The only surprise here is that the NYT reported it!!!

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I think the NYT is reporting it because their handlers, the CIA, are telling the NYT to share the information.

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I agree.. If the CIA was not writing this article and did not want this information made public, the CIA would "Assange" these reporters.

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Feb 27, 2024
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It says I "don't have permission to view this page".

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Bingo, move to the front row.

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That in itself is very suspicious.

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indeed. I've said for a while now that the most egregious lies of the MSM are lies of omission. It's very effective. People who depend on MSM for the news believe that MSM will report stories that are important. If MSM doesn't report on an important story that they hear about it from another source, these people just reject the story from the other source as fake news, their logic being that if it's true, MSM would have told me about it.

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That's exactly what my former friends have said. "If that's true, why isn't it in the news?"

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infuriating, eh? You know why it's not on the news, but explaining it to your friends? sigh...

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I tried saying "brought to you by Pfizer" to no avail.

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good one! I'll try that next time ;-)

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Centralization of news is dead. Government is next

We don’t need leaders to run our systems. Leaders are the weak link where the corruption happens. What we need is better systems that don’t even need leaders.

A better world is possible with better systems.

Also if these maniacs break out systems, don’t you think we should have some back ups ready to go? Help us build them:


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if they did, the cabal wants this information out there. They want a bigger war.

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Feb 26, 2024
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Me too, I actually read the entire article. The 2014 revolution and over throw of the government was just a popular uprising of the people against an elected president because he was friendly with the Russians? That seems unlikely. CIA wasn't involved until the Ukrainian people begged the CIA for help spying on the Russians? I don't believe large parts of the article.

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Informative article. And yet, Nuland gets a promotion.

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hahaha. you ever seen political manipulations and provocators from close. all places 20 thousand km far begged d usa to interfere, belically, to protect "human rights"? idealism is NOT realism..

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Why did the evil NYT suddenly report this? Have they seen the light? Or is there a wicked motive that will only become clear later, if ever?

Had to laugh at this one sentence included in the front page portion: "The Ukrainians also helped the Americans go after the Russian operatives who meddled in the 2016 US presidential election."

The NYT really is such a POS.

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wicked motive: the cabal want a bigger war.

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Salt Lake Tribulation, too.

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You can bet the house they haven't seen the light.

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I'm going with the "Wicked Motive".

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Since independent journalists have been covering this for a long time and the New York Times has been silent while covering made up stories like the Russian collusion bs, why does the New York Times make anything legitimate? Come on, we need to be MUCH wiser than this. Anything the New York Times covers does not make a topic legitimate. It does make the New York Times 10 years late on reporting important material, years after the real journalists did. So let's put the New York Times and other mainstream media outlets into their rightful place, which is a propaganda outlet that should not be followed or revered for anything. If we want to win this war, we need to fire the MSM and put them into their proper place.

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These days it’s easy to tell who the asleep and/ or stupid ones are based on consumption.

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People should read, Patrick Byrne new book Danger Close, he talks about Ukraine and Hunter Biden owning Bio Labs there.

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It is quite interesting to me that people seem to be really worried about the labs in Ukraine, but, don't seem to be worried about all the other labs owned by the US, China, and others scattered all over the world including here in the US.

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Well, the labs in Ukraine do have an additional alarming aspect to their existence.

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Like what? Plans to drop bio weapons and wipe out all of Russia? Really?

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The US facility on Plum Island developed weaponized ticks to drop on Soviet troops during the Cold War.

Hence, Lyme disease.

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I'm sure both sides worked on schemes like this

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I had read that the Ukrainian biolabs were manufacturing bioweapons that could specifically target certain populations.

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Yes, they were collecting DNA samples looking for genome sequences that were unique to various Slavic groups, with the obvious intention of finding a target for biowarfare that would be very selective.

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The big problem here is the impossibility of devising a bioweapon that kills Russians w/o also killing Ukes & Poles & Yugis . Of course this doesn't mean they are not trying to do so .

