NATO Admits Casus Belli was NATO Enlargement
Sept. 2023 video of NATO secretary Jens Stoltenberg telling EU Parliament that Russia invaded Ukraine to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO.
Reasonable people are sharing a Sept. 2023 video of NATO secretary Jens Stoltenberg telling EU Parliament:
In the autumn of 2021, Russia actually sent a draft treaty that they wanted NATO to sign to promise no more NATO enlargement. That was what they sent us, and that was a precondition for not invading Ukraine. Of course we didn’t sign that.
In other words, the war in Ukraine could have been averted if NATO had agreed to Russia’s perfectly understandable request to refrain from admitting Ukraine to NATO.
Stoltenberg was so animated with obstinate pride that he openly declared this to the EU Parliament without showing the slightest awareness that Russia had a legitimate security concern.
To understand Russia’s concern, consider how Washington would react if Russia moved to place military bases in Cuba and northern Mexico.
Since February 2022, I have been asking anyone who would listen:
Why didn’t the West at least try an Austrian style neutrality deal for Ukraine along the lines of what the Russians proposed in 2021? Had the Russians subsequently violated their own proposed deal, then the West would have had a clear casus belli.
Stoltenberg is a bloody-minded idiot and the European heads of state were fools for playing along with the demented Biden administration’s reckless game in Europe. They have the blood of hundreds of thousands on their hands.
Go back to 1991/92 when the Berlin wall came down!!!!
Seems like everybody forgot we, the west agreed to not move nato further east.
What would we in the USA do if Russia built a base in Mexico? or Canada?
We just have war mongering money grubbing pieces of shit running these countries making these decisions.
He did what he was told, it had nothing to do with pride.. They all belong to a secret group bent on WW3 or chaos or plandemics or anything that is the opposite of peace or truth,, Anything to bring in the One World Government ruled by the one and anything that can kill as many people as possible anywhere, they really do not care.. Stop making excuses for these strategically placed chaos agents and LIARS, who hold allegiance to their secret organizations to do as much harm to humanity as they possible can..