I hate this. I know many people who are experiencing strange health issues. Or seemingly healthy people dropping dead. These people mostly tend to be fully vaxxed, having gotten every booster.

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You are right Rachel

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I’m sure it’ll be the lead story on 60 Minutes tomorrow. 😂 it’s way past the time for arresting people.

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60 Minutes is most likely a CIA show.

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'Good people don't do Bad things...'

- is why little/late may be done !

Or not.

As much as I'd approve drastic action against the originators through to the perps, we must await Christ's return and Godly Judgement. - No-one here has the moral authority or Right...

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God never suggested that people should not be held accountable for their actions before Christ’s return. Read the Bible.

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Deeply dismayed, hating this is true, but thanks for the tremendous effort to research these Health effects!

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I think the shots may be causing accelerated aging. It just seems that some of these folks are aging faster than normal.

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Yes, these are life-reducing injections.

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I have unusual bleeds under my skin, not on anti- coagulants , and nothing shows up on regular bloods

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Yes it is proven associated with accelerated inflammation. Which - forever/ normal aging well before convid nonsense is associated with rising inflammation. Simply google scholar search bar: covid vaccine inflammation .. or any other issue where ones weak or inflamed spot may be

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No surprise. Shedding gave me dizziness and hearing loss.

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Tinnitus, hair loss, gum issues well before I would have had them if not shed on, for me.

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Lost almost half my hair after the jab and didn't relate it to that, until much later. Did not even mention to Dr McCullough when I saw him for the first time. I have tinnitus too, as well as other side effects mentioned in this report. Since taking the spike detox my hair is finally coming back! And thanks to Dr McCullough I have improved immensely!

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I also lost half my hair, but I didn't get the vax, I had covid Dec. 2019 in Hawaii, where there were thousands of Chinese. I also got shingles, pink eye in both eyes, my smelling was greatly exaggerated (I smelled a fire 8 miles away and thought I would gag to death), and my finger nails turned black and fell out.

. You should take collagen - it works wonders!!

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I am noticing more goitre necks on women and have 2 young women that have been vaxed that have thyroid goitre or lump two years later. How often is the thyroid found to be affected and is this considered a more serious of the adverse events.

It must be true that the doctors know !! Because if they have practiced long enough they must be seeing a change in increased numbers.

At the very , very least they must be asking” what’s in the water!” Because it is real obvious . Once you see you can not Unsee.

Can you just imagine if all doctors grew some balls, got brave and all began proclaiming that there is a real, immediate problem that can no longer be ignored?!!!

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Me too, few years. Google sholar. Search bar: covid vaccine autoimmune thyroiditis. Many many studies. Or: covid vaccine inflammation ..or nearly anything else. We all have some level of inflammation somewhere, where is one’s weak spot? That’s where it shows.

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It takes a while for people to come around to believing what I am trying to tell them. But they are still coming around faster than most physicians are willing to face. It is a moral obligation to be informed and to inform. It’s not a choice

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Too much trouble in the world!!

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as Dr Charles Hoff stated in a recent interview, he plainly states that he believes the vaxx attacks the recipient at the persons weakest physiological point, leaving a wide variety of untrackable adverse reactions (more than 1200 per the vxx initial clinical study)--as he says "it is the perfect bio weapon."

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There isn't one affliction that those Covid "vaxs" don't create. Heart disease, blood clots, dementia, neurological disorders, cancer, the list in endless.

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yes, and I have a friend who says he got the "one shot and you are done"... which is the J&J shot, he thinks it had no effect... but he got prostate cancer in the following year and 4 blood clots in his lungs!! However, that was just a coincidence, it had nothing to do with taking the clot shot! hummmm, maybe he has dementia too??

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I had the janssen and immediately had neurological side effects. Four weeks later had labs done to see if I had developed antibodies and because of clot reports, also had a d-dimer. The d-dimer was elevated to a notifiable level. Still that high several weeks later when my dr retested. Made me go to er to be scanned for pulmonary embolism. Came back negative. Still have some residual neurological issues. Got bad case of covid from my granddaughter who was 6 weeks out from her second Pfizer shot. What I will say is that I have only had 2 respiratory infections since while my Pfizer injected family are constantly sick

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Please have the entire family take nattokinease 4000fu a day for a minimum of a month and also take ivermectin and the ivermectin paste from the feed store is easy to get and easy to dose...notches are on the plunger to make the dose weight correct...this will give you all a fighting chance and the nattokinease dissolves the spike protein doing all the damage...drink plenty of fluids and not one of you...or anyone ...should ever take another shot of any kind...Godspeed to you🙏

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And yet, the authors maintain the myth that the "vaccine" remains useful toward reducing death and severity from COVID. Nonsense.

