Good point. But I still would not take it. For me vaccination is idolatry. God created us healthy and with free will. We do not need to be altering his design. I lived in Arabia, car insurance was optional; people there thought that insurance was a fraud as it went against the will of God. I can see just what they mean. Vaccination is a huge Godless, faithless, insurance fraud, based on lying science, rapacious banks, and - as you rightly say - propaganda.
Makes sense. Only the heavily vaccinated would take it and they are the only ones who need it. In keeping with vax maker policy, you can't tell them what it's really intended to do.
There is this article on measles magic. It sounds like to create robust "community immunity" people would need to decline 'testing' and answering questions that could be used to link them to a 'outbreak' and in turn people "who can not be vaccinated".
Thanks for the post. Praying for the success of this bill. We need to stop injecting poison into people and animals. The "public good" (whatever that might be) is no excuse. And how is poisoning people and animals "good" for the "public"? I have no idea. As for the measles want our children to have it as we did and fear it no more than flu or a cold. In our family, we have faith in our God given health and don not need any drug based "improvements" on his design.
The anti orange juice movement refuse to talk about scurvy rashes. Between 2016 and 2020 scurvy in children more than tripled from 8.2 to 26.7 cases per 100,000. Symptoms can include a rash that does not fade when you press a glass against it and sensitivity to light.
Bear in mind that it's only been a bit more than two weeks since RFK Jr was confirmed, and his community of supporters would be well served to have patience and trust that his process for bringing truth to light, and fostering acceptance of that truth, will take a little time.
He isn't at all. Trust him. If you have listened to him up to now just trust him and don't underestimate what he is up against. He has a job that is beyond most of men.
Our only hope left is in a few states that could show there is a shred of common sense still remaining… mankind is clearly devolving and most people are just prostitutes for sale to the highest bidder…
Make virtue great again!
Make principals great again!
Is there anyone left in government that will put their morals above the almighty dollar???
The MMR vaccine is actually quite dangerous. And the simple fact is that more people die from the MMR vaccine every year than die from the measles. And in addition there are many more left with lifelong injuries from the vaccine.
I am not sure if you can/ are allowed to comment or clear up for me a question regarding the measles situation.
Could the force driving the uptick in numbers be the millions of illegal aliens Mayorkis/Biden allowed into our country and the fact that we have no idea if they have been are current with vaccines or vaccinated at all?
I am not trying to be political using Biden/Mayorkis names, just keeping it real.
I am honestly curious what medical community thinks on this subject.
Of course. I only seek facts. I honestly saw the article , knew that measles was in the news and thought I would ask. I have no skin in the game in any way, simply curious. Thank you for the link.
There is no rhyme nor reason why this hysteria has taken roots OTHER THAN the bodies that profit! Surely to God there’s been enough written about the use of fear to manipulate an entire country…or even the world as elitists found out with the COVID debacle.
Measles has been a childhood disease since time began. Two weeks off school used to be the fun part, drink lots of fluids, keep warm and rest. In my entire childhood or my kids, I never knew or heard of anyone dying!
Kids today are definitely not the healthiest….overweight, stuffed with highly processed junk food, very little exercise, and vaccinated literally to death! Disgusting, money grabbing greedy world we live in!!!!
Father God, I pray ,with all my heart, that your Holy Spirit will enter the minds of the Iowa Senators to influence them to vote in support of the bill SF360. That you will continue to help strengthen the will of all those who work to end the assault on the health of people and animals by those who would wreak havoc on our immune system and food supply that which you so wonderfully and awesomely designed. And I pray that those babies who were murdered in the womb so that their organs and tissues could be cannabalized for medical research and product development, will not be forgotten and that their bodies, their cells, will no longer be desecrated. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen!
I hope the same will be the fate of the RNA vaccines now being given to cows, pigs, chickens… without labeling and without ANY studies. This is a an epic catastrophe in the making, permeating our food supply.
I posted this on Farber's substack yesterday and sent a copy to RFK, Jr:
"EVERYTHING, and I mean everything about measles vaccine is about fear... generating fear, perpetuating fear and responding to fear... it is a circle jerk for sure of fear.
We have got to get out of this group think that vaccines will solve our problems, even when there really isn't a problem.
Large doses of Vitmain A keeps measles symptoms at bay. THere was never need to fear this virus. Yes, it might take out sick kids with many co-morbidities, but if not that virus then something else.
We need to return to natural herd immunity to measles. This is a dangerous vaccine.
Last but not least, the drug Alinia can be used to treat measles, but we are still stuck in the vaccine group think... WAKE UP"
People should read that package insert and see all of the very serious potential adverse effects. You know patients or parents of patients are not giving informed consent.
Correct… the 1986 Vaccine act gave all parties immunity for both omissions and commissions and eliminated informed consent.. That law needs to be repealed as the government never held up their end and violated the law
Is there a vaccine against propaganda? If safe and effective, it would be the only one I would be in favor of mandating.
Good point. But I still would not take it. For me vaccination is idolatry. God created us healthy and with free will. We do not need to be altering his design. I lived in Arabia, car insurance was optional; people there thought that insurance was a fraud as it went against the will of God. I can see just what they mean. Vaccination is a huge Godless, faithless, insurance fraud, based on lying science, rapacious banks, and - as you rightly say - propaganda.
Makes sense. Only the heavily vaccinated would take it and they are the only ones who need it. In keeping with vax maker policy, you can't tell them what it's really intended to do.
There is this article on measles magic. It sounds like to create robust "community immunity" people would need to decline 'testing' and answering questions that could be used to link them to a 'outbreak' and in turn people "who can not be vaccinated".
