WHY THE HELL ARE THESE MILITARY CHOPPERS FLYING ALL OVER DC AIRSPACE FOR THE BENEFIT OF VIPs?!! Enough of this bullshit!! Get those things out of that airspace and let the VIPs take a damn ground service!!!
Are you saying the “Lost Superfoods” hold a clue to the poisons in our modern processed food? Being unadulterated foods of the past are not. Just not sure being the way the book is marketed. It seems scammy.
I like your stance !! I say it's either one or the other. "They" need to decide choppers or airplanes ?? If they choose choppers, then CLOSE Reagan. You got Dulles nearby anyways. You also got Baltimore.
Isn't "Government Continuity Training" the training they do for ensuring our government, amidst a DC attack, will continue to be run by certain people, even if the President and Vice President have been taken out?
There's a facility about 40 miles from DC built under a "mountain" - I think that's where the "important" people go if the "country" is under attack. I learned about it as a kid. I grew up in Fairfax and my dad was a United Airlines pilot. An L1011 crashed right on top of the facility in the mid 70's.
It might be. It's been awhile since that happened. Ford was President I think when it happened. I remember my dad driving me to the site like a year or 2 later and we found pieces of the aircraft. It was really freaky. We were on top of this "mini mountain" and it was covered in thick tall trees. There was a path of about 1/2 mile long where I kid you not, it looked like someone took a gigantic lawn mower and mowed each tree to 50% of original height. But I also remember close by, there was some strange looking facility that was guarded and I think that was the doomsday bunker. That was the L1011 flight where a 20 cent {at the time LOL} lightbulb burned out and all 3 crew members at the same time {they had flight engineers back then} got obsessed with this stupid lightbulb. They got so focused on that dumb lightbulb, they flew the aircraft into the mountain.
It could be. I know they split the higher ups into two groups
and separate them. Seems this would be done once they recognize a huge threat. People go to the roof of their building, I guess, and board the helicopter there. I guess it could be used for a predicted weather or seismic event, or it could be used if there is an enemy threat since we would know ahead of time if an intercontinental missile (do they even use that term anymore?) has been launched. They know it's coming, as we did for Pearl Harbor, so they have some time. An enemy's intelligence would know the flight pattern our helicopter
would take, and I don't know how quickly our helicopter could cover 40 miles. I'm sure Trump would know what "Continuity of Government" is, but he didn't use those words in speaking about the crash the other evening.
Just a few thoughts on my own I have not seen evidence to support this, but I would investigate this angle. Recover the bodies of the 3 military people on the Helicopter, (or all Helicopter passengers and crew) were they Alive when the incident happened or already deceased? Do they have any signs of say bullet wounds? In other words could they have been killed prior and the whole episode was Remotely Controlled Piloting of the Helicopter? The radar or what have you video tracking the Helicopter looked like an Erratic flight pattern before it turned and seemed to directly target the incoming plane. Plus I ran across an article recently on the Lockheed Martin website, stating that Remote Piloting control is possible. So, I just wonder if they really committed a suicide mission or were they already deceased? Just some thinking out loud.
As far as I could tell from the voice recording (played in real time on the blancolirio aviation channel on YouTube) the conversations continued right up until the very second of impact. It did not seem as if the crew realised until the very last second that they were about to collide. However, that does not mean that the pilot could not have done this deliberately. It has to be explained why, at just about the worst moment, this helicopter was at around 350-375 feet when it should have been at under 200 feet.
And before the helo hit this plane his flight path prior showed him crossing the river slightly like he was making an attempt to hit another plane first.
I, too, had heard of the erratic flight path of the helicopter shortly before the crash, flying in a zigzag path. It sounded and looked odd when shown on a screen. Anything out of the ordinary should surely be investigated
Also test the deceased in the helo for any drugs in their system, not that they took, something that may have knocked them out. Hacking a Blackhawk is easy- according to John Brennan's (CIA) own words.
