Ask Moderna for comment: Moderna was part of the planning and implementation of covid-19, gain-of-function experimentation, and vaccine profiteering. Here are the patents:

US9149506B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding septin-4 – 2013-12-16 Application filed by Moderna Therapeutics Inc.

Inventor: Tirtha Chakraborty, Antonin de Fougerolles

US9216205B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding granulysin – 2013-12-16 Application filed by Moderna Therapeutics Inc.

US9255129B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding SIAH E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 – 2013-12-16 Application filed by Moderna Therapeutics Inc.

US9301993B2: Modified polynucleotides encoding apoptosis inducing factor 1 – 2013-12-16 Application filed by Moderna Therapeutics Inc.

US9587003B2: Modified polynucleotides for the production of oncology-related proteins and peptides – 2016-02-04 Application filed by ModernaTx Inc.

Inventor: Stephane Bancel, Tirtha Chakraborty, Antonin de Fougerolles, Sayda M. Elbashir, Matthias John, Atanu Roy, Susan Whoriskey, Kristy M. Wood, Paul Hatala, Jason P. Schrum, Kenechi Ejebe, Jeff Lynn Ellsworth, Justin Guild

Learn more about this bombshell SARS-CoV-2 laboratory origin evidence at The Expose.


Not a Chinese name amongst them - just American or English names - why not ask them what they did and why, make it "personal"

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Many astute researchers believe that the entity known as a "virus" is not real. the Human Immune Virus ...HIV was believed by the gullible to have caused AIDS ....

All of this was exposed by researcher/scientist Peter Duesberg who wrote a book called INVENTING THE AIDS VIRUS.

To make a long story short, pharma companies used the panic which ensued when many people in California began getting sick and dying with what was presumed to be a "virus"

. A cure was invented to medicate the terrified highly sexually active contingent of college students with an extremely toxic drug known asAZT and many people died. .

Researchers Sam and Mark Bailey have also written about how viruses are fictional entities with no way of taking in nutrients or oxygen and no way to reproduce.

The AIDS fiction was a very attractive story to the puritanical contingents of our culture who are taught that promiscuity is sinful and that it will be punished. After all...America was founded by the Puritans.

To elaborate on this a bit further...it is a fact that no sars-cov-19 virus has ever been isolated or cultured so that scientists could study it as real micro-organisms that exist in diseased human tissue. My conclusion is that the reason that it has never been cultured or isolated is because it does not exist.

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an alternate hyphothesis:

-- perhaps a virus, as such, does not exist but the theoretical process science "says" is used-- by which a protein with virus-like character binds to, enters the mitochondria, and utilizes a human cell to make copies of itself, and ejects them for further "production" -- IS and always has been a real process.

-- if so, a large protein with the "correct" characteristics like ACE2 or nicotenic receptor regions, location of such regions in correct spots on the molecule, and ability to fold appropriately, could do what is theorized a "virus" requires to replicate.

-- an engineered, in silico, molecule mimicking such could reasonably be designed use the backbone of an available protein, aka bat virus; splice into it an HIV genome set, and the furin cleavage site. . . and on and on; until an amalgam protein(virus?) appears elegantly on the screen.

Voila', all that is required is a secret class 4 biolab and clandestine, Chinese staff to finish the wet-work.

Could this be a real process to do the deed? . . . for maximizing ability to use most available human cell receptors, multiply faster than ever before, and transfect at will nearly any organ tissue.

If your plan is to conduct WWIII without the world knowing who cares if the world is distracted into calling them PotAtoes or Potahtoes?

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by gum! you have got it! Exactly! A virus like particle disguises itself and gains entry into the chambers filled with mitochondria gold! where it is placed instead of the real item....As planned...an engineered silicone molecule folds up like a prize piece of origami or bat virus and splices itself into place using the most minuscule of robots...and there we have the universal secret with which we can conduct WWIII and vanquish dialectic materialists.

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But here's the thing, THERE NEVER WAS A VIRUS.

Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada that ENDED MANDATES in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.


Court documented and entered into Canadian Judicial history, there never was a virus!

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Well you are right about this..there is no evidence of any virus. A good portion of the world went into "lockdown", closed their schools and churches, wore totally ineffective face coverings which do nothing to stop micro-organisms and finally submitted to an untested "vaccine" that did not prevent transmission or infection of any disease caused by a virus or other organism. The whole operation was a miracle of deceit wrought by ceaseless media pressure and governmental lies. The worst part is this: the "vaccine" for the fraudulent disease killed more people that WW2 and left huge economic devastation in its wake.

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So you never had a vaccine, because you cannot get ill from a virus which does not exist - is that right? Speaking for myself, I have not been ill for over 35 years, so presumably you can match me, like that, for never being ill either then?

But this covid pandemic was never about the Covid virus, patents below for it, it was about scaring, nudging and forcing multitudes of people to be vaccinated ,because it was deliberately, the vaccines which were the problem from the outset, because they were never mRNA vaccines, what was hidden from you is that they were synthetic, made in a laboratory, ModRNA DNA vaccines, which change the Human DNA and Genome within 6 hours from injection into ModRNA DNA and Genome, a new species which has never existed on this planet before with zero Human Rights now, so if, for example, you were vaccinated, you have zero Human Rights to have any opinion dealing with matters of a Human nature because you are a GMO, your body owned by the Military, but not your previously Human Spirit or Soul, which presumably, can easily be shorted out of your body and replaced with a nanochip (other than the one already installed in your body, but this one in your head) or a new computerized Spirit which connects your body to the internet, for robotic control, also through your installed new MAC address which has already registered your body to a computer on the internet of your whereabouts, what you might call a slam dunk - instant Robot - just a small Genetic change. by ripping out your Spirit or Soul and replacing it - but you are the expert in these things, so you tell me how it will be done?

Dr. Peter Kotlár, a Slovak physician, government commissioner, and MP drops bombshell investigation into DNA Contamination. The vaccinated are now officially GMO!!

Robert Kennedy Jr, Pam Bondi and Kash Patel has also been informed.

The results of the analysis of all, I repeat, all analysed batches proved that in every single vial, there is an extremely high amount of DNA, a vector that encodes the cassette for the synthesis of the S-protein, if not other proteins as well. Almost in the same amount as mRNA, DNA is also present there. In three cases, the DNA content is even higher than the mRNA. This can no longer even be considered an mRNA vaccine. This genetic code for the synthesis of the S-protein, this information stored in this DNA, is stable compared to mRNA, can integrate into human nuclear DNA, and subsequently, such a human organism becomes - I’m not afraid to say officially - a genetically modified organism." The Expose

(A GMO with the same rights as a Chicken)

Your life, my free salt water cure for life, or your vaccines funeral, you now GMO, you, because you don't believe in viruses and you ignored my advice and got vaccinated anyway.

The Expose

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Actually Richard, some of us knew years ago that it wouldn't be a deadly virus, but rather a genocidal vaxxine.

In 2009 Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, and Dr Rima Laibow told everyone who was paying attention that the Evil were creating a genocidal vaxxine, for the "Great Culling", now known as Project Warp Speed.

Not a genocidal virus, a genocidal VAXXINE.


There never was a deadly virus.

But there always was a deadly VAXXINE..

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Are you serious?

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Scary stuff. Explains why the authorities have had zero interest in autopsies of " died suddenly" victims. To this day none of the "covid authorities" are asking any tough questions. Shame on them. How do they look in the mirror? They have blood on their hands and will for years to come because microscars will affect the hearts of everyone who has micro scars and subtly reduce their lifespan.

