I have been working with physicians since 1992. Initially as a member of the pharmaceutical industry, and for the last 15 years in the medical device industry.

Unfortunately, my picture of the behavior of physicians during the pandemic is not quite as you describe.

My impression was that the vast majority went along with the "crap", certainly due to the enormous financial incentives.

Original quote from an orthopedist friend: "If I can compensate for my financial losses, then that's great! I would never vaccinate my family and children, but if a patient wants to have the vaccination, why not!"

Throughout the discourse, the vast majority of physicians have kept a low profile and have gone "diving off the deep end." I would have expected and wished for louder resistance from members of the medical profession. In my opinion, however, too many have acted selfishly and have adapted to the guidelines.

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In addition to greed is ignorance too. Epidemiology/Immunology is a poorly understood realm of science. Most Drs only understand the broad strokes. They work in a top down business model. So when information trickles down to them that sorta makes sense they buy it, promote it, and defend it. Later, after mounting evidence suggests they were wrong they’re too embarrassed to admit it. It’s a bruise to the ego. So they deflect and say it’s the patient’s decision.

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Unethical, irresponsible of their Oath and duties.

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Now,that should not be true, and if it is, med schools are very remiss. Even my old fashioned hospital (based) school of nursing taught us enough of the basics to be able to read and understand more in depth or advanced reports on specifics, and to clearly see the protocols being pushed were all WRONG from the start.

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Ideally you’re correct. But, nope, I’ve spoken many Drs and clinical staff who are still quite sold on covid protocols. They can’t let it go. And it trickles down to administration too. I lost a friend I’ve known for just shy of 30yrs because I told him to stop making excuses. He’s a family doc and I’m not. So what do I know?

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It's not what they were taught, or not; it's what they were threatened with that's the problem, especially with docs, and likely RNs too. I learned about that while still in HS, when I asked my family doc about Krebiozen ( if you've never heard of it, don't be surprised, it was never allowed to go to market,by the APA, and Ely Lilly pharmaceuticals, because the Doc who discovered that effectiv treatment for cancer refused to sell the rights to Lilly before it had completed trials, in the late '40s, and they swore it would never be allowed to go to market. Even though I was still a "kid" I saw charts and got acquainted with people in the human trials. It worked very like insulin for diabetics, but without the dietary restrictions . None of those on whom it was tried was less than "sent home to die" terminal, from a wide range of caners, yet when I got to know them, they were to all appearances, healthy and living life freely, except those shots. Tumors were shrunk to nothing or gone entirely,including widely metastasized cancers, and brain tumors,. The parts I got stuck on in the charts my Mom easily explained. There were virtually no adverse events attached to the drug at all. My family Doc turned into someone I had never seen before in over a decade of regular visits, even some "above and beyond" with my family. I couldn't have angered him more if I'd suddenly yelled rape! I heard the whole "party line" about it, which I had hard from some of those survivors, from their experiences. They were all cut off by the APA and Lilly, cancers came back with a vengeance and they all died within 2 yrs of being cut off. I know how that works all too well.

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Again, you are partly right. There is no one size fits all scenario. What you are failing to realize is many clinicians still believe they are following the science. You are giving them way too much credit believing they’re all just afraid of losing their license. Some are. Others wear blinders because they refuse to believe the medical hierarchy are that corrupt.

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I'm not allowing leeway; they CHOSE self over patient safety. As for believing they're "following" the science", THAT's a load of stuff my grandfather used on his fields to replenish the nitrogen! I studied nursing over 50 yrs ago, an we knew enough science then to call BS on all this,including the RNA part, as STUDENT RNs! There is NO VALID excuse for what they chose to do. I'm pretty sure they'll hear the same thing at the Bema seat when they face judgment there.

I cannot believe how many abysmally FAILED this "dry run" test of the real challenge coming, called the "mark of the beast, indeed didn't even recognize what it really was! Satan and his minions intended it for 1 purpose, but Yhwh God was watching too, for a different reason. How, if they all caved to this, will any of them stand up to that??? How SAD that must have been for Him to see, knowing what it means for eternity. That excuse is as bad as "I was just following orders", and as worthless. If we student nurses learned it ack in the '60s, they did too, all of them. Whether they chose to disbelieve the level of corruption, or not, they had to know jabs loaded with toxins could not possibly be anything but bad for people! Where does that fit with "first do no harm" or I will not knowingly take, or administer, any harmful substance"???

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Many, many Canadian physicians in Canada gladly went along working in genetic injection clinics earning approximately $200/hr. When there is a financial incentive many will turn a blind eye to the potential harms. Whereas today those clinics are gone the ideology persists in possibly the majority of physicians still. Canada has gone off the cliff.

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There's a reason why Canada limits the number of doctors it trains and requires a compliant personality for acceptance to medical school. The government, under the control of the Luciferian Brotherhood, knew what they were doing. Pierre Trudeau was a child-raping Luciferian, Margaret was a Monarch mind-controlled sex slave, and Michel Trudeau was in the 1983 Ritual of Blasphemy. https://supersoldiertalk.com/ritual-of-blasphemy/

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Get help.