As a pilot, I don't understand why the controller did not vector the helicopter away from the jet. Yes, the controller was too busy having to work 2 sectors/frequencies.
I did not realize until last night that the aircraft were tracking opposite directions. It was a head on collision, the jet descending on the approach and the helicopter going who knows where.
Helo was supposed to be on VFR and lower in the sky. Correct me if I'm wrong, but ATC doesn't often give VFR aircraft directions do they?
VFR failed here because apparently at night this corridor is dangerous and planes often get mistaken for distant lights in the sky. Since both of these craft were on a collision course, then it is believable the pilots just thought they were crossing by some light beams from a construction site because despite how bright they were, they would have been at a constant bearing the entire time to their vision.
I think the easy technological fix to this is to make the landing light scheme of passenger jets unmistakable to other pilots. The current scheme of big bright white headlights should probably change to include either color, or a set of bright flashing white lights in addition to their constant-on headlights. Anything to tell a pilot, "Hello, I'm not a background light, I'm another aircraft."
Apparently they have a helo corridor along the river, top 200 MSL. Some data shows helo above 350 MSL. VFR or not he was in controlled airspace. Human error is common
Yeah, but talking to other pilots who land at Reagan regularly they tell me that these helo crossings on that approach are extremely common. They also tell me that because of how restricted the airspace is around there, that is one of the toughest landings to do without a go-around. And go-arounds are just as awful to consider because beyond the runway there's only one allowable way out. So if human error is common, and we're trusting humans to not screw up these crossings, we might be asking too much. Just thoughts, not accusing anyone of anything.
Yes, I had heard something like that, but what one radar track shown on Redacted last night, it was a head on collision. It will take some time to sort everything out.
All good questions. Years ago, I directed the fundraising film for the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. In order to illustrate the future site of the Memorial Museum I designed a shot in which we flew over Arlington National Cemetery, low across the Potomac, up and over the back of the Lincoln Memorial, down the reflecting pond toward the Washington Monument and then banked over the future site. As we were mostly in heavily restricted airspace, I had to use a police helicopter and police pilot, rather than my usual film guys. Even then, many years ago, I was stunned at the amount and proximity of air traffic around National. It was very clear that this was not "mess around" airspace. Makes it difficult to understand why this particular helicopter was not under proper control.
Apparently the helicopter was a ‘gold top’ reserved for transporting VIPs. I learned this on a military air movement channel. There were questions concerning who else might have been on the military aircraft. Why has the military offered no comment on why a gold top was being used? Not necessary for a training flight….More questions on if the helicopter controls might have been taken over remotely (via Lockheed Martin: Matrix). Why was the planes landing path changed at the very last minute? Why didn’t the flight controller give clear instruction for the Blackhawk to lower altitude earlier?
I read that helicopters and planes have separate ATC persons, but the helicopter controller left work early, leaving the fixed wing controller alone to manage both kinds of traffic.
Yes, at Reagan there are separate channels. (A very bad idea.) At most airports this is not the case. Given he was managing both, he should have been able to tell the helicopter that it was on a collision course with an incoming jet and should have demanded evasive action. It was lame to simply ask if he had a jet in sight, as there are many jets in the airspace at one time. Also, he should have noted the chopper was flying at twice its permitted altitude. That airspace is so crazy busy there is no way you are flying there and not being totally on top of visual rules.
Uh, sorry to burst people's bubble, but 1000 hours of flight time is not "highly experienced"
It's typical for career pilots to be in the tens of thousands of hours. IF that was the most experienced pilot on board, then as far as I understand it, this was NOT an experienced crew.
