The open-minded and brilliant German virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka noticed that the method used by virologists to claim that a particular disease is caused by a virus lacks the comparative negative control needed to make virology scientific.
In other words, modern virology is not scientific because it lacks a negative control. Consequently, the methods used in virology fail to scientifically show that viruses cause diseases.
Virologists don’t actually isolate viruses to determine whether they cause disease. Instead, tissue, mucus, or blood presumed to contain the virus being studied is added to bovine fetal tissue that is kept alive in a test tube by gradually supplying appropriate food. Also, supposedly to ensure that no bacteria are present in the tissue, toxic antibiotics are added to the concoction. The food supply is reduced starving the tissue. Then, when the tissue’s cells begin dying at abnormally high rates, the virologist claims the virus caused the accelerated cell death rate.
Dr. Lanka noticed that this modern virology method is missing a negative control experiment that must be performed to make the method scientific. In this case, a negative control would include all the steps used in the modern virology method, minus the virus. To accomplish that, no tissue, mucus, or blood presumed to contain the virus would be added leaving the control virus-free. Otherwise, the control would be processed the same way as the virus-containing batch. Finally, the results of the negative control would be compared to the virus batch.
In April of 2021 Stefan Lanka performed the negative control by simply doing all the normal steps except he didn’t add tissue, mucus, or blood presumed to contain the virus being studied. Without the virus, the negative control experiment caused the same accelerated cell death rate found in the virus-containing experiments. This negative control reveals that the accelerated cell death rate was caused by something other than the virus. Most likely they die from the antibiotics and lack of sufficient food. Most importantly, we know the accelerated cell death wasn’t caused by the virus because it wasn’t present.
Unfortunately, virologists don’t use a negative control, leaving the modern virology method unscientific. Amazingly, modern virology doesn’t prove anything! Hence, all the studies of this sort, claiming that viruses cause disease, must be discarded.
Several years earlier, Dr. Lanka offered a reward of 100,000 euros to anyone who could prove the existence of the measles virus using a published scientific study. Dr. David Bardens attempted to earn the reward by providing six published virology studies claiming that measles is caused by a virus.
In the initial court battle, Dr. Bardens won. Later, Lanka appealed the case to a higher German court. That court reversed the ruling on February 16, 2016, stating, “As a result, the appeal, insofar as it is admissible, is successful because the plaintiff did not meet the criterion of claiming to prove the existence of the measles virus by ‘a scientific publication.’” Finally, in 2017, the Supreme Court of Germany refused to hear Bardens’ appeal leaving Lanka the winner and virology the loser.
Virologists need to use a negative control experiment to properly show a disease is caused by a virus. Without a negative control for comparison, all the existing studies that claim viruses cause diseases are unscientific and inconclusive. Moreover, the journals that have published such studies ought to retract them.
By investigating the history of virology, Dr. Lanka found that the methods used today originated in 1954:
“This completely unscientific approach originated in June 1954, when an unscientific and refutable speculative article was published, according to which the death of tissue in a test tube was considered . . . possible evidence for the presence of a virus. Six months later, on 10 December 1954, the main author of this opinion [John Franklin Enders] was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine for another equally speculative theory. The speculation from June 1954 was then raised to a scientific fact and became a dogma which has never been challenged to this date.”
Dr. Lanka single-handedly debunked the past 69 years of virology. Reversals of false beliefs in science have occurred countless times. Unfortunately, the new theories that take their place can take quite a while to become accepted by the scientific community and humanity at large. In the meantime the invalid theories can remain in place for decades or even centuries.
The billions of dollars made from selling vaccines and antiviral remedies keeps virology well funded by very profitable pharmaceutical companies. Those companies also provide approximately 70 percent of popular media funding in the US. They also spend more on US lobbyists than any other industry. To keep the money flowing, some of the vaccine profits are used to maintain the erroneous belief in viral diseases.
Before I move on, there’s a bit more to share about the unscientific nature of virology. After claiming a specific virus causes a disease, virologists need to clarify the identity of the virus. Because they haven’t actually isolated the virus, they don’t know what DNA or RNA is stored inside the virus’s protein shell. Therefore a committee is formed to name the virus and piece together an approximate genetic signature.
Today the committee of virologists use an AI program to assemble a genetic signature. Then they have the audacity to claim that their contrived genetic signature identifies an actual virus that causes a particular disease. Lanka drew attention to this absurdity in his 100,000 euros reward publicity stunt.
With an imaginary virus invented, portions of the contrived genetic code can be used to test for infection. If that genetic sequence is found in a person’s mucus sample, that match is presumed to indicate the person has the disease. As we all know, many people who test positive for viral diseases don’t get sick at all. Those people are labeled asymptomatic, meaning they don’t exhibit symptoms of the disease even though medical practitioners claim they are carriers of an imaginary virus that has never been shown to exist let alone cause disease.
It’s important to mention that virologists have redefined the word isolate for use in virology. Their illogical meaning claims that a virus is “isolated” when the unscientific modern virology method discussed earlier causes accelerated cell death and the virologists dream up a genetic signature for their imaginary virus. The resulting concoction is called an “isolate” even though the imagined virus remains in a soup of numerous ingredients.
The next unscientific step uses the invented viral genetic signature to test people and see if their body contains specified segments of the invented virus genome. To do that, the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) machine is used to make billions of copies of the DNA and RNA found in a human sample to compare it to selected portions of the imaginary virus’s genes.
When it comes to the current global disease, the picture of a spiked virus is simply an artistically enhanced image of a virus. Showing that picture causes people to presume that the little bugger has been found, isolated (meaning completely separated), and determined to be the culprit, but virologists don’t do any of that. Properly devised methods to scientifically show viruses cause diseases have never been used. Thus, all claims that viruses cause diseases are based on a careless mistake made in 1954!
Couldn’t agree more George. It’s sad that we’re killing real people and animals for “viruses” that have never been proven to exist. Can’t wait for me to know more about this.
Viruses play a monumental role in evolution by participating in a gene-modification system that’s labeled “horizontal gene transfer.”
There are three types of horizontal gene transfer. The one that involves viruses is transduction. Because that’s the only one I’m going to discuss, I’ll simply call it HGTT. I’ll begin by summarizing what a virus is.