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Thank you, Nic, for exposing this. I hope people will begin to understand that it is the immune system reaction to injecting mRNA (the message to make a protein) that is doing damage on two different levels. First, cytotoxic t-cells will destroy cells that make foreign proteins. When this happens at the epithelial barrier where infections normally occur, the cells are quickly replaced with new ones due to the abundance of stem cells and progenitor cells in the area. But, when you ignore that epithelial barrier and inject this stuff, you are forcing tissues cells deep inside your body to make foreign proteins, something that does not normally happen, and those cells do not get replaced quickly. For example, when myocardial cells are taken out by cytotoxic t-cells, resident stem cells are limited, so a few cells might get replaced, but most get replaced by fibrotic tissues that become permanent scars, disrupting the normal electrical activity of the heart. That’s bad enough, but because you’ve injected so much of this stuff, cytotoxic t-cells will not be able to destroy all the cells that are making the foreign protein, so proteins do get made and released into the blood. These are biologically active proteins and will attach to cellular receptors that line the heart. Macrophages and neutrophils will attack and destroy those cells by secreting inflammatory cytokines, leading to more fibrosis and scarring. Then get boosters to make even more proteins. Why? To ultimately end up with serum antibodies that cannot prevent infections, cannot prevent transmission, and in the process of doing that you get the bonus of permanent heart and nerve damage trying to avoid a mild respiratory disease. https://rumble.com/v5vxd3k-the-clear-and-present-danger-of-all-mrna-shots.html

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Dr. Stillwagon can you please post links that actually list the ingredients and their amounts in these injections-which were distributed as "vaccines". If we do not have the actual ingredients of the "vaccines" how can we know if these products actually perform the actions that are claimed for it.

As I previously pointed out, no one has ever isolated or identified this "virus".

The closest I have seen of any proof about the disease called sars-cov-19 were the photos of damaged cells taken from victims after their "vaccines"posted by Arne Buckhardt and Sucharit Bhakdi. Also another element of proof that there really was no virus...is the All CAUSE MORTALITY statistics that are publicly available in numerous countries. According to these statistics, the huge up-tick in deaths came with the administration of the purported "vaccines" as noted in the book by Edward Dowd entitled CAUSE UNKNOWN.

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I can not help you with the ingredients. But I would like to pay tribute to Arne Burkhardt:

"Pathologist Prof Arne Burkhardt Final Interview Before His Untimely Death"


It is a rather long video - the link above starts at above 1:50 into it.

I am very impressed by what he did...He came back from retirement to do the Autopsies

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I am still waiting for the ingredient list for the "vaccines"...Does such a list even exist? Is it possible that a billion people were injected with a substance which has no valid and/or traceable legal status anywhere?

I know that the Japanese attempted to stop the use of the covid "vaccines" in their country and nearly succeeded. Are there any updates on what is happening in Japan?

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Yes! …Tues 25 March (copied from article) State of Emergency — JAPAN exposes Gates’ Vaccine Genocide - children dying, scientists fight back. Japan has just sounded the alarm… a national emergency has been declared as a wave of unexplained child deaths sweeps the country — all tied to mRNA injections. Hospitals are in crisis. Paediatric ICUs are at capacity. And now the truth is exploding out of Tokyo - This was never about health, this was a global takedown.

Doctors who were once silenced are now risking their lives to speak out. Japan’s top scientists - once trusted by global institutions, are now accusing Bill Gates and the pharmaceutical elites of orchestrating a worldwide depopulation campaign under the mask of “medicine”. Dr Kenji Yamamoto, former NIH Advisor says “This is not a vaccine. It’s a Trojan horse”. “These child deaths are not side effects, they are the intended outcome”.

Children Used as Test Subjects: Autopsy results are unforgivable: Heart inflammation and micro vascular collapse. Irregular clotting in vital organs.. Foreign synthetic material inside brain tissue. This isn’t medicine — it’s warfare. Japan’s leading pathologists are calling it what it is: Chemical Genocide. [sec]

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I remember when the term "myocarditis" became common and the media downplayed the side effect making it sound like it was a temporary, transitory illness or something.

It's been 5 years and no one has been held accountable. Fauci remains free.

