Hard to argue with a single syllable John. I thought Nehls' book The Indoctrinated Brain did an incredibly good job of providing sound scientific/medical evidence explaining why so many people have lost the basic ability to think critically/analytically, reason, and perhaps most important of all, to REMEMBER. Actual changes in the brain, a result of the media's constant bludgeoning of the public's sensibilities with non-stop fear porn, literally shut down their brain's ability to form new memories without over-writing old ones. I have no doubt that the jabs plus the TDS and incessant media attacks on DJT ("He's Hitler!!!" etc) have done lasting damage to their self-awareness and once-common sense of empathy with others. What we witnessed the other night and are seeing pretty much day & night among the political elite both in the US and in the EU is nothing short of full on insanity hell bent and determined to nihilistically destroy the foundations of civilization itself, beginning with themselves :o
I didn’t take the jab. Did have a reasonably harsh time with the coronavirus19, (no hospital/doctors required), always had a bit of a come & go memory, but being 68, was starting to see it was affecting my ability to read. My distractions always being one reason. Blamed it on age.
I’m wondering if you stating the constant barrage of issues, from so many angles. Then the new names given to categorize them.
All this mixing with metals in air/water/medicine/vaccines. Poisons leaching from all the spraying of insecticide’s & pesticides.
I will be honest, Debi and Rebecca. I never accepted the mRNA injection nor contracted Covid. I treat myself only naturally and am on no medications. I have, unfortunately, had many dental injections in the last few years after neglecting dental health prior to Covid (always had good dental check-ups) and had to address several problems. I feel older and everyday search for remedies and treatments which will return me to feeling younger. In my mid-70s, I don't expect to feel like I'm 35, but I can't escape the idea that I should feel much better with more energy than I do now. P.S. In case people don't know, nanotechnology has been spotted in all dental anesthetics...the same nanotechnology in the mRNA injections.
Not all dental anesthetics, but several, like Septodont by Moderna I think, and maybe one more. I asked my dentist about it because I'm having dental work done too. He uses straight old-fashioned xylocaine.
Thank you so much for this response. I've been left with the impression that all dental anesthetics contain nanotechnology. In the future if I need work done, I will directly ask the dentist. How did you broach the subject? IOW, did he/she seem familiar with nanotechnology in dental anesthetics?
I explained it to him. He was generally aware of the technology but not that it had been applied to dental anesthesia. He did not have any of the Septodont, and now is just staying with what he's been using for many years, old fashioned xylocaine.
I'm 68 and had two, and felt more and more run down, which worsened years after. I began the Dr Peter McCullough Spike Protein Detox Protocol and woke up feeling human after two weeks, and 10 years younger after a year. Simply Bromelaine, Curcumen and Nattokinase 2 X a day for 8 or more months.
Dental. Great!!! I’m just not to keen on ‘new’ technology right now. We haven’t been given straight info in so long, I think it really doesn’t affect the brain.
One can argue that that “nanotechnology” is actually debris seen when looking at it under the microscope. Various crystals, ions, have electrical charge. How do you think muscles contract?
Debi I'm 63 and have only had one flu shot in the last 12 years. I too feel "older" than I shld at my age. I'm on no prescription meds. The insults from war on the people and posion food and poison environments and EMFs I guess is enough!! Yes!
I'm 83. Until the spraying in the skies became a daily event that has produced a dome of pollution in a non-industrial state, I felt reasonably well. Now everyone I know has phlegm. One of the feral cats I feed has phlegm. Coughing that stuff up can be exhausting sometimes. Fortunately, I am not as affected as my shot up and boosted friends. We are being poisoned imho.
Yeah. I’m hypothyroid and take armor thyroid medicine (bio identical) and that’s it. It is criminal and an insult. Just plain evil to do what they’ve done and are still doing. 2 years ago my daughter moved in with us. Organic as much as possible, sunshine when they don’t try to cover it up, walks & hikes, NO fake fast food. We’ve got to get MAHA moving ands get anything changed, made law, not just an executive order. Saturate the primaries to get control of House AND Senate. Get our Sovereignty back and secure. God bless and protect you.
There is shedding, though, so I hope you are at least taking the Dr Peter McCullough Spike Protein Detox Protocol. Simply Bromelaine, Curcumen and Nattokinase 2 X a day for 8 or more months.
Please follow this thread when you can. Seems frightfully plausible. Never seen so many flaming dumbasses in high places. Something is SERIOUSLY amiss.