Viruses are small portions of DNA or RNA encased in a protein wrapper. They aren’t alive and can’t reproduce or propel themselves. Viruses don’t consume food, and they don’t expel waste products. They are simply protein packets with segments of DNA or RNA inside. Much like a letter in an envelope, a virus is genetic information in a protein envelope.
Due to specialization in biological research, these small particles have been given several names, including extracellular vesicles, exosomes, phages, bacteriophages, and ectosomes. Although these and other names have been created by various branches of biology, all those labels identify what is commonly called a virus. Therefore, I’ll simply use “virus” to identify these little protein envelopes with genes inside them.
In wondering, “Where do viruses come from?,” I found that cells and bacteria create viruses by placing DNA or RNA pieces into protein wrappers and excreting them out into the world.
Other cells and bacteria receive the viruses to obtain the genetic information contained inside. Because viruses are lifeless, they can’t enter a cell. Instead, cells and bacteria catch the viruses and open them.
The most well-researched example of HGTT occurs when bacteria are exposed to an antibiotic and develop immunity to that antibiotic. Once exposed to the antibiotic, bacteria produce viruses and spit them out into their surroundings. The expelled viruses carry genetic information to other bacteria that receive those viruses. Once a virus is received by a bacterium’s receptor, the genetic information in the virus is extracted by the bacterium. That DNA or RNA information is used to update the bacterium’s genome. These new genes make the bacterium immune to the toxic antibiotic. To share the genetic update, the bacterium replicates the therapeutic virus and spits copies out into the world. When all the bacteria in a colony have received the virus, the colony is found to be immune to the antibiotic! This process has been found to occur rapidly. Moreover sharing viruses to update cellular DNA is how natural herd immunity is actually achieved. In this case bacteria are becoming immune to the toxic antibiotic.
All cells use viruses to evolve DNA in ways that help organisms cope with environmental toxins. Here’s a video showing how the viral genetic strand is added to a cell’s genome:
Going even further, the viruses that made one colony of bacteria immune to an antibiotic were isolated using ultra-centrifugation and introduced to another sample of bacteria that hadn’t been exposed to the antibiotic. Once those viruses were passed around as described earlier, those bacteria evolved to be immune to the antibiotic they hadn’t encountered until after being exposed to the viruses. This proves that the viral genetic adaptation evolved the bacteria to become able to cope with the toxic antibiotic. This example of horizontal gene transfer has been thoroughly studied and verified as explained here:
"Horizontal (or lateral) gene transfer (HGT) is the sharing of genetic material between organisms by means other than vertical (parent to offspring) transmission and plays a major role in the evolution of many organisms (Gyles and Boerlin 2014 ). McDaniel and coworkers documented in 2010 that there is a high frequency of horizontal gene transfer in coastal and oceanic environments, with as high as 47% of the cultivable natural microbial community confirmed as gene recipients. They demonstrated that part of this HGT was carried out by viral-like particles released by the bacteria and suggested that it facilitated the adaptation of marine bacteria to changing environmental conditions.
"HGT is perhaps the main factor spreading antibiotic resistance in bacteria (Kay et al. 2002)."
Excerpt from: Horizontal Gene Transfer: Breaking Borders between Living Kingdoms, Springer Nature Switzerland 2019, p. 98
Going further, the HGTT process spreads genes amongst all living organisms to evolve DNA while creatures are alive! This pivotal discovery of what viruses actually do has dramatically altered our understanding of evolution.
The older Neo-Darwinian theory of evolution was restricted to genes being passed from parent to child. That inheritance gene transfer method is now called “vertical gene transfer” because inherited genes travel down the family tree from parent to offspring vertically. Indeed, that does take place, but very slowly.
More importantly, HGTT is occurring sideways between living organisms, making it horizontal. This horizontal genetic adaptation process occurs quickly changing the DNA of all organisms while we are alive.
Unexpectedly I found that this astonishing process has been studied since the 1950s. Today, genetic experts have confirmed that viruses are responsible for many critical evolutionary developments.
“There is increasing evidence of the existence of HGT in animals and higher plants. . . . In the animal kingdom, Gasmi described how some wasp genes were transferred to Lepidoptera by a symbiotic virus (Gasmi et al. 2015 ). Accordingly, the impact of HGT is probably much higher than first envisioned, and although it is not yet fully established the extent of its contribution to the reticulation of life evolution in this planet, it is now known that HGT affects all life kingdoms (Woese 2004 ).”
Excerpt from: Horizontal Gene Transfer: Breaking Borders between Living Kingdoms, Springer Nature Switzerland 2019, p. 99
In other words, HGTT occurs in multicellular organisms including animals, plants, and even humans. Viruses are now known to be essential conveyors of evolutionary genetic updates in all living organisms. Therefore, viruses actually help organisms update their genes when environmental changes cause disease. In short, toxins trigger cells to produce viruses and pass them around to share the genetic update found in the virus to cope with the toxic assault.
Once viruses evolve us by updating our genes, we become better able to deal with environmental toxins, droughts and other challenges that emerge over time. This realization has led biologists who study evolution to suspect that HGTT has been taking place since life emerged!
Recent analysis of human DNA has revealed that retroviruses are responsible for many essential features found in humans. When a genetic sequence is installed by a retrovirus, a marker is included with the genetic modification. That marker gives genetic experts a way to identify portions of DNA that had been installed via retroviruses. Using those markers, genetic researchers have discovered that eight percent of human genes were introduced by retroviruses!
“One example of a benefit conferred by viral genes comes from humans. A sequence installed by a retrovirus regulates the amylase gene cluster, allowing us to produce amylase in our saliva. This sequence that we share with a few other primates enables us to eat starchy foods we otherwise couldn’t.”
Excerpt from: Retroviruses, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1997, p. 403.
That viral genetic update may have helped humans survive famines by enabling us to eat roots that were previously inedible.
