Briefing from former head of SIS and other top security analysts stated unequivocally that pandemic originated at WIV, refuted fraudulent "Proximal Origins" paper by Andersen et al.
Cov19 was nothing more than the usual seasonal flu, so who cares where it originated. With a survival rate (as long as you didn't go to the hospital) of close to 99% then all this hype of where it came from is nothing but a distraction. It distracts you from looking at the real danger---the variety of jabs forced upon the sheeple population for purposes of global genocide. The elite weren't concerned about any virus floating in the air because they knew the danger lie in the jab, so they wore their silly masks when someone was looking and attended gatherings we were denied.
Diva! Who cares? First, the dead people? Second the injured for life people? Third the people who have to live without or with sick and injured people. Fourth the fact they are still pushing the bioweapon still that is killing more people and certainly not last but least ACCOUNTABILITY!! do you need more?
Rebecca, again I say the loss of life (death) and disability (injured for life) RESULTS FROM THE JABS AND NOT THE FLU. Like you say, they are still pushing the bioweapon. Those who created the bioweapon vaxx and those who pushed taking the jabs (medical personnel, health clinic, employers, media, government agencies like governors and mayors, military and universities, etc.) are the ones that are responsible and should be held accountable. If you are hit by a vehicle running a red light, does it matter if the vehicle came from your right or left?....or does it matter how you are treated at the hospital? Likewise, does it matter if the survivable flu virus came from nature or a lab? No. What matters is the hype that induces fear and convinces sheeple to accept the very poison that kills them. What was developed in the Wuhan lab and others is the vaxx and not the Cov-19 flu. are not wrong...but what you are arguing isn't the point. If it did ornate from a lab (which it did) they have to be stopped ot they will keep making biowespons of all kinds. Sooner than later they won't even need to people to administer it, it will just be in the air. You do understand that right. Using the medical system was just a pysop to teach us to comply. Accountability comes in many layers and getting to the root of it is key!!
The bioweapon that resulted in the lab was the vaxx and not a flu virus. Like I said, the elites would not develop something that could infect them through the air they breathe. As long as the focus is the virus, people will continue to get the Cov-19 vaxx booster along with future jabs for lies like the H5N1. That is my point. Getting people to realize that they are allowing their immune systems to be assaulted every time they get jabbed. They needn't fear a flu germ but instead their own government and the professional provider who buys into the hype and administers the vaxx.
The survival rate for a healthy person under the age of 65 is actually more like 99.9%. 99.999% if you're under 30, 99.9997% for kids. Single digit percentage morality rates actually don't emerge until you get past 75 years of age or you start looking at obese and diabetic people. AND YET, I still disagree with you. The origin _does_ matter because there are still mad scientists out there playing God with far more deadly pathogens than this one, and we need to use this case as an example to justify shutting those other cases down FOR GOOD. Hopefully, under Kennedy and Bhattacharya in the HHS and NIH, we'll finally see an end to this madness.
The ORIGIN of the VAXX matters because that is the source of all the disability and death. As long as the media is running after the non-existent programs blamed for the virus, people will continue to be duped into getting yet more boosters of the poison and eagerly taking the next vaxx for an imagined germ. The survival rate every flu season is as you state but it's the vaxx that makes the Cov19 season deadly. People are confusing the two parts of this issue: virus vs vaxx.
I don't want anyone playing with Marburg or Ebola or MERS (all with mortality between 30-70%) with gain of function experiments to try to make them more transmissible - do you? The people who want to do this say it's too "preempt" the next pandemic - yes partly by developing vaccines which, like this one, will probably have tons of bad side effects. And I guarantee you there are virologists out there right now who want to do those experiments or are already doing them in secret. Here's the recipe for SARS-COV-2 for example:
About a month after my 1st round made my right hand burn every night like fire. That lasted a month then 2 fingers went totally numb and took 6 months to gradually get normal. The jury's still out over here.
I have to agree with you at any rate though, that the 500 million target of compliant workers written on The Georgia Guidestones are the only ones that the controllers would rather not kill off.
