Everything we keep hearing is that the PCR test should never be used as a test for virus because that is not what the test was ever designed for. So why is it these bureaucrats insist on using it? Someone needs to stop the senseless slaughter of the food supply.

Maybe we need to post their names and hold them accountable.

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The PCR was chosen by Fauci because it gives false positives. They wanted people to think there was a pandemic when there wasn’t. What better way then to be tested by a test that gives false positives- 90% for anything they test it for. Then the panicked people beg for a shot tainted with spike proteins. End result- mass deaths from vaxes.

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Unfortunately, the inventor of the PCR test is no longer living, having died BEFORE it was used to test for COVID. But I think he designed a line of jewelry utilizing the DNA of celebrities...

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He was very vocal said it was not accurate too many false positives. He called Fauci an idiot. He hated Fauci. They murdered him to get the truth out of the way.

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You may have missed that on brighteon .com you will find kary mullis (Nobel prize winner for his pcr process)..!!

He said it should not be used for diagnosis or infection testing because it cannot give that aspect of information!!!’

And Reiner fuellmich the German lawyer is in German jail because he stated a global movement that included the fact that pcr is not a diagnostic tool for detecting infection .illness!

And .. while kary mullis was attempting to educate the government departments corporate pharma scientists to not use the pcr as a test he mysteriously died and he was silenced at the beginning of the “ plague “...

PCR used as a testing tool for determining if infection ax illness has occurred ix total bullshit ...

Kary mullis and Reiner fuellmich we’d pointing that out ..

So now take a look at the WEF who un sick

Puppets agenda ..

Reiner fuellmich named a fake german scientist that I can’t quite remember the spelling but it was something like professor Drosten ...?

Any way .. the whole official set up was total lies and deception ..

How to set up a fake plague

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Every wrapper/container that held the swabs said they were sterilized with ethylene oxide.

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Dox them!

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They are using it because they were ordered to.

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Current biosecurity protocols prevent separating healthy birds from infected ones, resulting in “stamping out” entire flocks and DISRUPTING THE FOOD SUPPLY CHAIN [emphasis added].

I am quite willing to bet that the goal is to do exactly that.

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Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

There's no way this ends well. Unless we learn from history first.

Paved With Good Intentions: Mao Tse-Tung’s “Four Pests” Disaster


"The mass deaths of sparrows and nationwide loss of crops resulted in untold millions starving and 20 to 30 million people dying from 1958 to 1962. A 1984 article on the mass famine put it simply: “China suffered a demographic crisis of enormous proportions”"



"According to Mao Zedong, sparrows were getting in the way of the economic development of the People’s Republic of China. During the next three years, 45 million people died in a famine caused by economic mismanagement, environmental disaster, and state terror."


"Maybe Mao Zedong wanted to conquer nature. However, his policies led to a famine in which millions of lives were lost."

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Make no mistake, there is no stupidity, error or lack of education in this matter. They are carrying out their goal of destroying individual farmers to take control of the food supply…their reasoning, otherwise known as excuses, are cover for their actions is all a part of the psychological propaganda operation no different than they have been doing for decades. Hitler, Putin, Covid, measles, vaccines, aids, lymes disease, electric vehicles and on and on it goes. Reject their narrative and refuse to comply!

Side note: you can order baby chicks and have them delivered to your house for around $4 each. Most lay an average of one egg per day for around $10 per month of feed. They pay for themselves. It’s a great return on your investment. Order 10 and you will supply your family AND neighbors with more eggs than anyone can keep up with.

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yep, I got chickens a year ago. I wish I could say I was SOOOOOoooo smart to know this was all gonna' happen!

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👍, you saw it coming…Intuitively!

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(1919) “Seed mixtures, no matter how complex or what seeds they are derived from, will never induce optimal nutrition. The only successful combination of natural foods or milled products for the nutrition of an animal are combinations of seeds or other milled products with sufficient amounts of the leaves of plants.” (The Newer Knowledge of Nutrition by E.V. McCollum)

Those who opt to feed layers would do well to heed this advice. "Chicken meat with reduced concentration of arachidonic acid (AA) and reduced ratio between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids has potential health benefits because a reduction in AA intake dampens prostanoid signaling, and the proportion between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids is too high in our diet." https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC2875212/

"...an unnaturally high omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid concentration ratio in meat, offal and eggs (because the omega-6/omega-3 ratio of the animal diet is unnaturally high) directly leads to exacerbation of pain conditions, cardiovascular disease and probably most cancers. It should be technologically easy and fairly inexpensive to produce poultry and pork meat with much more long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and less arachidonic acid than now, at the same time as they could also have a similar selenium concentration as is common in marine fish. The health economic benefits of such products for society as a whole must be expected vastly to outweigh the direct costs for the farming sector. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3031257/

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What a bunch of freaking damned fools!!!

