You know, I think many folks DO recognize the problem vs being “suckers” as you so indelicately put it. The problem we have is...what do we do to stop it? Jetting around to HI or other countries is all well and good but, quite frankly, you aren’t stopping it, either. We need the data but we need some creative leadership to help bring us together to storm the walls, so-to-speak. Our election system is broken so we can’t vote out the bad guys. If we somehow manage to vote in a good guy then that person is overwhelmed by the eist8ng system so that he/she can’t do anything constructive. Or becomes absorbed into the the corruption. Just what do we do with our money? No one answers that question unless you buy a book and the stupid book still doesn’t tell you what to do. How, then, do we opt out of the coming digital IDs and vaccine passports and CBDC which we will need in order to pay our property taxes so we can keep our homes? We get told to say “no” but not how to survive and keep our homes when we do. Quite frankly, if the world will leave me I can probably survive out here just fine but there is that property tax thing. Again. A very basic thing that they will probably not accept cash or a check for. Just CBDC of whatever is put in place and in order to pay you have to show proof of whatever with your digital ID and passport. No one is addressing these things. Everyone keeps saying “well, let them try and take my property. I’ve got guns and a backhoe.” Fine. How long can you withstand a concentrated shootout before you get shot? Is that what we are supposed to do? Is that our resistance plan? If so, why aren’t we talking about that? I sure wish someone would answer these questions but so far as I can tell, everyone is looking important by zipping around the world talking to and interviewing with other important people. I don’t see any organization for resistance and I sure as heck don’t see any viable answers to how, exactly, do we say “no” and deal with the repercussions that come after.
At this point, revolution is all we have left. No one wants to step up and take that leadership role because when that person does so, they will become a target. We need to do this and we need to do this in small, United cells all over the country. But we seem too comfy and unused to war as Americans and THAT is what makes it potentially hopeless. That we just. Won’t. Do it.
If everyone would get on their knees and ask for forgiveness from our Creator, read the Word of God, speak his words and pray, maybe he would heal our land and save us! Only He can!
We all should be doing that now, but that alone will not change anything on earth. God works through people, and sometimes one has to rise and defend themselves, their families, and the righteous from the evil that Satan has fostered since the beginning.
2 Chronicles 7:14 is one of the most memorized and quoted verses in the Bible and it is also one of the most misrepresented, because a very important part of it is glossed over, ignored, or even left out, as it is here.
"If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land." Emphasis mine.
Start with the idea that government is supposed to keep us safe, secure, and prosperous. Blend in the idea that a good way to do this is to expand credit via the fraudulent financial system through the use of debt. Throw in a good helping of belief that the domination of others through militaristic "adventures" is proper. Vote in every election for the "lesser of two evils", which somehow cannot be understood as supporting and advancing evil. Look to the System for anything and everything which is desirable, whether it is good or not. Refuse to accept any limits on personal behavior. Confuse government programs with love for your neighbor. Submerse yourself into the collective beehive or anthill and then excuse your own actions because, well, "Everyone is doing it". Tax and spend, tax and spend, tax and infinitum. It is, after all, only money and we owe that to ourselves.
Withdraw from the madness? Get your own house in order? Live without? Sacrificially? Trust God at the expense of trusting government? What a ludicrous idea!
Repentance (turning from one's wicked ways) is not a new idea and is in desperately short supply today, however, it is sorely needed. It begins with the individual (you, me) and spreads from there, like yeast which is mixed into a lump of bread dough.
A word to the wise is sufficient. You know what to do.
God only helps those who help themselves...Human MUST always step out in risk of blood, limb and life before God will step-in to intercede for anything. THE FIRST STEP IS ALWAYS BASED IN HUMAN TRUST IN HIM TO OVERCOME EVEN IF IT COST'S THEIR OWN LIFE.
There is not 1 place in the entire Bible where that notion is even suggested! "Stand and see what the Lord will do", "Be still and know that I am God" , in other words "Let go and let God" are the thems from Genesis through Revelation. In fact a book I read way back in the '60s had an entire chapter on just that... The book was: If the Devil Wrote a Bible. Every time we try to do it ourselves, we screw it up royally.