More interesting to me is the notion that the controllers are controlled by off-worlders who have gradually, slowly, silently infiltrated, having long awaited the establishment of worldwide connectivity to finalize the agenda.
The Briefings from "Allies of Humanity" lay it all out. Sounds weird, but makes too much sense to ignore.
I actually do care where it originated since we created it. It was a military operation and they just moved it over to Wuhan once gain of function was banned in the United States. Fauci and Collins knew that, did not care, were so determined to complete their bio warfare with coronaviruses, that they were willing to risk killing millions of people worldwide, and they did indeed accomplish it. If they had just been honest in the beginning and admitted that ivermectin, a Nobel prize winning antiviral and hydroxychloroquine both worked and exceedingly well. Instead, they banned these drugs and withdrew them from the market and then forced the toxic Covid vaccines so that they and their buddies could make millions and billions off of big Pharma. Amazing what they were willing to cover up and how compliant with their censorship every level of government, intelligence agencies and politicians and finally the crooked media were. You think you hate them enough, but you don’t.
The gain of function resulted in the vaxx and not a flu virus. People are confusing the two issues. It is my opinion that gain of function research was done to destroy the immune system and the plan to push the vaxx (bioweapon) onto the public was set up to be released when the normal seasonal flu shows up every winter. People have been conditioned to worry about the cold and flu season so it was the most opportune time of year to start experimenting on the effectiveness of their research. As we have seen the global elites have been and still are very effective.
I’m sympathetic, but I think diva that you were wrong here. As I said, I was a school nurse, and I was really under the gun, it was a hard few years. I followed the research, especially the underground research, very closely, and here is my opinion: The goal of countries doing bio weapons research is to create both a unique virus and it’s vaccine at the same time. And that way they can protect their own people while allowing the virus to sweep around the world. I honestly don’t know and I’m not sure that they will ever admit to the goal. Did they know that it wasn’t deadly for most so they just let it rip? They couldn’t trot out the vaccine instantly, that would be admitting what they did. So they couldn’t do that. They could have truthfully pushed ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and steroids and Z-Pak and saved millions of people, but that would destroy their profit motive. Supposedly this is entirely a DOD military operation, no one would have authority above them to do this. Certainly Francis Collins at NIH, Anthony Fauci @NIAID, and Rochelle Welensky at CDC and Birx, I’m not sure where she fits in, they distributed all of the grant money and the NGO money and the back door money fromPharma, but I don’t think they authorized it. I think they were ordered to do it. It all began after 911 because their greatest fear after that catastrophe was biowarfare. And there’s no doubt that the vaccines are toxic and the spike protein is super harmful and the MRNA goes all over your body. But the virus itself does exist, and it was definitely engineered in a lab, there are far too many markings that showed this. It is not natural.
sars-cov-2 / covid / failure to prevent / failure to treat killed millions and injured 100's of millions. The Reality Is 28% of nursing home residents in Spain DIED as covid moved through their residences in early 2020. 1 REAL DOCTOR provided REAL TREATMENT FOR COVID in 2 Spanish nursing homes and PREVENTED ALL DEATHS. 30% death rate in the nursing homes of the "west" was the norm for many "homes". Covid hospitalization in minneasota, usa resulted in ~19% of those being killed with the "we will kill you in the hospital" protocols used in the "west".
NOT THE "the usual seasonal flu" - THAT IS THE TRUTH
Don’t believe that for a second. I was a school nurse in an early childhood and elementary school through the whole thing, and tons of the kids got Covid, they just weren’t sick. Most of the time it was just like a cold to them, some were more like flu, but that was rare, and some had stomach issues. Certainly no child ever needed one of those vaccines.
They got covid. There was less replication in there nasal passages and for the most part their immune systems did not over react so they iniially did not get too sick. Many developed persistant "long covid".
From the covid cases I personally knew about - children were also effective transmitters of covid. One child comes back from school sick. 3 or 4 or 5 days later the whole family is sick with covid.