I guess it's a "relative" thing - in WW2 "they" recruited "whiz kids" to become pilots and it was not very many hours later they were fighting the Germans. I guess it depends on the training and the pilot's ability to learn quickly. I'm a private pilot trying to get an IFR rating and I'll be the first to admit, being totally honest about myself, I absolutely would NOT have been able to learn how to be a combat pilot or a bomber pilot, or even a transport pilot in the short time those guys did it in. Obviously I can fly a plane, because I earned my private pilot license, but I'm too slow of a learner and believe me, I HATE it. I HATE being a slow learner, but that's just the way it is. Eventually I get it - I just take twice as long as a guy who is military officer "material" - but hey that's OK, WW2 is over LOL.
Good question. Another couple would be if these choppers have redundant altimeters and if the altimeters have self-diagnostics and error checking/correction.
Great questions posed in this article. I'm suspicious of the whole thing.. My usual way of thinking until facts and truth are revealed. I think asking all these questions and others are important.
This is exactly what I thought about, also there have been incidents of being able to remotely take over control of equipment in cars such as an accelerator, not sure if it can be done to a helicopter but with all the electronics taking over vehicles it needs to be looked into.. They could have thought they were at the right altitude.. The ELITE are mad at TRUMP, and they are showing what they can do..
I would at least consider the possibility that the altimeter or other critical equipment on board the Black Hawk had been tampered with by a saboteur.
I think you're right about that Duane, I thought the same thing. My thought also was "I thought night vision goggles allowed you to see stuff in plain sight" - no pun intended} - I mean you are flying at night and it would be really hard to see the river at night without night goggles.
I'm a retired Naval Aviator and retired Airline Captain. Most commercial glide slopes for landing on any runway are predicated on a 3 degree slope.
One mile from touch down the CRJ would have been at approximately 300 feet. If the helicopter had been under the max cieling of 200 feet I wouldn't be making this comment. There are also reports that the chopper was a 1/2 mile off his predetermined route. The accident investigation will undoubtedly cite these 2 facts.
Congrats on a successful aviation career !! I'm starting aviation career #2 - I was a mechanic for 35 years and my current goal is to get type rated in the Cirrus Vision Jet. I just started on my IFR rating. Got any advice for me ?? I'm in the DFW area.
The altimeter in the chopper may have been set wrong. Wrong barometric pressure setting. But on the other hand you got radar altimeter which does not require an altimeter setting. But I'm sorry, 200 feet of margin in a BEST CASE scenario ?? There's your problem !! That's way too little of margin.
John, you are right to be considering ALL possible contributing factors to this accident. Given the insanity that we have seen in the US in recent years, all sorts of bizarre things could have occurred. We know that there are people out there quite willing to die and to kill in pursuit of various ideas, causes and ideologies. Crooks must have known that he was likely to die if he fired at Trump, but he did it anyway.
The altitude limit for helicopters at National is probably the first thing taught, so any pilot would have that ingrained.
I don't get the idea of a possible romantic relationship causing the problem - there were three of them in there.
In order to be "descending" at an altitude of 375, which is what was said happened, they would have had to, first, purposely gain altitude to above 375. Why would soldiers, even if they were in a "relationship," ascend to ABOVE 375 to start with?
I don't think three soldiers would have had mental illnesses or vaccine injuries all at the same time.
Altimeter foul play makes the most sense to me. Also, you might want to look into what was politically going on in Kansas.
Greetings Jennifer, the possibility of a romantic relationship between the male instructor and the female being trained should be examined because such relationships -- especially if they have grown emotionally volatile -- may be very distracting. The Black Hawk has two seats with two sets of controls. Regards, John Leake
Good to hear from you! My, you have had so many experiences all over the world.
I see what you are saying. That's even more interesting, since there would have been two people, each with their own controls, sitting up front, next to each other. Each would have had roughly the same front view, and they both would have heard the control tower words and the words of response said by one of them that, yes, they saw the plane.
Common controls would seem to rule out suicide. If they began arguing with hands off the controls, I wonder how long the helicopter would have continued going straight...There was another plane; personally, I could see myself confusing them LOL, but both the copilot and the pilot...I don't know about that.