Go back and actually check the timelines for all the interventions God enacts. ALL FOLLOW THE CHOICE BY HUMANS TO COMMIT ALL BASED IN FAITH. Do you honestly believe the blood of the martyrs surrounding the very Throne of God counted for nothing...As mentioned in Revelations?
Those are times people kept their mitts off and stayed out of His way. READ the Bible, preferably multiple translations thereof, cover to cover, and tell me in what book, chapter, and verse you find that instruction, because I have not found it in any of the ones with which I have done so.
I fear we have passed the point of no return on that. It was the reason Trump was put in office; to lead a national repentance in cooperation with religious leaders. He failed to do that and was removed from office, but I believe that was our last opportunity, before the coming judgment on humanity, on a national level. Individual repentance is still an option, but it won't heal the land or hold back the judgment.
This is why Jesus warned us to store up our treasures in heaven, not here on Earth. The treasures here are temporary and subject to loss in 1 way or another. Heavenly treasures are untouchable.
If you are going to sell your home, you need a buyer. Enter congloberations like Blackrock and Vanguard who will buy up all the homes and rent them back to us. We will be under their control. It's called slavery.
Agree wholeheartedly! All these non-profits too, “fighting” this and that of which their business model (societal problems) depend upon. Devil’s hav’n lots of fun these days.
Interesting article, the only issue that irks me is who are "we" in : "The answer is that we are perennial and incorrigible suckers."
I believe if you ask the typical American working hard to pay their bills and raise their families the vast majority have no interest in sending millions, billions, nor trillions to other countries, war, bio-labs, etc. Most of us are happy to fund local efforts: firefighters, police, infrastructure.
The issue is that the politicians have no interest in voting or using tax money in a responsible manner. D.C. is so corrupt I don't see any way to change.
I think it's gas-lighting the average American like you and me, to take what irresponsible politicians vote for and blame it on the public- who in reality has little say and essentially minimal power (I would say essentially no power as many are sent to jail for saying the wrong thing these days or being in the wrong place (J6)).
We're not alone in this solar system. Higher kingdoms have been attempting to get our attention since 1875, when Blavatsky started the Theosophical movement. Both world wars would have been avoided if we asked the Planetary Hierarchy to reappear. They have been waiting for us to realize we cannot run this planet without their authoritative guidance. I made a WordPress page with some YouTube videos about the works of Henry T. Laurency. He was a Swedish author of several books about Pythagorean hylozoics, the Greek word for esoterics. Check it out at Calling the hierarchy back is the only solution.
The only "hierarchy" to call back is Yhwh God, His Son, Jesus, and His Holy Spirit. They and the angels, both loyal and fallen are the only "extraterrestrials" visiting Earth. And yes, if we all repented and returned to Him it would change things immeasurably.
Our "representative democracy" is corrupt, with "elites" taking our money but representing only themselves and their donors. This is enabled by credit expansion and huge debt levels. Exactly the same as in Roman times.
I just posted this comment on one of Dr. Robert Malone’s substack articles of today. It applies here as well:
Most of the federal administrative state exists outside the bounds of the United States Constitution. The Constitution enumerates and grants very limited powers to the federal government. Powers not granted to the federal government are reserved to the states and the people by the Tenth Amendment. Congress has overstepped its authority creating unconstitutional agencies, like the Departments of Health and Human Services (along with all its subagencies) and the Department of Education. The courts have repeatedly failed to reign in Congress and the unconstitutional usurpation of power by federal agencies. Past practice, erroneous judgement, failure to act or time never makes the illegal “legal.” We desperately need a reckoning, a return to our Constitutional foundation of a very limited federal government.
Virtually all the agencies are unconstitutional, in fact. DoJ, DEA, all the "security/ intelligence " agencies, even the standing Army/Air Force/ Space Force are. Only the Dep't of the Navy ( Navy and Marines), and the Coast Guard are Constitutional, as defenses against external threats. Our Army is supposed to be more like "minute men".
Am looking forward to your research/discoveries regarding Lahaina. My brother lives in Hawaii. He told me Lahaina was in the local news, HSA and local networks, every day from August 8 to October 7. On October 8 it was displaced by Israel.