No accidental lab leak - intentional, as Dr. David E Martin has been pointing out for years now, and here again: "Dr David Martin 3/6/25 rebroadcast from National Citizens Inquiry - Edmonton 2025 Hearings - Day 1" It would be good to remind people that gain-of-function on SARS was being done at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Rashid Ali Buttar acknowledged this in Spring 2020 in a YouTube video, which was banned. Please release these details, too.
The covid lab leak is a story, the truth is covid was invented in 1999 (yup ~ 1999!) intentionally to kill us, Anthony Fauci and Ralph Barrick (spelling?) applied for the patent.
This 40 minute video is amazing, all the details and a screen with the proof behind him.
if so - good. fauci's pardon covers offenses from Jan. 1, 2014.
from wickedpedia Ralph S Baric
Ralph S Baric is William R. Kenan Jr. Distinguished Professor in the Department of Epidemiology, and Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Baric's work involves coronaviruses. Baric has warned of emerging coronaviruses presenting as a significant threat to global health, due to zoonosis
It's ludicrous to imagine there ever was a 'pandemic' started by the escape/release of an engineered 'virus' from a lab in China. We need to get beyond medieval here. This was not even about a contagious flu-like illness (which is all 'Covid' ever was). It was about testing globalist population control systems. It was about forced injections, lockdowns, travel bans, forced masking, emergency powers - and from the globalist perspective it was a great success.
My belief, is that they overstepped the mark with Covid-19 and shot themselves in at least one foot. They have alerted millions, if not billions of people to the truths of faux, western democratic systems and to the now not so faceless 'puppeteers' in control. I think there will be a long, multi generational pause before they attempt anything similar. The 2 things I'm more concerned about, are WW3, and or a 'non-bailout', global financial collapse.
I'm sorry, I should have been more explicit regarding the 2 things that concern me. Covid-19 was engineered and was primarily about 'emergency status', providing governments with the ability to disregard citizens human rights and basically do what they please - or more so what their 'puppeteers' want them to do. Ultra serious events such as a global (non-bailed out) financial crisis, or WW3, would very much trigger 'emergency status' - and both are very open to being engineered.
I doubt it, Richard. They thought they would have their censorship industrial complex forever. They didn’t know that that was going away. With Substack and podcasts and lots and lots of independent and honest journalists, I think they will never get away with it again and won’t even get close. Especially not with an armed populace.
We were disarmed decades ago, and the populace has been castrated with protogenious infections, prion disease! but I admire your optimistic outlook. I prefer to be as prepared as possible, for what I believe they have next. These evil people plan 50 to 100 years ahead, and have this zeitgeist well under control......UTRINQUE PARATUS " ready for anything " you should be prepared also Alice.
Sergeant Instructor, Army Physical Training Corps, 1970 to 1990....this is not the end, nor is it the beginning of the end, it may be the end of the beginning. Winston Churchill
A corollary of a genetically engineered virus, 'borrowing' from HIV, is that even worse viruses are likely to be unleashed next.
To overcome opposition to government controls, future releases will be worse, so that lockdowns and social distancing will truly be necessary, on pain of death or permanent disability, by direct consequence.
Vaccine hesitancy will be strong, but the sheer scale of mayhem will overcome this for many, with little more to lose.
💯 % my thoughts exactly Robert, and many distractions will be employed to discredit and arrest anyone who does resist. The concentration camps are already built thanks to covid. I am as ready as anyone can be, but still remain vulnerable, others are very exposed....UTRINQUE PARATUS
This must be specified, though. I agree with DawnieR. Dr. Buttar pointed out this fact in Spring 2020. He said Dr. Shi was working at UNC Chapel Hill from Wuhan, and that later the technology went over to there. Dr. Buttar should still be here with us. He is the original whistleblower of this nefarious work. His name needs to be exalted for letting millions know. He was poisoned.