The odds of this being a purely innocent accident are extremely low. There is much higher probability there was malfeasance somewhere, somehow... Hypothesizing about that is not presenting conspiracy theories. There is a difference.
How long does it take for one of these birds to ascend 175 feet especially if there is some wind? The pilot was in training, after all.
What I do not understand is why every other airspace requires far, far, far more separation than 200 feet.
According the the FAA:
"A near midair collision is defined as an incident associated with the operation of an aircraft in which a possibility of collision occurs as a result of proximity of less than 500 feet to another aircraft, or a report is received from a pilot or a flight crew member stating that a collision hazard existed between two or more aircraft."
In the case of the DC airspace the ATC allows and approves of the military operating well within this near collision space. It is ridiculous, reckless and careless to put innocent civilian lives into this amount of risk. It's like not clearing the brush from your hillsides and emptying your reservoirs before fire season.
But helicopters and Washington National are more convenient for the intellectual giants of the Senate now displaying their idiocy while "questioning" Trump appointees. Imagine a senator dumb enough to grill pharma bête noire RFK Jr. on whether he'd later take a job with a drug company, when almost everyone on the panel takes big "doses" of pharma money!
Most in DC are terrified of anyone who will not get into the boat of corruption with them. They've all mutually agreed to implicate themselves and form one cohesive cult of graft. Anyone who won't lie down with the other dogs and get the fleas is a threat.
That's what I thought as well while watching the lunacy. It was hypocrisy as its extreme!! Pointing their fingers at RFK Jr for getting $2.5 million when he wasn't in office under oath, while they had their other 3 fingers pointing back at them for collectively taking millions of dollars while in office under the oath. Hypocrites!!
" I would at least consider the possibility that the altimeter or other critical equipment on board the Black Hawk had been tampered with by a saboteur."
That is a conspiracy theory. Based on nothing at this point.
It is a conspiracy HYPOTHESIS. Which is a GOOD thing when very suspicious stuff like this happens. It is the best method for eventually arriving at the TRUTH. As has been proven time and again over the centuries. Ever hear of a fellow named Galileo?
It's a great idea actually because without critical thinking and thinking outside the box, the truth may never be discovered. Plus, if it's up to the government the truth never will be disclosed, just like the drones. No one in government knew anything about them, but leave them alone. Don't interfere, don't shoot them down, and if they come down, don't go near them. Then 1 week into a new admin they report they were ordered by the FAA? "It wasn't oour enemy." They just said it was rhe FAA, federal government, so it was actually the enemy. I'll choose rhe side of conspiracy theory as most of the time it turns out to be accurate. The term "conspiracy theory" was coined by the cia to counter facts that had been disclosed to make it seem like people were "crazy."
A conspiracy theory is a made up government word, during the Kennedy assassination, to throw people off the right track. Throwing out hypotheticals is called critical thinking, problem solving. Something American children are lacking more and more because they are being fed information instead of using curiosity and questioning it. So stop repeating the government trope and think for yourself, at a minimum don’t criticize others who DO think for themselves.
I repeat...
WHY THE HELL ARE THESE MILITARY CHOPPERS FLYING ALL OVER DC AIRSPACE FOR THE BENEFIT OF VIPs?!! Enough of this bullshit!! Get those things out of that airspace and let the VIPs take a damn ground service!!!
Or give 'em a damn bicycle.
Are you saying the “Lost Superfoods” hold a clue to the poisons in our modern processed food? Being unadulterated foods of the past are not. Just not sure being the way the book is marketed. It seems scammy.
I like your stance !! I say it's either one or the other. "They" need to decide choppers or airplanes ?? If they choose choppers, then CLOSE Reagan. You got Dulles nearby anyways. You also got Baltimore.
This is an excellent point that few people are making.
Maybe if some of these elites had to use the roads, the roads might improve, and traffic would be alleviated.
