This just makes me ill. I hope this book is a huge flop and people instead buy The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK, jr. Now that’s a book filled with over 2,000 citations of fact discounting all the BS in that Amazon book description. Just amazes me how the elites can just keep touting liars to a vulnerable public.

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The real Anthony Fauci is a good and truthful read.

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Recently I bought a copy of Dr. Michael Nehls's book "The Indoctrinated Brain." I just opened the book to a random page, and there in bold print (and capitals, because it's a section heading) was a sentence that I think sums up Anthony Fauci perfectly: "He Who Walks over Corpses Is Not to Be Trusted."

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It is among the ten or twenty most important books ever written, right up there with both the Bible and Atlas Shrugged.

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if there were a less public forum available, I'd tell you a thing or three about Ayn Rand

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She was an amphetamine addict, which causes all manner of dysfunction. That explains her cult-like following, where she got people to follow and toe the line; it explains her personal life, in which she cheated on her husband for three decades right in front of him.

I know addiction. I've written books on it.

Unfortunately, one of the great paradoxes of addiction is it causes both evil and extraordinarily successful behaviors. The fact of Beethoven's personal life--full-on alcoholic--should not detract from his magnificent (to many) compositions. The fact of Mel Gibson's alcoholism and, no doubt, messy personal life should not sway us from watching his movies. The fact of Jim Morrison's alcoholism should not interfere with our enjoyment of his music (including, even, "The End"). The same is true for Ayn Rand, among the most brilliant thinkers and story tellers ever.

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most cults have two things in common:

1)people who think alike or can be manipulated and are being told that which they want to hear

2) a charismatic leader, with messianic communication abilities.

We can enjoy fiction, but should be cautious when trying to apply its principles to reality. Addiction is not the cause of success or dysfunctional behaviors, it amplifies traits already there, via disinhibition. Some psychiatric professionals now believe narcissism to exist on a continuum starting with that, running through borderline, and ending in schizophrenia.

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Do you mean to say that us desperate Canadians may be able to look forward to Turdeau and his cabinet being locked away in an institute in the future? After all I believe they are the biggest bunch of narcissists in the history of our country.

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Would you settle for eternal incarceration in the lake of fire?

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Unfortunately it's not illegal to live a life as a narcissist.

But look for Ai to enable future .GOV thought crimes as such.

Hollywood might be the first in mass victims.

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Alcohol and some other-drug addictions cause egomania. Egomania causes in the addict a need to wield power over others which, in turn, drives them to do so. They do so by abusing others and, paradoxically, by becoming extraordinary overachievers.

Therefore, it is the cause of both success and dysfunctional behaviors.

Alcoholism mimics all of the Personality Disorders, especially narcissism. It is virtually indistinguishable from alcoholism because it usually is alcoholism.

One of the great studies I cited in my first book on behavioral indications of alcoholism was one that found that 70% of alcoholics who had been diagnosed as having a PD while drinking could no longer be so diagnosed after just three months of sobriety. Imagine three years.

There is a reason why so many addiction counselors refer to "therapists" as the two parts of that word.

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Not cause, but exacerbate already present tendencies.

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For some folks who roam among us...The Juice seems worth a hard Squeeze.

Never realizing the end results.

Wretched Chemical dependency is dynamite played with matches.

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I won’t be reading his book!

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If I see it in a store, I will turn it backwards.

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In the UK when Tony Blair's memoir was published there was a successful widespread national campaign to relocate copies of his book from Biography to the Crime and Horror sections! Fauci's book would sit well in True Life Crime.

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I have actually done this several times to author’s books that carry the wrong message. Getting ready for Fauci’s Tome of Lies!

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Minus the assessment of the author, It is a brilliant read.

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I wish so too as I remember reading that book in the 1960’s

and wondering about Ayn Rand herself?

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My response explains her personal life.

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Doesn't really explain her narcissistic sexual corruption of a much younger protege, or her formative years as an over-pampered child of a wealthy industrialist, when she developed an antipathy for the poor. Or her taking Social Security after railing against 'welfare' programs. Her books were brilliant products of a deeply flawed character, from a person with serious personality problems.

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She would have been a fool not to take Social Security. She paid into it, lived under that system. She disagreed with it, but why penalize herself? I think the mortgage deduction, and most all the cut-outs in the tax code should be abolished. Did I take the mortgage deduction? Of course, I'm not stupid. A politician may vote and argue against government give-aways to states and localities. But so long as they exist, he should make sure his constituents get their share. I've always been baffled why anyone would think just because you think a program is a bad idea, you should refuse your share of it so long as it's in place. Nothing hypocritical about that, it's living in the world you have, not the world you wish you had.

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No question she had deep personality problems. That is precisely what psychoactive drug addiction does to people, regardless of their underlying intelligence.

It fully explains her narcissism. And codependency explains the sexually corrupted much younger protege, along with the charm substance addicts can exude. Watch the movie, "Scent of a Woman" for a classic portrayal of such charm, intermixed with verbal, psychological and emotional abuse. All use to control others.

Because that is, ironically, what it does to the addict, regardless of their underlying philosophy, which may be one of anti-control.

As for taking SS, it is the system. SS violates the idea "thou shalt not steal," and clearly violates the Constitution (regardless of what the Supremes decided). I donate mine to free market and, now, medical freedom oriented think tanks and research organizations.

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War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Doctor Fauci on call.

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We had a doctor like that in the UK. Loved by all his patients, who he was murdering. Look him up - Harold Shipman. One of the most prolific mass murderers in the country.

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Scary. He might be a near-perfect parallel for Dr. Fauci. I will look him up. Thanks for commenting.

