I'd argue optimal vitamin D levels are 80-120 ng/ml. Overdose doesn't occur until >300 ng/ml levels and I suspect appropriately high K2 values would prevent problems at even higher levels.
Go to thomasabraunrph@substack.com and read my latest article. RFK I take 5000 IU’s daily and maintain a blood value of about 70 ng’s. Big Medicine knows our nation would be healthier if we all had 50 ‘ng’s as a minimum.
After Covid vaccine Moderna known bad batch 041L20A, which was causing immediate anaphylactic reactions, my pre-existing CFS sharply worsened. Because of the bad batch, I was not gaslighted by my doctor. Vitamin D level was 90, almost too high. I was taking 5000iu a day, augmented by Vitamin K2, Ca, Mg, Bo, and the micro-nutrients needed to get the Vitamin D into the bloodstream.
If I hadn't been taking the Vitamin D regimen, serious illness or even death would have been very possible.
More recent re-tests showed I have been maintaining that high blood level. But it didn't prevent my first Covid infection, from a bad sewer backup in early September 2024, (a spike in infections and wastewater virus). I still haven't recovered. After six months, it's Long Covid. Again, without the high Vitamin D blood levels, would I be alive?
I would take 10,000 IU daily until your bloodwork shows the level you want. Many will say over 50ng blood level is very good & protective of many health issues. For example people in the ICU do vastly better if they have a blood level of at least 50ng.
Some say the optimal target is 60-80ng. Some people pound D3 until they reach 100ng blood level.
I take 10,000 daily and have reached 71ng. I’m happy with that but am not backing off. When I did, the level sunk within 120 days. (I had reduced D3 supplementation when I made a big effort to get daily noontime sun exposure via sunbathing in FL.) I went back on the supplement at a level of 10,000 IU daily and it went back up. I am 60 and I guess I just couldn’t convert the sun exposure to vitamin D well enough.
I don’t think you can go wrong at 5,000 or 10,000 IU’s daily. Good job reaching 60.8!
Is it D2 or D3? Are you on meds? Some deplete Vit D. Also need good kidney and liver function. There are docs who specialize in D. Every one is a little different in how it works. Depends on other health issues and key nutrient levels.
Other nutrients are needed to get the Vitamin D into the blood, especially Vitamin K2, Ca, Mg, Bo, and K (chemical symbols). Then blood tests are strongly recommended to determine if the Vitamin D is getting into the bloodstream.
Vitamin K2 and D are fat soluble, so missing days, especially the expensive K2, can be tolerated.
See my longer comment which points to https:// vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ which includes recommendations for how much vitamin D3 to supplement, from New Jersey based Professor of Medicine, Sunil Wimalawansa, as ratios of body weight with higher ratios for those suffering from obesity. For 70 kg (154 lb) without obesity, 0.125 milligrams (5000 IU) a day is a good amount.
All the more reason for the lockdowns and keeping people out of the SUN and hhhmmm the Geo-engineering of the WEF Depop folks spreading the the chemtrails to BLOCK SUNLIGHT takes on a much more sinister role!!!
Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm water. Go into your bathroom and swallow two mouthfuls to sort out anything which has got down there, then cup a hand, pour some of the mix into your cupped hand and sniff or snort the remaining mugful up your nose, in stages until all is gone.
If you have a burning sensation you have a virus and the salt water is killing the virus infection in your head.
It will burn for a few minutes (but won't hurt you otherwise) and then the pain will go away, so when it does, take some toilet paper off the toilet roll and blow your nose out in it, then flush that away, washing your hands afterwards.
Do this simple cure 3 times a day, or more often for a quicker result, until when you flush, it feels like you are flushing with plain water and no pain is felt - job done.
I have been doing this simple cure for over 35 years and in that time I have never been ill from any virus or more lately, being shedded on by the vaccinated who now make up 97% of the population here, so we are told.
The salt water goes throughout your nasal passages, behind your eyes, ears, brain bulb brain stem - where for my money, Long Covid likes to stay and when you get an infection in your head, there is nothing to stop it becoming, for the sake of example, Covid, the disease, which flows down into your body in the one liter of snot or mucus our head produces daily, the engine oil of your body - if flows down the back of your neck unnoticed because it is and always has been a lifetime thing - the top of your throat is at a point half way up your ears and not at mouth level, as you will quickly discover with my free salt water cure.
I've never had a vaccine because I've never needed one, in other words, why reinvent the wheel when you have an unbeatable wheel to run with, in the first place?