To catch viruses, animal cells have receptors that receive them. Once a cell’s receptor captures a virus, the cell opens the virus to extract the genetic information inside the protein wrapper. Next, the DNA or RNA is transported into the cell’s nucleus, where the precious DNA is protected by a double-layered shell. Once the cell opens its nucleus, the genetic update found in the virus is incorporated into the animal’s genome. Finally, the cell makes multiple copies of the virus and spits out those copies to share the genetic update with other cells. That process spreads the viral genetic update throughout the animal’s body. Beyond that, viruses can be coughed or sneezed out of one creature to reach another. By spreading even further, viruses can affect other species and even organisms in other kingdoms. For example, plant viruses can affect animals and vice versa.
Instead of causing disease, evolutionary biologists have discovered that viruses provide adaptive genetic updates that are naturally therapeutic. Over billions of years of evolution, bacteria and cells have developed natural boundaries and other defense systems to protect their genetic material from being damaged or altered. Viruses bypass all those defenses by fitting into receptor sites that are ready and waiting for viruses to arrive. When a virus docks in a cell’s receptor site, the cell extracts the virus’s genetic information and uses it to edit cellular DNA. It’s as if viruses have a universal key that bypasses all the barriers protecting cellular DNA from being accidentally altered.
To take advantage of this universal key that’s imbedded in the viral HGTT process, genetic engineers have been using viruses to alter DNA in plants and animals for over 30 years. Genetic engineers hijack the natural HGTT system to smuggle in their genetic modifications. When viruses are used by genetic engineers to alter human DNA that process is called “gene therapy.” These scientists inject modified viruses into humans to repair genetic disorders. For example, patients with hemophilia and sickle cell anemia have been cured with viral gene therapy treatments. In both cases, the genetic repair is permanent.
I had a head cold a month ago.... in the middle of the night I decided to eat some pudding in a little container.... I used a spoon and ate 5-6 bites. I got well and a week later while I was well - I finished the pudding, only to get my cold back again!
Thank you for your explanation of the problem with the method used to prove that viruses cause disease. This does not mean that viruses do not exist and it does not mean that viruses do not cause disease. It means that the methods to prove this are flawed. It is very disappointing that “scientists” continue to use this method. I would expect that they should have figured out that they need a negative control. Unfortunately, they get hung up on the inertia of using the same flawed methods. Has Dr. Lana not attempted to conduct such an experiment?
Wow. Thank you! The mind boggles. I will have to read this again. And slowly. So would you suggest that perhaps "measles" is a bacteria or parasites or both?
In my investigation into the virus disease issue, I've found sensible claims that our bodies use mechanisms like measles, influenza, colds, coughs, and others to eliminate toxins that have built up over time from the air, water and food we consume. Based on the 20 books I read on this subject, living organisms are incredibly symbiotic. Despite that, there are predators and pray. Moreover, battles and drama seem to draw a bigger audience to documentaries that show predators compared to symbiotic cooperation that is less exciting to watch. So, it seems that we have been exposed to excessive conflict that is not consistent with the natural world. Oddly, humans are the most dangerous creatures, even when it comes to other humans. The creature that causes the most human deaths in the entire world is the human!
When it comes to measles, it seems that some people go through a purging of some sort of toxins while others, like myself, don't need to do that. I never had measles. Bottom line, I'm not sure.
In Daniel Roytas book, "Can You Catch a Cold?" it turns out, high levels of particulate matter in the lungs and trachea along with cold weather and especially damp chills are key factors in causing colds and influenza. Conversely, the contagion theory lacks credible evidence based on over 100 studies.
In general, I found the little known Terrain Theory superior to the popular Germ Theory. However, biology is incredibly complicated making it difficult to prove with high confidence causation. In most cases there are multiple factors that combine to produce a disease state.
Thank you. Very interesting. Am just trying to undertand why our whole family's usually comes down with something all the same. Time after time. But the most important thing is to learn what cures.
Yes and as to humans being most dangerous to humans.!!
There is the nocebo effect. When you expect to get something that can have a strong impact on developing symptoms. It's similar to how the placebo effect can result in healing when simply given a sugar pill. With the nocebo effect, a person can get sick because they expect to get sick do to exposure to a toxin or to someone with what they believe to be a contagious disease. Also, if you all live in the same environment and eat similar food those factors could induce similar symptoms.
I've heard of that, and I think people can be coisursed, but did you watch what I linked? Lots of people having amazing results, and I've seen the Red Cross knowing it cured malaria, then later they denied it, but the videos prove it. And there is this guy - the fact they threw him in jail for years for not hurting anyone kinda proves they are manipulating people to keep this silent.
I looked into it but never tried it. I very very rarely get sick so I don't have many opportunities to try remedies. Fresh air, quality water, a vegetarian diet since 1987 and being active has kept me strong and healthy. I was born in 1959 and I can't remember the last time I was sick because it was over ten years ago and very minor.
Well that is hard to comprehend.. i do t think its suggestion in this case. I have a different immunity than my family, better immunity most times.And often dont catch it at all or don't get the high fever. And we eat a little different for most meals. Except dinner. But even if we did eat all the same, often friends we dont eat with, and havent been with for weeks, 'catch' the same thing. A few days before or after. I'm suspicious it is either bacteria, poisons, parasites or lets say pathogens in a variety of foods. That we all buy. Either the grocery store gets fumigated or a bunch of food OR the sky. Its a puzzle.
And during the days we had to test for covid, they often tested positive for covid but we usually tested negative! It was odd. Maybe it was all the Garlic, Quercetin and Vit D or Ivermectin we took. 😀
You got it, it's the power of suggestion. If you believe you got it then your belief can influence your body to make you ill. As for the tests they are bogus. Garlic, Quercetin, Vit. D and Ivermectin are all helpful.
How very strange then, that the japanese have been well able to not only identify the virus involved, but characterise it, and follow the various variants over decades.
But I guess there is no point in putting up the medical reference for that, since a whole heap of some sort of snow would be dumped on top of it.
Really don't know why you people come here. Is it to RULE and DIVIDE? Do you really think that all your ongoing passive agressiveness has anything constructive to offer to any solutions of the dilemma all parents face?
Do you really think that the no-virus rhetoric will provide parents with note-worthy ammunition to convince pediatricians that they are competent logical thinkers who would have real ability to bring their children competently through what you don't consider to be an infection?
