If Russia (or China, etc.) made a military alliance with America's neighbors, at those neighbors' request, the correct response would be to ask whereAmerica had gone so wrong, how America had made its neighborly relations so bad.
He did what he was told, it had nothing to do with pride.. They all belong to a secret group bent on WW3 or chaos or plandemics or anything that is the opposite of peace or truth,, Anything to bring in the One World Government ruled by the one and anything that can kill as many people as possible anywhere, they really do not care.. Stop making excuses for these strategically placed chaos agents and LIARS, who hold allegiance to their secret organizations to do as much harm to humanity as they possible can..
Russia was forced to go in and dismantle the bioweapon labs the U.S. DOD installed on their border. Ukraine voted most corrupt european country on earth. They are Little Israel- human trafficking, organ trafficking and harvesting, vast corruption. A real shithole. Zelensky was rigged too.
And the proliferation of bio-labs that ended up in Ukraine that had US and UN finger prints all over them? Ukraine must have agreed to this bio-warfare escalation and location so close to Russia that they just as well have been long range missiles. UN were presented with the Russian evidence of bio labs, staff and bios identities found at the locations along with aerial dispersal craft and US belated admission, upon the Russians border crossing, that they the US had bio weapon concerns should the Russians acquire them. Maybe it was the labs that was the last straw for Russia not taking any more UN abuse and blatant breaking of agreements that left no choices other than advancing and revealing in the process how untrustworthy the UN really was. US would have done the same if they had found Iranian bio labs just over their border. UN have been hi-jacked by Globalist NWO and their implants all of whom have a far different agenda to the original ideas after the learnings from the last war. Just like the WHO they have become another Globalist hi-jacking that needs dismantling and rebuilding in the image of the original humane concepts not as a weapon to help a world wide Globalist Coup for a Global world dictatorship.
There are biolabs in every country, every state in America, every county in America, and all throughout Europe as well. I wonder if Russia knows what a bio lab is? The existence of a "bio lab" doesn't mean necessarily anything nefarious, it more than likely means legitimate research. After the invasion of Ukraine, Russia hasn't presented evidence of a single bio lab doing anything other than benevolent research. Had they found bio weapons, germ warfare, gain of function, I'm sure Russia would have presented this evidence before the world court, the UN, but no , only silence. Another big lie to legitimize the invasion of Ukraine
What if Mexico built bio labs right on our border? 50 of them. Would the U.S. do nothing? Our “Ukrainian tzar” Victoria (cookies) Nuland admitted in a press conference live that we have bioweapon mfr plants there. Isn’t she Kagans wife of PNAC fame? Another inbred psychopath
with criminal chromosomes
wants to overthrow Putin and take control of Russia. In your wet dreams.
The Ukraine has been voted the most corrupt European country in the world by the guardian and other publications.
Organ harvesting, organ and human trafficking, widespread corruption ever since the U.S. overthrew their democratically elected president in 2014 during Obama.
The Ukrainian people, not the oligarchs and their cronies love Russia and want them to save them from the garbage that calls themselves a state. Zelensky shooting civilians and soldiers in the back? What a piece of shit.
Nice try Hasbara. As you can see no one is buying it.
Russia is in the toilet, 1/2 of their young men slaughtered in Ukraine, the economy is crashed, Putin wanted for war crimes by the international court, you're delusional and moronic
Ah… the Hasbara tell. Resorting to name calling when you are trapped. All lies Hasbara. Switch everything around you said for the truth.
Question: I know you get paid for each post, do you really believe the shit you spout, are you really that stupid? Or you just need to supplement your social security, any job will do.
Bio labs on US border??!LOL we’d flatten it immediately. The thing is US vs Russia. We are Russias enemy and we put it on Puyins border to use against Russia. Also we crossed Putins red line.
Not to mention Clown Factory Special Item Boris Johnson , former UK PM, scuttling the nearly finished Ukraine - Russia peace negotiations in late 2023. The same Boris who got punted out of #10 Downing Street for holding a Christmas party with national and international guests fully unmasked and hugging each other whilst the whole of the UK was fully masked and family gatherings were cancelled.