Heres the deal. Wifi is frying our brains. There is a video out of germany where they put a brain wavelength scanner on a guy and show the activity as they start the car up to when they turn on the wifi. The wifi lights his brain up and puts the prefrontal cortex of his brain in a high stress state that he doesnt even detect. But this will have a longer term effect making him feel far more stressed than he should in any given situation while driving. This has been a revelation to me. I work in an office that I like at a job I like well enough but over the past few years have felt far more stress than I objectively should feel based on my experience on the job (Ive had for 25 years). Sometimes where I sit and ask myself why I feel so stressed when I shouldnt. looked at my computer wifi and found 17 high quality wifi signals. I believe wifi is literally frying our brains.
Cell phones too - see https://heartmdinstitute.com/detox-toxins/emf/cell-phone-radiation-affects-brain-function/ - one study of the impact of cell phone radiation (CPR) on brain function showed that it caused the brain to use more glucose as fuel. It could be that this is due to a stress response, as glucose is released as part of that. Also, CPR opens the blood brain barrier and toxins in the bloodstream can get in.
I personally think something is happening with our ability to absorb oxygen due to all the 5G (which is absorbed by oxygen molecules in the air), but haven't seen any research on it yet. This would definitely also impact brain function.
For probably 18 years I kept a cellphone in my left chest pocket all day and now i have a sterno-clavicular subluxation on the left side. I also always point out that John McCain had skin cancer next to his right ear and then died from brain cancer in the same spot. Obviously from cellphone radiation. Ive also heard that young people are getting cancer in their hands. Clearly from EMF. Its literally killing us.
Sorry, Nick, but it is not “obvious” that McCain died from his cellphone. Was McCain right or left handed? I’m right handed and I hold my landline phone to my left ear, not my right ear. I don’t hold my cellphone near either ear. Instead, I use my speaker. Sometimes I use ear buds.
Our bodies are electrical. Nerves are triggered by action potentials and electric current travels along the nerve. So, it is plausible that electromagnetic radiation in one’s vicinity can cause a physiological response.
These Democrats were always unhinged. They have rapidly driven reasonable Democrats from their party. Their behavior has nothing to do with Covid & Vaccines. It does have a lot to do with Trump, who is a Rorschach test of sorts. He causes them to expose themselves.
Russian Derangement Syndrome preceded Trump Derangement Syndrome. Both have been fueled by the deep state propaganda machine. It is quite plausible the covid vaccines have added to the brain fog obscuring senses of reality.
You wrote: "Europe’s leaders seem to think that in order to save Europe from a state of general war with Russia, it is necessary to start a general war with Russia." That is perhaps the best single sentence I have read from you. Exactly! What the heck is wrong with them? My guess is nothing. They are being rational. They are all completely bankrupt and their only choice is suicide or war. If they can get a lovely big war with Russia war they can suspend elections and inflate their way out of their debts. This is the only explanation ( for me) that makes any sense.
Dementia is the next pandemic, and cab off the rank, protogenious infections PRIONS will become very common, as the mRNA frameshifts and prion synthesis begins. We won't see the full effects for 5 to 10 years....BSE Bovine spongiform encephalitis, Creutzfeldt Jakobs disease will look like mild memory loss, when it really kicks in.....TRUE MUTANTS WILL WALK AMONGST US.....UTRINQUE PARATUS
Your article was timely. I had three exchanges this week, and my husband one. People flew off the handle because we didn't subscribe to their cult-minds. From standing with Ukraine (we want an end to the war), to striking a peace deal, to a focus on the Canadian election, all roads went back to Trump - scary.
I don’t even bother saying anything political to anyone anymore and I trying to leave FB alone as my FB friends posts are depressing. Dreaming of living a quiet live in one of the smaller Carribean islands and letting the world go by. Just watching the waves wash ashore. Blessings from SK, Canada
Thanks, Ross. I was like that too for the past several years: people sharing their food and cat pics (as much as I love cats) while Rome burned. However, even the most apolitical have thrown up their Ukrainian flags and developed amnesia about the past 10 years of liberal destruction, and so I vowed to present some alternative views, posed as neutrally as possible by posting screen shots of articles (Canadians booing the U.S. anthem) with a short comment, such as "Embarrassing." Despite this, I've had some real doozy accusations levelled at me, yesterday's quite ugly and almost threatening from a dear friend. Yikes. I was a bit unsettled with that one, wondering if I should hide her comment or leave it for other people to see. For now, it is there, but I have a professional licence and we know how some of those regulatory bodies have come after members. I didn't post anything to get in trouble with them (wow, are we free people?), but she accused me of believing things that make me sound bad. After our conversation, I came across an article on X (link below), and this paragraph leapt out at me: "Regardless of the kind of benefit they seek to extract (our overlords), and of the exact modality by which they do so, quite often the starting point – nay, an essential prerequisite – is to create an atmosphere where disagreement with the ideas being offered is decreed as verboten: opponents must be silenced, and dissent must be outlawed, failing which the dissenters are ostracized, silenced or cast out of the fold of society."