Yes, and a little “coincidental” that these UK and German leaks occurred about the same time, along with NYT. Translation: lots of “limited hang” to distract from DARPA and others. Question: is there also an implied effort here to cordon off the apparent alliance with China by limiting it to the Fauci gang?
Regarding the US legacy media... They are NOT "journalists"! THEY ARE PURE PROPAGANDISTS and as such spew what they are told to spew (lies!) by those who pay them the most or present the greatest blackmail threat, ie GOVERMENT!
If the caricature Kamala and the uniparty under the One Democrat Party banner had won the election last November, right now the lunatics of DAVOS/EU and the CCP would be going over final plans for the total surrender of America.
As a former, Nuclear Biological and Chemical warfare instructor in the British Army, I knew this 100% in Dec 2019 as soon as the first cases were making news. We called these things Persistant Incapacitating agents, designed to disrupt communities without mass casualties......
The Art of War dictates that you don't want lots of dead bodies tripping you up and infecting the infrastructures you hope to did a great job, consider ourselves well and truly disrupted!......Sergeant Instructor APTC Rick Carey.....UTRINQUE PARATUS
Greetings Richard, yes, those who say that SARS-CoV-2 was not not a significant causative agent don't understand that the most destructive bioweapons are those that spread far and wide and cause the greatest disruption. Especially when combined with propaganda exaggerating their lethality and suppression of doctors trying to treat those who do fall gravely ill, such a bioweapon is indeed highly effective as mass disruption. Thanks for emphasizing this point, and thanks for reading our works. Regards, John Leake
It didn't take those of us who were skeptical of the whole thing from the beginning and who did our research, to find out that it was planned from the start! Looking up the patents on the SARS-CoV-2 from 2003 onward to know that there were more players than just the WIV involved. Look at the patents from UNC at Chapel Hill and those players! Look at the meetings held in 2016 and 2018 planning a "what if" scenario. The sheeple were fooled. Many of us knew better and were spared the consequences of this grand social experiment. How compliant would people be if they were injected with FEAR? Now they know. They will try it again. In fact, they're already at with the bird flu scam, only this time they're interrupting our food supply. Watch out Colonel Sanders -- KFC is on their radar!
Researchers in Wuhan knew that HCQ and IVM were to be used in the event of a lab leak. Concealing this information to promote the wet market origin is outrageous.
Did you guys not see the documents obtained by Project Veritas from FOIA request? It was Dazak's EcoHealth Alliance & Fauci's NIAID that worked in collab with the Chinese at WIV and the Australians with their BSL-4 lab.
I don't doubt that they worked together, but those of us who know about the patent for covid vax in 1999, know that Fauci and Daszak invented it years prior in N. Carolina, University of Chapel Hill, maybe they were teaching the art of murder in Wuhan.
OMG! WHY is this still a thing..... if you care enough to know the truth, then listen to this conversation below, and share and then go to his website... if not, then be the sheep that goes to slaughter believing in this narrative 5 years later.... it's later than you think...
The pandemic that wasn't: A wide-ranging discussion with biologist Jonathan Jay Couey
Cov19 was nothing more than the usual seasonal flu, so who cares where it originated. With a survival rate (as long as you didn't go to the hospital) of close to 99% then all this hype of where it came from is nothing but a distraction. It distracts you from looking at the real danger---the variety of jabs forced upon the sheeple population for purposes of global genocide. The elite weren't concerned about any virus floating in the air because they knew the danger lie in the jab, so they wore their silly masks when someone was looking and attended gatherings we were denied.
Diva! Who cares? First, the dead people? Second the injured for life people? Third the people who have to live without or with sick and injured people. Fourth the fact they are still pushing the bioweapon still that is killing more people and certainly not last but least ACCOUNTABILITY!! do you need more?
I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything....