-- The Democratic Party, in general, and some of their main constituents, in particular, have adopted a dogma of unlimited spending via unlimited money-printing. They believe that the presses should just keep running, and faster, as each crisis is created.
-- They believe that since the USA is the main feed of money into the worldwide system(and it still is) the rest of the world is forced to fall in line, as in the past, it has.
-- The Democratic Party believes the continuous and iterative generation of crises is a means to their "end".
-- Their "end" is one party rule-- complete power over We the People.
It would REALLY be interesting to hear Ed Dowd pontificate on this theory!
To accept a loss of sovereignty and a world gov't, America as it has ever existed must end. The only means to do that is to destroy the culture (open borders) and economic power (bankruptcy). When those two occur simultaneously, the only answer for the people is for the gov't to save them. And if we have WW III at the same time, we will beg them to stop the dying/killing/warring, even if it means slave-like existence at the discretion of a world gov't.
The plan is clear to all now, has been clear to many for many decades.
The second American revolution will begin when 5% of the people recognize they can no longer live life under the imposed controls. One will rise up and take action. And the powder keg will be lit.
That's well put and all true, but what is "our system"? Changing an outcome requires knowing its cause. There's a very specific reason why the US has spent over 90% of its history involved in armed conflict somewhere in the world: Credit expansion and constant war are the organizing principles of *statism.*
"Statism—in fact and in principle—is nothing more than gang rule. A dictatorship is a gang devoted to looting the effort of the productive citizens of its own country. When a statist ruler exhausts his own country’s economy, he attacks his neighbors. It is his only means of postponing internal collapse and prolonging his rule. A country that violates the rights of its own citizens will not respect the rights of its neighbors. Those who do not recognize individual rights, will not recognize the rights of nations: a nation is only a number of individuals. Statism needs war; a free country does not. Statism survives by looting; a free country survives by production...If men want to oppose war, it is statism that they must oppose. So long as they hold the tribal notion that the individual is sacrificial fodder for the collective, that some men have the right to rule others by force, and that some (any) alleged 'good' can justify it—there can be no peace within a nation and no peace among nations." --Ayn Rand
The US government and an overwhelming majority of its citizens stopped recognizing individual rights a long time ago. The eagerness with which so many people agreed that a cold virus is a good reason to destroy the Constitution is just the most recent proof of that.
"the US has spent over 90% of its history involved in armed conflict somewhere in the world". In historic terms war is the normal condition. Greed and envy create the conditions. Strength protects. Post WW2, wars became more limited because the costs were too high. Control of resources has been the motivator - not so much for the plentiful, productive US but nations wishing those resources. Humans must compromise over resources to avoid tribalism.
I don't agree. Historically, the most conflict-free part of the US's existence was early in the 19th century. The 20th saw it embroiled in one armed conflict after another, including Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and Yugoslavia, all of which occurred post-WWII.
The only way to avoid tribalism is by upholding property rights without compromise. Without the right to property no other rights are possible, and that means no peace is possible. Upholding property rights is the opposite of compromising over resources. Once you introduce compromise--which, when it comes to principles, is the equivalent of their wholesale destruction--you introduce the conditions for tribalism. It's one thing to compromise on which movie you're going to see with your spouse this weekend, or where you're going to eat afterward. It's another to yield on your right to life, property, and freedom. Rights are either/or. Concede someone's right to one dime of yours, and you concede his right to everything you own. If you do that it's just a matter of time before he gets it. That's not a recipe for peace, prosperity, or any other human value. The ruling principle that can bring peace to human life on both an individual and global scale is voluntaryism. Anything else will end in disaster, and everything else has.
My grandmother told me when O was about 12 around 1961 that FDR knew Pearl Harbor was going to be bombed and it was how he ended the Great Depression. War IS the answer apparently 😫
Except everything my grandmother told me. She was a nurse during the Spanish flu and she warned me against pills and doctors. She was for fresh air, fresh homemade food and exercise. She told me pay attention to your car and any weird noises. She taught me how to knit and sew and crochet. I miss her but am glad she’s not around for THIS BS 😱
yes. And JFK was assassinated by agents of the Deep State because he had voiced his intention to remove the CIA and other portions of the Administrative State that had subverted the will of the people.