Unfortunately, it appears Canadians are all too happy to fall in line and do their dirty work. Frightening.
Thank you for sharing this. I lost 3 good friends recently due to my sharing Ukraine and USAID facts. Facts do not matter to these people. they can't even grasp the most basic facts or most recent history - like, "Trump was already President for four years, and we had no problems." After having British and Americans and Australians I've entertained in my home turn into drooling, spitting, purple-faced lunatics over the syllable"Trump," I avoid them all. I've also dropped half a dozen formerly great journalists I followed on Substack, because they stopped all sensible analysis to instead wallowing in the trough of TDS.
Not only can they not grasp basic facts, they'll throw up their hands in a "stop" motion to shut you down. I think we finally understand the horror we've read about in history, over the past few years. At least we know, we are not alone.
With evidence of brain shrinking asymptomatic or "mild" covid and unprecedented levels of neurological "vaccine" injury -
Either and both - Infection with sars-cov2 - Injection with mRNA "vaccine" programmed using sars-cov2 spike protein code to make "spike" "vaccine" antigen.
More than before - numbers of people are not "right".
I saw the Nehls interview and recently finished his book-an extraordinary book in so many ways. It was depressing in once sense- it set forth a very long history of a decades long global government psyop that has been so effective in that it is hard to imagine how the average brainwashed Sheeple American will ever be able to pull their heads out of their arses to ever understand how they have been so manipulated and controlled to ever understand the dangers of the reality that is around them. I am reminded so much of Pavlov's dogs and Mattias Desmet's mass formation that I wonder if, despite our hope and prayers, that we will ever reach a level of critical mass awakening that will allow us to make sane choices for our future. There is some hope as a counter-revolution of sorts is gaining steam, but it's success is far from certain. Thanks for the insight from this excellent article.
Was just watching an old Johnny Carson interview of Bob Newhart, was part German. Newhart said his worst show was in Germany, where they just sat during the show, never laughing. He said that they did not get American humor: "Vy do you call zat man "Tiny" - he must vay 300 lbs?" This does not bode well for Americans - as half of them resemble a country that took Hitler seriously.
I so enjoy a pithy quote or two! 👏 Your musings brought another to the surface: Pogo, on returning from the pond, "...I have seen the enemy, and he is us..." 🙏
I've watched Dr. Nehls a couple of times. I don't believe most people who took the shots have brain damage. I don't think the shots did anything at all, luckily for them. Perhaps if the shots acted as they were meant to, the story would be grimmer. I think we should all fight for our land, our rights, and our sovereignty if possible. Every fight though has to be continuously assessed, to gauge when it is in the overall interests to capitulate or not. Like any fair advice, if we offer it, we should be willing to take it in a similar situation. Despite the unlikelihood of Russia ever invading the east coast and the U.S. being unable to defend against such an assault, we should be willing to concede to negotiations and give in to some of Putin's demands if we were in the one-down position like Ukraine. I was listening as I do at weekends to liberal podcasts, and the left don't get the majority wanted as President the very person causing them conniptions. The left needs to figure out why that is. All their talk on suppression of democracy is exactly what they indulged in during covid. Until they can see their hypocrisy, and they currently cannot, they won't rise. For all their criticisms on Trumps necessary bulldozing, they refuse to take responsibility for allowing the conditions to continue that made this great overhaul a matter of survival for the nation.
Hard to argue with a single syllable John. I thought Nehls' book The Indoctrinated Brain did an incredibly good job of providing sound scientific/medical evidence explaining why so many people have lost the basic ability to think critically/analytically, reason, and perhaps most important of all, to REMEMBER. Actual changes in the brain, a result of the media's constant bludgeoning of the public's sensibilities with non-stop fear porn, literally shut down their brain's ability to form new memories without over-writing old ones. I have no doubt that the jabs plus the TDS and incessant media attacks on DJT ("He's Hitler!!!" etc) have done lasting damage to their self-awareness and once-common sense of empathy with others. What we witnessed the other night and are seeing pretty much day & night among the political elite both in the US and in the EU is nothing short of full on insanity hell bent and determined to nihilistically destroy the foundations of civilization itself, beginning with themselves :o
I didn’t take the jab. Did have a reasonably harsh time with the coronavirus19, (no hospital/doctors required), always had a bit of a come & go memory, but being 68, was starting to see it was affecting my ability to read. My distractions always being one reason. Blamed it on age.