Rebecca, again I say the loss of life (death) and disability (injured for life) RESULTS FROM THE JABS AND NOT THE FLU. Like you say, they are still pushing the bioweapon. Those who created the bioweapon vaxx and those who pushed taking the jabs (medical personnel, health clinic, employers, media, government agencies like governors and mayors, military and universities, etc.) are the ones that are responsible and should be held accountable. If you are hit by a vehicle running a red light, does it matter if the vehicle came from your right or left?....or does it matter how you are treated at the hospital? Likewise, does it matter if the survivable flu virus came from nature or a lab? No. What matters is the hype that induces fear and convinces sheeple to accept the very poison that kills them. What was developed in the Wuhan lab and others is the vaxx and not the Cov-19 flu.
how many covid patients did you care for ? are not wrong...but what you are arguing isn't the point. If it did ornate from a lab (which it did) they have to be stopped ot they will keep making biowespons of all kinds. Sooner than later they won't even need to people to administer it, it will just be in the air. You do understand that right. Using the medical system was just a pysop to teach us to comply. Accountability comes in many layers and getting to the root of it is key!!
The bioweapon that resulted in the lab was the vaxx and not a flu virus. Like I said, the elites would not develop something that could infect them through the air they breathe. As long as the focus is the virus, people will continue to get the Cov-19 vaxx booster along with future jabs for lies like the H5N1. That is my point. Getting people to realize that they are allowing their immune systems to be assaulted every time they get jabbed. They needn't fear a flu germ but instead their own government and the professional provider who buys into the hype and administers the vaxx.
Doesn't the cv19 flu virus contain the spike protein whilst the cv19 flu jab contains 10x the spike protein, Pfizer's less, Moderna's more.
The survival rate for a healthy person under the age of 65 is actually more like 99.9%. 99.999% if you're under 30, 99.9997% for kids. Single digit percentage morality rates actually don't emerge until you get past 75 years of age or you start looking at obese and diabetic people. AND YET, I still disagree with you. The origin _does_ matter because there are still mad scientists out there playing God with far more deadly pathogens than this one, and we need to use this case as an example to justify shutting those other cases down FOR GOOD. Hopefully, under Kennedy and Bhattacharya in the HHS and NIH, we'll finally see an end to this madness.
The ORIGIN of the VAXX matters because that is the source of all the disability and death. As long as the media is running after the non-existent programs blamed for the virus, people will continue to be duped into getting yet more boosters of the poison and eagerly taking the next vaxx for an imagined germ. The survival rate every flu season is as you state but it's the vaxx that makes the Cov19 season deadly. People are confusing the two parts of this issue: virus vs vaxx.
I don't want anyone playing with Marburg or Ebola or MERS (all with mortality between 30-70%) with gain of function experiments to try to make them more transmissible - do you? The people who want to do this say it's too "preempt" the next pandemic - yes partly by developing vaccines which, like this one, will probably have tons of bad side effects. And I guarantee you there are virologists out there right now who want to do those experiments or are already doing them in secret. Here's the recipe for SARS-COV-2 for example:
💯 on 🎯.
I dunno fer sure.
About a month after my 1st round made my right hand burn every night like fire. That lasted a month then 2 fingers went totally numb and took 6 months to gradually get normal. The jury's still out over here.
I have to agree with you at any rate though, that the 500 million target of compliant workers written on The Georgia Guidestones are the only ones that the controllers would rather not kill off.
More interesting to me is the notion that the controllers are controlled by off-worlders who have gradually, slowly, silently infiltrated, having long awaited the establishment of worldwide connectivity to finalize the agenda.
The Briefings from "Allies of Humanity" lay it all out. Sounds weird, but makes too much sense to ignore.
I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything....
I actually do care where it originated since we created it. It was a military operation and they just moved it over to Wuhan once gain of function was banned in the United States. Fauci and Collins knew that, did not care, were so determined to complete their bio warfare with coronaviruses, that they were willing to risk killing millions of people worldwide, and they did indeed accomplish it. If they had just been honest in the beginning and admitted that ivermectin, a Nobel prize winning antiviral and hydroxychloroquine both worked and exceedingly well. Instead, they banned these drugs and withdrew them from the market and then forced the toxic Covid vaccines so that they and their buddies could make millions and billions off of big Pharma. Amazing what they were willing to cover up and how compliant with their censorship every level of government, intelligence agencies and politicians and finally the crooked media were. You think you hate them enough, but you don’t.