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PCR test = DNA collection

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We've all read about this, but where is the evidence, and what would be the motivation? These stories are fantastic to consider Ukraine would consider a biological attack. There's more logic for the Chinese to do this to us.

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The US and warmonger Victoria Nuland, consider Russia a bigger threat than the CCP.

So...if neutral biological weapons inspectors would actually inspect the Ukrainian labs, the controversy may be either settled or confirmed or dismissed.

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Not sure what part you don't understand.

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I understand that there's no evidence. And no motivation. What's your analysis? Do you think Ukraine was working on bio weapons to attack Russia with (prior to the invasion)? Why would they poke the Russian bear? Do you think they could completely defeat Russia this way? Makes as much sense as Taiwan attacking China.

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Duane, you are either not very bright, or you're just a controlled op. Either way your comments don't make any sense.

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That's a whopper to unpack. Declaring that there is no evidence proves you really have not been paying attention, and exist here to troll only. No more food for you.

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Why is that so hard to accept ? The cold war gee--hodists have been lusting over their holy war against the Russkies for decades . Absolute insanity !

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We have been covering this for years. Glad Byrne decided to write a book, but like the NYTimes, he's late to the party. Bruce Gagnon made a map of the Bio Labs in Ukraine years ago.

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Clandestine reported the locations on Twitter early on.

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Well... Erm... Apparently; Mr DUANE HAYES needs more information. >>> U.S. biotech company Metabiota links bio-labs in Africa and Ukraine to the Pentagon’s DTRA >>> March 21, 2022 >>> In 2014, Metabiota was awarded $18.4 million in federal contracts under the Pentagon’s DTRA program in Georgia and Ukraine for scientific and technical consulting services. >>> https://medicalexperiments.news/2022-03-21-metabiota-biolabs-africa-ukraine-pentagon-dtra.html

Russia exposes names behind US-backed Ukraine biological projects >>> January 30, 2023 >>> https://www.rt.com/russia/570716-russia-ukraine-us-biolabs/

U.S. Department of Defense awarded a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before Covid was known to even exist >>> by The Expose’ >>> April 13, 2022 >>>


Horowitz: Are the Ukraine bio-labs connected to the coronavirus gain-of-function research? >>> March 14, 2022 >>> https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-are-the-ukraine-biolabs-connected-to-the-coronavirus-gain-of-function-research

Hunter Biden did not act alone. There are plenty of articles and documents - left unpublished.

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Not saying there were "no biolabs" There are biolabs in every country, most American states, biolabs are ubiquitous. I'm saying that there's no evidence of bio-weapons being developed in Ukraine to deploy against enemies like Russia. It's illogical for them to do this.

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Hello Duane Hayes: My apologies. I think I misunderstood your comments. The list of multiple military and semi-private bio-laboratories is stunning. These *facts* should be a huge wake up call to all civilian populations world wide. I would question the intent of these massive and dangerous operations, and would not feel very secure living next door to Fort Detrick or any other such facility... >>> https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/09/15/cia-fort-detrick-stephen-kinzer-228109/

Again, my apologies.

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There are no doubt "bio labs" all over the place. If they're engaged in legitimate research, then that's acceptable, and we should engage in research for a better world and healthcare. If on the other hand, they're doing "gain of function", this created Covid 19 and should be banned world wide. Also, the creation of so called "bio weapons" should be banned world wide. My original comments were directed at hypothetical bio weapons being developed in Ukraine, of which there has been no evidence.

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Something new there we don’t know?

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I dont know how long your following Patrick there is more info. relating to Hunter Biden and Iran. Its 180 Pages easy reading.

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Quoted from the article: "How would the United States government respond to Russian intelligence agencies setting up shop on the Mexican border to run operations against the United States?"

Answer: Hey! Come on in! Here's a free cell phone, motel room, and a ticket to ride!!! Great to see ya!!!

