I know we throw around the term psychopath way too easily these days but it genuinely seems to fit Hotez. He is very willing - maniacally so - to kill people in exchange for achieving his personal goals of enrichment and fame. This becomes incredibly apparent when you notice that he does not concede to a scintilla of risk to indiscriminately injecting every single living human, from newborn to immune-compromised, with a secret and untested concoction of ingredients. He will not accept that a single person has died from the jabs, something true of every jab ever created no matter how safe (even saline via an air bubble or accident).

He. Is. Crazy.

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wonder how much money he must be getting from Pfizer et all

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From Steve Kirsch and others the number starts around $10,000 per month. If you don't sign up to the Pharma propaganda team after the offer of $40,000 a month then you go into the " Smear Campaign and threatening legal letter file. Sometimes followed up with physical threats.

Watch the HBO 2 part series

CRIME OF THE CENTURY about Purdue Pharmaceuticals and the opioid crisis. Arm twisting is definitely covered including interviews with those that arm twist.

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No, it can't be put into food. If it could they wouldn't go through all of the expense of the frozen lipid nanoparticles. Anything in food gets destroyed by either the stomach acid or the Payer's Patch.

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You are only looking at this superficially with the Peyers Patches theory. The pork is and the beef will be the next animal to be Injected. This genetically affects the muscles etc. Just like Humans. It's not some condiment-like sprinkle added that can be broken down in the stomach.

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Let me understand what you are proposing: You are saying that because the DNA of an animal that we eat gets modified and changes the muscle protein, the animal will not only continue to have the same muscle function and growth, it will pass it on to its offspring and when we all eat this modified protein our bodies will break it down into something that then will be taken up by the mitochondria of our own cells and produce the spike protein just as it would if we were injected with the gene therapies that encapsulate the messenger/modified RNA into lipid nanoparticles.

Is that what you are saying?

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I always had the same belief about the futility of trying to contaminate food with these mRNA/LNP products.

But I was unaware of Peyer's Patches. Thank you for this anatomy lesson, Ruth.

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He can't even realize the reason that his highly- vaxxed daughter is disabled with autism. Can't connect the dots. Maybe "seeing" would be TOO painful.

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There are a group of parents

Much like there are a group of vaccinated and inured people since covid

Who have a ‘psychological BLOCK’ (for lack of better words to define it) … where they will never cognitively be able to acknowledge and FACE the truth that they have injured their child through a decision to vaccinate them … or themselves!

Is it cognitive dissonance?

Is it some form of Stockholm syndrome?

Is it a blind trust in the institutions that say they will care for you- but then don’t and actually harm you…

Here’s a true story-

A family member had premature twins

The mom called me when the babies were 4 weeks old

and told me the babies were low muscle tone

Not feeding well

And Her vit D was found to be rock bottom

And i told her

Immediately stop vaccinating them

The risk factors for autism are all present

Premature twins- are the highest rate of autism

Moms with low vit D are a risk factor

And she was 41 at the time of birth and they were conceived through IVF

The babies were Low muscle tone

And poorly feeding - all these are patterns seen in a subgroup babies that will go on to be dx with ASD … at a later age

Well she didn’t listen

And guess what

At 18 months old the babies were dx’d with autism

If I can tell this mom at 4 weeks old

Her kids are at risk for autism

We know enough about the patterns to stop it and intervene likely

The one child had ‘bye bye’ prior to the MMR vaccine- and then lost all language

It’s a pattern.

Over and over and over and over and over and over again…. When will it STOP!!!!!!?

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I think part of the answer is that the majority of these "true believers" are simply never confronted, in an in-your-face manner, with the truth. They are ALLOWED to remain in their bubbles, because most people just don't want to initiate the confrontation.

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I’ve initiated the confrontation with many Christians. You can’t expect anyone to immediately see the truth about anything. Oh you might get one along the way who takes some point into consideration. I’ve been at this for 15 years. When ‘confronting’ people, just think of it as planting a seed that may or may not germinate and you may never know.

