It's astonishing to see how Easily the 'Enlightened' Green Liberals are led into the darkest contradictions, justifying on their way.

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Trudeau is a child with a god complex. A WEF puppet and self proclaimed fan of authoritarianism. His second in command, Chrystia Freeland ( a misnomer) is not only a WEF YGL puppet, but the granddaughter of one of Hitler’s highest ranking Nazis.

Both were likely enthralled with the Nazi “ honoree”. They knew exactly who he was. Trudeau let the cat out of the bag, lauding him as a Ukrainian who bravely fought the Communists. Because Ukraine was doing Hitler’s bidding and still harbors an exponential, openly Nazi contingency. The Nazis fought the Communists. Because Ukraine aligned with the Reich. Zelenskyy has a tremendous affinity for them, too. It’s tiresome hearing him lauded as a “ Jewish Hero”. Embarassing. Like Soros and Kissinger, Zelenskyy is a virulent, self loathing antisemite.

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Do you know how his biological father really is?

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Which is worse,

A four year old with matches?


An eighty year old dementia patient with nukes?

Just asking ;)

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O'Biden didn't get the football codes. Rest assured.

He might be the president of a bankrupt (1871) corporation, as Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes famously coined it a month ago, but I guarantee he is *not* the Commander In Chief.

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Probably not, but he and his Party are definitely finalizing the bankruptcy....

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lot's of nuggets in these few minutes...


She is a PhD. behavioral psychologist and political psychologist, and very connected.

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Tough call, but the nukes'll damage a larger area and kill more people, in most circumstances, so...

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They trot out some ancient Nazi and everyone's outraged? How about green t-shirt guy? His presence is at least as objectionable if not more so, and yet crickets.

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Turdo deserves the same punishment then the victims of the holocaust and well ASAP.

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Inept political theater from an inept actor.

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But he takes direction well.....

He's a Golden Boy poster child of the WEF School For Young Global Sociopaths.


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An adolescent mind rattling around in an adult body looking for dictatorial father figures since he lost both of his?

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"PM Trudeau Applauds Waffen SS Veteran"

He is in bed with Klaus Schwab - hardly surprising.

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Herr AnalSchwab's favorite acolyte.

He's a Golden Boy poster child of the WEF School For Young Global Sociopaths.


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I don’t know which is more Canadian, to apologize for the failures of our nation or to pretend they are not happening. I can do neither

Now is the time for a new Canadian spirit , one that has been forgotten- the pioneer who stands alone and refuses to bow to conformity , straight and stiff back turned away from the establishment.

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The expression on Zelensky and Turdeau... as the barking seals applaud, made me vomit.

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In a move worthy of the Sorcerer's Apprentice in Fantasia, Trudeau is now blaming the whole thing on Russian Misinformation. Be sure to check under your bed for Russians before you go to bed tonight...

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So I'm curious... since TrudiBoi's daddy is actually F. Castro, does that make him a communazi?

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LOVE the 'Dopey Golden Retriever.

Trudeau's positive attractive appearance is somehow elusive as his antics define him as a 4 yr. old with matches.

Zelinsky doesn't appear to be weathering the War For Profit to launder U.S. Taxpayer $$$ to well any longer. Maybe, he needs to beg nice and scream 'PEA-NUTS' for The City of London to allow the murder for money in their One/New World Order they're losing to end.

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Zelenskyy is weathering his war very well in Canada - the kakistocrat Trudeau has just promised him $650 million over 3 years for his war effort. All the while many citizens are homeless and down to one meal a day.

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Yepper...The way it is for all the western nations they're sucking the blood out of...

'The People' merely 'Steaks on a Plate' deserving insects, worms, Transfats and infection/filth of all kinds possible.

THAT is what we all get for allowing the Demons Wearing Human Being Suits sitting over in The City of London to hide behind us for these last 1000 years claiming our Military as their own as they rob and murder the world blind.

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Dopey Golden Retrievers aren't ever evil, as far as I know.

It's a 'likeable' persona.

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Guess Mr. Locke is particular to other breeds of dogs not mentioned.

Can't begin to comprehend how any Golden Retriever can be used

in comparison to the Demons Wearing Human Being Suits...

Because YOU'RE CORRECT...Not One Thing Evil About Them At All.

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"Preening narcissist" describes him perfectly. His smug, arrogant face often greets me on the main page of the online newspaper I look at frequently. Highly irritating but I've got used to it. I am among the minority that saw this in him decades ago. Specifically, at his dad Pierre's funeral in the fall of 2020. JT delivered a eulogy in which he looked more interested in preening than celebrating his father's life. It was all an act but showed how lousy actor he is. I did not vote for him in 2015 and never would. He's now developed a legacy of incompetence and arrogance that will be hard to eclipse. The celebration of the Ukraine Nazi vet is a good example. I guess we can blame the speaker of the house, Rota, who claims this was entirely his own initiative and it was a mistake. No kidding about the mistake. How hard would it have been to spend 3 minutes looking up this guy's history? At least Rota apologized. Trudeau should too since he is the big cheese of the Canadian federal government. I'm not holding my breath. He's too narcissistic for this even to occur to him.

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Trudeau is globalist scum. As is the rest of the uniparty in Canada, sadly. It’s all theatre at this point: they’re getting ready to shoehorn in the next globalist puppet.

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There was a time when Canadians were polite yet strong minded. Now our culture has become compliant and cowardly.

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