What do you hope to achieve, by trolling here, and berating what you consider to be Dr McCullough's inability to understand your concept, that science has LIED to everyone for decades and if you can't understand the (non)science of that you are a total moron?
I only observe that various levels of knowledge emerge, levels that do not talk to each other, I know very well that there are those who identify viruses and sequence variants for example , and those who show me that the identification of viruses is not at all obvious given that there are serious problems with the "common methodology", at the same time I also observe that no one measures or directly finds the spike protein that should more or less completely infest each of us, and at the same time I observe that if I use nattokinase bromelain etc.. I feel some improvement in my symptoms.
In short, it seems to me that I am someone who tries to keep my eyes wide open while those who know more than me do not compare enough but walk their own path without showing the contradictions that I think there are.
Dr McCullough has repeated put up many studies showing detection of spike in many different places in the body. And the "spike" will vary as well. The spike from infection can be identified and separated from the spike from the vaccine.
But here is a starter for you - foundational explanation. A scientists can write an article like this from the imagination of his toenail.
I am very sorry that Nicholas Hulsher or Peter mc Cullought or many others in the foreground, in various countries, who are opposing the use of mRNA have never expressed a synthesis like Yours.
When we do not clarify, for example we do not address a direct quantitative measurement of the spike and we do not openly declare that there is no method of measurement for the spike protein, or that to reveal the presence of the spike, we rely only on a constellation of correlated antibodies or symptoms, it seems to me that we are doing exactly what the enemy does, that we are fighting instead, that is, contributing to creating a factory of chatter.
The most contagious virus of all has been running rampant and will continue to be spread by the biggest superspreaders of all times. The virus is FEAR and the superspreaders are the MAINSTREAM MEDIA.
Another huge fraud being do mallard ducks mingle with egg laying chickens? They are housed, with NO OUTSIDE CONTACT with ducks....are the ducks sneaking in unnoticed by the seedy owners who are accepting huge rolls of tax payer dollars to go along with this fraud? Using the phony PCR tests to justify the extinction of egg laying chickens at the expense of tax payers, and jeopardizing the food chain is plainly insane. Yet Hotez and Gates, among others, eerily predict these "pandemics" with 100% accuracy...previously unheard of in real "science". Why have they not yet been shot by a court ordered firing squad for treason, fraud, murder and genocide? Folks are onto them...why are the lawmakers and law enforcement still dull in the head on this travesty? Incidentally, just recently, I experienced an unusual (for me) case of 'conjunctivitis', and having learned that this may be a manifestation of """""bird flu""""....I applied eye drops formulated with neomycin and dexamethasone, and the condition was healed in one week. I have had zero contact with birds...but note that a friend I saw recently, whom I have not seen for a year was complaining of the same issue...he lives in a remote area, subject only to what is rained down on us from the "geo-engineering" going on. I see a connection here...aerosolized, world wide, assault on citizens with man-made diseases from the sky...PREEMPT AND DARPA style, like they did in Hunnan Province in 2018.
"Dr. McCullough raised the possibility that this strain was one of the many samples left behind by Dr. Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance. Dr. Daszak admitted to Congress that “of course” the WIV could have hidden coronavirus samples and that he does “not know” if the WIV has the ability to genetically modify viruses without leaving a trace.""
Tragic that we are in 2025 and the CRISPR clones that are only reproducabl;e in cell culture w E.coli to replicate are still treated as some biological phenomena. These RNA molecules are ghosts in the wild the petrie dish Gain of Function clones NEVER change the laws of Nature they cannot leap from a petrie dish and have replication fidelity of petrie dish clones.
This is embarrassing level of biological mythology that Bill Gates Biotech Mafia promote but for MD to sell the lie is tragic.
Inflammatory cytokine storms in the lungs are a potential consequence of RNA viruses. One issue that may increase the risk of developing inflammatory cytokine storms in the lungs during viral infections is an imbalance in the dietary omega-6/3 ratio. Indeed, over the past 100 years the omega-6/3 ratio in the Western world has increased from approximately 4:1 to 20:1. This has increased the production of pro-inflammatory metabolites from omega-6 and reduced the anti-inflammatory metabolites from omega-3s. A high dietary omega-6/3 ratio may promote excessive inflammation, which may be contributing to inflammatory cytokine storms in the lungs during viral infections.
It was pretty clear from the outset that COVID-19 complicatons were more likely to be severe in obese individuals. Here is an explanaton for that. "Fatty acid composition in the Western diet has shifted from saturated to polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), and specifically to linoleic acid (LA, 18:2), which has gradually increased in the diet over the past 50 y to become the most abundant dietary fatty acid in human adipose tissue."
It has been noted that "Some COVID-19 patients go on to develop severe infection with organ failure, potentially leading to death, and one of the contributing factors appears to be toxicity from the release of stored unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs),.."
"Obesity sometimes seems protective in disease. This obesity paradox is predominantly described in reports from the Western Hemisphere during acute illnesses. Since adipose triglyceride composition corresponds to long-term dietary patterns, we performed a meta-analysis modeling the effect of obesity on severity of acute pancreatitis, in the context of dietary patterns of the countries from which the studies originated. Increased severity was noted in leaner populations with a higher proportion of unsaturated fat intake...visceral triglyceride saturation reduces the ensuing lipotoxicity despite higher adiposity, thus explaining the obesity paradox."
Remember ten or fifteen years ago when there was a fear of a coming pandemic that all science, security, and medical agencies were brought to bare to trace back to the origin and patient one.
Now they not only do not care, because they already know the origin and the perpetrators or victims, but we are censored for asking.
Remember ten or fifteen years ago when a possible pandemic was feared of breaking out all science and security and medical agencies were immediately brought to bare to trace back to the origin?
Now we not only do not bother, but are censored in the most vile ways to hide it because they already know the origin and the perpetrators, but now we are censored for asking.
The open-minded and brilliant German virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka noticed that the method used by virologists to claim that a particular disease is caused by a virus lacks the comparative negative control needed to make virology scientific.
In other words, modern virology is not scientific because it lacks a negative control. Consequently, the methods used in virology fail to scientifically show that viruses cause diseases.