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It’s called “brainwashing”. For fun, go try talking to members of an actual cult. Do not join their activities as you will get brainwashed. They are like the person hypnotized on stage in front of the crowd, who thereafter cannot see the elephant right in front of them. Literally. They cannot hear or see what you say. Television does this to them, Tele hypnosis. Or go watch “The Berlin Syndrome” movie.

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Very interesting. I didn't know about the connection between low Vit. D and vax injury leading to autism. Perhaps low D makes anyone more susceptible to vax injury.

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I think I have read a study that confirmed that low vitamin d levels at vaccination could lead to autism or SIDS. Vitamin d controls the immune system from going haywire. Seems logical. This article discuses vitamin d and immunization.


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There’s something in the end times prophecy that by Gods Will, some people will literally have their ability to ‘discern’ removed. They are incapable of recognizing truth. I always thought that passage was interesting. So when you are discussing things with people and they can’t seem to understand anything or refuse to look at evidence and such, perhaps we should stop and treat them like teenagers… sure, make them responsible for minimum life requirements… then pray that their discernment be restored.

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You are mixing things up here. In the Old Testament God warns that those who exchange normalcy for vile passions (homosexual men And women or other mixed behaviors.) He will give them up. But the New testament warns that most will willingly take the mark of the beast and there is no redemption. Who we are dealing with today are pathological narcissists and psychopaths. They must be saved through Jesus like everyone else, but the damage and pride they are guided by leaves them almost unregenerate to to point of non-return.

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It will stop when vaccination comes down like a house of cards. I keep wondering when the nudge that brings it down is coming. The truth is getting heavy.

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True my doc said there is no reaction when I told him of my child’s reaction! Then he showed me a vax reaction his child in a wheelchair!!!

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he probably can see that. He doesn't care.

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Someone needs to do a deep dive on how he got to where he is now.

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At this point, regardless of how he got there, we just need to cut off ALL of his funding. He’s doing all this crazy evil crap with our tax monies.

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Oh, it's all out there if you look. Typical path of guys like him and Fauci.

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Definitely a Rockefeller minion...

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Ruth Gordon - agree! What does it take to cut off every dollar of funding to this evil psychopath? That’s the only way I think we can stop his nonsense.

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Funding to non-taxable NGOs and rescinding of their tax exempt status also needs to STOP. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY in some countries ffs.

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Like we throw around psychopath let’s also fit him with the malignant narcissist shoes…

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Yes, I call Hotez the mad scientist.

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Much like Anthony Fauci, this SOB is guilty of crimes against humanity and mass murder and should be punished accordingly.

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We could take 'em hunting.

Fretting and scheming about their judicial, political, or reputational consequences is laughably delusional.

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I've heard worse ideas ;)

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Hotez is not "pure psychopathic" in my opinion. At least one person commenting here thinks he's autistic. I used to work with screwed up kids, and I've seen kids and young adults who are a 50/50 blend of autistic and psychopathic. It's possible Hotez is in this category. (I don't have a strong opinion about this one way or the other.)

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You're likely right in terms of pure medical diagnosis and mental state (DSR definition). However, colloquially or in "common language" terms I think most people would define behavior that willfully disregards the sanctity of human life and actively puts it at risk, not for self-defense or in defense of others (police, soldier, etc) but for personal gain, as psychopathic.

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Even more garrulous than MondayMorningQuarterbacks (TM) are credentialed experts offering their diagnosis of mad misanthropes like wee Admiral A. Fauci.

Everybody knows the corpse count of Fauci, et al, quantify decades of democide. Everybody knows a 50 cent solution to that problem. So I pose a question for all rigorous students of the New Man mind, “What human behavorial aberration is it that denies the People the undeniable benefits of such efficacious technology?”

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He is crazy

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Insane, greedy, not a scientist, psychopathic are some other terms.

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"Never give up the con"

- Sneaky Pete

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Methinks Hotez is more of a Manchurian Candidate. Programmed for a function. Perhaps on an overarching level to take down the vaccine myth by being so flagrantly ridiculous. Then, if I recall correctly, he has an autistic child, so he may be in forceful denial.

