Yes he was murdered by the medical machine! I am an MD and during this Covid Circus I was involved in communication with hospital staff in advocacy of 2 patients, one was a friend and one was my husband and both encounters infuriated me:
My friend went to the ER for atrial fib and had no upper respiratory symptoms. He had a positive "covid test." (The covid test does NOT test for virus! It tests for DNA that is the same as fragments of viral DNA.) He was admitted and placed on a protocol that eventually led to him being intubated for 2 months. He was given Remdesivir and developed liver failure and renal failure requiring dialysis. I accompanied his wife, 2 daughters and his brother to speak to the doctor in charge. We requested that he be given IVM. The doctor told us that she could not do that because IVM was not FDA approved for that use. I informed her that FDA does not approve drugs for use in any specific disease. A licensed doctor has full authority to use any FDA approved drug to treat any disease that the doctor sees fit. FDA approval for a given disease is approval for ADVERTISING and not USE. I was able to convince this young doctor to allow his daughter to bring in IVM and administer it. The doctor agreed that she "would just not see it." He eventually improved, was extubated and discharged.
My husband experienced the acute onset of mental confusion. My daughter and I brought him to the ER where he was found to have a metabolic encephalopathy due to low sodium probably from injury to the pituitary stalk from a prior head injury. He tested negative for covid and was brought into a private ER room to await a bed. I remained with him at all times. At about 11:00PM I was approached by 3 or 4 administrators who asked me if I considered myself to have authority over his care and asked me to swear to that fact even though his medical record lists me as his emergency contact and decision maker. So it was not clear why this was demanded but I did it and immediately these women signaled a 6'3" security guard goon to stand in front of me, cross his arms and demand that I leave the facility. It was clear that if I refused that he would physically remove me. I asked the ER doctor to call me to report his progress and in spite of promising to do so she never did. The next AM he was the sole patient in a semi private room on the floor and his brain function was 90% better. While there my daughter tried to enter and was told that she could not come in because only one visitor was allowed per day. She told them that she was a health care attorney (true) and that if they did not allow her to see her father that she would sue the hospital and them personally. They did not stop her and I left when she came. But on the second day they had placed another patient in the adjacent bed. He had a kidney infection and was gurgling saliva when breathing. I asked my husband's doctor to move him into a private room and he agreed. But when I left my daughter found that the head nurse had entered the room and tried to talk my husband into remaining in the semiprivate room with this infected patient. The nurse then told my daughter that she would report me to the government for violating HIPPA. My daughter told her that HIPPA "does not apply to my applies to you...if my mother knows anything about this man's medical condition it is because YOU were speaking about it in her presence with only a curtain separating the two of you." My husband was taken into the private room and the next day he was discharged home.
amazing! Your husband is alive because you are an MD and your daughter is an Attorney. Think about the thousands who were not as fortunate!. Thanks so much for taking the time to post. This whole thing has estranged me from my son and family, from several previous MD friends and its amazing the way it is splitting church congregations -- especially the ones that take health and healing as seriously as Jesus did.
To be honest it is my friend who may be alive (in part) because of me as he was the one who was told he had covid and put on a vent. It was because of his daughters and me convincing the doctor "not to see the IVM" that he survived. His daughters bought it from a vet store in paste formulation and rubbed it into his chest daily. The doctor agreed not to see it and no one else would have known.
My husband was covid negative and would have lived but given that they put him next to a sick man and tried to get him in a non compos mentis state to say that he wanted to be there AFTER I had arranged with his doctor to put him in a private room is despicable. I truly believe that the nurse saw him as another old White guy and believed that his life was of no value. What I did not mention is that he is a full tenured professor of medicine at the facility who has published over 600 scientific articles and is the higest earner for the facility. I don't know if a little birdie may have told her that but it may have had something to do with her shutting up and disappearinf. The thing that saved my husband is us getting him out within 3 days.
But you are correct that these 2 made it because of us and sadly most people don't have that kind of advocacy But sadly most of the people I know don't want to know. They all seem to prefer to listen to Rachel Maddow rather than me.
we are living in a time when apathy reigns and the only thing forbidden is to forbid. Freedom OF conscience has morphed into the freedom from OWNING a conscience. It's beyond comprehension that these people are not only not being held accountable but they were also paid well to lie and m u rder. Political correctness is the death of truth, even biological truths. Dr McCullough agrees with me that this has something to do with the eschaton.
