Growing body of evidence suggests COVID-19 mRNA injections are likely carcinogenic, contributing to the sharp rise in rapidly progressing, fatal cancers.
Thank you for this as it helps to define just how rare. What a scary and sad thing for all of those who took these shots. I'll never understand their willingness to "go with the flow", but I'm also heartbroken for what they must be feeling.
I wonder if Dr. William Makis has seen this. I have a friend whose mother has a rare and fast growing cancer in her neck and wrapped around her cheek (my layman language). She's in a clinical trial. Her oncologists at MD Anderson have said that once the trail ends they see no problem with trying IVM, but of course they won't prescribe. I think she should do that and monoclonal antibodies. The cancer is so fast growing, though.
If I'm doing the math correctly, only 1 cancer in 5000 will be a primary cardiac tumor (that means a tumor that arises in the heart -- not one that results from a tumor located elsewhere metastasizing). And no, I never heard of one before this.
True that the study patients have to follow strict protocols. However, a tumor growing rapidly during trial might prompt me to opt out of the study and pursue other treatments. The cellular characteristics would be important factors in that decision.
This keeps getting deleted, so forgive me for inserting it here. 10/8/2020, email from Collins to Fauci: <
From: Collins, Francis (NIH/OD) [E]|
Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2020 2:31 PM
To: Fauci, Anthony (NIH/NIAID) (E]
(6) (6)
Ce: Tabak, Lawrence (NIH/OD) [E) /
Subject: Great Barrington Declaration
(b) (6)
(6) (6); Lane, Cliff (NIH/NIAID) [E)
(6) (6)
Hi Tony and Cliff,
See This proposal from the three fringe epidemiologists who met with the Secretary seems to be getting a lot of attention - and even a co-signature from Nobel Prize winner Mike Leavitt at Stanford. There needs to be a quick and devastating published take down of its premises. I don't see anything like that on line yet - is it underway?
Even more than the media censorship, this makes my head explode. I signed the GBD.
Congratulations Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, “fringe epidemiologist.” 😁👏
I have had an elevated “D-Dimer” ever since I took the “Pfizer” shot ..I took the 3rd shot, or what was known then as the first “Booster,” on 9/27/21 ..If I had known back then what I quickly found out after my adverse reaction, I would not have taken ANY of this poison into my body ..but, as everyone remembers, the propaganda was very effective ..Anyhow, I have taken the various “detox protocols” called for by what was known as the “FLCCC” back then, etc. (I realize they have changed their name, at this point) ..So, I have been taking Vitamin D3, along with all the other detox supplements, and have been prescribed “Low Dose Naltrexone,” and was told I may have to take that the rest of my life, because of this awful “shot.” I HAVE known even before “Covid” that if taking D3, you should take K2 ..but was told not to take K2, due to the elevated “D-Dimer.” (K2 contributes to “normal blood clotting”) ..What does taking D3 long term without taking K2 do, if done long term? Thanks ….
K2 is complimentary to D3 in blood vessel health support, especially.
Something to consider, if you have a persistent increase in clotting, as an elevated D-dimer would show, is the higher, cardiac doses of nattokinase, from natto, a fermented soy food. It comes in 2000 and 4000 FU (fibrinolytic units) capsules. It is not so much a blood-thinner as a clot dissolver. I posted this a couple of years ago. It is general information, not medical advice.
Effective management of atherosclerosis progress and hyperlipidemia with nattokinase: A clinical study with 1,062 participants
Nattokinase (NK), known as a potent fibrinolytic and antithrombotic agent, has been shown to have antiatherosclerotic and lipid-lowering effects. However, data on human clinical studies are limited. In this clinical study involving 1,062 participants, our objective was to examine the efficacy of NK in atherosclerosis and hyperlipidemia and safety at the dose of 10,800 FU/day after 12 months of oral administration. Various factors, including lower doses that influence NK pharmacological actions, were also investigated.