He did know. It did end the great Depression, although it was leftist policies that had kept it grinding on as long as it did, here. It could, with healthy economic policies, have been ended by the mid 1930s.
“Don’t bother me, I’m trying to get on with my life!”.
Ultimately results in the population burying their heads in the sand whilst their legs are dangling dangerously in the simmering cauldron......just not quite enough pain yet!!......hopefully the pain receptors will kick in before it’s all too late🥺
Don't forget the obvious reason we go from crisis to crisis. The build back better ilk have one main goal, depopulation. So expect lots of war, famine, and pandemic until they reach their number.
As Ed Dowd says, Covid was created to cover a massive financial crisis. And that was at 3% interest.
In the current banking crisis, there are lots of banks and other investment funds that hold huge amounts of low interest debt that if it was actually priced at it current mark to market value would bankrupt their holders, particularly small banks. Lots of Dead Bankers Walking. Of course, those banks are critical to home loans and small businesses which the Deep State tried to crush (successfully) during Covid.
One last thing to note is that the ChiComs are dumping US treasury's like there's no tomorrow. Let's hope that's a metaphor.
You know, I think many folks DO recognize the problem vs being “suckers” as you so indelicately put it. The problem we have is...what do we do to stop it? Jetting around to HI or other countries is all well and good but, quite frankly, you aren’t stopping it, either. We need the data but we need some creative leadership to help bring us together to storm the walls, so-to-speak. Our election system is broken so we can’t vote out the bad guys. If we somehow manage to vote in a good guy then that person is overwhelmed by the eist8ng system so that he/she can’t do anything constructive. Or becomes absorbed into the the corruption. Just what do we do with our money? No one answers that question unless you buy a book and the stupid book still doesn’t tell you what to do. How, then, do we opt out of the coming digital IDs and vaccine passports and CBDC which we will need in order to pay our property taxes so we can keep our homes? We get told to say “no” but not how to survive and keep our homes when we do. Quite frankly, if the world will leave me I can probably survive out here just fine but there is that property tax thing. Again. A very basic thing that they will probably not accept cash or a check for. Just CBDC of whatever is put in place and in order to pay you have to show proof of whatever with your digital ID and passport. No one is addressing these things. Everyone keeps saying “well, let them try and take my property. I’ve got guns and a backhoe.” Fine. How long can you withstand a concentrated shootout before you get shot? Is that what we are supposed to do? Is that our resistance plan? If so, why aren’t we talking about that? I sure wish someone would answer these questions but so far as I can tell, everyone is looking important by zipping around the world talking to and interviewing with other important people. I don’t see any organization for resistance and I sure as heck don’t see any viable answers to how, exactly, do we say “no” and deal with the repercussions that come after.
Forestdi56 *** BEST comment addressing we the people today! 🎯🎯🎯👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
If the problem is just payment method, we can sell our homes and become renters.
No. It’s much more pervasive and debilitating than that.
Barring a coup or revolution, it’s hopeless.
At this point, revolution is all we have left. No one wants to step up and take that leadership role because when that person does so, they will become a target. We need to do this and we need to do this in small, United cells all over the country. But we seem too comfy and unused to war as Americans and THAT is what makes it potentially hopeless. That we just. Won’t. Do it.
If everyone would get on their knees and ask for forgiveness from our Creator, read the Word of God, speak his words and pray, maybe he would heal our land and save us! Only He can!
We all should be doing that now, but that alone will not change anything on earth. God works through people, and sometimes one has to rise and defend themselves, their families, and the righteous from the evil that Satan has fostered since the beginning.
2 Chronicles 7:14 is one of the most memorized and quoted verses in the Bible and it is also one of the most misrepresented, because a very important part of it is glossed over, ignored, or even left out, as it is here.
"If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land." Emphasis mine.
