We are, almost certainly, presently standing in 1 of the "bookend" wars that will encapsulate the Great Tribulation; this 1 opening the way for anti-Christ to be embraced, and the next ringing down his curtain!
We are, almost certainly, presently standing in 1 of the "bookend" wars that will encapsulate the Great Tribulation; this 1 opening the way for anti-Christ to be embraced, and the next ringing down his curtain!
They have it "pre-fabbed", ready to put up at a moment's notice. I began seeing reports of that decades ago, and the last piece was the altar for sacrifices, completed not long before the red heifers turned up in Texas.
We are, almost certainly, presently standing in 1 of the "bookend" wars that will encapsulate the Great Tribulation; this 1 opening the way for anti-Christ to be embraced, and the next ringing down his curtain!
That's essentially where I am at. The 3rd temple is the key. And it's on the way.
They have it "pre-fabbed", ready to put up at a moment's notice. I began seeing reports of that decades ago, and the last piece was the altar for sacrifices, completed not long before the red heifers turned up in Texas.
There you go.