Dr. Pierre Kory Analysis: Measles Patient in Texas Died of Inadequately Treated Pneumonia
Acutely Ill for Days before Hospitalization, Antibiotics Came too Late
CHD Defender just released a video interview with Drs. Pierre Kory and Ben Edwards, who obtained access the medical records of the 6-year-old girl who, while recovering from measles, fell ill with pneumonia.
According to Dr. Kory, the hospital correctly diagnosed her with a secondary bacterial infection of her lungs and administered a broad spectrum antibiotic. However, the hospital failed to administer a macrolide antibiotic that is indicated for treating mycoplasma infections. Even after the patient tested positive for mycoplasma, the hospital delayed administering a macrolide antibiotic for ten hours. One wonders why there was such a delay.
Reviewing the literature on the Spanish Flu of 1918, I see that the severe pneumonia recorded by army doctors Camp Funston at Fort Riley, Kansas—the outbreak’s epicenter—was caused by an extremely virulent secondary Staphylococcal infection. As one Army doctor described the disease progression:
These men start with what appears to be an ordinary attack of LaGrippe or Influenza, and when brought to the Hosp. they very rapidly develop the most vicious type of Pneumonia that has ever been seen … and a few hours later you can begin to see the Cyanosis extending from their ears and spreading all over the face, until it is hard to distinguish the colored men from the white. It is only a matter of a few hours then until death comes
An especially puzzling feature of the Spanish Flu is that it struck people in their twenties much harder than people over fifty. Influenza and pneumonia death rates for 15- to 34-year-olds were more than 20 times higher in 1918 than in previous years. I wonder if soldiers crowded into unhygienic training camps were simultaneously exposed to high loads of staphylococcus bacteria. As this was before the discovery of penicillin, there was no way to treat this illness.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Professor Didier Raoult in Marseille successfully treated hundreds of patients with a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. All doctors—an especially all ER doctors—should be keenly aware of the danger of secondary bacterial infections on the heels of a viral infection such as COVID-19 or measles and be prepared to act quickly with the appropriate antibiotic.
Dr. McCullough reported on a March 13, 2025, issue of FOCAL POINTS that corticosteroids have a salutary effect in measles pneumonitis as published by Suter et al. Sadly there is no report of nebulized budesonide, oral medrol or prednisone prescription at her Monday urgent care visit or upon emergency room presentation on Friday.
Likewise, McCullough reported on March 19 a randomized trial published by Garly et al of antibiotics in severe ambulatory measles resulted in a 92% risk in the development of pneumonia. So when this girl’s case comes up for morbidity and mortality review according to McCullough, it will be apparent at urgent care on Monday (Day 3) when the rash was resolving but the fever and difficulting breathing were worsening, a secondary bacterial bronchopneumonia should have been entertained and empiric antibiotics to cover both typical and atypical organisms should have been started. This intervention most likely would have averted the hospitalization altogether.
Click on image below to see the interview with Drs. Kory and Edwards.
Nothing will ever bring their precious daughter back from medical Idiocy of the hospital. But The parents certainly have The case for a very strong Wrongful death or neglect lawsuit Against the hospital, which will hopefully help other families in the future. I keep thinking this hospital acted just like so many hospitals during covid by giving different treatment to those who were not vaccinated. This has got to stop. God bless the little girl and her family.
Back in November of 2021, my husband was admitted to Hospital for pnuemonia. They did not administer antibiotics until the morning of Day 12 in the Hospital. He died on the 13th. This was after they substantially padded their bank account by declaring he had COVID, giving him Remdesivir, putting him on a Ventilator, and doing various other procedures just to jack up the bill. Murder for Profit Criminals!!