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haha well, we might could think so if he didn't have such a long pre-covid track record of being insane in the membrane.

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It is very hard for a cult member to face the fact they've been bamboozled.

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Yes. This is one facet of psychological operations, to bring people into a group and use group dynamics to keep them prisoner.

Have you seen Chase Hughes' video regarding the recognition of manipulation aka "psyops"? It is great although the music change at the end is a bit odd haha


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Riiight Mr Hotez… science is about forbidding debate on any of your claims and proclamations !

Yeah no, not at all. By definition true science IS a debate. By definition.

Claiming science does not allow debate is not any kind of science at all, it is totalitarian Hotez fascism.

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Bingo!! 🎯

I feel like I've found my people here. So refreshing to engage with intelligent individuals.

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What a piece of trash you talk about psychopaths whew this guy should go to Canada and self euthanize

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Yes. He doesn’t look well at all. OTOH it could be the dark spirit bleeding through

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The Picture of Dorian Grey. That’s what many of these people bring to mind when they really get to the point of fanaticism.

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Peter Hotez is a terrorist in the true sense of the word.

He is far more dangerous and toxic than anyone in China or Russia.

He should be charged with domestic terror/state sponsored democide, put on trial, convicted and executed ASAP.

Eliminating this scum bag, this wretched monster will be a day of light and hope for this planet.

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And take Bill Gates along with him. 👍🏻

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And Fauci

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Yes, how could I forget the Faucinator? The list is so long!

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😂 yup

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That was my exact thought...vaccine terrorizer/ist. I totally agree!!

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Thank you Nicholas. Keep responding to crazies like Hotez. He is a creepy mad scientist. It’s unbelievable that people actually believe he is a reliable source of information. He and Paul Offit have e refused to debate anyone on anything related to the COVID vaccines. That speaks volumes in my opinion. They are still promoting the COVID vaccine in children…criminal!

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He practices the evil religion of scientism, he ain't no true scientist that's for certain!!

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We all have to start calling it what it is, a Covid mystery injection - definitely mRNA is NOT a vaccine, they called it one b/c many people trust vaccines.

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Hotez is not a misinformation spreader. He is a disinformation spreader.

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Agreed, just fixed.

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Omg I thought your comment was telling me Brandon wasn't my bro LOL

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😂😂😂 I thought that too first time! I thought...oh I know he's NOT!

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Hotez for the gallows.

So many crimes…where to start?

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If the vaxxed are immune due to their vaccinations, then why are they concerned with the unvaxxed?

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My question exactly to every vaccinated person and health professional during Covid.

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The way a "vaxxed" friend explained it to me - she insists I get jabbed and I will not - is that if I get Covid, it will be worse, and so I could pass that worse Covid to her and her Covid would then be worse than if I had been jabbed. Nope.

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Hotez = Mengele!

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I’m embarrassed to be from the same city as this monster! He’s soooooooooooo evil

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Hotez is a character

Promoted to play the role of ‘good guy nerd scientist’ … in an attempt to create a trusted figurehead on vaccines

He’s a clown

And a moron

And I hope people see through the theater.

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Still comes across as more Wormtongue than kindly scientist.

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Let him talk. He is doing exactly what any lawyer would advise against... Incriminating himself

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Is this an unstable individual hell-bent upon destroying the neurological health of American infants and children in malevolent retaliation for his daughter's Autism likely having likely been caused or exacerbated by the "vaccines" he wishes to impose on other parents' children?

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There is such a need for RFK Jr to get on the job as HHS Sec'y and start dealing with genocidal psychopaths like Hotez. A thorough investigation of Hotez will no doubt turn up some very interesting revelations.

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I've got a flash for Peter Hotez: the covid injections are NOT vaccines. They are gene-editing products. Additionally, they did not save ANY lives. On the contrary, they cost millions their lives. They've also disabled & injured millions more. He's a clueless idiot & anyone who believes ANYTHING he says needs to have their head examined.

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That is point. He is clueless! I bet couldn’t explain PCR mechanism and risks of misinterpretation.

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