Thanks for the post. Praying for the success of this bill. We need to stop injecting poison into people and animals. The "public good" (whatever that might be) is no excuse. And how is poisoning people and animals "good" for the "public"? I have no idea. As for the measles want our children to have it as we did and fear it no more than flu or a cold. In our family, we have faith in our God given health and don not need any drug based "improvements" on his design.
Children can't have measles since it is defined as a viral disease and there is no evidence of this existing:
The anti orange juice movement refuse to talk about scurvy rashes. Between 2016 and 2020 scurvy in children more than tripled from 8.2 to 26.7 cases per 100,000. Symptoms can include a rash that does not fade when you press a glass against it and sensitivity to light.
Bear in mind that it's only been a bit more than two weeks since RFK Jr was confirmed, and his community of supporters would be well served to have patience and trust that his process for bringing truth to light, and fostering acceptance of that truth, will take a little time.
He isn't at all. Trust him. If you have listened to him up to now just trust him and don't underestimate what he is up against. He has a job that is beyond most of men.
They are approving mRNA bird flu vaccine for cows at the same time. Where is RFK?
5 different companies are developing a mRNA jab for humans
MY reply will be what it was in '20 when they rolled out the COVID jab,
Meanwhile, almost 5 years free of viral attack. . .due to the
protocol that REPUTABLE healthcare providers recommended but
were shoves aside to enable big pharma and its Judas goat, Facui
He is all for it.
LFG Iowa!!!
Our only hope left is in a few states that could show there is a shred of common sense still remaining… mankind is clearly devolving and most people are just prostitutes for sale to the highest bidder…
Make virtue great again!
Make principals great again!
Is there anyone left in government that will put their morals above the almighty dollar???
- Born in the 60's
- My three siblings and I had measles
- Every kid I knew had measles
- We all recovered and have life-long immunity to measles
- My understanding is that the measles vaccine does NOT provide life-long immunity
The MMR vaccine is actually quite dangerous. And the simple fact is that more people die from the MMR vaccine every year than die from the measles. And in addition there are many more left with lifelong injuries from the vaccine.
I am not sure if you can/ are allowed to comment or clear up for me a question regarding the measles situation.
Could the force driving the uptick in numbers be the millions of illegal aliens Mayorkis/Biden allowed into our country and the fact that we have no idea if they have been are current with vaccines or vaccinated at all?
I am not trying to be political using Biden/Mayorkis names, just keeping it real.
I am honestly curious what medical community thinks on this subject.
Thank you
No. The force is the MMR marketing department being upset with their lowering sales figures and seeking to increase them.
Can I respectfully ask you to watch Del Bigtree on
His latest episode answers most measles questions.
A must watch. Highly informative factual science you won't find presented anywhere else.
Of course. I only seek facts. I honestly saw the article , knew that measles was in the news and thought I would ask. I have no skin in the game in any way, simply curious. Thank you for the link.
Godspeed to you and yours!
There is no rhyme nor reason why this hysteria has taken roots OTHER THAN the bodies that profit! Surely to God there’s been enough written about the use of fear to manipulate an entire country…or even the world as elitists found out with the COVID debacle.
Measles has been a childhood disease since time began. Two weeks off school used to be the fun part, drink lots of fluids, keep warm and rest. In my entire childhood or my kids, I never knew or heard of anyone dying!
Kids today are definitely not the healthiest….overweight, stuffed with highly processed junk food, very little exercise, and vaccinated literally to death! Disgusting, money grabbing greedy world we live in!!!!
Father God, I pray ,with all my heart, that your Holy Spirit will enter the minds of the Iowa Senators to influence them to vote in support of the bill SF360. That you will continue to help strengthen the will of all those who work to end the assault on the health of people and animals by those who would wreak havoc on our immune system and food supply that which you so wonderfully and awesomely designed. And I pray that those babies who were murdered in the womb so that their organs and tissues could be cannabalized for medical research and product development, will not be forgotten and that their bodies, their cells, will no longer be desecrated. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen!
I hope the same will be the fate of the RNA vaccines now being given to cows, pigs, chickens… without labeling and without ANY studies. This is a an epic catastrophe in the making, permeating our food supply.
If the "science" is distorted, it is therefore NOT science.
I posted this on Farber's substack yesterday and sent a copy to RFK, Jr:
"EVERYTHING, and I mean everything about measles vaccine is about fear... generating fear, perpetuating fear and responding to fear... it is a circle jerk for sure of fear.
We have got to get out of this group think that vaccines will solve our problems, even when there really isn't a problem.
Large doses of Vitmain A keeps measles symptoms at bay. THere was never need to fear this virus. Yes, it might take out sick kids with many co-morbidities, but if not that virus then something else.
We need to return to natural herd immunity to measles. This is a dangerous vaccine.
Last but not least, the drug Alinia can be used to treat measles, but we are still stuck in the vaccine group think... WAKE UP"
People should read that package insert and see all of the very serious potential adverse effects. You know patients or parents of patients are not giving informed consent.
Correct… the 1986 Vaccine act gave all parties immunity for both omissions and commissions and eliminated informed consent.. That law needs to be repealed as the government never held up their end and violated the law
Bill crap! He was never against it! We’ve been duped!
and locally, here in Orgyun there is also hysteria about dysentery
and mainly centered in putrid Multnomah Co (ie Portland)
It was noted that some strains of Shigella are drug resistant
Given the loons here in Orgyn celebrate state sanctuary (since 1987) and encourage drug use
and homelessness hardly a shock
THANK YOU IMMENSELY, Mr. Hulscher, for keeping us updated with facts versus fear....