Start with the idea that government is supposed to keep us safe, secure, and prosperous. Blend in the idea that a good way to do this is to expand credit via the fraudulent financial system through the use of debt. Throw in a good helping of belief that the domination of others through militaristic "adventures" is proper. Vote in every election for the "lesser of two evils", which somehow cannot be understood as supporting and advancing evil. Look to the System for anything and everything which is desirable, whether it is good or not. Refuse to accept any limits on personal behavior. Confuse government programs with love for your neighbor. Submerse yourself into the collective beehive or anthill and then excuse your own actions because, well, "Everyone is doing it". Tax and spend, tax and spend, tax and infinitum. It is, after all, only money and we owe that to ourselves.
Withdraw from the madness? Get your own house in order? Live without? Sacrificially? Trust God at the expense of trusting government? What a ludicrous idea!
Repentance (turning from one's wicked ways) is not a new idea and is in desperately short supply today, however, it is sorely needed. It begins with the individual (you, me) and spreads from there, like yeast which is mixed into a lump of bread dough.
A word to the wise is sufficient. You know what to do.
God only helps those who help themselves...Human MUST always step out in risk of blood, limb and life before God will step-in to intercede for anything. THE FIRST STEP IS ALWAYS BASED IN HUMAN TRUST IN HIM TO OVERCOME EVEN IF IT COST'S THEIR OWN LIFE.
There is not 1 place in the entire Bible where that notion is even suggested! "Stand and see what the Lord will do", "Be still and know that I am God" , in other words "Let go and let God" are the thems from Genesis through Revelation. In fact a book I read way back in the '60s had an entire chapter on just that... The book was: If the Devil Wrote a Bible. Every time we try to do it ourselves, we screw it up royally.
Go back and actually check the timelines for all the interventions God enacts. ALL FOLLOW THE CHOICE BY HUMANS TO COMMIT ALL BASED IN FAITH. Do you honestly believe the blood of the martyrs surrounding the very Throne of God counted for nothing...As mentioned in Revelations?
Those are times people kept their mitts off and stayed out of His way. READ the Bible, preferably multiple translations thereof, cover to cover, and tell me in what book, chapter, and verse you find that instruction, because I have not found it in any of the ones with which I have done so.
I fear we have passed the point of no return on that. It was the reason Trump was put in office; to lead a national repentance in cooperation with religious leaders. He failed to do that and was removed from office, but I believe that was our last opportunity, before the coming judgment on humanity, on a national level. Individual repentance is still an option, but it won't heal the land or hold back the judgment.
Also, we should 1) form the “Church of Israel did 911” 2)recognize that Judaism and Catholicism is run by Satan 3) outlaw transhumanism and Zionism
We are the creators
This is why Jesus warned us to store up our treasures in heaven, not here on Earth. The treasures here are temporary and subject to loss in 1 way or another. Heavenly treasures are untouchable.
If you are going to sell your home, you need a buyer. Enter congloberations like Blackrock and Vanguard who will buy up all the homes and rent them back to us. We will be under their control. It's called slavery.
Agree wholeheartedly! All these non-profits too, “fighting” this and that of which their business model (societal problems) depend upon. Devil’s hav’n lots of fun these days.
I think there was a book written that explained this type of relationship- Upstairs Downstairs- or something like that!
💯 Nailed it...
Interesting article, the only issue that irks me is who are "we" in : "The answer is that we are perennial and incorrigible suckers."
I believe if you ask the typical American working hard to pay their bills and raise their families the vast majority have no interest in sending millions, billions, nor trillions to other countries, war, bio-labs, etc. Most of us are happy to fund local efforts: firefighters, police, infrastructure.
The issue is that the politicians have no interest in voting or using tax money in a responsible manner. D.C. is so corrupt I don't see any way to change.
I think it's gas-lighting the average American like you and me, to take what irresponsible politicians vote for and blame it on the public- who in reality has little say and essentially minimal power (I would say essentially no power as many are sent to jail for saying the wrong thing these days or being in the wrong place (J6)).
We're not alone in this solar system. Higher kingdoms have been attempting to get our attention since 1875, when Blavatsky started the Theosophical movement. Both world wars would have been avoided if we asked the Planetary Hierarchy to reappear. They have been waiting for us to realize we cannot run this planet without their authoritative guidance. I made a WordPress page with some YouTube videos about the works of Henry T. Laurency. He was a Swedish author of several books about Pythagorean hylozoics, the Greek word for esoterics. Check it out at Calling the hierarchy back is the only solution.