Isn't "Government Continuity Training" the training they do for ensuring our government, amidst a DC attack, will continue to be run by certain people, even if the President and Vice President have been taken out?
There's a facility about 40 miles from DC built under a "mountain" - I think that's where the "important" people go if the "country" is under attack. I learned about it as a kid. I grew up in Fairfax and my dad was a United Airlines pilot. An L1011 crashed right on top of the facility in the mid 70's.
Would that be the "secret underground bunker" we always hear about?
It might be. It's been awhile since that happened. Ford was President I think when it happened. I remember my dad driving me to the site like a year or 2 later and we found pieces of the aircraft. It was really freaky. We were on top of this "mini mountain" and it was covered in thick tall trees. There was a path of about 1/2 mile long where I kid you not, it looked like someone took a gigantic lawn mower and mowed each tree to 50% of original height. But I also remember close by, there was some strange looking facility that was guarded and I think that was the doomsday bunker. That was the L1011 flight where a 20 cent {at the time LOL} lightbulb burned out and all 3 crew members at the same time {they had flight engineers back then} got obsessed with this stupid lightbulb. They got so focused on that dumb lightbulb, they flew the aircraft into the mountain.
It could be. I know they split the higher ups into two groups
and separate them. Seems this would be done once they recognize a huge threat. People go to the roof of their building, I guess, and board the helicopter there. I guess it could be used for a predicted weather or seismic event, or it could be used if there is an enemy threat since we would know ahead of time if an intercontinental missile (do they even use that term anymore?) has been launched. They know it's coming, as we did for Pearl Harbor, so they have some time. An enemy's intelligence would know the flight pattern our helicopter
would take, and I don't know how quickly our helicopter could cover 40 miles. I'm sure Trump would know what "Continuity of Government" is, but he didn't use those words in speaking about the crash the other evening.
Just a few thoughts on my own I have not seen evidence to support this, but I would investigate this angle. Recover the bodies of the 3 military people on the Helicopter, (or all Helicopter passengers and crew) were they Alive when the incident happened or already deceased? Do they have any signs of say bullet wounds? In other words could they have been killed prior and the whole episode was Remotely Controlled Piloting of the Helicopter? The radar or what have you video tracking the Helicopter looked like an Erratic flight pattern before it turned and seemed to directly target the incoming plane. Plus I ran across an article recently on the Lockheed Martin website, stating that Remote Piloting control is possible. So, I just wonder if they really committed a suicide mission or were they already deceased? Just some thinking out loud.
No harm in thinking outside the box......alleged flight conversation recordings of Helicopter crew with tower?
Also could "...MATRIX equipped aircraft provide mission command and fully autonomous capability at the edge." include voice radio communication?
Yes I agree that is certainly not supportive of the hypothesis!
As far as I could tell from the voice recording (played in real time on the blancolirio aviation channel on YouTube) the conversations continued right up until the very second of impact. It did not seem as if the crew realised until the very last second that they were about to collide. However, that does not mean that the pilot could not have done this deliberately. It has to be explained why, at just about the worst moment, this helicopter was at around 350-375 feet when it should have been at under 200 feet.
We need the tox screen on the Army pilots. SSRIs?
We also need a honest Medical Examiner that will let us know if the covid DeathVax caused those white fibrous clots and possible neurological damage.
Medical emergency due to poison weapon shots?!
And before the helo hit this plane his flight path prior showed him crossing the river slightly like he was making an attempt to hit another plane first.
I, too, had heard of the erratic flight path of the helicopter shortly before the crash, flying in a zigzag path. It sounded and looked odd when shown on a screen. Anything out of the ordinary should surely be investigated
Maybe the big zag is used on purpose to protect government officials onboard?
Also test the deceased in the helo for any drugs in their system, not that they took, something that may have knocked them out. Hacking a Blackhawk is easy- according to John Brennan's (CIA) own words.
As a pilot, I don't understand why the controller did not vector the helicopter away from the jet. Yes, the controller was too busy having to work 2 sectors/frequencies.