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Who are you suggesting get help? A truth teller, or the people being described as very sick sinners?

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And Justin is a graduate of the Frankfurt School ..."nice" family... Not that ours are a bit better.

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That should tell us that the Frankfurt School was taken over by the Luciferians--just as they took over everything else on Earth! https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2022/09/06/jessie-czebotar/

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It was theirs from the start.

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They are not alone, a lot of other "lemmings" did too, including the US.

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When "Unavoidably Unsafe" is the legal catch phrase, Reg Flags should've been flying thru your mind and all around like an Alfred Hitchcock 1963 movie called "The Birds"

Avoid it at all costs as .GOV fear porn. That's what they excel at. BS!

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How selfish of that Dr. knowing apparently the possible harms that he wouldn’t vaccinate his own but others. Yes, he clearly didn’t care about the oath to “Do no harm”! Unscrupulous, uncaring and cold. No conscious.

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Difficult to judge!

If the doctor decides for his family and himself not to take the vaccination, then that is his very personal decision, as long as it was not mandatory. (By the way, there was never a legal obligation to vaccinate in Germany).

In principle, he must vaccinate his patients if they ask him to do so. If he has explained everything beforehand, it remains a free decision of the patients.

However, it is clear that it was financially motivated, and this raises the question of ethics.

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He must have been suspicious but did he convey that to his patients clearly and say he wasn’t vaccinating his family & children? I doubt he said much.

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"Mandatory" with an unapproved, largely inadequately tested drug is unlawful, under the Nuremberg codes, put into law in the US in '47, and most of the western world in about that time frame as well. I believe Canada adopted it too. Coercion, inadequately informed, or no, consent are crimes under those laws, and all took place in the US; it sounds like they did in Canada too, as in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand as well.

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Thank you for your post Kai. It's a powerful comment as you work closely with physicians......To me it shows the break down of basic morals especially when people count on physicians that pledged to "do no harm" ....Thankfully there are Many docs/scientists/people who have made it their mission to spread Truth at Great expense to a life of comfort, safety, and wealth. Sadly Greed, even in the face of severe harm to others, can affect people no matter what job/position they hold....Your post is a reminder to all people to research their service provider so they can find the person who works in good faith. I continue to pray that the world regains what was once the norm: Availing oneself to others in need. One really can't put a price on that as the intrinsic rewards pay kindness forward---Too bad there is not a pandemic of Kindness.....

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"The next pandemic?" I can't wrap my head around this. I mean, since when did pandemics (in our language and culture) become so popular? I suspect most people are tired of this "pandemic" nonsense, and understand it is / has become, a creation of the State. And we're getting angry.

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You asked "since when did pandemics become so popular"...when it worked in their favor to control the masses so easily. It's always been known that fear is a great tool. The communists used it, Hitler used it, all despots use it. So, when it worked so well for this country, they decided to use it again to get their agenda 2030 sped up. The UN and all the despot wanna bes, just had a meeting last week I think it was. It was about speeding up their agenda 2030. Remember, everyone in control of the world said there will be another pandemic and it will be worse than Covid. I think it will be claimed all the sudden deaths, is another virus brought about by the unvaxxed. It will be, in fact, them having to account for all the sudden deaths so they will say it's a virus brought about by the unvaxxed so now we have to get everyone vaxxed...and maybe this time they will be making it mandatory. Now, there's a more horrible possible way this will happen and it was theorized by Dr. Buttar. It has to do with Marburg. I won't go into detail now for this comment is already too long.

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Whoa! Awesome response here WGON. And I can’t fault one word. Thank you!

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Since I can now extrapolate here, on what Dr. Buttar theorized, and I'll paraphrase it for brevity, he found the vaccine had "bubbles" I'll call it, that encapsulates the Marburg virus. He says when "they" hit the 5G at a certain strength, this Marburg will be released. In the natural, Marburg has an 80% death rate but he says in this way, it will be 100%. I think I have the video on my Bitchute platform https://www.bitchute.com/video/lVvJBdf311lJ/ Thank you for your kind words.

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I’m aware of this. Maybe it was your bitchute that was linked. Also, something about turning off cellphones on Oct 4, just in case :)

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I researched that "turning off the cell phones on Oct. 4" and from what I can find it will be merely a test of the emergency system. They are running a test to see if there is an attack on the homeland, what would happen and if they can get the word out. Sounds more like to me that they expect an attack from someplace...China? Russia? N. Korea? I don't know. But, frankly I'm not in the least bit concerned based on what my research found. I wonder if this will be the opportunity to do those 5G bursts?

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In an abundance of caution, my phone will be OFF

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The USSR was taken over by the Luciferian Brotherhood with Gorbachev--a Manchurian candidate. China was taken over by the Brotherhood with Deng Xiaoping--also a Manchurian candidate. We know they can hybridize and clone human beings, we know about MK-Ultra. We also know about the Philadelphia Experiment and "humans for hardware" agreements with ETs. https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2022/08/04/the-great-replacement/

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It's like a chess match. Your move will be countered, and it will cost you a piece on the board.

