHPRA and the government.

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I won't even give them that little bit of "benefit of doubt" re: medical incompetence. . .

These doctors KNEW that what they were doing was wrong. Nurse Gail at Kaiser Permanente's testimony on video with Kirsch indicates SHE knew and she was not a doctor; the damn doctors knew and did it anyway.

Their actions were no different than the complicit Nazi's and German's in WWII.

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Brien, I think we disagree less than you think. The suppression of early, effective treatment and the use of deadly protocols (Remdesivir etc.) in hospitals were essential parts of the plan...because most of the people targeted for killing would have survived, as you say, if given proper medical care.

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one bioweapon to sicken the ppl, another worse bioweapon to 'cure' them...

and yet, so many are still in DEEP denial about both... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/so-many-are-still-in-denial-about?r=8ypo0&amp%3Butm_campaign=post&amp%3Butm_medium=web&amp%3BshowWelcome=true

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The denialists are dying let em go

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Cause it

And cure it

Is a very lucrative business model!

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Baric published a paper that identified hydroxychloriquine as the antidote to sars corona virus. I have seen it and thought I saved it but cannot find it now. It’s out there though. I think it was published around 2015.

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IVM as well

He knew!

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There was one by Baric et al on Zinc in SARS-CoV titled "Zn2+ Inhibits Coronavirus and Arterivirus RNA Polymerase Activity In Vitro and Zinc Ionophores Block the Replication of These Viruses in Cell Culture" published in PLOS Pathogens 4 November 2010. I think the late Dr. Zelenko may have used this paper to devise his HCQ plus zinc regimen (HCQ being a zinc ionophore).

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Jan 28, 2024
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Yes, a very great man, fighting for humanity until his last breath.

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Ask Wreck It Ralph about infectious Clones and gain of purity.

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Here’s a reason Ralph would work so long and hard. Here he is in 2018 doing a lecture on a possible future pandemic and how there are “ profitable “ opportunities when it comes ( millions of dead is just the stepping stone to loading up on profits)


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Thank you very much for posting this link. What a revelation.

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