Not only was Ukraine NATO membership a big problem but so was the US mobile missile units who were moved up to within 20km of the Russian border and were found to be able to switch from conventional warheads to nuclear warheads in an hour. Imagine if something like that was just across the Mexican border or in Cuba.
Humans are strange beings ...... When someone goes into cage with a really long pointy sharp stick and starts poking a blissfully sleeping Tiger which eventually slashes out at the stick holder and injures them ..... who ends up being collared and taken away to be put down ......
Stoltenberg is one of Europe's life-long bureaucrats (like Carl Bildt) and has been replaced by the former Dutch PM, Mark Rutte, who promises to be just as rigid in his thinking. Recall his performance during Covid.
Actually Rutte is worse, much worse. He is ignorant, arrogant and pompous globalist educated by Schwab’s University. Empty shell just like Trudeau in Canada.
Greetings Paul, as is the case with so many other lies we have been told by our governments in the West about the origin of SARS-CoV-2, the Covid vaccines, etc., it will be painful to come to terms with the fact that we were lied to about Ukraine. As with alcohol and drug addiction, the first step of recovery from brainwashing is to acknowledge that you have a problem. Best of luck with your recovery. Thanks for reading my work. Regards, John Leake
Europe is losing its collective mind, and I live here. Starmer, Macron and Scholz have been scoring very low in the polls, and their warmongering is the classic move of a pol facing defeat - but apparently no one can see it. Europe can't afford more war, but there seems to be a suicidal drum beat for it. I despair.
"They have the blood of hundreds of thousands on their hands."
And THEY DON'T GIVE A DAMN!!! Someone else's son/daughter, father/mother, husband/wife are TOTALLY EXPENDABLE!! What is needed is for these MONEY GRUBBING world elites and war mongers is to have them fear for their own lives in their decision making.
Yes, there is a certain blood lust among the European Leaders and others in the orbit of our Deep State CIA. These are not honorable men. They have a smell of the demonic about them, a certain sulfuric odor. I've only had occasion to be around one of them in a casual setting, and the paranoia driven homicidal inclination was quite clear. Made me wonder, how do I lift this darkness from the world?
First, you have to understand NATO's real agenda towards Russia and Ukraine. Russia poses a threat to the globalist one world government and has a huge land mass and a population less than 200 million making it highly desirable. Ukraine, besides hiding many illegal gain of function labs, and corrpt banking system used to launder money into the hands of globalists politicians has over a trillion dollar windfall of natural resources including gold, nickel, and rare earth minerals. Bottom line, NATO, led by US politicians, CIA, and the UK have been guilty of pilfering the world for hundreds of years. Russia and Ukraine are no different just the current countries under that senerio.
Go back to 1991/92 when the Berlin wall came down!!!!
Seems like everybody forgot we, the west agreed to not move nato further east.
What would we in the USA do if Russia built a base in Mexico? or Canada?
We just have war mongering money grubbing pieces of shit running these countries making these decisions.
If Russia (or China, etc.) made a military alliance with America's neighbors, at those neighbors' request, the correct response would be to ask whereAmerica had gone so wrong, how America had made its neighborly relations so bad.
He did what he was told, it had nothing to do with pride.. They all belong to a secret group bent on WW3 or chaos or plandemics or anything that is the opposite of peace or truth,, Anything to bring in the One World Government ruled by the one and anything that can kill as many people as possible anywhere, they really do not care.. Stop making excuses for these strategically placed chaos agents and LIARS, who hold allegiance to their secret organizations to do as much harm to humanity as they possible can..
Russia was provoked by NATO!
See my posting
Russia was forced to go in and dismantle the bioweapon labs the U.S. DOD installed on their border. Ukraine voted most corrupt european country on earth. They are Little Israel- human trafficking, organ trafficking and harvesting, vast corruption. A real shithole. Zelensky was rigged too.