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Every day that passes I am realizing with more clarity that we are the Star Wars Evil Empire, and that the Han Solo “Rebels” are the people we are trying to exterminate. It’s a very unsettling perspective. In 250 years the USA has gone from a small group of ragtag freedom fighters to the global bully. I believe this has been masterfully orchestrated by an overly ambitious intelligence community/CIA.

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Didn't take anywhere near that long. The AoC were written with intent to fail, the then Great Seal of the United States openly proclaimed the New World Order and the Masonic All-seeing Eye, the CftuSA was even more blatantly Masonic, the Treaty of Paris was a sell-out, and of course see the First and Second Banks of the United States.

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And when you realize who runs the CIA, it will all make sense.

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You mean our former colonial masters and the vat ???

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The evil elites that control our deep state want world war!

They have their bunkers & safe spaces with everything they could want or need for years in an underground tunnel system.

The WEF has admitted they want at LEAST 1 billion of us depopulated!?

War accomplishes their depopulation agenda the best.

They & their families are not going to fight, they send our young adults to go die in their nonstop useless wars!?

Why don’t our governments fight harder for peace instead of war?

The WEF controlled MSM spew hatred, division, racism, evil, everything immoral instead of peace & love & unity!?

They KNOW if we can ever rebel against their evil agendas & unite then we could take them down!

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So what’s the NYTs up to now?!? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤬

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Perhaps it's a "limited hangout" to distract attention from the role of the State Department, U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffery Pyatt and the bitch in chief, Victoria Nuland (she of 'Fzck the EU' notoriety). The latter is on video boasting about how the U.S. had spent $5 Billion on their Ukraine 'democratization' project by 2013.

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Yes, I noticed the article did not mention Nuland.

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How about the other same players in the 2014 coup like sociopath Jake Sullivan.

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Here is an excellent response to the NYT piece. As a CIA mouthpiece, the Times was directed by Langley to run this in order to pressure the Republicans to send more billions to the neo-Nazis in Kiev. As Colonel Douglas Macgregor noted in his interview with Tucker Carlson, Ukraine is the most corrupt country on the planet. I recommend that informative interview (link below). https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/02/26/nrdz-f26.html?pk_campaign=newsletter&pk_kwd=wsws


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Meanwhile, you have at least one Princeton professor who has gone on television imparting his wisdom by saying that Russia invaded because Russia has always resented the West. LOL

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Plagues should be resented.

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Putin made it clear for many years he did not want a NATO country on his border and he gave the comparison of having China put military bases in Mexico.

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Treaties were made some 30 years ago and broken some 17 times by the USA and NATO?

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Oh yeah, right, that's entirely believable. (Sarcasm)

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I was talking to someone last week about the history of NATO and Putin and he just scoffed at it. Then I said "what did the US do when the Soviets parked nuclear weapons in Cuba aimed right at us?" Sadly he didn't see the correlation;.

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This is typical of what the US government has become with these rogue agencies running their own show around the world.

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The Phoenix program has already revealed before, that the main goal of the CIA is to start and maintain conflicts.

Here is a link to "Ukraine On Fire" by Oliver Stone. Telling us how the US is involved in removing the democracy from Ukraine and starting a civil war.


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His book is a must read, he talks about the

“Deep State” how Durham was a cover up.

His team was instrumental in putting out the 118 page whistleblower complaint on Jack Smith in December.

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Those crazy Q-Anons and their crazy “conspiracies” 🍻

28 Biolabs at my last count. Ukraine ain’t a swamp, it’s a UniParty cesspool.

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I beliieve our presence in Ukraine is self serving and that there has been a fleecing of that country by our own govt..... Hunter and burisma...Biden supposedly 'witholding' 5 billion $$ unless he gets the politician fired who benefits his own personal money grab there?? It is embarrassing that we've been brainwashed that we're the greatest country in the world while bullying the entire world with BS wars and theivery and acting like mob gangsters. The southern border is proof of the arrogance of our supposed politicians who are only self-serving and that the 'senile idiot puppet' has brought us to total chaos.

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