BTW, what could the hospital have done if you wanted to remove your relative?
Honestly I don't know. But luckily he had a problem that although severe and life threatening was quickly resolved and we got him out in 3 days. But I still believe that the head nurse who put a man in the bed next to him who had a urinary infection AND was dispersing visible saliva with each breath that he took (without a mask) really wanted to infect him with either a virus or a bacterium. It is and always has been a NO NO in medicine to place an infected patient in a multiple occupancy room. The nurse knew that! Yet even after his doctor had ordered my husband into a private room for his protection, the nurse tried to convince him to remain in the same room with the infected man.
I agree that it's reasonable to assume that the head nurse placed an infected patient in your husband's room with the intention of harming your husband. This entire thing is deeply disturbing.
Remarkable story. Between you & your daughter, you had all the qualifications to deal with the bureaucracy & still had to jump through hoops. Imagine if you were just an ordinary person.
If I were not an informed doctor (as most are not) who has actually read the medical literature I would be in ignorant bliss and going along with this nonsense. Life is actually much easier when you are not informed and just go along with the program in order to avoid confrontation.
Life might be easier, but then what’s the point. As the old saying goes ‘to him that is given much (knowledge) much is required’. My father always told me you don’t get any points for doing what you are supposed to do, you only get demerits for not doing what you are supposed to do. Your actions may have cost you one way or another, but whatever you lost is ultimately replaceable. What cannot be replaced is that sense of peace that when the challenge was presented you did the right thing.
May your courage, sagacity, and persistence in the face of organized evil inspire others to do likewise. And you are quite right that most people don't want to know the horrible truth -- that crazed, fearful doctors and administrators have been intentionally murdering covid patients. Even when it happens to their own family members. This documentary and Dr McCullough's articulate testimony should alert everyone to what is still going on, and refuse to comply with death-cult-driven 'hospital protocols'.
Thank you so much. It is particularly meaningful to me because so many of my relatives simply dismiss everything that I have tried to tell them. Friends No but relatives yes.
It is so bizarre and frustrating when family members harm themselves by ignoring your direct personal experience and well-considered advice. It would not be surprising if we were to find some AI-driven politicos discovering this is a great way to divide families. It would be consistent with other top-down family-breakup efforts such as perversion-pride and genital-mutilation surgery. Because the family is after all the last social institution standing between the individual and the leviathan state.
What is really interesting is that when someone pressured by his/her family is harmed from the vax OR from that nasal probe used for the PCR the family will never admit that they were instrumental in inflicting harm.
Terrible dilemma -- you try to prevent people from harming themselves or family members -- they don't listen -- the harm occurs -- and those who succumbed to pressure deny they did anything wrong. It's like watching an addiction -- well, it is an addiction. They have to be de-programmed.
It was perfectly predictable that people would die on those vents primarily because there are not enough docs and techs to operate them. On Tv it looks quite simple but take if from me (a doc who has intubated patients and operated vents) that it ain't as easy as it looks. Everyone on a vent needs sedation because it is so unnatural to have air blown into your lungs (positive pressure) as opposed to you sucking air in (negative pressure) as nature intended. .Much of the know how is in controlling the sedation and the vent settings. It is very easy to kill someone on a vent!!!! And when you have hastily trained techs doing to work it is much easier. When I hear that thousands of vents were being ordered the first thing I said was "Who is going to operate them and Where are they going to do it?" IT WAS PERFECTLY PREDICTABLE THAT PEOPLE WOULD DIE - AND THAT FEW PEOPLE WOULD REALIZE WHY.
Many years ago, I purchased a bug relocator. It is plastic, shaped like a scissor, with a plastic cup on one side. You simply spread the "scissors", place the cup over the bug, close the "scissor" & take the bug outside. Over the years, I have relocated dozens of insects that ended up indoors, outside. As a retired hospital staff nurse, these stories crush me. The hospital's treatment of people, in their greatest hours of need, were not even accorded the degree of empathy that I am able to show a bug.
Yes you are absolutely correct. At the hospital where I took my husband in the outpatieht areas they took away the chairs for patients to sit when checking out. That meant that when you went to get your credit card and or sign things you had no desk space to use. You had to stoop over or kneel at the couter to write. And it is still that way! Most of the old staff are gone and the new people are rude.