Virologists don’t actually isolate viruses to determine whether they cause disease. Instead, tissue, mucus, or blood presumed to contain the virus being studied is added to bovine fetal tissue that is kept alive in a test tube by gradually supplying appropriate food. Also, supposedly to ensure that no bacteria are present in the tissue, toxic antibiotics are added to the concoction. The food supply is reduced starving the tissue. Then, when the tissue’s cells begin dying at abnormally high rates, the virologist claims the virus caused the accelerated cell death rate.
Dr. Lanka noticed that this modern virology method is missing a negative control experiment that must be performed to make the method scientific. In this case, a negative control would include all the steps used in the modern virology method, minus the virus. To accomplish that, no tissue, mucus, or blood presumed to contain the virus would be added leaving the control virus-free. Otherwise, the control would be processed the same way as the virus-containing batch. Finally, the results of the negative control would be compared to the virus batch.
In April of 2021 Stefan Lanka performed the negative control by simply doing all the normal steps except he didn’t add tissue, mucus, or blood presumed to contain the virus being studied. Without the virus, the negative control experiment caused the same accelerated cell death rate found in the virus-containing experiments. This negative control reveals that the accelerated cell death rate was caused by something other than the virus. Most likely they die from the antibiotics and lack of sufficient food. Most importantly, we know the accelerated cell death wasn’t caused by the virus because it wasn’t present.
Unfortunately, virologists don’t use a negative control, leaving the modern virology method unscientific. Amazingly, modern virology doesn’t prove anything! Hence, all the studies of this sort, claiming that viruses cause disease, must be discarded.
Several years earlier, Dr. Lanka offered a reward of 100,000 euros to anyone who could prove the existence of the measles virus using a published scientific study. Dr. David Bardens attempted to earn the reward by providing six published virology studies claiming that measles is caused by a virus.
In the initial court battle, Dr. Bardens won. Later, Lanka appealed the case to a higher German court. That court reversed the ruling on February 16, 2016, stating, “As a result, the appeal, insofar as it is admissible, is successful because the plaintiff did not meet the criterion of claiming to prove the existence of the measles virus by ‘a scientific publication.’” Finally, in 2017, the Supreme Court of Germany refused to hear Bardens’ appeal leaving Lanka the winner and virology the loser.
Virologists need to use a negative control experiment to properly show a disease is caused by a virus. Without a negative control for comparison, all the existing studies that claim viruses cause diseases are unscientific and inconclusive. Moreover, the journals that have published such studies ought to retract them.
By investigating the history of virology, Dr. Lanka found that the methods used today originated in 1954:
“This completely unscientific approach originated in June 1954, when an unscientific and refutable speculative article was published, according to which the death of tissue in a test tube was considered . . . possible evidence for the presence of a virus. Six months later, on 10 December 1954, the main author of this opinion [John Franklin Enders] was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine for another equally speculative theory. The speculation from June 1954 was then raised to a scientific fact and became a dogma which has never been challenged to this date.”
Dr. Lanka single-handedly debunked the past 69 years of virology. Reversals of false beliefs in science have occurred countless times. Unfortunately, the new theories that take their place can take quite a while to become accepted by the scientific community and humanity at large. In the meantime the invalid theories can remain in place for decades or even centuries.
The billions of dollars made from selling vaccines and antiviral remedies keeps virology well funded by very profitable pharmaceutical companies. Those companies also provide approximately 70 percent of popular media funding in the US. They also spend more on US lobbyists than any other industry. To keep the money flowing, some of the vaccine profits are used to maintain the erroneous belief in viral diseases.
Before I move on, there’s a bit more to share about the unscientific nature of virology. After claiming a specific virus causes a disease, virologists need to clarify the identity of the virus. Because they haven’t actually isolated the virus, they don’t know what DNA or RNA is stored inside the virus’s protein shell. Therefore a committee is formed to name the virus and piece together an approximate genetic signature.
Today the committee of virologists use an AI program to assemble a genetic signature. Then they have the audacity to claim that their contrived genetic signature identifies an actual virus that causes a particular disease. Lanka drew attention to this absurdity in his 100,000 euros reward publicity stunt.
With an imaginary virus invented, portions of the contrived genetic code can be used to test for infection. If that genetic sequence is found in a person’s mucus sample, that match is presumed to indicate the person has the disease. As we all know, many people who test positive for viral diseases don’t get sick at all. Those people are labeled asymptomatic, meaning they don’t exhibit symptoms of the disease even though medical practitioners claim they are carriers of an imaginary virus that has never been shown to exist let alone cause disease.
It’s important to mention that virologists have redefined the word isolate for use in virology. Their illogical meaning claims that a virus is “isolated” when the unscientific modern virology method discussed earlier causes accelerated cell death and the virologists dream up a genetic signature for their imaginary virus. The resulting concoction is called an “isolate” even though the imagined virus remains in a soup of numerous ingredients.
The next unscientific step uses the invented viral genetic signature to test people and see if their body contains specified segments of the invented virus genome. To do that, the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) machine is used to make billions of copies of the DNA and RNA found in a human sample to compare it to selected portions of the imaginary virus’s genes.
When it comes to the current global disease, the picture of a spiked virus is simply an artistically enhanced image of a virus. Showing that picture causes people to presume that the little bugger has been found, isolated (meaning completely separated), and determined to be the culprit, but virologists don’t do any of that. Properly devised methods to scientifically show viruses cause diseases have never been used. Thus, all claims that viruses cause diseases are based on a careless mistake made in 1954!
Couldn’t agree more George. It’s sad that we’re killing real people and animals for “viruses” that have never been proven to exist. Can’t wait for me to know more about this.
Viruses play a monumental role in evolution by participating in a gene-modification system that’s labeled “horizontal gene transfer.”
There are three types of horizontal gene transfer. The one that involves viruses is transduction. Because that’s the only one I’m going to discuss, I’ll simply call it HGTT. I’ll begin by summarizing what a virus is.
Viruses are small portions of DNA or RNA encased in a protein wrapper. They aren’t alive and can’t reproduce or propel themselves. Viruses don’t consume food, and they don’t expel waste products. They are simply protein packets with segments of DNA or RNA inside. Much like a letter in an envelope, a virus is genetic information in a protein envelope.