Thank you! I will try this for Long Covid. One issue is getting too much sodium, especially in long term use. but that can be somewhat mitigated by taking extra potassium.
We have endured decades of corrupt entities trying to fear us into believing that the sun is our enemy- and sadly, many bought into the lies, slathering chemical laden creams into their skin to fight 'the enemy'.
Now, surprise surprise- study after study comes out revealing that vitamin D offers deep immune system support, recovery and resiliance against disease. Yet really, how could anyone ever doubt this, when the sun is literally a supporter of life. Take it away and we all perish.
Almost all people today are living with immune systems which cannot function properly due to an inadequate supply of 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Many types of immune cell need a good supply of this, by diffusion from the bloodstream, in order to run their intracrine (inside each individual cell) and paracrine (to nearby cells, typically of different types) signaling systems. These systems are required for individual cells to alter their behaviour in response to their changing circumstances. These systems are unrelated to endocrine (hormonal) signaling. They have only been understood by a few research teams in the the last decade or two. Very few immunologists or doctors have heard of them, much less understand them. Most people who write vitamin D research articles have either no knowledge of these, or only a vague understanding of how they work and how important they are.
25-hydroxyvitamin D calcifediol is made primarily in the liver, by hydroxylating ingested or ultraviolet-B -> 7-dehydrocholesterol skin produced vitamin D3 cholecalciferol. About 1/4 of this vitamin D3 goes into circulation as the 25-hydroxyvitamin D the kidneys need to perform their role in regulating calcium-phosphate-bone metabolism.
The immune system needs 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L = 1 part in 20,000,000 by mass) circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D in order to function properly - as can be seen in this analysis of post-operative infections according to pre-operative 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels at Massachusetts General Hospital: https://jamanetwork.com/ journals/jamasurgery/fullarticle/1782085. Please see Figures 1 and 2 in the PDF, which do not appear in the web version of the article.
50 ng/mL is 2.5 times the level governments and many doctors consider adequate for good health - but this lower level, 20 ng/mL, is just what the kidneys require in order to perform their role in regulating calcium-phosphate-bone metabolism. Most people with modest vitamin D3 supplementation (1000 IU or less a day, as recommended by governments and many doctors) and/or a little ultraviolet B exposure of ideally white skin have levels around 20 ng/mL. Many people have less than this - and some, especially the elderly and those with black or brown skin, have as little as 5 ng/mL
There's very little vitamin D in food, including that which is fortified with vitamin D3 or the less effective D2. Far from the equator, UV-B in sufficient quantities to appreciably raise 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels is only available in the middle of cloud-free summer days, without glass, clothing or sunscreen intervening. This same UV-B always damages DNA and so raises the risk of skin cancer.
Please see the research on vitamin D and the immune system cited and discussed at: https:// vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/. This includes recommendations for how much vitamin D3 to supplement, from New Jersey based Professor of Medicine, Sunil Wimalawansa, as ratios of body weight with higher ratios for those suffering from obesity. For 70 kg (154 lb) without obesity, 0.125 milligrams (5000 IU) a day is a good amount. This is a gram every 22 years, and pharma grade vitamin D3 costs about USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory.
This was the key all along and Dr John Campbell reviewed a small study in the first few weeks of COVID that I remember, he had a dismal YouTube following then now he has millions. The vitamin d hammer does really work. I’m an herbalist and I have written and shared the protocol in the past. I’ll copy and paste it into a new note and link it bc it’s too long to share in this comment.
"May Improve Post-COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Fatigue Syndrome"....so, vaccine-injury...let's start calling it what it really is/was and will always be..... injury from vaccines....
Single best thing I ever did. Started seeing a naturopath in 2022 with ongoing vaccine related problems. Started at under 20 on vitamin D.
Been taking D supplementation ever since. Physician supervised. Now over 70. Surprisingly, have not had a real cold since nor have I been ill.
My PCP has NEVER even tested for vitamin D or even said "Boo" about it. My naturopath tested for it first time.
Good job Steve on deciding to seek health advice outside of the conventional medical system!
I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/4NWnqxRjgM
Timid approach!
Vitamin D blood value should’ve been boosted to over 50 NG’s to see magnificent results !
I'd argue optimal vitamin D levels are 80-120 ng/ml. Overdose doesn't occur until >300 ng/ml levels and I suspect appropriately high K2 values would prevent problems at even higher levels.
What’s the proper dose and when should it be taken. ???