This story hit so close to home, I was sick with Covid-19 at the same time as this gentlemen. I however, was not aware at the time of the lies the medical establishment was telling in regards to the treatment for it. I was lucky enough never to have my O2 saturation drop below 90 expect when trying to move around. I was given zero treatment concepts like High doses of Vitamin D and C Quercetin and Zinc. Never even heard of Ivermectin. I did have to go to the Emergency room roughly 2 weeks in because I got dehydrated, Thank god they did not attempt to keep me so they could harvest my life for money.
This story and more like it scare the living daylights out of me and my wife (RN) because we used to trust that no one in the medical profession would actively engage in harming patients.
Thank you Dr. McCullough for sharing these stories they have to be told and retold over and over again.
I’m mainly concerned with why Congress is not going after Fauci specifically over Remdesimir. One subject. Produce all the data under oath. One topic. No others.
They are also stopping me right now from boosting a post about spays and neuters because of something.....not sure what I did....but they didn't like it, so I'm restricted....from boosting an ad for spay and neuter at my vet clinic.....seems a bit arbitrary, but not surprising.
We are two physicians trying to straighten things out at Sarasota Memorial Hospital, where Dr Guffanti was put in 4-point restraints for trying to get help for his dying roommate.
An excellent documentary! As a retired registered nurse, I refused the “vaccine” for two reasons. One, it contained mRNA and two, big pharma would not be liable for any injuries caused, huge red flags! As time has gone by and the truth has surfaced, I’m not sorry. BTW, I have two comorbidities, age and diabetes. If I’ve had COVID I did not know it. In the past three years of the government and unethical medical practitioners continuously “NOT” coercing us, I have remained healthy. Like another poster, I can’t wait until people like Fauci and others pay the price for their lies.
Im so very thankful for Dr McCullough and appreciate this video but.. an amplification as to how the whole thing was driven by money should be running through the storyline. The fact is Remdesivir is $300 per treatment vs under $50 for Ivermectin. Also the hospitals were profiting from deaths where the death certificate states that cause of death was covid, yet this man did not die of covid as was true of so many but I would bet it did not give the actual cause of death and that it stated covid instead. Hospitals also were profiting from the use of ventilator intubation and other protocols that proved that money was more the impetus than life!
It is extremely painful to watch how this was turned into a political football that pitted family members against each other. Church members against each other. Its also amazing the degree to which science became nothing more than a commodity owned by the symbiotic relationship between government and the biopharmaceutical industry who together reaped almost a trillion in fiat funds procuring the death of the oath and the end of freedom of conscience, be it medical or spiritual.
This man was not killed by the "medical machine". He was killed by doctors, nurses and hospital administrators, working in concert with the US Government. Why give the individuals who did this a pass by blaming the "machine"? They don't deserve it, they only deserve to pay for their sins, with extreme prejudice. "It's against hospital protocols" = "your death is worth much more to us than your life."
This was powerful. I got the following reply to a comment on another substack: "I work at a law firm which specializes in med-mal defense (so we represent facilities and practitioners who get sued for negligence). We have started seeing suits alleging poor care during the Covid crisis and courts are no longer simply dismissing them if we argue "immunity due to XYZ act or emergency powers." I think the way patients and families will start to see some justice is in detailing the lack of typical care which is expected REGARDLESS of an emergency. For example, facilities and staff still must provide adequate hydration, nutrition, activity and skin care. So many patients suffered injuries associated with neglect. I think courts will draw lines here and start to find for plaintiffs. This is my hope, anyway.
I am waiting with bated breath for the trial of Schara v. Ascension Health. That outcome could really change the legal landscape.
Yes he was murdered by the medical machine! I am an MD and during this Covid Circus I was involved in communication with hospital staff in advocacy of 2 patients, one was a friend and one was my husband and both encounters infuriated me:
My friend went to the ER for atrial fib and had no upper respiratory symptoms. He had a positive "covid test." (The covid test does NOT test for virus! It tests for DNA that is the same as fragments of viral DNA.) He was admitted and placed on a protocol that eventually led to him being intubated for 2 months. He was given Remdesivir and developed liver failure and renal failure requiring dialysis. I accompanied his wife, 2 daughters and his brother to speak to the doctor in charge. We requested that he be given IVM. The doctor told us that she could not do that because IVM was not FDA approved for that use. I informed her that FDA does not approve drugs for use in any specific disease. A licensed doctor has full authority to use any FDA approved drug to treat any disease that the doctor sees fit. FDA approval for a given disease is approval for ADVERTISING and not USE. I was able to convince this young doctor to allow his daughter to bring in IVM and administer it. The doctor agreed that she "would just not see it." He eventually improved, was extubated and discharged.
