OMG, my MIL has had CBS news on and they are CONSTANTLY talking about this measles outbreak and the need to vaccinate. The fear porn is overwhelming.

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Yes! And people are losing their minds. CBS "News" is Government/Big Pharma Propaganda, pure and undiluted.

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Vitamin A deficiency has long been known as a co-morbidity for measles in children. Low dose supplements in school aged children is a simple prophylaxis.

But BP can't make any money off that.

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Vit D3 with K2 helps everybody especially immunity. Z8nc. Vit C. And If you get Measles, Rhus Tox and Belladona and several other Homeopathics will help.

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If they are vitamin A deficient D3 is going to be toxic...In natural food, there is a synergy between the fat soluble A, D and K2.

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Excessive vitamin A could be toxic. Beta carotene is only converted to vitamin A as needed. We are back to the healthy fruits and salads which also contain many other things needed for regeneration.

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Excessive synthetic a is toxic. A found in animals fats spares the body from having to convert beta carotene which requires vitamin a to do so and if a child is deficient beta carotene will do very little to help.

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Talking about vitamin A is a marketing campaign for a 'vaccine'. There is no reason vitamin A would help with being linked to a chain of 'cases' in the 'unvaccinated'. Only shutting your mouth and refusing 'testing' would help.


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I do not take vitamin A.

I eat animal fats rich in Retinal and that is what I advocate for.

You cannot be deficient in Beta Carotene but you can most certainly be deficient in Retinal.

As for linking Vitamin A to cases in unvaccinated, I have no idea what you are referring to.

And then to tell me to shut my mouth and refuse what testing?

I mean really. How dare you sir.

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https://t.me/DrHenryEaly/1154 ➡️🟪➡️

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As long as drug pushers own government, regulators, universities, doctors, nurses, hospitals, care homes, medical and scientific journals, main stream media, many political parties, many NGOs, research institutes, bio labs, and all the rest; expect to see a continuous stream of these sorts of stories. Fear sells drugs. The 'good' news is that with the covid maim and kill shots the pushers, in their infinite greed, went too far. This has alerted more people than ever before to the dangers of vaccination. Even, I suspect, although as yet she won't actually admit it, my 93 year old mom. My hope is that the drug pusher's greed and crimes will result in the widespread legitimation, and thence practice, across the board, of vaccine refusal. Note refusal, not hesitancy. Firstly at local level, and then on up to the notorious evil 'schedule', all over the world. We have to keep this debate going and not let the politicians, influencers, thinkers, and decision makers forget what just happened. We will never get a better chance and we won't get a second. The cat is out of the bag and we - people on sites like this - must ensure it does not get put back in. I try to tell every new person I meet each day never to take another vaccine and I find they are - since covid 19 - responsive in a way they never were before.

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You are lucky your Mom is alive! They murdered mine with their fake vax, and murdered my father, brother, aunt, and cousins, then lied on all their death certificates "natural causes". They then fired their MD's who told the truth they knew the fake vax was their causes of death.

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You are right. Very sorry to hear that Rick. My dad was not so lucky as my mom. They used the lockdown to get him into a kill home and then filled him top to bottom with drugs. He never took a drug in his life, drank little, never smoked, walked five miles a day, every day, from 70 - 90, until they imprisoned and drugged him to death for the sin of being old and a bit batty. My brother consented to all this but did not tell me. Kill home tested dad 20 times ( 20) in 300 days for covid and finally got their coveted positive result and killed him with medazolam and morphine 8 days later. I was out of the country at the time and my, four times boosted, brother did not tell me what was going on and misdirected me about 3 months before dad died on Jan 31,22. I think my brother knew that if I were aware of the drugging, the falls, the seizures, I would have been on a plane in minutes and their would have been a huge fight. Dad's death certificate has covid as cause of death, but that is a lie. Our dad died from drugging. I have detailed records from his doctors and the evidence is all there. But, of course, nobody cares and most simply watch netflix and believe whatever they are told.

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So sorry for your loss 🙏🏻

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Sorry about your loss also. I have read that B. Gates, who bought the fake test swab company because the swabs produced 95% false positives for his bank accounts, purposely put COV and other diseases on his test swabs, so that maybe why the DC said COV.

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David, I am sorry about your dad. Hold onto to those medical records.

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The truth is probably more likely that someone died with measles, but other health complications actually killed them. We dont know what other health problems they had that put them at risk.