The only "hierarchy" to call back is Yhwh God, His Son, Jesus, and His Holy Spirit. They and the angels, both loyal and fallen are the only "extraterrestrials" visiting Earth. And yes, if we all repented and returned to Him it would change things immeasurably.
Our "representative democracy" is corrupt, with "elites" taking our money but representing only themselves and their donors. This is enabled by credit expansion and huge debt levels. Exactly the same as in Roman times.
Wow! Such truth!
I just posted this comment on one of Dr. Robert Malone’s substack articles of today. It applies here as well:
Most of the federal administrative state exists outside the bounds of the United States Constitution. The Constitution enumerates and grants very limited powers to the federal government. Powers not granted to the federal government are reserved to the states and the people by the Tenth Amendment. Congress has overstepped its authority creating unconstitutional agencies, like the Departments of Health and Human Services (along with all its subagencies) and the Department of Education. The courts have repeatedly failed to reign in Congress and the unconstitutional usurpation of power by federal agencies. Past practice, erroneous judgement, failure to act or time never makes the illegal “legal.” We desperately need a reckoning, a return to our Constitutional foundation of a very limited federal government.
Virtually all the agencies are unconstitutional, in fact. DoJ, DEA, all the "security/ intelligence " agencies, even the standing Army/Air Force/ Space Force are. Only the Dep't of the Navy ( Navy and Marines), and the Coast Guard are Constitutional, as defenses against external threats. Our Army is supposed to be more like "minute men".
Am looking forward to your research/discoveries regarding Lahaina. My brother lives in Hawaii. He told me Lahaina was in the local news, HSA and local networks, every day from August 8 to October 7. On October 8 it was displaced by Israel.
I have come to believe the following:
-- The Democratic Party, in general, and some of their main constituents, in particular, have adopted a dogma of unlimited spending via unlimited money-printing. They believe that the presses should just keep running, and faster, as each crisis is created.
-- They believe that since the USA is the main feed of money into the worldwide system(and it still is) the rest of the world is forced to fall in line, as in the past, it has.
-- The Democratic Party believes the continuous and iterative generation of crises is a means to their "end".
-- Their "end" is one party rule-- complete power over We the People.
It would REALLY be interesting to hear Ed Dowd pontificate on this theory!
Add the Republican party to that and you'll have a complete picture.
yeah, it is just SO hard to admit the lies from your "own" are . . . real.
To accept a loss of sovereignty and a world gov't, America as it has ever existed must end. The only means to do that is to destroy the culture (open borders) and economic power (bankruptcy). When those two occur simultaneously, the only answer for the people is for the gov't to save them. And if we have WW III at the same time, we will beg them to stop the dying/killing/warring, even if it means slave-like existence at the discretion of a world gov't.
The plan is clear to all now, has been clear to many for many decades.
The second American revolution will begin when 5% of the people recognize they can no longer live life under the imposed controls. One will rise up and take action. And the powder keg will be lit.
Welcome to the Fourth Turning of the new 20's.
hmm. Ok, I'll bite. What is . . . that?!
True enough, but it makes RMN, RR, and Trumpenstein Democrats.
Excellent Exposure John!
Thank you!
That's well put and all true, but what is "our system"? Changing an outcome requires knowing its cause. There's a very specific reason why the US has spent over 90% of its history involved in armed conflict somewhere in the world: Credit expansion and constant war are the organizing principles of *statism.*
"Statism—in fact and in principle—is nothing more than gang rule. A dictatorship is a gang devoted to looting the effort of the productive citizens of its own country. When a statist ruler exhausts his own country’s economy, he attacks his neighbors. It is his only means of postponing internal collapse and prolonging his rule. A country that violates the rights of its own citizens will not respect the rights of its neighbors. Those who do not recognize individual rights, will not recognize the rights of nations: a nation is only a number of individuals. Statism needs war; a free country does not. Statism survives by looting; a free country survives by production...If men want to oppose war, it is statism that they must oppose. So long as they hold the tribal notion that the individual is sacrificial fodder for the collective, that some men have the right to rule others by force, and that some (any) alleged 'good' can justify it—there can be no peace within a nation and no peace among nations." --Ayn Rand
The US government and an overwhelming majority of its citizens stopped recognizing individual rights a long time ago. The eagerness with which so many people agreed that a cold virus is a good reason to destroy the Constitution is just the most recent proof of that.