I’m wondering if you stating the constant barrage of issues, from so many angles. Then the new names given to categorize them.
All this mixing with metals in air/water/medicine/vaccines. Poisons leaching from all the spraying of insecticide’s & pesticides.
I’m thankful I DIDN’T get the shot.
I will be honest, Debi and Rebecca. I never accepted the mRNA injection nor contracted Covid. I treat myself only naturally and am on no medications. I have, unfortunately, had many dental injections in the last few years after neglecting dental health prior to Covid (always had good dental check-ups) and had to address several problems. I feel older and everyday search for remedies and treatments which will return me to feeling younger. In my mid-70s, I don't expect to feel like I'm 35, but I can't escape the idea that I should feel much better with more energy than I do now. P.S. In case people don't know, nanotechnology has been spotted in all dental anesthetics...the same nanotechnology in the mRNA injections.
Not all dental anesthetics, but several, like Septodont by Moderna I think, and maybe one more. I asked my dentist about it because I'm having dental work done too. He uses straight old-fashioned xylocaine.
Thank you so much for this response. I've been left with the impression that all dental anesthetics contain nanotechnology. In the future if I need work done, I will directly ask the dentist. How did you broach the subject? IOW, did he/she seem familiar with nanotechnology in dental anesthetics?
I explained it to him. He was generally aware of the technology but not that it had been applied to dental anesthesia. He did not have any of the Septodont, and now is just staying with what he's been using for many years, old fashioned xylocaine.
Thank you so much for this response.
I'm 68 and had two, and felt more and more run down, which worsened years after. I began the Dr Peter McCullough Spike Protein Detox Protocol and woke up feeling human after two weeks, and 10 years younger after a year. Simply Bromelaine, Curcumen and Nattokinase 2 X a day for 8 or more months.
Dental. Great!!! I’m just not to keen on ‘new’ technology right now. We haven’t been given straight info in so long, I think it really doesn’t affect the brain.
Does not doesn’t. In mobile it doesn’t let you correct an error. 🥹
One can argue that that “nanotechnology” is actually debris seen when looking at it under the microscope. Various crystals, ions, have electrical charge. How do you think muscles contract?
Did you consume a lot of peanut butter, mayonnaise, and salad dressings earlier in life? https://www.berkeleydailyplanet.com/issue/2014-10-03/article/42529
Oops. Forgot 5g.
Debi I'm 63 and have only had one flu shot in the last 12 years. I too feel "older" than I shld at my age. I'm on no prescription meds. The insults from war on the people and posion food and poison environments and EMFs I guess is enough!! Yes!
I'm 83. Until the spraying in the skies became a daily event that has produced a dome of pollution in a non-industrial state, I felt reasonably well. Now everyone I know has phlegm. One of the feral cats I feed has phlegm. Coughing that stuff up can be exhausting sometimes. Fortunately, I am not as affected as my shot up and boosted friends. We are being poisoned imho.
Suannee. Yes! i hear you. Up next those damn Chem trails! Hang in there.
I've noticed that especially since the dense fog hit us all. That stuff was wicked.
Yeah. I’m hypothyroid and take armor thyroid medicine (bio identical) and that’s it. It is criminal and an insult. Just plain evil to do what they’ve done and are still doing. 2 years ago my daughter moved in with us. Organic as much as possible, sunshine when they don’t try to cover it up, walks & hikes, NO fake fast food. We’ve got to get MAHA moving ands get anything changed, made law, not just an executive order. Saturate the primaries to get control of House AND Senate. Get our Sovereignty back and secure. God bless and protect you.
There is shedding, though, so I hope you are at least taking the Dr Peter McCullough Spike Protein Detox Protocol. Simply Bromelaine, Curcumen and Nattokinase 2 X a day for 8 or more months.
Good, but I refuse to see those "scalded chimps" as anything but the opposite of elite. They are clearly de-evolved, as John's comment nicely implies!
Please follow this thread when you can. Seems frightfully plausible. Never seen so many flaming dumbasses in high places. Something is SERIOUSLY amiss.