I did not realize until last night that the aircraft were tracking opposite directions. It was a head on collision, the jet descending on the approach and the helicopter going who knows where.
Helo was supposed to be on VFR and lower in the sky. Correct me if I'm wrong, but ATC doesn't often give VFR aircraft directions do they?
VFR failed here because apparently at night this corridor is dangerous and planes often get mistaken for distant lights in the sky. Since both of these craft were on a collision course, then it is believable the pilots just thought they were crossing by some light beams from a construction site because despite how bright they were, they would have been at a constant bearing the entire time to their vision.
I think the easy technological fix to this is to make the landing light scheme of passenger jets unmistakable to other pilots. The current scheme of big bright white headlights should probably change to include either color, or a set of bright flashing white lights in addition to their constant-on headlights. Anything to tell a pilot, "Hello, I'm not a background light, I'm another aircraft."
Apparently they have a helo corridor along the river, top 200 MSL. Some data shows helo above 350 MSL. VFR or not he was in controlled airspace. Human error is common
Yeah, but talking to other pilots who land at Reagan regularly they tell me that these helo crossings on that approach are extremely common. They also tell me that because of how restricted the airspace is around there, that is one of the toughest landings to do without a go-around. And go-arounds are just as awful to consider because beyond the runway there's only one allowable way out. So if human error is common, and we're trusting humans to not screw up these crossings, we might be asking too much. Just thoughts, not accusing anyone of anything.
Another factor is that jet was landing on 33 instead of 1. I haven’t been in there since before 911
Good idea.
I read the jet hit the plane at a 45 degree angle and bisected it.
Yes, I had heard something like that, but what one radar track shown on Redacted last night, it was a head on collision. It will take some time to sort everything out.
All good questions. Years ago, I directed the fundraising film for the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. In order to illustrate the future site of the Memorial Museum I designed a shot in which we flew over Arlington National Cemetery, low across the Potomac, up and over the back of the Lincoln Memorial, down the reflecting pond toward the Washington Monument and then banked over the future site. As we were mostly in heavily restricted airspace, I had to use a police helicopter and police pilot, rather than my usual film guys. Even then, many years ago, I was stunned at the amount and proximity of air traffic around National. It was very clear that this was not "mess around" airspace. Makes it difficult to understand why this particular helicopter was not under proper control.
Apparently the helicopter was a ‘gold top’ reserved for transporting VIPs. I learned this on a military air movement channel. There were questions concerning who else might have been on the military aircraft. Why has the military offered no comment on why a gold top was being used? Not necessary for a training flight….More questions on if the helicopter controls might have been taken over remotely (via Lockheed Martin: Matrix). Why was the planes landing path changed at the very last minute? Why didn’t the flight controller give clear instruction for the Blackhawk to lower altitude earlier?
Yes. Many anomalies that need explanation.
I read that helicopters and planes have separate ATC persons, but the helicopter controller left work early, leaving the fixed wing controller alone to manage both kinds of traffic.
Yes, at Reagan there are separate channels. (A very bad idea.) At most airports this is not the case. Given he was managing both, he should have been able to tell the helicopter that it was on a collision course with an incoming jet and should have demanded evasive action. It was lame to simply ask if he had a jet in sight, as there are many jets in the airspace at one time. Also, he should have noted the chopper was flying at twice its permitted altitude. That airspace is so crazy busy there is no way you are flying there and not being totally on top of visual rules.
Uh, sorry to burst people's bubble, but 1000 hours of flight time is not "highly experienced"
It's typical for career pilots to be in the tens of thousands of hours. IF that was the most experienced pilot on board, then as far as I understand it, this was NOT an experienced crew.