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I was about to say "Except Fauci wasnt a mass murd..." Oh wait... XD

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Fauci just orchestrated the deaths by denying early treatment and incentivizing remdesivir, ventilators and death. Fauci is not hands on. Fauci just controlled the money and made the rules, resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths.

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You forget about AZT and his experiments on Black Orphans

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Yes all that - AND paving the way for the virus to be created in the first place! Then running the response to it. Lets not forget that tiny "wolf running the henhouse" detail... ;-)

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I'm sure he's happy with his accomplishments. That's how the psychopathic brain works.

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"In fact, Dr. Fauci is the embodiment of overarching, illegitimate power that has no place in a constitutional republic.”

May he see the gallows for his criminal treachery.

See RFK Jr.s meticulously documented/footnoted book, The Real Anthony Fauci, for details.

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Fauci just keeps the lies going. The truth is he is responsible for crimes against humanity.

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My first thought about the title was one that you pointed out. He hasn’t been “on call” in over half a century. This is ridiculous.

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I've gathered like Morris Fishbein, second president of the AMA who did all he could to encourage tobacco consumption whilst simultaneously subverting any kind of alternative / experimental cancer treatment, Tony's never practiced medicine a day in his life...

("The Medical Racket" - https://www.ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm)

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I agree, nothing more than another charlatan, a dangerous one at that.

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So was Fishbein.. 🤔

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The publisher's intro would make any informed person vomit. Rand Paul filed 2 counts of lying to Congress against Fauci with the Justice Dept., which does not care about justice. I would likebyo see the publisher reconcile Fauci's book with Robert Kennedy, Jr.'s book The Real Anthony Fauci.

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Does anyone plan to buy that pile of propaganda garbage? Flip Flop Fauci isn't even worth thinking about. Flip Flop Fauci is a perfect example of what is wrong in the USA government. He is unconstitutional and never was working in the interests of humanity.

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Your Democrat government will probably buy a million copies with your tax dollars and put them in every library in the country and then add the book to college curriculums to force even higher sales. The book will then be declared a best seller.

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Let's hope not. But I think you are correct Peter, public entities (like libraries, colleges, high schools) will probably buy many copies.

By the way, our government was a "Republic" although that has evolved into a totalitarian government now.

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Yeah. In theory we are a democracy. Only problem is we have Turdeau, the man who openly stated that he admired China's "basic dictatorship". and people still don't see what he's doing to this country. I can't even bear to look at the smarmy asshole's face. Animals like Fauci and Turdeau deserve a good length of hemp rope.

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Hmm... might be hard to choose who is worse... Trudeau or Biden!

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You spelled Turdeau wrong. At least I think that's the way it is supposed to be spelled.

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And another generation indoctrinated.

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Doesn’t matter if anyone buys it. Doesn’t he and his ilk have excellent experience in fudging statistics? Will use it again!

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I'm sure some deluded people will buy it. The idea of him getting richer by selling books to fools annoys me though. Flip Flop Fauci is a *master* at manipulating (falsifying) data! Covid wasn't his first "rodeo".

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It would be interesting to read it only to see how much covering up and lying he does.

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Agreed. I have a morbid curiosity. However I'm sure I couldn't make it through a first chapter without getting nauseous. So not worth the money or time.

Maybe we need a volunteer to sacrifice themselves, pick up a copy from a library and give a book review of it?

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Would'nt buy it, even to see his rediculous and flagrant lies.

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I'd definitely prefer to buy more books from authors that deserve compensation for their work.

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I remember watching a YouTube video of him referring to gay men as homosexuals. Struck me as cold, and kind of insulting. By the mid 1980s I think everyone had adopted the term “gay.”

I mean he wasn’t being overtly harsh, and maybe it’s just my interpretation.

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I mean, he was discussing the transmission of AIDS, but still, it came across almost as accusatory.

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Will it be under the ‘fiction’ section, subsection ‘Horror and Fantasy’?

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Black comedy.

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Just searched for it on Amazon. Right beneath it was “the real Anthony Fauci” let’s see how long Amazon takes to hide that

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Strange that he has enough memory to write a memoir when he said at least 50 times "I can't recall"when testifying at the inquiry.There's one book I won't be buying.Cheaper to make up my own lies.

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Evil man.

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He thinks he is some sort of god. Right out of hell, imo.

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He's simply a very high-functioning psychopath. If Satan exists, he most surely would give us psychopaths.

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Well said. And satan does exist, unfortunitly.

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I have never been religioius, although definitely not an atheist. The most likely explanations for the incoherent insanity we've seen lately are Satan and aliens. So, probably Satan.

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I think he wrote this bio himself. It is how he would like to be or imagines he will be remembered.

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I look forward to the remembering, in the “I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure” sense.

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Unfortunately, he has an army of supporters and enablers. And unbelievably, admirers. I know some.

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No words to express my disdain. Truly 1984 in full bloom is upon us.

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Thats why the Covid1984 Plandemic $camdemic....lol

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I was working at South Miami Hospital in the early 80s when AIDS hit Miami hard and Fauci was a Curse Word back then. I'm surprised and upset that We The People don't care enough to do a little thinking on our own, and discover the fruit this evil punk has produced. You will know them by the fruit they produce, and Fauci has nothing but rotten deadly fruit and he will pay for his Crimes against Humanity.

Everything done in the dark will be brought to the Light ☝️🙏

Viva Cristo Rey 🙏

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Praise God!

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Fitting that you don’t even have to open the cover to start reading lies. I’m looking forward to reading the reviews on Amazon. The censorship will be legendary

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I hadn't realised how censored Amazon reviews are until I got a box full of broken stemware. Apparently my review focused too much on just one aspect.

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As a doctor who has taken a lot of call, the name of the book is insulting to me and many of my colleagues who have worked in the trenches for years.

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