Due to specialization in biological research, these small particles have been given several names, including extracellular vesicles, exosomes, phages, bacteriophages, and ectosomes. Although these and other names have been created by various branches of biology, all those labels identify what is commonly called a virus. Therefore, I’ll simply use “virus” to identify these little protein envelopes with genes inside them.
In wondering, “Where do viruses come from?,” I found that cells and bacteria create viruses by placing DNA or RNA pieces into protein wrappers and excreting them out into the world.
Other cells and bacteria receive the viruses to obtain the genetic information contained inside. Because viruses are lifeless, they can’t enter a cell. Instead, cells and bacteria catch the viruses and open them.
The most well-researched example of HGTT occurs when bacteria are exposed to an antibiotic and develop immunity to that antibiotic. Once exposed to the antibiotic, bacteria produce viruses and spit them out into their surroundings. The expelled viruses carry genetic information to other bacteria that receive those viruses. Once a virus is received by a bacterium’s receptor, the genetic information in the virus is extracted by the bacterium. That DNA or RNA information is used to update the bacterium’s genome. These new genes make the bacterium immune to the toxic antibiotic. To share the genetic update, the bacterium replicates the therapeutic virus and spits copies out into the world. When all the bacteria in a colony have received the virus, the colony is found to be immune to the antibiotic! This process has been found to occur rapidly. Moreover sharing viruses to update cellular DNA is how natural herd immunity is actually achieved. In this case bacteria are becoming immune to the toxic antibiotic.
All cells use viruses to evolve DNA in ways that help organisms cope with environmental toxins. Here’s a video showing how the viral genetic strand is added to a cell’s genome:
Going even further, the viruses that made one colony of bacteria immune to an antibiotic were isolated using ultra-centrifugation and introduced to another sample of bacteria that hadn’t been exposed to the antibiotic. Once those viruses were passed around as described earlier, those bacteria evolved to be immune to the antibiotic they hadn’t encountered until after being exposed to the viruses. This proves that the viral genetic adaptation evolved the bacteria to become able to cope with the toxic antibiotic. This example of horizontal gene transfer has been thoroughly studied and verified as explained here:
"Horizontal (or lateral) gene transfer (HGT) is the sharing of genetic material between organisms by means other than vertical (parent to offspring) transmission and plays a major role in the evolution of many organisms (Gyles and Boerlin 2014 ). McDaniel and coworkers documented in 2010 that there is a high frequency of horizontal gene transfer in coastal and oceanic environments, with as high as 47% of the cultivable natural microbial community confirmed as gene recipients. They demonstrated that part of this HGT was carried out by viral-like particles released by the bacteria and suggested that it facilitated the adaptation of marine bacteria to changing environmental conditions.
"HGT is perhaps the main factor spreading antibiotic resistance in bacteria (Kay et al. 2002)."
Excerpt from: Horizontal Gene Transfer: Breaking Borders between Living Kingdoms, Springer Nature Switzerland 2019, p. 98
Going further, the HGTT process spreads genes amongst all living organisms to evolve DNA while creatures are alive! This pivotal discovery of what viruses actually do has dramatically altered our understanding of evolution.
The older Neo-Darwinian theory of evolution was restricted to genes being passed from parent to child. That inheritance gene transfer method is now called “vertical gene transfer” because inherited genes travel down the family tree from parent to offspring vertically. Indeed, that does take place, but very slowly.
More importantly, HGTT is occurring sideways between living organisms, making it horizontal. This horizontal genetic adaptation process occurs quickly changing the DNA of all organisms while we are alive.
Unexpectedly I found that this astonishing process has been studied since the 1950s. Today, genetic experts have confirmed that viruses are responsible for many critical evolutionary developments.
“There is increasing evidence of the existence of HGT in animals and higher plants. . . . In the animal kingdom, Gasmi described how some wasp genes were transferred to Lepidoptera by a symbiotic virus (Gasmi et al. 2015 ). Accordingly, the impact of HGT is probably much higher than first envisioned, and although it is not yet fully established the extent of its contribution to the reticulation of life evolution in this planet, it is now known that HGT affects all life kingdoms (Woese 2004 ).”
Excerpt from: Horizontal Gene Transfer: Breaking Borders between Living Kingdoms, Springer Nature Switzerland 2019, p. 99
In other words, HGTT occurs in multicellular organisms including animals, plants, and even humans. Viruses are now known to be essential conveyors of evolutionary genetic updates in all living organisms. Therefore, viruses actually help organisms update their genes when environmental changes cause disease. In short, toxins trigger cells to produce viruses and pass them around to share the genetic update found in the virus to cope with the toxic assault.
Once viruses evolve us by updating our genes, we become better able to deal with environmental toxins, droughts and other challenges that emerge over time. This realization has led biologists who study evolution to suspect that HGTT has been taking place since life emerged!
Recent analysis of human DNA has revealed that retroviruses are responsible for many essential features found in humans. When a genetic sequence is installed by a retrovirus, a marker is included with the genetic modification. That marker gives genetic experts a way to identify portions of DNA that had been installed via retroviruses. Using those markers, genetic researchers have discovered that eight percent of human genes were introduced by retroviruses!
“One example of a benefit conferred by viral genes comes from humans. A sequence installed by a retrovirus regulates the amylase gene cluster, allowing us to produce amylase in our saliva. This sequence that we share with a few other primates enables us to eat starchy foods we otherwise couldn’t.”
Excerpt from: Retroviruses, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1997, p. 403.
That viral genetic update may have helped humans survive famines by enabling us to eat roots that were previously inedible.
To catch viruses, animal cells have receptors that receive them. Once a cell’s receptor captures a virus, the cell opens the virus to extract the genetic information inside the protein wrapper. Next, the DNA or RNA is transported into the cell’s nucleus, where the precious DNA is protected by a double-layered shell. Once the cell opens its nucleus, the genetic update found in the virus is incorporated into the animal’s genome. Finally, the cell makes multiple copies of the virus and spits out those copies to share the genetic update with other cells. That process spreads the viral genetic update throughout the animal’s body. Beyond that, viruses can be coughed or sneezed out of one creature to reach another. By spreading even further, viruses can affect other species and even organisms in other kingdoms. For example, plant viruses can affect animals and vice versa.