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Maybe they died from the MMR or some antiviral drugs. The doctors would have had no experience and been put into a stressful situation. The family would likewise be fearful. All of this could contribute and there might have been an experienced specialist who could have calmly treated the child had the new diagnosis not been introduced. I would blame it on the MMR marketing campaign. Blaming them is pretty much required given that they are blaming the "unvaccinated"- To do otherwise would create a power imbalance in their favor. Maybe the other diagnosis wouldn't have helped and still been influenced by the germ hypothesis. You could say the MMR marketing campaign helped raise awareness about wider problems then.

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We didnt used to have a vaccine for Measles. Everyone got measles once in their lifetime, and no-one was worried about dying. There was 1,100 pupils at my school, and I never heard of any one of them dying from measles in the 60s and 70s.

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We need to demand transparency including the covid vaccination records of the dead.

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Many if not all folks my age (late 70s) had a common experience in elementary school, usually third and fourth grade: a series of days or weeks off with measles (two or three varieties), chicken pox and mumps. In my case, got over the measles and two days later came down with mumps. And then it was all over. My immune system was primed and good to go.

Were we made of sterner stuff? Not likely, although that could possibly be said about our parents, the "Greatest Generation" who survived the Depression and WWII.

Likely it's because we had the benefit of cleaner air and water, and good food, a lot of it home grown.

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And we werent constantly exposed to hypochondriacs pretending to be health experts.

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And in those days a spoonful of cod liver oil was in the pantry of most caring mothers.

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And your immune system wasnt wrecked with multiple and repeated vaccines!!

That are full of mercury , aluminum, etc etc and many poisons. And now MRNa of course. Your immunse system would have been as Tough as the Creator made you. As HE designed it. With natural immunity. Before the poison shots were so prevalent. 😞

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Idiots! Has the herd panicked yet and run oveer the edge of the precipice? Typical lemming behavior.

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Yes, and several of them are dead from the new fake vax!

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Lemmings do not run over precipices unless there is a Disney Production Manager there to force them over the edge for the money shot.

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But dear Sophia, the sheeple sub human people are a very special kind of stupid dontcha know gal?

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You should not dehumanize people. It never leads to anything good.

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Dear Sophia, the Truth is the Truth. The people I dehumanize have already dehumanized themselves. That includes close relatives who go to church on Sundays to sing Jesus Loves Me and then cheat, steal, defraud, and lie the other six days of the week.

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There isn't a young parent alive in America who actually witnessed a measles outbreak. In our house, with 5 kids, it involved a lot of jello, soup, and coloring books.

I'd like a breakdown of the diseases coming over the border. Including, but not limited to, measles.

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It's not so much diseases coming over the border, except for TB.

It is these LIVE attenuated vaccines that are causing shedding and outbreaks. Most kids will catch measles, be a little miserable for 10 days or so, then bounce back, Other kids who may have other conditions may have different outcomes. That is what Nicolas is trying to tell you. Anywhere there is a measles outbreak, there will have been someone recently vaxxed.

And they are doing the same thing we saw with covid. Motorcycle wreck death, but tested positive for covid, even asymptomatic. Counted as Covid death. That means they were testing every dead body for a positive covid reaction - because they were being PAID bonuses to increase the numbers to stir hysteria and fear.

The PCR swabs not really being a test for anything can show 95% FALSE positives when used as tests, and that is what they are using to 'diagnose' "avian flu" in birds as well.

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The PCR tests are 1.being used to gather Dna data. And sold to China. 2. Spreading further poisons toxics (and probably MrNA ) into bodies.

As to Measles caught from vaccines. Yes. And we experienced that with whooping cough. And it is MUCH more intense than if it was a regular caught pertussin or Measles or mumps.

As to testing dead bodies for covid. I really wonder. Because one evil lie is as easy as another, so why would they even bother? They could just as easily write Covid on the death certificate if they felt like it, without any (so called) test. At BTW. If ever it gets back to covid testing-. Avoid those PCR tests like the plague. And the little homekits, if you must use. Just spit on it, DONT put it in your nose or throat. Or allow anyone to do so to you.

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As a child in the 50s and 60s, measles meant party time as my mother held one or we went to one with the express purpose of catching the neighbour's infection...same with German measles, Chickenpox, mumps, colds etc. We were often sick but now at 70 I have the immune system of a vulture but the heart of a pureblood

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Immune system of a vulture, love it.