My husband experienced the acute onset of mental confusion. My daughter and I brought him to the ER where he was found to have a metabolic encephalopathy due to low sodium probably from injury to the pituitary stalk from a prior head injury. He tested negative for covid and was brought into a private ER room to await a bed. I remained with him at all times. At about 11:00PM I was approached by 3 or 4 administrators who asked me if I considered myself to have authority over his care and asked me to swear to that fact even though his medical record lists me as his emergency contact and decision maker. So it was not clear why this was demanded but I did it and immediately these women signaled a 6'3" security guard goon to stand in front of me, cross his arms and demand that I leave the facility. It was clear that if I refused that he would physically remove me. I asked the ER doctor to call me to report his progress and in spite of promising to do so she never did. The next AM he was the sole patient in a semi private room on the floor and his brain function was 90% better. While there my daughter tried to enter and was told that she could not come in because only one visitor was allowed per day. She told them that she was a health care attorney (true) and that if they did not allow her to see her father that she would sue the hospital and them personally. They did not stop her and I left when she came. But on the second day they had placed another patient in the adjacent bed. He had a kidney infection and was gurgling saliva when breathing. I asked my husband's doctor to move him into a private room and he agreed. But when I left my daughter found that the head nurse had entered the room and tried to talk my husband into remaining in the semiprivate room with this infected patient. The nurse then told my daughter that she would report me to the government for violating HIPPA. My daughter told her that HIPPA "does not apply to my applies to you...if my mother knows anything about this man's medical condition it is because YOU were speaking about it in her presence with only a curtain separating the two of you." My husband was taken into the private room and the next day he was discharged home.
amazing! Your husband is alive because you are an MD and your daughter is an Attorney. Think about the thousands who were not as fortunate!. Thanks so much for taking the time to post. This whole thing has estranged me from my son and family, from several previous MD friends and its amazing the way it is splitting church congregations -- especially the ones that take health and healing as seriously as Jesus did.
To be honest it is my friend who may be alive (in part) because of me as he was the one who was told he had covid and put on a vent. It was because of his daughters and me convincing the doctor "not to see the IVM" that he survived. His daughters bought it from a vet store in paste formulation and rubbed it into his chest daily. The doctor agreed not to see it and no one else would have known.
My husband was covid negative and would have lived but given that they put him next to a sick man and tried to get him in a non compos mentis state to say that he wanted to be there AFTER I had arranged with his doctor to put him in a private room is despicable. I truly believe that the nurse saw him as another old White guy and believed that his life was of no value. What I did not mention is that he is a full tenured professor of medicine at the facility who has published over 600 scientific articles and is the higest earner for the facility. I don't know if a little birdie may have told her that but it may have had something to do with her shutting up and disappearinf. The thing that saved my husband is us getting him out within 3 days.
But you are correct that these 2 made it because of us and sadly most people don't have that kind of advocacy But sadly most of the people I know don't want to know. They all seem to prefer to listen to Rachel Maddow rather than me.
we are living in a time when apathy reigns and the only thing forbidden is to forbid. Freedom OF conscience has morphed into the freedom from OWNING a conscience. It's beyond comprehension that these people are not only not being held accountable but they were also paid well to lie and m u rder. Political correctness is the death of truth, even biological truths. Dr McCullough agrees with me that this has something to do with the eschaton.
BTW, what could the hospital have done if you wanted to remove your relative?
Honestly I don't know. But luckily he had a problem that although severe and life threatening was quickly resolved and we got him out in 3 days. But I still believe that the head nurse who put a man in the bed next to him who had a urinary infection AND was dispersing visible saliva with each breath that he took (without a mask) really wanted to infect him with either a virus or a bacterium. It is and always has been a NO NO in medicine to place an infected patient in a multiple occupancy room. The nurse knew that! Yet even after his doctor had ordered my husband into a private room for his protection, the nurse tried to convince him to remain in the same room with the infected man.
I agree that it's reasonable to assume that the head nurse placed an infected patient in your husband's room with the intention of harming your husband. This entire thing is deeply disturbing.