I guess it's a "relative" thing - in WW2 "they" recruited "whiz kids" to become pilots and it was not very many hours later they were fighting the Germans. I guess it depends on the training and the pilot's ability to learn quickly. I'm a private pilot trying to get an IFR rating and I'll be the first to admit, being totally honest about myself, I absolutely would NOT have been able to learn how to be a combat pilot or a bomber pilot, or even a transport pilot in the short time those guys did it in. Obviously I can fly a plane, because I earned my private pilot license, but I'm too slow of a learner and believe me, I HATE it. I HATE being a slow learner, but that's just the way it is. Eventually I get it - I just take twice as long as a guy who is military officer "material" - but hey that's OK, WW2 is over LOL.
Absent any conjecture about human motives, error or intent, do aviation altimeters ever malfunction?
Good question. Another couple would be if these choppers have redundant altimeters and if the altimeters have self-diagnostics and error checking/correction.
If electronic/digital then anything is possible.
Great questions posed in this article. I'm suspicious of the whole thing.. My usual way of thinking until facts and truth are revealed. I think asking all these questions and others are important.
Curious, maybe there was someone on that plane who was targeted.
This is exactly what I thought about, also there have been incidents of being able to remotely take over control of equipment in cars such as an accelerator, not sure if it can be done to a helicopter but with all the electronics taking over vehicles it needs to be looked into.. They could have thought they were at the right altitude.. The ELITE are mad at TRUMP, and they are showing what they can do..
I would at least consider the possibility that the altimeter or other critical equipment on board the Black Hawk had been tampered with by a saboteur.
Besides flying too high, the helicopter deviated from the proper flight path, by a lot.
I think you're right about that Duane, I thought the same thing. My thought also was "I thought night vision goggles allowed you to see stuff in plain sight" - no pun intended} - I mean you are flying at night and it would be really hard to see the river at night without night goggles.
I'm a retired Naval Aviator and retired Airline Captain. Most commercial glide slopes for landing on any runway are predicated on a 3 degree slope.
One mile from touch down the CRJ would have been at approximately 300 feet. If the helicopter had been under the max cieling of 200 feet I wouldn't be making this comment. There are also reports that the chopper was a 1/2 mile off his predetermined route. The accident investigation will undoubtedly cite these 2 facts.
Dick Minnis removingthecataract.substack.com
Congrats on a successful aviation career !! I'm starting aviation career #2 - I was a mechanic for 35 years and my current goal is to get type rated in the Cirrus Vision Jet. I just started on my IFR rating. Got any advice for me ?? I'm in the DFW area.
The altimeter in the chopper may have been set wrong. Wrong barometric pressure setting. But on the other hand you got radar altimeter which does not require an altimeter setting. But I'm sorry, 200 feet of margin in a BEST CASE scenario ?? There's your problem !! That's way too little of margin.
John, you are right to be considering ALL possible contributing factors to this accident. Given the insanity that we have seen in the US in recent years, all sorts of bizarre things could have occurred. We know that there are people out there quite willing to die and to kill in pursuit of various ideas, causes and ideologies. Crooks must have known that he was likely to die if he fired at Trump, but he did it anyway.
The altitude limit for helicopters at National is probably the first thing taught, so any pilot would have that ingrained.
I don't get the idea of a possible romantic relationship causing the problem - there were three of them in there.
In order to be "descending" at an altitude of 375, which is what was said happened, they would have had to, first, purposely gain altitude to above 375. Why would soldiers, even if they were in a "relationship," ascend to ABOVE 375 to start with?
I don't think three soldiers would have had mental illnesses or vaccine injuries all at the same time.
Altimeter foul play makes the most sense to me. Also, you might want to look into what was politically going on in Kansas.
Greetings Jennifer, the possibility of a romantic relationship between the male instructor and the female being trained should be examined because such relationships -- especially if they have grown emotionally volatile -- may be very distracting. The Black Hawk has two seats with two sets of controls. Regards, John Leake
Hi John
Good to hear from you! My, you have had so many experiences all over the world.