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The one that never was? Yes, but I as tired of it before those "2 wks to flatten the curve" were even up.

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The state was under the control of the Luciferian Brotherhood, who also controlled all of the transnationals. https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2022/08/30/omega-project/

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Haven’t seen anything about your visit to the UK. Millions of us would have traveled the length and breadth of the country to see you speak. The presentation you gave in the European Parliament was a real humdinger.

God bless you sir, and all your fellow Americans fighting for the truth and our freedom.

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Do you believe that the tide is now very slowly & gingerly beginning to turn..

I do. Hell yes..

We have the victory & always did. Playing the Lord ‘s long game in his perfect timing not ours.

Thank God for Dr Peter McCullough and all the other Braveheart Doctors standing in the firing line for truth, justice & please God eventually peace..x

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Thank you Dr. McCullough for sharing your truth and courage as wide as possible. The silence from the complicit, bought off FNM is deafening.

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I wish there were evidence that Americans were also tired of pandemic theater, but I don't believe enough of them have learned anything from the last 3.5 years. One has to understand it's about tyranny not about a virus so as to not comply.

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Agreed. The 'covid believers' are more intrenched in their ideology than ever. They are the

true believers and have learned nothing. So many posts on various threads

and chat comments from family members have lamented trying to

communicate to their friends or loved ones and have not influenced any of them. Possibly one

of the attractions of the covid cult was a reaction of living in a secular culture. For people who fear death and the unknown, it gave purpose and unity.

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Most ppl wouldn’t recognize govt tyranny if they knocked their front teeth out.

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Now, get ready for the ‘Nipah virus’. We are being primed for this, to be timed for use in the 2024 US presidential election. Watch for it.

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Something spectacular will have to happen to stop or distract or alter the election.

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This pandemic was a government / media fabrication. To see so many just fall in line with the nonsense was very disturbing. We need to focus on health and let the medical fraud industry shrink to a reasonable size.

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It's not history until they're behind bars.

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The University of Florida Physicians and the Florida Medical Association Physicians are stonewalling their Patients as well. I go to a UF Physician and he has stopped trying to make me take the jab because he knows that I am a Refusenik and he can't change my mind.

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I trust Dr. McCullough above all other doctors at this point. He was early to call foul on the vaccines, stating that adverse events should have shut them down in early 2021.

I myself knew intuitively that the jabs were a Deep State operation, and rejected them categorically.

I am asking Dr. McCullough and colleagues to investigate the findings of Dr. Mihalcea and others of contamination of the blood of both vaxxed and unvaxxed by hydrogels, graphine oxide, Bluetooth transponders, "quantum dots" and possibly other contaminants.

This area would appear to be the frontier in examining the truly genocidal and Satanic nature of the "vaccine" program. It needs to be addressed more widely. Thank you.

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He was, and still is, correct about that. ANY other med with even half the adverse events of these jabs would've been pulled off the market in the 1st few wks following their initiation; it's happened far too often in the past to not be aware of that, as anyone in the medical profession.

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Question: Is anybody studying or reporting on possible adverse effects caused by the Johnson&Johnson vaccine? Where could I find information about this?

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Thanks WGON. I’m traveling that day anyway, and will be surrounded by folks w cellphones. I’m not vaxxed either. You are very informed!

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Dr. McCullough- thank you so much for the important work that you are doing. The worls is a better place because of everything that you're doing for humanity. Consider me eternally grateful.

I am sharing a go fund me link below- not to raise donations- but to see if one of the wonderful warriors doing the good work out there might read it. I don't know this woman directly- we share a mutual friend- but her story is nothing short of terrifying and I can't help but think this is "vaccine" related. This woman deserves some answers.


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My doctor is still wearing a mask. I suppose he hopes if there is a virus in the air, it might, just might, see his mask and decide it's not worth the trouble to try to get through the forest of fibers lol. But the poor receptionists are wearing them too, most likely because they're told to, or maybe not. You'd literally need the entire receptionist pool to decline to wear a mask, then the doctor would be without any other option but to drop the mask mandate. A strike against the mask. But of course there will always be someone out there who needs the money who will wear the mask. That's why it's important that it not be mandatory across the board, so that one can vote with one's feet and go elsewhere to find a place more aligned with their values.

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Implementing Socialized mandatory medicine that expunges body sovereignty takes a lot of money in a flourishing free market capitalist society. But bureaucrats armed with regulations to expand their departments love other people’s money. They were “just following orders” was the plea of defendants at Nuremberg. Socialized medicine “for the good of all”, the One State’s mantra sounds plausibly undeniable, morally unimpeachable. But once the enigma of unending victimhood and meaningless equity expands in correlation with the system there are only three options. Invent and Command “emergency” regulations of other people’s money, ration, and or eliminate the useless victim. There is no room for compensation. Once Sister Socialism is in place Big Brother totalitarianism follows her scent. Like a buck hiding in the woods he drives the does out into the grazing fields. When the buck is sure it is safe he enters, with his big horns. Nature on Socialized algorithmic AI.

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To kill some is NEVER "for the good of all"! That's the lie!

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That was the point.

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That would be my point.

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