We found that NK at a dose of 10,800 FU/day effectively managed the progression of atherosclerosis and hyperlipidemia with a significant improvement in the lipid profile. A significant reduction in the thickness of the carotid artery intima-media and the size of the carotid plaque was observed. The improvement rates ranged from 66.5 to 95.4%. NK was found to be ineffective in lowering lipids and suppressing atherosclerosis progression at a dose of 3,600 FU/day. The lipid-lowering effect of NK was more prominent in subjects who smoked, drank alcohol, and subjects with higher BMI. Regular exercise further improved the effects of NK. Co-administration of vitamin K2 and aspirin with NK produced a synergetic effect. No noticeable adverse effects associated with the use of NK were recorded.
In conclusion, our data demonstrate that atherosclerosis progression and hyperlipidemia can be effectively managed with NK at a dose of 10,800 FU/day. The lower dose of 3,600 FU per day is ineffective. The dose of 10,800 FU/day is safe and well tolerated. Some lifestyle factors and the coadministration of vitamin K2 and aspirin lead to improved outcomes in the use of NK.
I am taking “Nattokinase,” which is included in the “Ultimate Spike Detox” (I take 1/2 of what is suggested on the bottle, due to cost, or 10,000 FU/g, per day), which contains “NK,” along with some other ingredients, too many to list here — Dr. Peter McCullough’s group (“The Wellness Company”), recommends the “Ultimate Spike Detox,” possibly you may be familiar with this product/supplement. Also, I take an additional “NK” supplement, at 2,000 FU’s a day. So, this totals 12,000 FU’s per day, of “NK,” with 81 mg. Aspirin, per day (at a different time, per day) ..I also consume “High Potency Serrapeptase,” 120,000 SPU per day ..In any event, thank you very much for the information, I will share it with my M.D. (he was injured by the “Moderna” poison), who is also a RPh, M.S. (he became an M.D., after being a Registered Pharmacist, and obtaining the Master’s/Science) ..I will share this information with him — Thank you very much ..
Today, I asked X’s grok if the covid vaxxes caused cancer. Grok said no, that there is much misinformation regarding this, including social media outlets suck as grok. We are witnessing an abundance of cancers everywhere but sorry folks AI says no! the distortion of reality being regurgitated by AI, is disturbing.
I think,rather than asking any of these pushers of genecov19 thru infinity shots,if they cause cancer,ask if sv40 causes cancer. Since we've all pretty much accepted that that is the smoking gun in the shots. Cut to the meat of the matter. Monkey kidney or whatever the growth medium is.
Yup. Killed my children's father in 2022. Cancer in and around his heart. He lived less than three months. My son and I are the only family to believe this to be true.
When my husband and I were traveling home from Md Anderson in Houston two years ago, I sat next to an elderly woman who had also been to Md Anderson for a cancerous tumor and stated that they had to peel it off of her heart! I thought well that's a new one! She was fully vaxxed.
The more this is studied, the worse it gets: damage to the nervous system, immediate vaccine injuries, blood clots, strokes, cancers, fertility problems, heart issues, plasmid DNA contamination and possible integration of the RNA into our cells. It's a toxic soup.
Has Ivermectin, Fenbendazole and Mebendazole been tried for efficacy on these vaccine induced tumours and rapidly progressing cancers at this time...and if not WHY NOT. "Health" (cough, cough) "officials" (cough, cough, cough) in Alberta, Canada, are persecuting and trying to imprison Dr. William Makis for CURING CANCER WITH THESE PROVEN SAFE COMPOUNDS. I've used them, with no side effects except for perfect resolution of the problem for which the compound was taken. Canada's border officials are in some areas CONFISCATING THESE LIFE SAVING COMPOUNDS. What are they thinking??? (rhetorical question)...they are thinking they will get a big reward from their boss at the WEF/WHO/PAHO. Note to the Colleges...we're onto you.
I believe the SV40 in the Polio vaccine was responsible for or contributed to the growing number of soft tissue cancers - most seen decades after. I also believe that much of the mesothelioma attributed to asbestos exposure was more likely than not due to SV40. Very little research on SV40 and cancer was funded by NIH - but in the past 20 years more papers have looked into it. When the HHS screws up they always have something on standby to assign the blame: polio outbreak after the shots - assigned to Cutter labs; myocarditis after Covid shots - it was only J&J; increase in mesothelioma - must be asbestos exposure; Gulf war syndrome - must be the burn pits; accelerated death in those taking AZT after "AIDS" diagnosis - the drug extended their life v those who refused treatment. No evidence ever needed.