Heres the deal. Wifi is frying our brains. There is a video out of germany where they put a brain wavelength scanner on a guy and show the activity as they start the car up to when they turn on the wifi. The wifi lights his brain up and puts the prefrontal cortex of his brain in a high stress state that he doesnt even detect. But this will have a longer term effect making him feel far more stressed than he should in any given situation while driving. This has been a revelation to me. I work in an office that I like at a job I like well enough but over the past few years have felt far more stress than I objectively should feel based on my experience on the job (Ive had for 25 years). Sometimes where I sit and ask myself why I feel so stressed when I shouldnt. looked at my computer wifi and found 17 high quality wifi signals. I believe wifi is literally frying our brains.
Cell phones too - see https://heartmdinstitute.com/detox-toxins/emf/cell-phone-radiation-affects-brain-function/ - one study of the impact of cell phone radiation (CPR) on brain function showed that it caused the brain to use more glucose as fuel. It could be that this is due to a stress response, as glucose is released as part of that. Also, CPR opens the blood brain barrier and toxins in the bloodstream can get in.
https://heartmdinstitute.com/detox-toxins/emf/emf-research-studies/ - a list of studies here (page has probably not been updated in 10 years)
I personally think something is happening with our ability to absorb oxygen due to all the 5G (which is absorbed by oxygen molecules in the air), but haven't seen any research on it yet. This would definitely also impact brain function.
For probably 18 years I kept a cellphone in my left chest pocket all day and now i have a sterno-clavicular subluxation on the left side. I also always point out that John McCain had skin cancer next to his right ear and then died from brain cancer in the same spot. Obviously from cellphone radiation. Ive also heard that young people are getting cancer in their hands. Clearly from EMF. Its literally killing us.
Sorry, Nick, but it is not “obvious” that McCain died from his cellphone. Was McCain right or left handed? I’m right handed and I hold my landline phone to my left ear, not my right ear. I don’t hold my cellphone near either ear. Instead, I use my speaker. Sometimes I use ear buds.
here's the oxygen reference - https://www.rfglobalnet.com/doc/fixed-wireless-communications-at-60ghz-unique-0001
Look into the Aires medallions. Patented, scientifically proven to mitigate all EMF. It has radically improved my life
Our bodies are electrical. Nerves are triggered by action potentials and electric current travels along the nerve. So, it is plausible that electromagnetic radiation in one’s vicinity can cause a physiological response.
These Democrats were always unhinged. They have rapidly driven reasonable Democrats from their party. Their behavior has nothing to do with Covid & Vaccines. It does have a lot to do with Trump, who is a Rorschach test of sorts. He causes them to expose themselves.
Russian Derangement Syndrome preceded Trump Derangement Syndrome. Both have been fueled by the deep state propaganda machine. It is quite plausible the covid vaccines have added to the brain fog obscuring senses of reality.
You wrote: "Europe’s leaders seem to think that in order to save Europe from a state of general war with Russia, it is necessary to start a general war with Russia." That is perhaps the best single sentence I have read from you. Exactly! What the heck is wrong with them? My guess is nothing. They are being rational. They are all completely bankrupt and their only choice is suicide or war. If they can get a lovely big war with Russia war they can suspend elections and inflate their way out of their debts. This is the only explanation ( for me) that makes any sense.
Dementia is the next pandemic, and cab off the rank, protogenious infections PRIONS will become very common, as the mRNA frameshifts and prion synthesis begins. We won't see the full effects for 5 to 10 years....BSE Bovine spongiform encephalitis, Creutzfeldt Jakobs disease will look like mild memory loss, when it really kicks in.....TRUE MUTANTS WILL WALK AMONGST US.....UTRINQUE PARATUS
Your article was timely. I had three exchanges this week, and my husband one. People flew off the handle because we didn't subscribe to their cult-minds. From standing with Ukraine (we want an end to the war), to striking a peace deal, to a focus on the Canadian election, all roads went back to Trump - scary.
