Statistical analysis dismantles Dr. Peter Hotez’s claim that COVID-19 vaccines saved millions, exposing a contradiction with real-world mortality data.
Not to mention, even in the absence of vaccines, mortality should have been lower in the second year due to the “pull forward” effect. (Individuals who died in year one were elderly and/or had multiple comorbidities and COVID hastened their demise.) Assuming this wasn’t adjusted for, the excess death estimate may actually be underestimated. In addition, so far we’ve only seeing short term injuries; long term effects (cancers, autoimmune and neurological disorders) will surely affect all-cause mortality for years if not decades.
Perhaps the problem is that these products were not (& are not) vaccines. Conventional/traditional vaccines are problematic enough, without changing the definition of a vaccine to match the product that they pushed on everyone. I think we need to start there.
You may be surprised by how big pharma changes the meaning of words such as "immunity" to "immune response", or the definition of "rare disease or condition" which is defined as rare because big pHarma cannot make a profit from developing a treatment or drug, which means there may be millions who were harmed without a proper treatment. (e.g myocarditis) 21 USC $ 360bb(a)(2)
Remember too, that in addition to the CDC changing the definition of a vaccine on September 1st 2021, The Who changed the definition of a pandemic in May 2009 which provided them with the ability to declare a swine flu "pandemic" in June 2009 & the corona virus "pandemic" in 2020. This change is further elucidated in an article by Dr. Judy Wilyman, dated 6/25/2021 at Principia-Scientific. Using Yandex as your search engine, you will have no trouble finding the article. In other words, we have all been played, at minimum, for the last nearly 26-years.
Old news to those that have followed it all ...but here in Washington state they are still pushing these deadly shots and advertising them daily...and the sheep keep lining up..
What we are seeing now is the ones that believe this are culling themselves...its suicide...either death fast or the slow kill constantly sick then they die...terrible ignorance
Hotez will be shown to be a shaman instead of a physician. He and his cohort look more ridiculous by the week. He will never give up the fragmenting reality he thinks he lives in, but that's fine. Over time the truth will be accepted by more and more people. The danger is in the fact that almost every pro COVID vax person, particularly the supposed experts and their apologists will never speak the truth of what happened. They will couch their capitulation under the heading of "new understandings" about the vaccine AND only related to COVID. This will insulate them from also repudiating mRNA shots broadly.
Hopefully one day very soon people will learn who set this sickness contageon up by capturing control of the entire Medical system and all aspects of it including many 3 Letter Agencies. When you know you know.
Excess mortality in 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 rendered all vaccine claims untenable. Vast differences in mortality were observed despite similar vaccination rates between countries. There are far more crucial public health measures than vaccines.
This makes repealing the “Smith Mood Modernization Law” all the more important! Actually, this BS law must be repealed! It was used by the German government and the USSR prior to 1947.
In 1948 the law was banned until 2012 when Barack Obama’s administration / Congress reinstated it. The basic premise of this law is “the government can lie to the public if they believe it’s beneficial!”
I ask, “who died and left the government King?” This is exactly why, so many aspects of what most Americans more recently have said about their politics is “insane!” Yes this is exactly why and how the “Lunatic-Leftist” were able to push through so much BS!
Literally, this law was deemed to be a “Cultural-Marxist” initiative to control and ultimately change public opinion about the most insanely dangerous aspects of our society.
We must all contact our Congress members and “DEMAND” this law is repealed. It goes without saying, the MSM takes it orders from the government! Yes the most untrustworthy, ruthless, degenerative MSM I can ever remember.
Peter Hotez is a paid stooge. He’s a puppet of Bill Gates.
I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything....
Not to mention, even in the absence of vaccines, mortality should have been lower in the second year due to the “pull forward” effect. (Individuals who died in year one were elderly and/or had multiple comorbidities and COVID hastened their demise.) Assuming this wasn’t adjusted for, the excess death estimate may actually be underestimated. In addition, so far we’ve only seeing short term injuries; long term effects (cancers, autoimmune and neurological disorders) will surely affect all-cause mortality for years if not decades.