You are exactly right. RIP, Dr. Zelenko, who persisted in curing many with hydroxychloroquine, even after they went after him for doing that.
The gain of function resulted in the vaxx and not a flu virus. People are confusing the two issues. It is my opinion that gain of function research was done to destroy the immune system and the plan to push the vaxx (bioweapon) onto the public was set up to be released when the normal seasonal flu shows up every winter. People have been conditioned to worry about the cold and flu season so it was the most opportune time of year to start experimenting on the effectiveness of their research. As we have seen the global elites have been and still are very effective.
I’m sympathetic, but I think diva that you were wrong here. As I said, I was a school nurse, and I was really under the gun, it was a hard few years. I followed the research, especially the underground research, very closely, and here is my opinion: The goal of countries doing bio weapons research is to create both a unique virus and it’s vaccine at the same time. And that way they can protect their own people while allowing the virus to sweep around the world. I honestly don’t know and I’m not sure that they will ever admit to the goal. Did they know that it wasn’t deadly for most so they just let it rip? They couldn’t trot out the vaccine instantly, that would be admitting what they did. So they couldn’t do that. They could have truthfully pushed ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and steroids and Z-Pak and saved millions of people, but that would destroy their profit motive. Supposedly this is entirely a DOD military operation, no one would have authority above them to do this. Certainly Francis Collins at NIH, Anthony Fauci @NIAID, and Rochelle Welensky at CDC and Birx, I’m not sure where she fits in, they distributed all of the grant money and the NGO money and the back door money fromPharma, but I don’t think they authorized it. I think they were ordered to do it. It all began after 911 because their greatest fear after that catastrophe was biowarfare. And there’s no doubt that the vaccines are toxic and the spike protein is super harmful and the MRNA goes all over your body. But the virus itself does exist, and it was definitely engineered in a lab, there are far too many markings that showed this. It is not natural.
sars-cov-2 / covid / failure to prevent / failure to treat killed millions and injured 100's of millions. The Reality Is 28% of nursing home residents in Spain DIED as covid moved through their residences in early 2020. 1 REAL DOCTOR provided REAL TREATMENT FOR COVID in 2 Spanish nursing homes and PREVENTED ALL DEATHS. 30% death rate in the nursing homes of the "west" was the norm for many "homes". Covid hospitalization in minneasota, usa resulted in ~19% of those being killed with the "we will kill you in the hospital" protocols used in the "west".
NOT THE "the usual seasonal flu" - THAT IS THE TRUTH
Each year, many children get the annual flu, yet 98% of children did not get Covid.
Don’t believe that for a second. I was a school nurse in an early childhood and elementary school through the whole thing, and tons of the kids got Covid, they just weren’t sick. Most of the time it was just like a cold to them, some were more like flu, but that was rare, and some had stomach issues. Certainly no child ever needed one of those vaccines.
They got covid. There was less replication in there nasal passages and for the most part their immune systems did not over react so they iniially did not get too sick. Many developed persistant "long covid".
From the covid cases I personally knew about - children were also effective transmitters of covid. One child comes back from school sick. 3 or 4 or 5 days later the whole family is sick with covid.
No accidental lab leak - intentional, as Dr. David E Martin has been pointing out for years now, and here again: "Dr David Martin 3/6/25 rebroadcast from National Citizens Inquiry - Edmonton 2025 Hearings - Day 1" It would be good to remind people that gain-of-function on SARS was being done at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Rashid Ali Buttar acknowledged this in Spring 2020 in a YouTube video, which was banned. Please release these details, too.
Yup, you are correct, but Dr David E Martin has another video and here it is:
The covid lab leak is a story, the truth is covid was invented in 1999 (yup ~ 1999!) intentionally to kill us, Anthony Fauci and Ralph Barrick (spelling?) applied for the patent.