Go to thomasabraunrph@substack.com and read my latest article. RFK I take 5000 IU’s daily and maintain a blood value of about 70 ng’s. Big Medicine knows our nation would be healthier if we all had 50 ‘ng’s as a minimum.
After Covid vaccine Moderna known bad batch 041L20A, which was causing immediate anaphylactic reactions, my pre-existing CFS sharply worsened. Because of the bad batch, I was not gaslighted by my doctor. Vitamin D level was 90, almost too high. I was taking 5000iu a day, augmented by Vitamin K2, Ca, Mg, Bo, and the micro-nutrients needed to get the Vitamin D into the bloodstream.
If I hadn't been taking the Vitamin D regimen, serious illness or even death would have been very possible.
More recent re-tests showed I have been maintaining that high blood level. But it didn't prevent my first Covid infection, from a bad sewer backup in early September 2024, (a spike in infections and wastewater virus). I still haven't recovered. After six months, it's Long Covid. Again, without the high Vitamin D blood levels, would I be alive?
If one takes cod liver oil, does one have to take K2.
I have been taking g 10,000 IU daily taken in the morning with breakfast my level was 60.8 do I continue with the 10,000 or would 5000 be adequate?
I would take 10,000 IU daily until your bloodwork shows the level you want. Many will say over 50ng blood level is very good & protective of many health issues. For example people in the ICU do vastly better if they have a blood level of at least 50ng.
Some say the optimal target is 60-80ng. Some people pound D3 until they reach 100ng blood level.
I take 10,000 daily and have reached 71ng. I’m happy with that but am not backing off. When I did, the level sunk within 120 days. (I had reduced D3 supplementation when I made a big effort to get daily noontime sun exposure via sunbathing in FL.) I went back on the supplement at a level of 10,000 IU daily and it went back up. I am 60 and I guess I just couldn’t convert the sun exposure to vitamin D well enough.
I don’t think you can go wrong at 5,000 or 10,000 IU’s daily. Good job reaching 60.8!
Thanks for the input. Live in upper Midwest so sun exposure during the winter is minimal
Is it D2 or D3? Are you on meds? Some deplete Vit D. Also need good kidney and liver function. There are docs who specialize in D. Every one is a little different in how it works. Depends on other health issues and key nutrient levels.
You have to test 25(OH)D after supplementing for a couple months. Get a baseline first. Every metabolizes D3 differently and fat sequesters it.
Other nutrients are needed to get the Vitamin D into the blood, especially Vitamin K2, Ca, Mg, Bo, and K (chemical symbols). Then blood tests are strongly recommended to determine if the Vitamin D is getting into the bloodstream.
Vitamin K2 and D are fat soluble, so missing days, especially the expensive K2, can be tolerated.
See my longer comment which points to https:// vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ which includes recommendations for how much vitamin D3 to supplement, from New Jersey based Professor of Medicine, Sunil Wimalawansa, as ratios of body weight with higher ratios for those suffering from obesity. For 70 kg (154 lb) without obesity, 0.125 milligrams (5000 IU) a day is a good amount.
All the more reason for the lockdowns and keeping people out of the SUN and hhhmmm the Geo-engineering of the WEF Depop folks spreading the the chemtrails to BLOCK SUNLIGHT takes on a much more sinister role!!!
Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm water. Go into your bathroom and swallow two mouthfuls to sort out anything which has got down there, then cup a hand, pour some of the mix into your cupped hand and sniff or snort the remaining mugful up your nose, in stages until all is gone.
If you have a burning sensation you have a virus and the salt water is killing the virus infection in your head.
It will burn for a few minutes (but won't hurt you otherwise) and then the pain will go away, so when it does, take some toilet paper off the toilet roll and blow your nose out in it, then flush that away, washing your hands afterwards.
Do this simple cure 3 times a day, or more often for a quicker result, until when you flush, it feels like you are flushing with plain water and no pain is felt - job done.
I have been doing this simple cure for over 35 years and in that time I have never been ill from any virus or more lately, being shedded on by the vaccinated who now make up 97% of the population here, so we are told.
The salt water goes throughout your nasal passages, behind your eyes, ears, brain bulb brain stem - where for my money, Long Covid likes to stay and when you get an infection in your head, there is nothing to stop it becoming, for the sake of example, Covid, the disease, which flows down into your body in the one liter of snot or mucus our head produces daily, the engine oil of your body - if flows down the back of your neck unnoticed because it is and always has been a lifetime thing - the top of your throat is at a point half way up your ears and not at mouth level, as you will quickly discover with my free salt water cure.