Remarkable story. Between you & your daughter, you had all the qualifications to deal with the bureaucracy & still had to jump through hoops. Imagine if you were just an ordinary person.
If I were not an informed doctor (as most are not) who has actually read the medical literature I would be in ignorant bliss and going along with this nonsense. Life is actually much easier when you are not informed and just go along with the program in order to avoid confrontation.
Life might be easier, but then what’s the point. As the old saying goes ‘to him that is given much (knowledge) much is required’. My father always told me you don’t get any points for doing what you are supposed to do, you only get demerits for not doing what you are supposed to do. Your actions may have cost you one way or another, but whatever you lost is ultimately replaceable. What cannot be replaced is that sense of peace that when the challenge was presented you did the right thing.
Yeah, that's why I am always in trouble. I march to the tune of my own drumbeat and it is frequently lonely marching alone.
& it has ever been thus. For whatever it is worth, much thanks.
May your courage, sagacity, and persistence in the face of organized evil inspire others to do likewise. And you are quite right that most people don't want to know the horrible truth -- that crazed, fearful doctors and administrators have been intentionally murdering covid patients. Even when it happens to their own family members. This documentary and Dr McCullough's articulate testimony should alert everyone to what is still going on, and refuse to comply with death-cult-driven 'hospital protocols'.
Thank you so much. It is particularly meaningful to me because so many of my relatives simply dismiss everything that I have tried to tell them. Friends No but relatives yes.
It is so bizarre and frustrating when family members harm themselves by ignoring your direct personal experience and well-considered advice. It would not be surprising if we were to find some AI-driven politicos discovering this is a great way to divide families. It would be consistent with other top-down family-breakup efforts such as perversion-pride and genital-mutilation surgery. Because the family is after all the last social institution standing between the individual and the leviathan state.
What is really interesting is that when someone pressured by his/her family is harmed from the vax OR from that nasal probe used for the PCR the family will never admit that they were instrumental in inflicting harm.
Terrible dilemma -- you try to prevent people from harming themselves or family members -- they don't listen -- the harm occurs -- and those who succumbed to pressure deny they did anything wrong. It's like watching an addiction -- well, it is an addiction. They have to be de-programmed.
No doubt AI will be used to divide families.
Dr. McCullough, YOU have embodied the meaning of COURAGE and SELFLESSNESS throughout the COVID-19 nightmare...for which I am ETERNALLY GRATEFUL!
Sad, these Covid protocols, especially ventilators resulted in a lot of deaths:
And the fact that our government did this on purpose is the ancient ritualistic act of Democide:
It was perfectly predictable that people would die on those vents primarily because there are not enough docs and techs to operate them. On Tv it looks quite simple but take if from me (a doc who has intubated patients and operated vents) that it ain't as easy as it looks. Everyone on a vent needs sedation because it is so unnatural to have air blown into your lungs (positive pressure) as opposed to you sucking air in (negative pressure) as nature intended. .Much of the know how is in controlling the sedation and the vent settings. It is very easy to kill someone on a vent!!!! And when you have hastily trained techs doing to work it is much easier. When I hear that thousands of vents were being ordered the first thing I said was "Who is going to operate them and Where are they going to do it?" IT WAS PERFECTLY PREDICTABLE THAT PEOPLE WOULD DIE - AND THAT FEW PEOPLE WOULD REALIZE WHY.
God is JUST.
May we see justice.
Big Pharma bribes/coerces elected officials/bureaucrats.
Bureaucrats bribe/coerce medical organizations/hospitals.
Hospitals coerce/intimidate/threaten medical practitioners.
Patients are injured and die.
May we see justice.
I would not hold my breath if I were you.
The snake dies if you sever the head.
Yes and this one has multiple heads.
There are a thousand lawyers working to perpetuate the hydra for each one hacking at a snake head.
We shall - all shall see justice just as all shall kneel before THE ONE including that one that comes as the biggest fake of all.
Many years ago, I purchased a bug relocator. It is plastic, shaped like a scissor, with a plastic cup on one side. You simply spread the "scissors", place the cup over the bug, close the "scissor" & take the bug outside. Over the years, I have relocated dozens of insects that ended up indoors, outside. As a retired hospital staff nurse, these stories crush me. The hospital's treatment of people, in their greatest hours of need, were not even accorded the degree of empathy that I am able to show a bug.