There were 26 US run biolabs in Ukraine when Russia invaded.
46 is the number I've seen many times.
wow! I had no idea. And I thought 26 was completely ridiculous.
You're full of it, get lost
Hasbara is live and well
And the proliferation of bio-labs that ended up in Ukraine that had US and UN finger prints all over them? Ukraine must have agreed to this bio-warfare escalation and location so close to Russia that they just as well have been long range missiles. UN were presented with the Russian evidence of bio labs, staff and bios identities found at the locations along with aerial dispersal craft and US belated admission, upon the Russians border crossing, that they the US had bio weapon concerns should the Russians acquire them. Maybe it was the labs that was the last straw for Russia not taking any more UN abuse and blatant breaking of agreements that left no choices other than advancing and revealing in the process how untrustworthy the UN really was. US would have done the same if they had found Iranian bio labs just over their border. UN have been hi-jacked by Globalist NWO and their implants all of whom have a far different agenda to the original ideas after the learnings from the last war. Just like the WHO they have become another Globalist hi-jacking that needs dismantling and rebuilding in the image of the original humane concepts not as a weapon to help a world wide Globalist Coup for a Global world dictatorship.
Russia found documents of human experimentation in all the labs plus other horrific things.
Show the links, proof, why did Russia not present any of this to the UN?
There are biolabs in every country, every state in America, every county in America, and all throughout Europe as well. I wonder if Russia knows what a bio lab is? The existence of a "bio lab" doesn't mean necessarily anything nefarious, it more than likely means legitimate research. After the invasion of Ukraine, Russia hasn't presented evidence of a single bio lab doing anything other than benevolent research. Had they found bio weapons, germ warfare, gain of function, I'm sure Russia would have presented this evidence before the world court, the UN, but no , only silence. Another big lie to legitimize the invasion of Ukraine
What if Mexico built bio labs right on our border? 50 of them. Would the U.S. do nothing? Our “Ukrainian tzar” Victoria (cookies) Nuland admitted in a press conference live that we have bioweapon mfr plants there. Isn’t she Kagans wife of PNAC fame? Another inbred psychopath
with criminal chromosomes
wants to overthrow Putin and take control of Russia. In your wet dreams.
The Ukraine has been voted the most corrupt European country in the world by the guardian and other publications.
Organ harvesting, organ and human trafficking, widespread corruption ever since the U.S. overthrew their democratically elected president in 2014 during Obama.
The Ukrainian people, not the oligarchs and their cronies love Russia and want them to save them from the garbage that calls themselves a state. Zelensky shooting civilians and soldiers in the back? What a piece of shit.
Nice try Hasbara. As you can see no one is buying it.
They have but as normal the west deliberately ignores it.
Biden’s cabinet was directly involved in those shenanigans most have dual citizenship.
Before that of course Obama cabinet. Probably Trump 2016 also because he was naive.
Im so glad he has a smarty on his side telling him the truth.
However the PTB are psychopaths and will murder anyone who stands in their way of globalization.
Time will tell.
Here we go bio labs again. Every high school has a bio lab. There's undoubtably bio labs in Mexico, big deal
The neocons in the U.S. wanted to use them to overthrow Putin and the country.
Remember Putin said “ I can’t see a world without Russia?”
Good for him. He is my hero. He has a 98% approval rate and won unanimously with international observers in a fair election.
He rebuilt the country. It is much more advanced than here in the U.S.
Man as a source? Thats just as bad as Wikipedia.
Russia is in the toilet, 1/2 of their young men slaughtered in Ukraine, the economy is crashed, Putin wanted for war crimes by the international court, you're delusional and moronic
Ah… the Hasbara tell. Resorting to name calling when you are trapped. All lies Hasbara. Switch everything around you said for the truth.
Question: I know you get paid for each post, do you really believe the shit you spout, are you really that stupid? Or you just need to supplement your social security, any job will do.
It's clear that you can't handle the truth
The truth that you are Hasbara?