I've never had a vaccine because I've never needed one, in other words, why reinvent the wheel when you have an unbeatable wheel to run with, in the first place?
Thank you! I will try this for Long Covid. One issue is getting too much sodium, especially in long term use. but that can be somewhat mitigated by taking extra potassium.
We have endured decades of corrupt entities trying to fear us into believing that the sun is our enemy- and sadly, many bought into the lies, slathering chemical laden creams into their skin to fight 'the enemy'.
Now, surprise surprise- study after study comes out revealing that vitamin D offers deep immune system support, recovery and resiliance against disease. Yet really, how could anyone ever doubt this, when the sun is literally a supporter of life. Take it away and we all perish.
Thank you for some good analysis Nicolas.
Yes, getting vitamin-D levels to upper normal range is a help with long-vaxx patients in my limited but clear experience.
Get the d from sun(10am-12), or from very good cod liver oil in winter
Almost all people today are living with immune systems which cannot function properly due to an inadequate supply of 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Many types of immune cell need a good supply of this, by diffusion from the bloodstream, in order to run their intracrine (inside each individual cell) and paracrine (to nearby cells, typically of different types) signaling systems. These systems are required for individual cells to alter their behaviour in response to their changing circumstances. These systems are unrelated to endocrine (hormonal) signaling. They have only been understood by a few research teams in the the last decade or two. Very few immunologists or doctors have heard of them, much less understand them. Most people who write vitamin D research articles have either no knowledge of these, or only a vague understanding of how they work and how important they are.
25-hydroxyvitamin D calcifediol is made primarily in the liver, by hydroxylating ingested or ultraviolet-B -> 7-dehydrocholesterol skin produced vitamin D3 cholecalciferol. About 1/4 of this vitamin D3 goes into circulation as the 25-hydroxyvitamin D the kidneys need to perform their role in regulating calcium-phosphate-bone metabolism.
The immune system needs 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L = 1 part in 20,000,000 by mass) circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D in order to function properly - as can be seen in this analysis of post-operative infections according to pre-operative 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels at Massachusetts General Hospital: https://jamanetwork.com/ journals/jamasurgery/fullarticle/1782085. Please see Figures 1 and 2 in the PDF, which do not appear in the web version of the article.
50 ng/mL is 2.5 times the level governments and many doctors consider adequate for good health - but this lower level, 20 ng/mL, is just what the kidneys require in order to perform their role in regulating calcium-phosphate-bone metabolism. Most people with modest vitamin D3 supplementation (1000 IU or less a day, as recommended by governments and many doctors) and/or a little ultraviolet B exposure of ideally white skin have levels around 20 ng/mL. Many people have less than this - and some, especially the elderly and those with black or brown skin, have as little as 5 ng/mL
There's very little vitamin D in food, including that which is fortified with vitamin D3 or the less effective D2. Far from the equator, UV-B in sufficient quantities to appreciably raise 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels is only available in the middle of cloud-free summer days, without glass, clothing or sunscreen intervening. This same UV-B always damages DNA and so raises the risk of skin cancer.
Please see the research on vitamin D and the immune system cited and discussed at: https:// vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/. This includes recommendations for how much vitamin D3 to supplement, from New Jersey based Professor of Medicine, Sunil Wimalawansa, as ratios of body weight with higher ratios for those suffering from obesity. For 70 kg (154 lb) without obesity, 0.125 milligrams (5000 IU) a day is a good amount. This is a gram every 22 years, and pharma grade vitamin D3 costs about USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory.
This was the key all along and Dr John Campbell reviewed a small study in the first few weeks of COVID that I remember, he had a dismal YouTube following then now he has millions. The vitamin d hammer does really work. I’m an herbalist and I have written and shared the protocol in the past. I’ll copy and paste it into a new note and link it bc it’s too long to share in this comment.
My favorite parts of Covid:
The Vaccinated
Are The ChemTrail.
The general public lacks vitamin D. Could be a result of most people work indoors most of the time.
I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/4NWnqxRjgM
I recommend vitamin D-3 taken at night and avoid the high dose ones.
It should be taken with a meal containing fat. Also is the morning since it is energizing.
"May Improve Post-COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Fatigue Syndrome"....so, vaccine-injury...let's start calling it what it really is/was and will always be..... injury from vaccines....
It’s amazing
How much vitamin D was given????
Your answer is under the method section of the study