Instead of causing disease, evolutionary biologists have discovered that viruses provide adaptive genetic updates that are naturally therapeutic. Over billions of years of evolution, bacteria and cells have developed natural boundaries and other defense systems to protect their genetic material from being damaged or altered. Viruses bypass all those defenses by fitting into receptor sites that are ready and waiting for viruses to arrive. When a virus docks in a cell’s receptor site, the cell extracts the virus’s genetic information and uses it to edit cellular DNA. It’s as if viruses have a universal key that bypasses all the barriers protecting cellular DNA from being accidentally altered.
To take advantage of this universal key that’s imbedded in the viral HGTT process, genetic engineers have been using viruses to alter DNA in plants and animals for over 30 years. Genetic engineers hijack the natural HGTT system to smuggle in their genetic modifications. When viruses are used by genetic engineers to alter human DNA that process is called “gene therapy.” These scientists inject modified viruses into humans to repair genetic disorders. For example, patients with hemophilia and sickle cell anemia have been cured with viral gene therapy treatments. In both cases, the genetic repair is permanent.
I had a head cold a month ago.... in the middle of the night I decided to eat some pudding in a little container.... I used a spoon and ate 5-6 bites. I got well and a week later while I was well - I finished the pudding, only to get my cold back again!
Thank you for this phenomenal comment! I just researched all of this and had my eyes open! Thank you so much for this -- greatly appreciated!
Thank you for your explanation of the problem with the method used to prove that viruses cause disease. This does not mean that viruses do not exist and it does not mean that viruses do not cause disease. It means that the methods to prove this are flawed. It is very disappointing that “scientists” continue to use this method. I would expect that they should have figured out that they need a negative control. Unfortunately, they get hung up on the inertia of using the same flawed methods. Has Dr. Lana not attempted to conduct such an experiment?
Wow. Thank you! The mind boggles. I will have to read this again. And slowly. So would you suggest that perhaps "measles" is a bacteria or parasites or both?
In my investigation into the virus disease issue, I've found sensible claims that our bodies use mechanisms like measles, influenza, colds, coughs, and others to eliminate toxins that have built up over time from the air, water and food we consume. Based on the 20 books I read on this subject, living organisms are incredibly symbiotic. Despite that, there are predators and pray. Moreover, battles and drama seem to draw a bigger audience to documentaries that show predators compared to symbiotic cooperation that is less exciting to watch. So, it seems that we have been exposed to excessive conflict that is not consistent with the natural world. Oddly, humans are the most dangerous creatures, even when it comes to other humans. The creature that causes the most human deaths in the entire world is the human!
When it comes to measles, it seems that some people go through a purging of some sort of toxins while others, like myself, don't need to do that. I never had measles. Bottom line, I'm not sure.
In Daniel Roytas book, "Can You Catch a Cold?" it turns out, high levels of particulate matter in the lungs and trachea along with cold weather and especially damp chills are key factors in causing colds and influenza. Conversely, the contagion theory lacks credible evidence based on over 100 studies.
In general, I found the little known Terrain Theory superior to the popular Germ Theory. However, biology is incredibly complicated making it difficult to prove with high confidence causation. In most cases there are multiple factors that combine to produce a disease state.
Thank you. Very interesting. Am just trying to undertand why our whole family's usually comes down with something all the same. Time after time. But the most important thing is to learn what cures.
Yes and as to humans being most dangerous to humans.!!
The cure:
Shucks! It wont open for me
Are you using google to bring it up? Google sensors everything. Get Brave for your search....
There is the nocebo effect. When you expect to get something that can have a strong impact on developing symptoms. It's similar to how the placebo effect can result in healing when simply given a sugar pill. With the nocebo effect, a person can get sick because they expect to get sick do to exposure to a toxin or to someone with what they believe to be a contagious disease. Also, if you all live in the same environment and eat similar food those factors could induce similar symptoms.
I've heard of that, and I think people can be coisursed, but did you watch what I linked? Lots of people having amazing results, and I've seen the Red Cross knowing it cured malaria, then later they denied it, but the videos prove it. And there is this guy - the fact they threw him in jail for years for not hurting anyone kinda proves they are manipulating people to keep this silent.
I looked into it but never tried it. I very very rarely get sick so I don't have many opportunities to try remedies. Fresh air, quality water, a vegetarian diet since 1987 and being active has kept me strong and healthy. I was born in 1959 and I can't remember the last time I was sick because it was over ten years ago and very minor.
Well that is hard to comprehend.. i do t think its suggestion in this case. I have a different immunity than my family, better immunity most times.And often dont catch it at all or don't get the high fever. And we eat a little different for most meals. Except dinner. But even if we did eat all the same, often friends we dont eat with, and havent been with for weeks, 'catch' the same thing. A few days before or after. I'm suspicious it is either bacteria, poisons, parasites or lets say pathogens in a variety of foods. That we all buy. Either the grocery store gets fumigated or a bunch of food OR the sky. Its a puzzle.
And during the days we had to test for covid, they often tested positive for covid but we usually tested negative! It was odd. Maybe it was all the Garlic, Quercetin and Vit D or Ivermectin we took. 😀
You got it, it's the power of suggestion. If you believe you got it then your belief can influence your body to make you ill. As for the tests they are bogus. Garlic, Quercetin, Vit. D and Ivermectin are all helpful.
How very strange then, that the japanese have been well able to not only identify the virus involved, but characterise it, and follow the various variants over decades.
But I guess there is no point in putting up the medical reference for that, since a whole heap of some sort of snow would be dumped on top of it.
Really don't know why you people come here. Is it to RULE and DIVIDE? Do you really think that all your ongoing passive agressiveness has anything constructive to offer to any solutions of the dilemma all parents face?
Do you really think that the no-virus rhetoric will provide parents with note-worthy ammunition to convince pediatricians that they are competent logical thinkers who would have real ability to bring their children competently through what you don't consider to be an infection?