"the US has spent over 90% of its history involved in armed conflict somewhere in the world". In historic terms war is the normal condition. Greed and envy create the conditions. Strength protects. Post WW2, wars became more limited because the costs were too high. Control of resources has been the motivator - not so much for the plentiful, productive US but nations wishing those resources. Humans must compromise over resources to avoid tribalism.
I don't agree. Historically, the most conflict-free part of the US's existence was early in the 19th century. The 20th saw it embroiled in one armed conflict after another, including Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and Yugoslavia, all of which occurred post-WWII.
The only way to avoid tribalism is by upholding property rights without compromise. Without the right to property no other rights are possible, and that means no peace is possible. Upholding property rights is the opposite of compromising over resources. Once you introduce compromise--which, when it comes to principles, is the equivalent of their wholesale destruction--you introduce the conditions for tribalism. It's one thing to compromise on which movie you're going to see with your spouse this weekend, or where you're going to eat afterward. It's another to yield on your right to life, property, and freedom. Rights are either/or. Concede someone's right to one dime of yours, and you concede his right to everything you own. If you do that it's just a matter of time before he gets it. That's not a recipe for peace, prosperity, or any other human value. The ruling principle that can bring peace to human life on both an individual and global scale is voluntaryism. Anything else will end in disaster, and everything else has.
My grandmother told me when O was about 12 around 1961 that FDR knew Pearl Harbor was going to be bombed and it was how he ended the Great Depression. War IS the answer apparently 😫
Everything we have learned growing up is a lie.
Except everything my grandmother told me. She was a nurse during the Spanish flu and she warned me against pills and doctors. She was for fresh air, fresh homemade food and exercise. She told me pay attention to your car and any weird noises. She taught me how to knit and sew and crochet. I miss her but am glad she’s not around for THIS BS 😱
You were very blessed to have her in your life!
🥰 Yes I was! I always ask myself what would Gran tell me. And among many other things she saved from ALL Farma especially flu shots and the quackzene.
I’m 72 and my mom told me she had heard the same thing.
yes. And JFK was assassinated by agents of the Deep State because he had voiced his intention to remove the CIA and other portions of the Administrative State that had subverted the will of the people.
The other portion he was after was the Federal Reserve.
Yep. THAT is probably what sealed the hit contract on him. They could covertly duplicate the CIA, but the Fed was the key to controlling everything.
Exactly, and those foreign nationals owners did not plan to relinquish their control over us!
He did know. It did end the great Depression, although it was leftist policies that had kept it grinding on as long as it did, here. It could, with healthy economic policies, have been ended by the mid 1930s.
This is pretty good. “Documentary: All Wars Are Bankers Wars”.
See, Freemasons, upper echelon, and Jesuits. Satan pulls all their strings.
Who or What is behind the evil?
See Ephesians 6:12
“Don’t bother me, I’m trying to get on with my life!”.
Ultimately results in the population burying their heads in the sand whilst their legs are dangling dangerously in the simmering cauldron......just not quite enough pain yet!!......hopefully the pain receptors will kick in before it’s all too late🥺
Don't forget the obvious reason we go from crisis to crisis. The build back better ilk have one main goal, depopulation. So expect lots of war, famine, and pandemic until they reach their number.
Was going to write this in a longer format, but you nailed it... Depopulation and a return to serfdom for those left alive to serve their masters.
As Ed Dowd says, Covid was created to cover a massive financial crisis. And that was at 3% interest.
In the current banking crisis, there are lots of banks and other investment funds that hold huge amounts of low interest debt that if it was actually priced at it current mark to market value would bankrupt their holders, particularly small banks. Lots of Dead Bankers Walking. Of course, those banks are critical to home loans and small businesses which the Deep State tried to crush (successfully) during Covid.
One last thing to note is that the ChiComs are dumping US treasury's like there's no tomorrow. Let's hope that's a metaphor.
It's the bankers ruling the world not we the people.
Nailed it!