A few of us know your comments to be true so how come you never hear this brilliant analysis on the news or on podcasts?
Can’t take full credit. H/T Brett Weinstein and Mathew Crawford.
Perhaps the problem is that these products were not (& are not) vaccines. Conventional/traditional vaccines are problematic enough, without changing the definition of a vaccine to match the product that they pushed on everyone. I think we need to start there.
You may be surprised by how big pharma changes the meaning of words such as "immunity" to "immune response", or the definition of "rare disease or condition" which is defined as rare because big pHarma cannot make a profit from developing a treatment or drug, which means there may be millions who were harmed without a proper treatment. (e.g myocarditis) 21 USC $ 360bb(a)(2)
Remember too, that in addition to the CDC changing the definition of a vaccine on September 1st 2021, The Who changed the definition of a pandemic in May 2009 which provided them with the ability to declare a swine flu "pandemic" in June 2009 & the corona virus "pandemic" in 2020. This change is further elucidated in an article by Dr. Judy Wilyman, dated 6/25/2021 at Principia-Scientific. Using Yandex as your search engine, you will have no trouble finding the article. In other words, we have all been played, at minimum, for the last nearly 26-years.
This is old news.
Old news to those that have followed it all ...but here in Washington state they are still pushing these deadly shots and advertising them daily...and the sheep keep lining up..
Its Insane here
Crazy ….
I hope those idiots hurry on in to get them.
What we are seeing now is the ones that believe this are culling themselves...its suicide...either death fast or the slow kill constantly sick then they die...terrible ignorance
The publication date of the paper by Amrit Srecko Sorli is March 7, 2025 and you will not find it using a popular search engine.
Old news with new method of proving it.
Hotez will be shown to be a shaman instead of a physician. He and his cohort look more ridiculous by the week. He will never give up the fragmenting reality he thinks he lives in, but that's fine. Over time the truth will be accepted by more and more people. The danger is in the fact that almost every pro COVID vax person, particularly the supposed experts and their apologists will never speak the truth of what happened. They will couch their capitulation under the heading of "new understandings" about the vaccine AND only related to COVID. This will insulate them from also repudiating mRNA shots broadly.
They lied and people died. Hang'um high, after a speedy trial right? We play by the rules though are hearts tell us differently.
To do differently that is.
Peter Hotez is a Grifter.
Hotez for prison.
RFK Jr. has Hotez’ corrupt-criminal number.
Hopefully one day very soon people will learn who set this sickness contageon up by capturing control of the entire Medical system and all aspects of it including many 3 Letter Agencies. When you know you know.
Excess mortality in 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 rendered all vaccine claims untenable. Vast differences in mortality were observed despite similar vaccination rates between countries. There are far more crucial public health measures than vaccines.
This makes repealing the “Smith Mood Modernization Law” all the more important! Actually, this BS law must be repealed! It was used by the German government and the USSR prior to 1947.
In 1948 the law was banned until 2012 when Barack Obama’s administration / Congress reinstated it. The basic premise of this law is “the government can lie to the public if they believe it’s beneficial!”
I ask, “who died and left the government King?” This is exactly why, so many aspects of what most Americans more recently have said about their politics is “insane!” Yes this is exactly why and how the “Lunatic-Leftist” were able to push through so much BS!
Literally, this law was deemed to be a “Cultural-Marxist” initiative to control and ultimately change public opinion about the most insanely dangerous aspects of our society.
We must all contact our Congress members and “DEMAND” this law is repealed. It goes without saying, the MSM takes it orders from the government! Yes the most untrustworthy, ruthless, degenerative MSM I can ever remember.
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Look what embalmer Richard Hirschman is still pulling out of the deceased:
🎯Laura Kasner!!!
For the globalists to reduce the population down to 500 million they need to start WW3 and they are definitely working on it.
Let me do a correction, with TRAITOR Trump's 'line'........
Thank you Nicolas for posting this
Thank You, Nicolas. I'll include this in my next blog post.