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So--- during COVID, we should have had our noses swabbed, all swabs put in a communal vial, without identification of each person, and then sent home ?

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and, then if one tests positive, kill the population of . . . America?!

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the rest of (bill gates') story

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Couple that with the fact that most chicken-laying outfits are enormous. That means lots of murdered chickens. Smaller chicken farms are less risky because they are spreading out the chickens and not losing all by fake testing.

CLM -, chicken lives matter.

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democrap lives do not matter...tell the moslems to run down the damned fools who wanted them here as a gesture of thankfulness to them. Makes no sense? Yes it does. Any f*cking damnocrap or DIEverSHITty fool who would favor importing them is stupid enough to not think about the consequences.

Should make an agreement with Africa. Deliver to the natives there democraps to be slaves. Include whoopi as the slave queen and the whole cast of the CBC.

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Is this happening mostly to the organic, regenerative, healthy farms. We need to be investigating this. We really need detectives/investigators on the right side of the law and stop corrupt monsters trying to parade as our law when they are criminals. Time for the insanity not to be allowed and wake up America.

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Exactly, they are attacking the independent farmers to gain control of the industry. Fight back, get your own chickens and take the control that they desperately want right out from under them. I wouldn’t hold my breath for Pam…

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Farmers are ready for war in America. We are not going to take it.

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Why is our new AG Secretary not all over this insanity?

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The stupid big agri lobbyist (also ried to big pHARMa) USDA-head, Rollins, that Trump installed,is the freak show psych0 who's now pushing "an mRNA jab in every chicken" program. This freak, as a decades-long DC lobbyist, was also instrumental in getting GMOs, pesticides, glyphosate, chemicals, etc into the US food supply. Yeah, she's a real trustworthy one. Not.

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Nicolas, Dr. Andreas Kalcker (Chemist and researcher) is an expert in CDS, chlorine dioxide solution. His foundation is currently doing a study w chicken farmers that use CDS in the water drips lines of the flock - reducing deaths by 30%. Please see his article from 3-1-2025. https://drkalcker.substack.com/p/the-bird-flu-crisis-and-the-untapped?publication_id=3591111&post_id=158179336&isFreemail=true&r=17j99o&triedRedirect=true

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PCR only tests the presence of viral RNA which could be dead and not capable of spreading disease. Just isolate the sick birds and let even the sick live. This will allow those who survive deveop immunity.

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I'd like to see some experimentation with poultry feed rations to determine what sort of omega-3/6 balance produces the best immune response to viral infections.

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The Ag Secretary needs schooling quickly.

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She's behind pushing it.

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of course, just reading the first sentences reveals these people are not intelligently culling.

Any common sense would demand marking and isolating every bird tested until the testing is complete.

Any common sense would demand REPEAT testing of each positive bird, actually ALL birds.

Any common sense would demand determining the absolute accuracy of the test by microscopic inspection of blood and PROVING the H5N1 "virus" resides in the blood.

Any common sense would be to take blood for proven infected animals and to RE-infect naive birds with intent to prove they CAN be re-infected.

Any common sense would be to understand the mode of infection from other birds(respiratory, mouth, through feed) and to use this knowledge to mitigate spread.

NONE of such simple common sense was used. These people are scientists and they KNOW better. The only explanation is that the protocol and the extermination is all completely purposeful.

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Stop. Just... Stop. First you need a test to prove what, if anything, is happening. And NO test exists for this purpose, so they can push any BS [fake] narrative they want; and stupid sheople, who learned nothing from the c0vid psy0p, go along with the next clown show scamdemic narrative... to help further the depopulation agenda... and so many other demonic, criminally-insane agendas in place for your demise... like "eat zee bugs" cuz "cow farts bad", gooble-up lab grown toxic swill "meat" made from immortal cell lines (which are cancer cells in case you didn't know) though GatesOfHell also wants food made from feces for your enjoyment, decimate the food supply to bring in famine (famine- the oldest g0vt trick in the book to k!ll populations), bring in starvation so sheople will eagerly go to the 15-min prison cities (where you'll own nothing and be happy) to get the few crumbs the g0vt wants to throw your way, and so on.

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STOP buying eggs and chicken!!!!! Send a message to the farmers (corporations) who are making huge profits (YOUR tax dollars!) for culling. BOYCOTT THIS SCAM! Tell them they can take their fucking chickens/eggs and shove them up their asses!! WE THE PEOPLE ARE BEING MANIPULATED AND ROBBED every time we turn around! ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!

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Take back your liberty, get some backyard chickens!

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