How many more of these studies do we need before the jab is pulled? The best anyone in authority can do is say we need more studies? What good is another study if they don't read them or act on them, anyway! I suppose RFK, Jr. needs time to prepare his case.
The bad news continues to come out about these mRNA vaccines. Why is this not heard in the legacy media? Is this being reported in AMA and other medical journals???? Why are they pushing mRNA vax in livestock and food stuffs?? When will the lunacy end with these things? Oh wait, I know, when vaccine makers are held liable for damages caused by their products. Can we get that started again?
Steve! I am friends with a woman in her 60’s who had heart surgery during Covid. She refused the Covid vaccines but was in such critical condition we think the hospital gave it to her anyways!! Well a few years later she is diagnosed with a VERY RARE THYMOMA cancer of her heart. So far the cancer has resisted chemo and radiation but we are still believing and praying for a miracle!!
Sure. Don’t know how much help I’d be, but always interested. BTW, I think that most of the deaths from Covid (pre vax and pre hospital protocols) aren’t from the virus itself, or the spike protein, but an overwhelmingly exaggerated inflammatory response (complement cascade activation, cytokine storm).
THanks for the leads below. (BTW, I am a retired mech. engineer; no clue about physiology before this crapp started in 2020.) I will check out the links below before I go further. . . Can I DM you on substack?
Is it just me, or has no one else ever heard of a cardiac tumor??
It's not just you. A freaking tumor of the heart? Sounds horrific, but then the COVID jabs ushered in all things horrific, so ...
I have heard of cardiac tumors because, years ago, I was an oncology clinical specialist, but they are rare. That’s why you never heard of them
Thank you for this as it helps to define just how rare. What a scary and sad thing for all of those who took these shots. I'll never understand their willingness to "go with the flow", but I'm also heartbroken for what they must be feeling.
Most myocytes do not undergo mitosis, unlike most other organ cells. Therefore, cancer can be expected to be much rarer.
At least, pre-'21.
I wonder if Dr. William Makis has seen this. I have a friend whose mother has a rare and fast growing cancer in her neck and wrapped around her cheek (my layman language). She's in a clinical trial. Her oncologists at MD Anderson have said that once the trail ends they see no problem with trying IVM, but of course they won't prescribe. I think she should do that and monoclonal antibodies. The cancer is so fast growing, though.
Metastatic seeding of the pericardium, yes. Primary cardiac, no. 🤬
The primary part makes sense, given what else we've read.
not just you. I too had never heard of a cardiac tumor.
If I'm doing the math correctly, only 1 cancer in 5000 will be a primary cardiac tumor (that means a tumor that arises in the heart -- not one that results from a tumor located elsewhere metastasizing). And no, I never heard of one before this.
True that the study patients have to follow strict protocols. However, a tumor growing rapidly during trial might prompt me to opt out of the study and pursue other treatments. The cellular characteristics would be important factors in that decision.
This keeps getting deleted, so forgive me for inserting it here. 10/8/2020, email from Collins to Fauci: <
From: Collins, Francis (NIH/OD) [E]|
Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2020 2:31 PM
To: Fauci, Anthony (NIH/NIAID) (E]
(6) (6)
Ce: Tabak, Lawrence (NIH/OD) [E) /
Subject: Great Barrington Declaration
(b) (6)
(6) (6); Lane, Cliff (NIH/NIAID) [E)
(6) (6)
Hi Tony and Cliff,
See This proposal from the three fringe epidemiologists who met with the Secretary seems to be getting a lot of attention - and even a co-signature from Nobel Prize winner Mike Leavitt at Stanford. There needs to be a quick and devastating published take down of its premises. I don't see anything like that on line yet - is it underway?
Even more than the media censorship, this makes my head explode. I signed the GBD.
Congratulations Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, “fringe epidemiologist.” 😁👏
“There needs to be a quick and devastating published take down of its premises.”
Uh- huh.
That says it all.
What a POS.
Take your vitamin-D3 and avoid any more mRNA injections...
Right on. Take a look at this website and his book: He is recommending very high doses with vitamin K and magnesium.
It should recommend vitamin K2.