What do you hope to achieve, by trolling here, and berating what you consider to be Dr McCullough's inability to understand your concept, that science has LIED to everyone for decades and if you can't understand the (non)science of that you are a total moron?
I only observe that various levels of knowledge emerge, levels that do not talk to each other, I know very well that there are those who identify viruses and sequence variants for example , and those who show me that the identification of viruses is not at all obvious given that there are serious problems with the "common methodology", at the same time I also observe that no one measures or directly finds the spike protein that should more or less completely infest each of us, and at the same time I observe that if I use nattokinase bromelain etc.. I feel some improvement in my symptoms.
In short, it seems to me that I am someone who tries to keep my eyes wide open while those who know more than me do not compare enough but walk their own path without showing the contradictions that I think there are.
Perhaps you don't read here very often.
Dr McCullough has repeated put up many studies showing detection of spike in many different places in the body. And the "spike" will vary as well. The spike from infection can be identified and separated from the spike from the vaccine.
But here is a starter for you - foundational explanation. A scientists can write an article like this from the imagination of his toenail.
I am very sorry that Nicholas Hulsher or Peter mc Cullought or many others in the foreground, in various countries, who are opposing the use of mRNA have never expressed a synthesis like Yours.
When we do not clarify, for example we do not address a direct quantitative measurement of the spike and we do not openly declare that there is no method of measurement for the spike protein, or that to reveal the presence of the spike, we rely only on a constellation of correlated antibodies or symptoms, it seems to me that we are doing exactly what the enemy does, that we are fighting instead, that is, contributing to creating a factory of chatter.
The most contagious virus of all has been running rampant and will continue to be spread by the biggest superspreaders of all times. The virus is FEAR and the superspreaders are the MAINSTREAM MEDIA.
As RFK said measles deaths went down way before a vaccine was introduced, so nothing to fear:
Another huge fraud being do mallard ducks mingle with egg laying chickens? They are housed, with NO OUTSIDE CONTACT with ducks....are the ducks sneaking in unnoticed by the seedy owners who are accepting huge rolls of tax payer dollars to go along with this fraud? Using the phony PCR tests to justify the extinction of egg laying chickens at the expense of tax payers, and jeopardizing the food chain is plainly insane. Yet Hotez and Gates, among others, eerily predict these "pandemics" with 100% accuracy...previously unheard of in real "science". Why have they not yet been shot by a court ordered firing squad for treason, fraud, murder and genocide? Folks are onto them...why are the lawmakers and law enforcement still dull in the head on this travesty? Incidentally, just recently, I experienced an unusual (for me) case of 'conjunctivitis', and having learned that this may be a manifestation of """""bird flu""""....I applied eye drops formulated with neomycin and dexamethasone, and the condition was healed in one week. I have had zero contact with birds...but note that a friend I saw recently, whom I have not seen for a year was complaining of the same issue...he lives in a remote area, subject only to what is rained down on us from the "geo-engineering" going on. I see a connection here...aerosolized, world wide, assault on citizens with man-made diseases from the sky...PREEMPT AND DARPA style, like they did in Hunnan Province in 2018.
"Dr. McCullough raised the possibility that this strain was one of the many samples left behind by Dr. Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance. Dr. Daszak admitted to Congress that “of course” the WIV could have hidden coronavirus samples and that he does “not know” if the WIV has the ability to genetically modify viruses without leaving a trace.""
Tragic that we are in 2025 and the CRISPR clones that are only reproducabl;e in cell culture w E.coli to replicate are still treated as some biological phenomena. These RNA molecules are ghosts in the wild the petrie dish Gain of Function clones NEVER change the laws of Nature they cannot leap from a petrie dish and have replication fidelity of petrie dish clones.
This is embarrassing level of biological mythology that Bill Gates Biotech Mafia promote but for MD to sell the lie is tragic.
Inflammatory cytokine storms in the lungs are a potential consequence of RNA viruses. One issue that may increase the risk of developing inflammatory cytokine storms in the lungs during viral infections is an imbalance in the dietary omega-6/3 ratio. Indeed, over the past 100 years the omega-6/3 ratio in the Western world has increased from approximately 4:1 to 20:1. This has increased the production of pro-inflammatory metabolites from omega-6 and reduced the anti-inflammatory metabolites from omega-3s. A high dietary omega-6/3 ratio may promote excessive inflammation, which may be contributing to inflammatory cytokine storms in the lungs during viral infections.
It was pretty clear from the outset that COVID-19 complicatons were more likely to be severe in obese individuals. Here is an explanaton for that. "Fatty acid composition in the Western diet has shifted from saturated to polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), and specifically to linoleic acid (LA, 18:2), which has gradually increased in the diet over the past 50 y to become the most abundant dietary fatty acid in human adipose tissue."
It has been noted that "Some COVID-19 patients go on to develop severe infection with organ failure, potentially leading to death, and one of the contributing factors appears to be toxicity from the release of stored unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs),.."
"Obesity sometimes seems protective in disease. This obesity paradox is predominantly described in reports from the Western Hemisphere during acute illnesses. Since adipose triglyceride composition corresponds to long-term dietary patterns, we performed a meta-analysis modeling the effect of obesity on severity of acute pancreatitis, in the context of dietary patterns of the countries from which the studies originated. Increased severity was noted in leaner populations with a higher proportion of unsaturated fat intake...visceral triglyceride saturation reduces the ensuing lipotoxicity despite higher adiposity, thus explaining the obesity paradox."
Watch this and laugh... because you will have the cure!
Once you take this ~ you will laugh again... this is the ultimate proof of God.
Remember ten or fifteen years ago when there was a fear of a coming pandemic that all science, security, and medical agencies were brought to bare to trace back to the origin and patient one.
Now they not only do not care, because they already know the origin and the perpetrators or victims, but we are censored for asking.
Remember ten or fifteen years ago when a possible pandemic was feared of breaking out all science and security and medical agencies were immediately brought to bare to trace back to the origin?
Now we not only do not bother, but are censored in the most vile ways to hide it because they already know the origin and the perpetrators, but now we are censored for asking.
This Volume not Loud Enough.
CDC's excuse will be. "WE can't do due diligence on cases because so many of our EI workers were fired..."