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Crucial in reducing disease severity and mortality……I wonder if they had to insert this in order to get published.

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I read an interesting article recently, when they introduced the flu vaccine, deaths of elderly escalated. That was when they decided to vaccinate the kids to protect the elderly. Does that sound familiar? Everything that’s old is new again.

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I had problems after I took the over 65 pneumonia shot.

Vision problems for 18 months and balance problems.

The balance problems are still there, but have lessened.

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Please take nattokinease 4000fu a day to dissolve thw spike protein that does the damage and can linger in the body for at least 10 years. Also ivermectin!!!

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I’ve researched that , and it would be problematic for me. Nattokinase is to dissolve clots, and I have unusual bleeding under my skin since I had one Pfizer vax. I’m not on anticoagulants.

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The recommendation is 15 days at 4000fu minimum...short term should be ok and or you can get the ivermectin 1.87 paste and do a 10 day round and wait 2 weeks and do another 10 day round...and very sorry what these jabs have done to you...

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Will this help if it’s been over A year or 2 since getting the shot? My daughter always had heavy bad periods but has developed POTS and endometriosis symptoms since being vaccinated for Covid no idea if related or not

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I got the over 65 flu shot in April 22, developed late fe threatening hypertension. Never had blood pressure issues in my life.

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Deadset, now the be read more that they keep secret, the original flu shots caused a major increase in in deaths . They also contain toxic substances that cause dementia, like aluminium and methy mercury. among the elderly. To cover up the stats, the decided to vax the kid de to protect the elderly - does that sound familiar? I have vowed never to hav another vaccine.

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My provider at the VA keeps pushing a updated DTaP on me.

There were only 15 cases of tetanus reported to the CDC in 2023.

And, there are what...330 million people in the US.

Not a epidemic. Not a pandemic. Not gonna keep me up at night.

At this point, someone will have to put a gun to my head and fire before I ever take another shot again.

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Good choice, apparently the cares act gave indemnity to pharma companies for adverse events in adults. Liability shields for children was granted in 1986 by president Reagan, and the childhood vaccine court was set up. Catherine Watt on Substack has uncovered the evidence- great work. The other individual Dr Sam Bailey ( NZ ) is also worth following.

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As of more than two years ago, I had read in numerous places that there were already more than 1,200 confirmed negative side effects from the toxic nonvaccine "vaccines." And that list has only grown in the ensuing two years.

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VA still offering the covid DeathVax to veterans including pregnant veterans.

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Yes, a friend of mine has melanoma "all over her", yet when she went to see the doctor he got her to take another booster shot.

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A friend of mine was encouraged by his cancer doctor to take the original covid shots.

Then, back in August, he called and told me that he just received the covid booster.

He was dead two weeks later.

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I expect that she will die as her melanoma will go turbo. I tried to give her little bits of info when ever I felt she might understand, but people are just brain washed. My local newspaper still posts people who died from Covid, but both of them had cancer and looked dead a week prior to dying, yet everyone believes the paper, I keep trying. Their family knew they had cancer... but they won't speak up.

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This makes my blood boil!! The Frontline doctors are calling for a global moratorium on ALL so called vaccines and especially the gene therapy...all that took it or those that live around the vaxxed need to take nattokinease 4000fu a day and also ivermectin minimum of 12 mg. A day to dissolve the spike protein...we have done it from the beginning with ivermectin and helped friends get it and take it prophylacticlly when at work or around crowds...we have never stopped and only got shed on once at a lunch for retired coworkers...firefighters and all were jabbed but us...we had intense head pain and massive ear issues...like I was under water in 24 hours...we took a ten day course of ivermectin and got rid of it and still take ivermectin every other month and nattokinease daily...have not been sick since....we are at war with these demons!

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Do you remember the commercials showing a woman ravaged by the effects of smoking, having to use a device to speak because she had a laryngectomy due to laryngeal cancer? Or the image of a smoker smoking through his tracheostomy? People are very concerned about their appearance. We should have large billboards and posters showing people with clumps of their hair falling out and showing pain of shingles, pointing to the COVID shots as the cause.

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ha ha so true....People with skin cancer and cardiac arrest don't look very appealing either...If only I could afford such a bill board...

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