I have had an elevated “D-Dimer” ever since I took the “Pfizer” shot ..I took the 3rd shot, or what was known then as the first “Booster,” on 9/27/21 ..If I had known back then what I quickly found out after my adverse reaction, I would not have taken ANY of this poison into my body ..but, as everyone remembers, the propaganda was very effective ..Anyhow, I have taken the various “detox protocols” called for by what was known as the “FLCCC” back then, etc. (I realize they have changed their name, at this point) ..So, I have been taking Vitamin D3, along with all the other detox supplements, and have been prescribed “Low Dose Naltrexone,” and was told I may have to take that the rest of my life, because of this awful “shot.” I HAVE known even before “Covid” that if taking D3, you should take K2 ..but was told not to take K2, due to the elevated “D-Dimer.” (K2 contributes to “normal blood clotting”) ..What does taking D3 long term without taking K2 do, if done long term? Thanks ….
K2 is complimentary to D3 in blood vessel health support, especially.
Something to consider, if you have a persistent increase in clotting, as an elevated D-dimer would show, is the higher, cardiac doses of nattokinase, from natto, a fermented soy food. It comes in 2000 and 4000 FU (fibrinolytic units) capsules. It is not so much a blood-thinner as a clot dissolver. I posted this a couple of years ago. It is general information, not medical advice.
Effective management of atherosclerosis progress and hyperlipidemia with nattokinase: A clinical study with 1,062 participants
Nattokinase (NK), known as a potent fibrinolytic and antithrombotic agent, has been shown to have antiatherosclerotic and lipid-lowering effects. However, data on human clinical studies are limited. In this clinical study involving 1,062 participants, our objective was to examine the efficacy of NK in atherosclerosis and hyperlipidemia and safety at the dose of 10,800 FU/day after 12 months of oral administration. Various factors, including lower doses that influence NK pharmacological actions, were also investigated.
We found that NK at a dose of 10,800 FU/day effectively managed the progression of atherosclerosis and hyperlipidemia with a significant improvement in the lipid profile. A significant reduction in the thickness of the carotid artery intima-media and the size of the carotid plaque was observed. The improvement rates ranged from 66.5 to 95.4%. NK was found to be ineffective in lowering lipids and suppressing atherosclerosis progression at a dose of 3,600 FU/day. The lipid-lowering effect of NK was more prominent in subjects who smoked, drank alcohol, and subjects with higher BMI. Regular exercise further improved the effects of NK. Co-administration of vitamin K2 and aspirin with NK produced a synergetic effect. No noticeable adverse effects associated with the use of NK were recorded.
In conclusion, our data demonstrate that atherosclerosis progression and hyperlipidemia can be effectively managed with NK at a dose of 10,800 FU/day. The lower dose of 3,600 FU per day is ineffective. The dose of 10,800 FU/day is safe and well tolerated. Some lifestyle factors and the coadministration of vitamin K2 and aspirin lead to improved outcomes in the use of NK.
I am taking “Nattokinase,” which is included in the “Ultimate Spike Detox” (I take 1/2 of what is suggested on the bottle, due to cost, or 10,000 FU/g, per day), which contains “NK,” along with some other ingredients, too many to list here — Dr. Peter McCullough’s group (“The Wellness Company”), recommends the “Ultimate Spike Detox,” possibly you may be familiar with this product/supplement. Also, I take an additional “NK” supplement, at 2,000 FU’s a day. So, this totals 12,000 FU’s per day, of “NK,” with 81 mg. Aspirin, per day (at a different time, per day) ..I also consume “High Potency Serrapeptase,” 120,000 SPU per day ..In any event, thank you very much for the information, I will share it with my M.D. (he was injured by the “Moderna” poison), who is also a RPh, M.S. (he became an M.D., after being a Registered Pharmacist, and obtaining the Master’s/Science) ..I will share this information with him — Thank you very much ..
Today, I asked X’s grok if the covid vaxxes caused cancer. Grok said no, that there is much misinformation regarding this, including social media outlets suck as grok. We are witnessing an abundance of cancers everywhere but sorry folks AI says no! the distortion of reality being regurgitated by AI, is disturbing.
I think,rather than asking any of these pushers of genecov19 thru infinity shots,if they cause cancer,ask if sv40 causes cancer. Since we've all pretty much accepted that that is the smoking gun in the shots. Cut to the meat of the matter. Monkey kidney or whatever the growth medium is.