Yes you are absolutely correct. At the hospital where I took my husband in the outpatieht areas they took away the chairs for patients to sit when checking out. That meant that when you went to get your credit card and or sign things you had no desk space to use. You had to stoop over or kneel at the couter to write. And it is still that way! Most of the old staff are gone and the new people are rude.
This story hit so close to home, I was sick with Covid-19 at the same time as this gentlemen. I however, was not aware at the time of the lies the medical establishment was telling in regards to the treatment for it. I was lucky enough never to have my O2 saturation drop below 90 expect when trying to move around. I was given zero treatment concepts like High doses of Vitamin D and C Quercetin and Zinc. Never even heard of Ivermectin. I did have to go to the Emergency room roughly 2 weeks in because I got dehydrated, Thank god they did not attempt to keep me so they could harvest my life for money.
This story and more like it scare the living daylights out of me and my wife (RN) because we used to trust that no one in the medical profession would actively engage in harming patients.
Thank you Dr. McCullough for sharing these stories they have to be told and retold over and over again.
Dr. McCullough as always, outstanding and as well prepared as ANYONE on all things Covid-19.
I’m mainly concerned with why Congress is not going after Fauci specifically over Remdesimir. One subject. Produce all the data under oath. One topic. No others.
Just tried to share to FaceBook.....says link is broken.
I have a friend whose mother was treated the exact same way.
It's nothing less than murder for $$
facebook actively censors the truth from substack.
They are also stopping me right now from boosting a post about spays and neuters because of something.....not sure what I did....but they didn't like it, so I'm restricted....from boosting an ad for spay and neuter at my vet clinic.....seems a bit arbitrary, but not surprising.
We are two physicians trying to straighten things out at Sarasota Memorial Hospital, where Dr Guffanti was put in 4-point restraints for trying to get help for his dying roommate.
An excellent documentary! As a retired registered nurse, I refused the “vaccine” for two reasons. One, it contained mRNA and two, big pharma would not be liable for any injuries caused, huge red flags! As time has gone by and the truth has surfaced, I’m not sorry. BTW, I have two comorbidities, age and diabetes. If I’ve had COVID I did not know it. In the past three years of the government and unethical medical practitioners continuously “NOT” coercing us, I have remained healthy. Like another poster, I can’t wait until people like Fauci and others pay the price for their lies.
Too hard to watch...
Im so very thankful for Dr McCullough and appreciate this video but.. an amplification as to how the whole thing was driven by money should be running through the storyline. The fact is Remdesivir is $300 per treatment vs under $50 for Ivermectin. Also the hospitals were profiting from deaths where the death certificate states that cause of death was covid, yet this man did not die of covid as was true of so many but I would bet it did not give the actual cause of death and that it stated covid instead. Hospitals also were profiting from the use of ventilator intubation and other protocols that proved that money was more the impetus than life!
It is extremely painful to watch how this was turned into a political football that pitted family members against each other. Church members against each other. Its also amazing the degree to which science became nothing more than a commodity owned by the symbiotic relationship between government and the biopharmaceutical industry who together reaped almost a trillion in fiat funds procuring the death of the oath and the end of freedom of conscience, be it medical or spiritual.
This is next.. and now thanks to covid they have all the fiat moola they need to push it
This man was not killed by the "medical machine". He was killed by doctors, nurses and hospital administrators, working in concert with the US Government. Why give the individuals who did this a pass by blaming the "machine"? They don't deserve it, they only deserve to pay for their sins, with extreme prejudice. "It's against hospital protocols" = "your death is worth much more to us than your life."
I know the answer, but I still cannot comprehend how & why so many doctors/nurses complied with a standard of care that was obviously killing people.
This was powerful. I got the following reply to a comment on another substack: "I work at a law firm which specializes in med-mal defense (so we represent facilities and practitioners who get sued for negligence). We have started seeing suits alleging poor care during the Covid crisis and courts are no longer simply dismissing them if we argue "immunity due to XYZ act or emergency powers." I think the way patients and families will start to see some justice is in detailing the lack of typical care which is expected REGARDLESS of an emergency. For example, facilities and staff still must provide adequate hydration, nutrition, activity and skin care. So many patients suffered injuries associated with neglect. I think courts will draw lines here and start to find for plaintiffs. This is my hope, anyway.
I am waiting with bated breath for the trial of Schara v. Ascension Health. That outcome could really change the legal landscape.