I don’t even bother saying anything political to anyone anymore and I trying to leave FB alone as my FB friends posts are depressing. Dreaming of living a quiet live in one of the smaller Carribean islands and letting the world go by. Just watching the waves wash ashore. Blessings from SK, Canada
Thanks, Ross. I was like that too for the past several years: people sharing their food and cat pics (as much as I love cats) while Rome burned. However, even the most apolitical have thrown up their Ukrainian flags and developed amnesia about the past 10 years of liberal destruction, and so I vowed to present some alternative views, posed as neutrally as possible by posting screen shots of articles (Canadians booing the U.S. anthem) with a short comment, such as "Embarrassing." Despite this, I've had some real doozy accusations levelled at me, yesterday's quite ugly and almost threatening from a dear friend. Yikes. I was a bit unsettled with that one, wondering if I should hide her comment or leave it for other people to see. For now, it is there, but I have a professional licence and we know how some of those regulatory bodies have come after members. I didn't post anything to get in trouble with them (wow, are we free people?), but she accused me of believing things that make me sound bad. After our conversation, I came across an article on X (link below), and this paragraph leapt out at me: "Regardless of the kind of benefit they seek to extract (our overlords), and of the exact modality by which they do so, quite often the starting point – nay, an essential prerequisite – is to create an atmosphere where disagreement with the ideas being offered is decreed as verboten: opponents must be silenced, and dissent must be outlawed, failing which the dissenters are ostracized, silenced or cast out of the fold of society."
Unfortunately, it appears Canadians are all too happy to fall in line and do their dirty work. Frightening.
This is long but a very good read:
Thank you for sharing this. I lost 3 good friends recently due to my sharing Ukraine and USAID facts. Facts do not matter to these people. they can't even grasp the most basic facts or most recent history - like, "Trump was already President for four years, and we had no problems." After having British and Americans and Australians I've entertained in my home turn into drooling, spitting, purple-faced lunatics over the syllable"Trump," I avoid them all. I've also dropped half a dozen formerly great journalists I followed on Substack, because they stopped all sensible analysis to instead wallowing in the trough of TDS.
Not only can they not grasp basic facts, they'll throw up their hands in a "stop" motion to shut you down. I think we finally understand the horror we've read about in history, over the past few years. At least we know, we are not alone.
The tucker video link to tube is gone?
It is behind the Tucker paywall...
I had trouble at first too. I was able to open it after I opened the email in a browser (MS Edge) on my phone.
With evidence of brain shrinking asymptomatic or "mild" covid and unprecedented levels of neurological "vaccine" injury -
Either and both - Infection with sars-cov2 - Injection with mRNA "vaccine" programmed using sars-cov2 spike protein code to make "spike" "vaccine" antigen.
More than before - numbers of people are not "right".
I saw the Nehls interview and recently finished his book-an extraordinary book in so many ways. It was depressing in once sense- it set forth a very long history of a decades long global government psyop that has been so effective in that it is hard to imagine how the average brainwashed Sheeple American will ever be able to pull their heads out of their arses to ever understand how they have been so manipulated and controlled to ever understand the dangers of the reality that is around them. I am reminded so much of Pavlov's dogs and Mattias Desmet's mass formation that I wonder if, despite our hope and prayers, that we will ever reach a level of critical mass awakening that will allow us to make sane choices for our future. There is some hope as a counter-revolution of sorts is gaining steam, but it's success is far from certain. Thanks for the insight from this excellent article.
Was just watching an old Johnny Carson interview of Bob Newhart, was part German. Newhart said his worst show was in Germany, where they just sat during the show, never laughing. He said that they did not get American humor: "Vy do you call zat man "Tiny" - he must vay 300 lbs?" This does not bode well for Americans - as half of them resemble a country that took Hitler seriously.
I so enjoy a pithy quote or two! 👏 Your musings brought another to the surface: Pogo, on returning from the pond, "...I have seen the enemy, and he is us..." 🙏
I've watched Dr. Nehls a couple of times. I don't believe most people who took the shots have brain damage. I don't think the shots did anything at all, luckily for them. Perhaps if the shots acted as they were meant to, the story would be grimmer. I think we should all fight for our land, our rights, and our sovereignty if possible. Every fight though has to be continuously assessed, to gauge when it is in the overall interests to capitulate or not. Like any fair advice, if we offer it, we should be willing to take it in a similar situation. Despite the unlikelihood of Russia ever invading the east coast and the U.S. being unable to defend against such an assault, we should be willing to concede to negotiations and give in to some of Putin's demands if we were in the one-down position like Ukraine. I was listening as I do at weekends to liberal podcasts, and the left don't get the majority wanted as President the very person causing them conniptions. The left needs to figure out why that is. All their talk on suppression of democracy is exactly what they indulged in during covid. Until they can see their hypocrisy, and they currently cannot, they won't rise. For all their criticisms on Trumps necessary bulldozing, they refuse to take responsibility for allowing the conditions to continue that made this great overhaul a matter of survival for the nation.
TDS is a public health crisis.
They’re working on a vaccine…lol
LOL good one!