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Myocarditis is a fancy word for heart damage. It makes one think that it must be some exotic condition when in reality it is the simple fact that the muscles in the heart are damaged beyond repair. These tissues can never recover from the damage done by what we are told is a "virus". What people do not realize is that the entity known as "virus" may be as mythical as a unicorn. While purported to be a biological strain of bacteria...it has no functions that accrue to other such organisms.

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I have been following the "vaccine"/mandate-lockdown debacle since my elderly husband and I spent long months locked in our tiny apartment.

What I believe is that graphene hydroxide was used in the covid "vaccines"....as delineated by La Quinta Columna and also Andreas Noak who was either murdered or silenced after these findings. After studying the manufacturing applications of graphene hydroxide at the University of Pennsylvania...Noak became an expert in this field. He used a spectroscopic microscope to identify these substances. Though not a mineral...these products have razor sharp edges that can lacerate veins and tiny blood vessels in the human body...thus causing hidden damage. These "cuts" are microscopic in size but large enough to compromise the bodies entire circulatory system and that includes the heart and the brain. That is why there are so many videos of athletes dropping dead etc. All of these factors were published by various websites before we finally got a "vaccine" for a reputed organism. It was all done in a way that seemed like the world was welcoming an messianic savior....

Dr. Mike Yeadon has elaborated on his website that such a phenomenon as a "world wide pandemic" has never and indeed--CAN never--occur.

If all these factors are correct...The truth is obvious. The world was scammed by a system of information sources controlled by a small cadre of psychopaths who wanted to kill and injure large numbers of people. What looked as if it might have been a "disease" was caused by a high-tech substance that is used for manufacturing a variety of products...including nano size medical delivery systems. The "disease" model of why people were getting circulatory problems and heart failure was very conducive to a "top down control" system of government enforced edicts.

These "edicts" were relentless, cruel and highly destructive to the elderly and the youngsters in educational programs as well as the unborn.

A terrible crime was perpetrated on human beings.

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Eat pineapple or other protease sources if you suffer any sort of spike protein toxicity - vaccinated or not.

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You need to eat the core of the pineapple for the most bromelain.

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Glad your teeth and jaw muscles are so strong. I'll leave the cores for commercial extraction.

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More absurd terminology. The "spike protein" is simply a fable. It sounds horribly dangerous....like one of those spiked balls used as a weapon in gothic battles. There is no "spike protein" because there is no virus. The heart and the brain are destroyed by a product called graphene hydroxide. No one is performing autopsies on the DIED SUDDENLY because the findings would be evidence for a crime. The crime was not a "virus"...it was a product made in a lab that does not eat, does not breath does not excrete and does not reproduce. It is chemically unstable and that is why so much fuss was made about how it was transported and stored. It is somewhere between a liquid and a gas.

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Insane. Blocked!

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I'm absolutely sick with worry after two Moderna shots plus a booster AND having convinced family members to get the shot as well. Have been incredibly thankful however for the info provided on here and have started to get serious with detoxing and raising awareness with others.

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Eric, do what you can to detox & help others learn too. Don’t be so hard on yourself, you’re not alone in your decision to get the vax. Don’t listen to Kathleen. She won’t win an award for empathy. Just stay healthy & do the best you can. Feeling bad & having regrets is natural, but it can also make you sick. Just keep moving forward & keep researching. ✌🏼

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I win "awards" every single day because my husband--who is vaccine injured to the point where he can't walk to the bathroom--lovingly tells me how wonderful it is that I don't leave him alone. "Awards" come in many different forms. If only I had the kind of credentials to influence the whole world ....but I am just a lonely woman hoping -- still hoping-- I can keep my children from killing the grandkids with these "vaccines"

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I feel your frustration in your words. I understand your anger toward this poison too. I took 2 Moderna early, and researched after. Very unlike me, but here we are. I regret it everyday. I legit understand both sides.

I’m sorry for your husband. I’ve recently healed from bi-pass surgery. No heart history- anything. Was it vaccine related? Dr. McCullough says blame it first, so.. maybe?