This 40 minute video is amazing, all the details and a screen with the proof behind him.
Thanks, Donna, it seems like those with a major voice need to be speaking to this. I question why they aren't...
if so - good. fauci's pardon covers offenses from Jan. 1, 2014.
from wickedpedia Ralph S Baric
Ralph S Baric is William R. Kenan Jr. Distinguished Professor in the Department of Epidemiology, and Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Baric's work involves coronaviruses. Baric has warned of emerging coronaviruses presenting as a significant threat to global health, due to zoonosis
yea right - "due to zoonosis"
Intentional, for sure.
Yes. Ralph Baric at UNC supposedly created it in the lab at chapel hill.
Here's an article on Dr. Rashid:
No one is saying much of anything new that he didn't say upfront.
It's ludicrous to imagine there ever was a 'pandemic' started by the escape/release of an engineered 'virus' from a lab in China. We need to get beyond medieval here. This was not even about a contagious flu-like illness (which is all 'Covid' ever was). It was about testing globalist population control systems. It was about forced injections, lockdowns, travel bans, forced masking, emergency powers - and from the globalist perspective it was a great success.
It will only have been a success if they try it again and succeed again.
They will, on both counts
My belief, is that they overstepped the mark with Covid-19 and shot themselves in at least one foot. They have alerted millions, if not billions of people to the truths of faux, western democratic systems and to the now not so faceless 'puppeteers' in control. I think there will be a long, multi generational pause before they attempt anything similar. The 2 things I'm more concerned about, are WW3, and or a 'non-bailout', global financial collapse.
Of note: in Australia, childhood vaccination rates are dropping significantly. The people have spoken.
So glad to hear, you guys were sorely treated, and all vax should be stopped.
I'm sorry, I should have been more explicit regarding the 2 things that concern me. Covid-19 was engineered and was primarily about 'emergency status', providing governments with the ability to disregard citizens human rights and basically do what they please - or more so what their 'puppeteers' want them to do. Ultra serious events such as a global (non-bailed out) financial crisis, or WW3, would very much trigger 'emergency status' - and both are very open to being engineered.
I'm not really concerned about any of it, UTRINQUE PARATUS I'm as ready as I can be, which is more than most!
I doubt it, Richard. They thought they would have their censorship industrial complex forever. They didn’t know that that was going away. With Substack and podcasts and lots and lots of independent and honest journalists, I think they will never get away with it again and won’t even get close. Especially not with an armed populace.
We were disarmed decades ago, and the populace has been castrated with protogenious infections, prion disease! but I admire your optimistic outlook. I prefer to be as prepared as possible, for what I believe they have next. These evil people plan 50 to 100 years ahead, and have this zeitgeist well under control......UTRINQUE PARATUS " ready for anything " you should be prepared also Alice.
Sergeant Instructor, Army Physical Training Corps, 1970 to 1990....this is not the end, nor is it the beginning of the end, it may be the end of the beginning. Winston Churchill
I live in the Southeast. Probably 80% armed and feisty.
I'm in cowards country....Australia they bent over and copped it sweet in their fat arses 😆 🤣
A corollary of a genetically engineered virus, 'borrowing' from HIV, is that even worse viruses are likely to be unleashed next.
To overcome opposition to government controls, future releases will be worse, so that lockdowns and social distancing will truly be necessary, on pain of death or permanent disability, by direct consequence.
Vaccine hesitancy will be strong, but the sheer scale of mayhem will overcome this for many, with little more to lose.
💯 % my thoughts exactly Robert, and many distractions will be employed to discredit and arrest anyone who does resist. The concentration camps are already built thanks to covid. I am as ready as anyone can be, but still remain vulnerable, others are very exposed....UTRINQUE PARATUS
Seriously........GET OFF THE 'WUHAN' NARRATIVE!!
It's a DISTRACTION from...........
where the 'CV19' BIO-WEAPON (it's NOT a 'VIRUS')......was BORN & BRED!