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As usual, great report Nicolas! So many fakes out there. Here is a great 8 minute interview I got from a trusted MD today by somebody who watched the WHO lie for decades from the inside. You may know the radio guy, Rodney Palmer who wrote a chapter in the first Canary book about how journalism was killed by COV. (https://www.drtrozzi.news/p/exit-the-who-why-and-how-talk-nation?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email#media-9ba24018-3725-4af9-b1e1-10e7f37b50a8)

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I was the only person not vaccinated at my school back in the day and some kids still got measles and gave it to me. If I didn't have little spots all over me you would not have known I had it. I welcomed the 10 days away from school. Although my mother wondered why I had to stay away from school as everyone else was vaccinated. Go figure ...no one raised an eyebrow about that except my intelligent parents. I was raised by two warriors not sheep. My mother told me they tried to put the fear of God into her but she said that in her view it was the most unnatural thing to do..stick needles of viruses into my body that my immune system may never come into contact with anyway and if It did it would do what it was born to do..fight off any invaders naturally. No money in that theory for big pharma.

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You are lucky to have such a critical thinking mom, and the fact that your dad was on the same page.

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On what I believe a related note: WHY can we not NOW (like in the “big beautiful bill” for example) put an end to pharma direct-to-consumer advertising (deal a blow to the lousy MSM’s bottom line and muzzle pharma’s co-conspirator)… and while we are at it… Make GOF research (in both the human and animal realms) Punishable by Death?

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Thank you Nicholas. Please keep up this kind of work. It is vital to my sanity.

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This! This needs to be sent out to friends , family and 😳! Perhaps Focal Point include with this post Dr. McCullough actually wearing his “ white coat”( capitalize on the white lab coat effect!) to help public understand in detail the how many pillars we need in order “to Slough Off “the bombardment of crap coming from the “ Powers that should Not Be” prepare the public from this great wave that they will create and use to their advantage.

The public needs to actually See That the Emperor has No Clothes and Believe their Seeing Eyes.

We all need to Share now because we reading Substacks already know.

It’s time we bombard our unknowingly propagandized others.

It is the very least we can do!

Another suggestion to Focal Point.

Point out that SHARE button out.

That it’s time to create your list of the uneaten and USE THAT SHARE BUTTON PLUS ASK THEM TO DO THE SAME.

This has gone on for 5 years and we will not achieve what we need to do.

Stop these Crazies From Ruling us and creating more health catastrophe and Chaos.

All of us have a duty. We must act- these guys can’t do it on their own!!!!

They need us to do our small share of the work.

Be Brave, It’s time to Be Very Brave!

Start maybe also by informing your congregations. Show your Religious Leaders in your own communities these Substack posts from the leaders in our fight for our Freedom and Health.

Do it!

Do it every day! Send it out by using that darned SHARE BUTTON.

Get your email lists and include some leaders who probably had their head in the sand.

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I agree! Use the share button to share with those who may panic from hearing the main stream press hype the danger. I only just discovered the share button.

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I absolutely agree with your central statement, but I wanted to add some of my own observations.

I have seen some reports online of individuals with symptoms of measles being given the MMR vaccine as a therapeutic, which is absolutely anti-science and goes against the vaccine manufacturer's guidelines. If these reports are true, then a case could be made that poor medical practices and improper vaccine usage could be responsible for worsening the outbreak.

It also is very important that it has been reported that the genotype of the measles that is currently spreading is different from the genotype that is in the live MMR vaccine. This indicates that the cases of measles that we are seeing are not vaccine induced.

Moreover, in case anyone tries to strengthen vaccine laws for school using this current outbreak for justification, mandatory vaccination could not have prevented this outbreak from happening because a majority of the children who got infected were homeschooled, thus being exempt from any vaccination law in America.

(Unrelated but on the topic of laws, but if you live in Hawaii, please contact your state legislators and tell them to kill HB 1118, a new totalitarian and anti-medical freedom bill)

Finally, it is worth noting that this outbreak is occurring in a relatively poor and underdeveloped part of the country. 20% of the population in Gaines county is below the poverty line and health care access is inadequate. In fact, quite a few members of the religious population that this outbreak is impacting have been reported to shun modern day health care. While many scientists argue that an improved vaccination rate would have reduced the spread of this outbreak, I think that improved health infrastructure, better treatment (e.g. Vitamin A), and increased access to health care would have prevented the outbreak from happening all together.

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Indeed. A spoon full of cod liver oil as the children go to their day care/home school classes would be such a cheap solution.

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There isn't a young parent in America who actually witnessed a measles outbreak. In our house, with 5 kids, it involved a lot of jello, soup, and coloring books. Nobody died. Not one of the 100+ kids in school who also had measles died. Or even went to the doctor, provided they weren't an only child (or the oldest).

I'd like a breakdown of the diseases coming over the border. Including, but not limited to, measles.

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There may be outbreaks, but I don't believe there has been a death since 2015 ( until now). A healthy school-aged, unvaccinated boy died from measles-related pneumonia.

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Was the boy vaccinated for Covid? They have not answered this with zero transparency.

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