I just know we should help others that are on the same team. It doesn’t help to kick people already down. It just doesn’t.

Thanks for sharing about your husband. You get an award from me too. 🏆👏🏼 Marriage is hard & taking care of an injured spouse is commendable.

( my husband has been my hero!💕)

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Thank you both for sharing your experiences and words of wisdom and encouragement. I also extend my sympathies for the challenges you both have faced as a result of this atrocity pushed on us. Vaxed or not, the majority at least seem to have been aroused from the passively accepting intellectual slumber we were lulled or coerced into over the course of so many years. Much solidarity and prayers for good future health for you and your families.

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Yes...I feel especially sorry for the moms and dads who look forward to a lifetime of caring for infants now injected with the "vaccine". I simply do not understand why this platform is still being used for the childhood vaccine schedule. It is really beyond belief because the mRNA is clearly poisonous. I don't want to "kick" anyone except maybe the criminals in the various labs of Moderna and Pfizer who absolutely DID KNOW that these were not vaccines and that many thousands would be killed and injured.

This is where I start to lose my cool. Why is this STILL going on? Surely the PREP act wouldn't protect products which manufacturers themselves knew were toxic and possibly lethal?

My husband was an historian who has read vasts amounts of (very boring} information about events from the past, he used to remember all the arcane details. Now he has trouble remembering where he is. He wasn't at all like this before the "vaccines". The change was sudden. He has lost so much and he is aware enough to know this. I can't change anything...I still have him and I know he would care for me if the tables were turned. But killers and murderers who purposely mutilate children and the elderly--they need to face some sort of court and the public needs to see this happen or there will be a total loss of faith in our government and the agencies tasked with keeping toxic products off the market.

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Well, Eric...that is worrying. You pushed your family members over a cliff because you believed a bunch of drug peddlers with a long history of caring not a bit about the damage and destruction left in their wake.



No these products are NOT "safe and effective" because they were NOT created to be so.

I suggest you start researching methods to help them detox. There is a lot of information available and some of it is on this website. "Ask your doctor" how to get rid of the poison he "mandated"....Tell "your doctor" how good the prison garb will look next to his skin....

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I would really, really like to know how long after the "vaccine" cardiac arrests have occurred! My daughter arrested out of thin air no blockages, no heart problems at all! She was 2 years past last injection. Thankfully she felt symptoms and called 911, she arrested in the ambulance as they pulled into the bay at the hospital. After 17 days in the hospital, she got a defibrillator implanted and has had no other episodes.

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I am sorry for your daughter...that is tragic. I believe that some scientists have stated that getting rid of the causes of myocarditis may be hard because the tiny sharp particles that caused the problem are not excreted through the normal methods. Some scientists are recommending the use of EDTA ... a chemical that binds the tiny pieces of the destructive chemical so it can then be excreted through the urine or lungs. I have never really looked into this because I did not take this injection. Though I know many "vaccine injured" individuals I do not believe they would try EDTA...its use sounds complicated and should be done under medical supervision. I believe it would have to be injected?

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Hi Kathleen...I spent about a half hour WRITING, HERE, telling you about the advantages of chelation therapy, which I have recently taken. In this comment section...30 minutes of writing...AND MY SCREEN WAS WIPED CLEAN...CENSORED. (This is not the first time). So, here is a condensed version of what I said AND WAS CENSORED. It is simple, an intravenous drip over about 2 hours, safe...and in my opinion, effective...(not like the Covid Cartel version of "safe and effective"...I mean really effective). Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea authored twin volumes of "The Transhuman Agenda", and has reported, in those volumes, much about the ability of EDTA to undo the tragic rolleaux formation of red blood cells, a clotting that stacks red blood cells like donuts, rendering them unable to function properly, resulting in impaired oxygenation...caused by the "vaccine". I will end here, by saying I cannot disclose the location of the clinic...(for obvious reasons)...Take care, and all the best.