I see what you are saying. That's even more interesting, since there would have been two people, each with their own controls, sitting up front, next to each other. Each would have had roughly the same front view, and they both would have heard the control tower words and the words of response said by one of them that, yes, they saw the plane.
Common controls would seem to rule out suicide. If they began arguing with hands off the controls, I wonder how long the helicopter would have continued going straight...There was another plane; personally, I could see myself confusing them LOL, but both the copilot and the pilot...I don't know about that.
P.S. What about that Trump?
My 1sr reply went to wrong person. I like your deductive reasoning.
I like your deductive reasoning
The probability of this being a purely innocent accident are extremely low, lower than the probability of malfeasance somewhere somehow...
Sorry but stating theoretical possibilities is pretty much the same thing as presenting conspiracy theories here.
The odds of this being a purely innocent accident are extremely low. There is much higher probability there was malfeasance somewhere, somehow... Hypothesizing about that is not presenting conspiracy theories. There is a difference.
How long does it take for one of these birds to ascend 175 feet especially if there is some wind? The pilot was in training, after all.
What I do not understand is why every other airspace requires far, far, far more separation than 200 feet.
According the the FAA:
"A near midair collision is defined as an incident associated with the operation of an aircraft in which a possibility of collision occurs as a result of proximity of less than 500 feet to another aircraft, or a report is received from a pilot or a flight crew member stating that a collision hazard existed between two or more aircraft."
In the case of the DC airspace the ATC allows and approves of the military operating well within this near collision space. It is ridiculous, reckless and careless to put innocent civilian lives into this amount of risk. It's like not clearing the brush from your hillsides and emptying your reservoirs before fire season.
But helicopters and Washington National are more convenient for the intellectual giants of the Senate now displaying their idiocy while "questioning" Trump appointees. Imagine a senator dumb enough to grill pharma bête noire RFK Jr. on whether he'd later take a job with a drug company, when almost everyone on the panel takes big "doses" of pharma money!
Most in DC are terrified of anyone who will not get into the boat of corruption with them. They've all mutually agreed to implicate themselves and form one cohesive cult of graft. Anyone who won't lie down with the other dogs and get the fleas is a threat.
That's what I thought as well while watching the lunacy. It was hypocrisy as its extreme!! Pointing their fingers at RFK Jr for getting $2.5 million when he wasn't in office under oath, while they had their other 3 fingers pointing back at them for collectively taking millions of dollars while in office under the oath. Hypocrites!!
" I would at least consider the possibility that the altimeter or other critical equipment on board the Black Hawk had been tampered with by a saboteur."
That is a conspiracy theory. Based on nothing at this point.
It is a conspiracy HYPOTHESIS. Which is a GOOD thing when very suspicious stuff like this happens. It is the best method for eventually arriving at the TRUTH. As has been proven time and again over the centuries. Ever hear of a fellow named Galileo?
It's a great idea actually because without critical thinking and thinking outside the box, the truth may never be discovered. Plus, if it's up to the government the truth never will be disclosed, just like the drones. No one in government knew anything about them, but leave them alone. Don't interfere, don't shoot them down, and if they come down, don't go near them. Then 1 week into a new admin they report they were ordered by the FAA? "It wasn't oour enemy." They just said it was rhe FAA, federal government, so it was actually the enemy. I'll choose rhe side of conspiracy theory as most of the time it turns out to be accurate. The term "conspiracy theory" was coined by the cia to counter facts that had been disclosed to make it seem like people were "crazy."
Yes I suppose you can say that and so what? A Hypothesis to investigate and get answers or rule out based on data and evidence. No harm, no foul!
A conspiracy theory is a made up government word, during the Kennedy assassination, to throw people off the right track. Throwing out hypotheticals is called critical thinking, problem solving. Something American children are lacking more and more because they are being fed information instead of using curiosity and questioning it. So stop repeating the government trope and think for yourself, at a minimum don’t criticize others who DO think for themselves.