Bio labs on US border??!LOL we’d flatten it immediately. The thing is US vs Russia. We are Russias enemy and we put it on Puyins border to use against Russia. Also we crossed Putins red line.
Stoltenberg is a nasty little war criminal.
Not to mention Clown Factory Special Item Boris Johnson , former UK PM, scuttling the nearly finished Ukraine - Russia peace negotiations in late 2023. The same Boris who got punted out of #10 Downing Street for holding a Christmas party with national and international guests fully unmasked and hugging each other whilst the whole of the UK was fully masked and family gatherings were cancelled.
Not only was Ukraine NATO membership a big problem but so was the US mobile missile units who were moved up to within 20km of the Russian border and were found to be able to switch from conventional warheads to nuclear warheads in an hour. Imagine if something like that was just across the Mexican border or in Cuba.
Humans are strange beings ...... When someone goes into cage with a really long pointy sharp stick and starts poking a blissfully sleeping Tiger which eventually slashes out at the stick holder and injures them ..... who ends up being collared and taken away to be put down ......
Stoltenberg is one of Europe's life-long bureaucrats (like Carl Bildt) and has been replaced by the former Dutch PM, Mark Rutte, who promises to be just as rigid in his thinking. Recall his performance during Covid.
Actually Rutte is worse, much worse. He is ignorant, arrogant and pompous globalist educated by Schwab’s University. Empty shell just like Trudeau in Canada.
Oh fuck off with this Russian propaganda
Greetings Paul, as is the case with so many other lies we have been told by our governments in the West about the origin of SARS-CoV-2, the Covid vaccines, etc., it will be painful to come to terms with the fact that we were lied to about Ukraine. As with alcohol and drug addiction, the first step of recovery from brainwashing is to acknowledge that you have a problem. Best of luck with your recovery. Thanks for reading my work. Regards, John Leake
What a beautifully civil and rational response...thank you for that.
The truth hurts.
you sound like just another war monger
have you been standing in the kool aid line too long and cant think for yourself anymore???
HEY! You fuck off you ratfaced money laundering, slave trading, zionist war pig porked bitch.
Don't need your hasbara!
Europe is losing its collective mind, and I live here. Starmer, Macron and Scholz have been scoring very low in the polls, and their warmongering is the classic move of a pol facing defeat - but apparently no one can see it. Europe can't afford more war, but there seems to be a suicidal drum beat for it. I despair.
"They have the blood of hundreds of thousands on their hands."
And THEY DON'T GIVE A DAMN!!! Someone else's son/daughter, father/mother, husband/wife are TOTALLY EXPENDABLE!! What is needed is for these MONEY GRUBBING world elites and war mongers is to have them fear for their own lives in their decision making.
This was NOT the ONLY reason that Russia started their SMO.
Yet another reason, high on the list, was the Uki-NAZIS MASS-MURDERING (aka GENOCIDE) Ethnic Russians, living in the 'Ukraine'.
The biolab facet seems to be missing from Stoltenberg assessment.
Yes, there is a certain blood lust among the European Leaders and others in the orbit of our Deep State CIA. These are not honorable men. They have a smell of the demonic about them, a certain sulfuric odor. I've only had occasion to be around one of them in a casual setting, and the paranoia driven homicidal inclination was quite clear. Made me wonder, how do I lift this darkness from the world?
that's an exemplary arrogant bureaucrat who has never worked a day in life.
First, you have to understand NATO's real agenda towards Russia and Ukraine. Russia poses a threat to the globalist one world government and has a huge land mass and a population less than 200 million making it highly desirable. Ukraine, besides hiding many illegal gain of function labs, and corrpt banking system used to launder money into the hands of globalists politicians has over a trillion dollar windfall of natural resources including gold, nickel, and rare earth minerals. Bottom line, NATO, led by US politicians, CIA, and the UK have been guilty of pilfering the world for hundreds of years. Russia and Ukraine are no different just the current countries under that senerio.