Yup. Killed my children's father in 2022. Cancer in and around his heart. He lived less than three months. My son and I are the only family to believe this to be true.
When my husband and I were traveling home from Md Anderson in Houston two years ago, I sat next to an elderly woman who had also been to Md Anderson for a cancerous tumor and stated that they had to peel it off of her heart! I thought well that's a new one! She was fully vaxxed.
That may have been pericardial from metastatic disease, not a primary. Still a bad disease.
The more this is studied, the worse it gets: damage to the nervous system, immediate vaccine injuries, blood clots, strokes, cancers, fertility problems, heart issues, plasmid DNA contamination and possible integration of the RNA into our cells. It's a toxic soup.
Has Ivermectin, Fenbendazole and Mebendazole been tried for efficacy on these vaccine induced tumours and rapidly progressing cancers at this time...and if not WHY NOT. "Health" (cough, cough) "officials" (cough, cough, cough) in Alberta, Canada, are persecuting and trying to imprison Dr. William Makis for CURING CANCER WITH THESE PROVEN SAFE COMPOUNDS. I've used them, with no side effects except for perfect resolution of the problem for which the compound was taken. Canada's border officials are in some areas CONFISCATING THESE LIFE SAVING COMPOUNDS. What are they thinking??? (rhetorical question)...they are thinking they will get a big reward from their boss at the WEF/WHO/PAHO. Note to the Colleges...we're onto you.
I have heard a little of his story — what an AWFUL thing they have done to this man ..
I believe the SV40 in the Polio vaccine was responsible for or contributed to the growing number of soft tissue cancers - most seen decades after. I also believe that much of the mesothelioma attributed to asbestos exposure was more likely than not due to SV40. Very little research on SV40 and cancer was funded by NIH - but in the past 20 years more papers have looked into it. When the HHS screws up they always have something on standby to assign the blame: polio outbreak after the shots - assigned to Cutter labs; myocarditis after Covid shots - it was only J&J; increase in mesothelioma - must be asbestos exposure; Gulf war syndrome - must be the burn pits; accelerated death in those taking AZT after "AIDS" diagnosis - the drug extended their life v those who refused treatment. No evidence ever needed.
My favorite parts of Covid:
The Doctors
Of The Medical Freedom Movement
Are Fighting For Their Reputations.
They’re Not Fighting For The Truth. They Can’t.
Because The Truth
Will Destroy Their Profession
And Consequently Their Reputations.
More evidence of harm and death and still no arrests🤦♀️😡
How many more of these studies do we need before the jab is pulled? The best anyone in authority can do is say we need more studies? What good is another study if they don't read them or act on them, anyway! I suppose RFK, Jr. needs time to prepare his case.
The bad news continues to come out about these mRNA vaccines. Why is this not heard in the legacy media? Is this being reported in AMA and other medical journals???? Why are they pushing mRNA vax in livestock and food stuffs?? When will the lunacy end with these things? Oh wait, I know, when vaccine makers are held liable for damages caused by their products. Can we get that started again?
Steve! I am friends with a woman in her 60’s who had heart surgery during Covid. She refused the Covid vaccines but was in such critical condition we think the hospital gave it to her anyways!! Well a few years later she is diagnosed with a VERY RARE THYMOMA cancer of her heart. So far the cancer has resisted chemo and radiation but we are still believing and praying for a miracle!!
Is it really cancer or those weird white long clots after the jab?
These had a pathological diagnosis, so while those clots (resistant to the body’s natural defenses) are also due to the shots, different issue.
Fred, guessing your a doc. Wondering if I can bounce some thoughts off you? regarding alternative cause of Covid illness besides spike protein.
Sure. Don’t know how much help I’d be, but always interested. BTW, I think that most of the deaths from Covid (pre vax and pre hospital protocols) aren’t from the virus itself, or the spike protein, but an overwhelmingly exaggerated inflammatory response (complement cascade activation, cytokine storm).
If you’re interested:
Complement cascade
Cytokine storm
Complement activation
THanks for the leads below. (BTW, I am a retired mech. engineer; no clue about physiology before this crapp started in 2020.) I will check out the links below before I go further. . . Can I DM you on substack?
Sure. :)