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Thanks. I did not take these injections. I doubt I could get my family members to attempt a detox of them. I know that EDTA is used in heavy metal detox such as lead etc. I think there are many such clinics that may offer such services. I could no more convince people to go to the helpful clinics than I could stop them from the toxic injections. I do not have that power. I feel fine and have my own methods of detoxifying environmental poisons and bad dietary choices. People were frightened into subjecting themselves to these toxins.

I once had a neighbor who dug an underground shelter because he thought there would be a war soon. He periodically conducted tours of this "hole in the ground" and the vast storage of supplies laid in. He also told us...his friends and neighbors...that he had guns and would shoot us if we tried to get into his shelter. I think about this man sometime...He never got to live in his hole in the ground. I think he died of old age.

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Those interested can watch this excellent interview conducted with the late Prof Arne Burkhardt by Ms Taylor Hudak. He was regarded as one of Europe's top pathologists. He clearly shows the damaging effects of covid injections on muscle tissue. (There was a youTube version of this interview which was removed for some reason....) https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/arne-burkhardt-interview-12-23-23/.

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It is an excellent interview. Highly recommended. Here is the YouTube link:

"Pathologist Prof Arne Burkhardt Final Interview Before His Untimely Death"


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I know where the clinic is. Why the fear of disclosing it? Just curious. And I’m not sure they are taking new patients anyway. Are they? Hmm..

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How's the phishing going? New patients are walking in all the time...and bringing their friends. Of course you know where it is...

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Thanks, I’ll check it out.

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Good Morning

What you (discover) has already been done by a scientist, Dr. Andreas Noak, killed by German police during the plandemic period in Austria at his home on live video. He explained that inside the mRNA injection, because it's not a vaccine, no matter what you said, because no trial experiment has been done with this injection. He revealed that inside the injection was a carbon nanoblade that destroyed organs step by step, and he was killed on video for it!! I never forgot his name, "ANDREAS NOAK". All videos of him telling the truth were destroyed by any platform at this time to protect their lies and kill billions of people. Bill Killer's gates and the entire deep state monster clique must be hanged high or put in prison forever. I give no grace to his monsters, like Fauci and Biden, all must disappear forever. But all of them over the world because they are everywhere. The people must regain their power and remove their killers!!

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But it was micro scars....

You know, nothing to worry about. Still safe and effective. Correct?

Mild Carditis maybe? 😒

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Wild. And it didn’t show up with gadolinium on MRI or PET?

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Great article. For your readers.. I’ve attached a link describing the proteolytic enzymes that can dissolve clots….and I believe, scar tissue.


I never got the shots, but unfortunately my sons drank the koolaid. I managed to get one on nattokinase and there’s definitely been improvement in his “Raynauds Disease” that just sorta showed up a couple years ago…

Anyway… keep reading and researching everybody. There’s lots more discoveries to come. 🩵🦋

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I know a few people in ages 40-60 that just didn't wake up in the morning that was blamed on some kind of heart issues, wondering if this is it ????

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The entire mRNA injection business involving over 5 billion humans is a pay and play operation that is running in real time. This is the long term trial. We are deep into it and it has no expiration date. You play around with these experimental poisons and pay with your life.

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Legitimate scientists have stated that the mRNA poison shots are not all the same. Some batches have huge fatality rates and cancer also but others have none. Craig Paardekooper comes to mind. Also Dr. Mike Yeadon...see his video THE SILVER BULLET.

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It's in German, but you can understand and search for this man. And what he said then was true, and if the doctors of the world weren't so hungry for easy money from labs and paid to kill, nothing would have happened, and they wouldn't have had no power over the world's populations, they are killers, shame on all doctors who have not done their homework for not harming a human being in their treatments!!

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I recall analysis of the COVID gene therapy injections finding significant amounts of graphene oxide contamination. That substance is an extremely sharp structure that can inflict micro-scars. It's quite likely that is the culprit if those contaminations were actually in the jabs.

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