Chapel Hill was working with WIV
This must be specified, though. I agree with DawnieR. Dr. Buttar pointed out this fact in Spring 2020. He said Dr. Shi was working at UNC Chapel Hill from Wuhan, and that later the technology went over to there. Dr. Buttar should still be here with us. He is the original whistleblower of this nefarious work. His name needs to be exalted for letting millions know. He was poisoned.
Was this before January 2020?
Which part, Dr. Buttar?
Yes, and a little “coincidental” that these UK and German leaks occurred about the same time, along with NYT. Translation: lots of “limited hang” to distract from DARPA and others. Question: is there also an implied effort here to cordon off the apparent alliance with China by limiting it to the Fauci gang?
DawnieR ..I refer you to my answer to Diva. What's wrong with you people?
The Brits are involved, again.
And perp walks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Regarding the US legacy media... They are NOT "journalists"! THEY ARE PURE PROPAGANDISTS and as such spew what they are told to spew (lies!) by those who pay them the most or present the greatest blackmail threat, ie GOVERMENT!
If the caricature Kamala and the uniparty under the One Democrat Party banner had won the election last November, right now the lunatics of DAVOS/EU and the CCP would be going over final plans for the total surrender of America.
As a former, Nuclear Biological and Chemical warfare instructor in the British Army, I knew this 100% in Dec 2019 as soon as the first cases were making news. We called these things Persistant Incapacitating agents, designed to disrupt communities without mass casualties......
The Art of War dictates that you don't want lots of dead bodies tripping you up and infecting the infrastructures you hope to did a great job, consider ourselves well and truly disrupted!......Sergeant Instructor APTC Rick Carey.....UTRINQUE PARATUS
Greetings Richard, yes, those who say that SARS-CoV-2 was not not a significant causative agent don't understand that the most destructive bioweapons are those that spread far and wide and cause the greatest disruption. Especially when combined with propaganda exaggerating their lethality and suppression of doctors trying to treat those who do fall gravely ill, such a bioweapon is indeed highly effective as mass disruption. Thanks for emphasizing this point, and thanks for reading our works. Regards, John Leake
It didn't take those of us who were skeptical of the whole thing from the beginning and who did our research, to find out that it was planned from the start! Looking up the patents on the SARS-CoV-2 from 2003 onward to know that there were more players than just the WIV involved. Look at the patents from UNC at Chapel Hill and those players! Look at the meetings held in 2016 and 2018 planning a "what if" scenario. The sheeple were fooled. Many of us knew better and were spared the consequences of this grand social experiment. How compliant would people be if they were injected with FEAR? Now they know. They will try it again. In fact, they're already at with the bird flu scam, only this time they're interrupting our food supply. Watch out Colonel Sanders -- KFC is on their radar!
"...working for the PRC?" It was a joint US-China operation. Designed at Chapel Hill, NC and made in China
Researchers in Wuhan knew that HCQ and IVM were to be used in the event of a lab leak. Concealing this information to promote the wet market origin is outrageous.
And more and more, the Germans.
It's a shame we've forgotten the courageous Chinese doctors and scientists who blew the whistle early on and were disappeared.
Did you guys not see the documents obtained by Project Veritas from FOIA request? It was Dazak's EcoHealth Alliance & Fauci's NIAID that worked in collab with the Chinese at WIV and the Australians with their BSL-4 lab.
I don't doubt that they worked together, but those of us who know about the patent for covid vax in 1999, know that Fauci and Daszak invented it years prior in N. Carolina, University of Chapel Hill, maybe they were teaching the art of murder in Wuhan.
OMG! WHY is this still a thing..... if you care enough to know the truth, then listen to this conversation below, and share and then go to his website... if not, then be the sheep that goes to slaughter believing in this narrative 5 years later.... it's later than you think...
The pandemic that wasn't: A wide-ranging discussion with biologist Jonathan Jay Couey
Jonathan Jay Couey's channel Gigaohm Biological:
Why if you didn’t get jab, but did contract virus was it different from any I’d never had. The taste/smell effect??
MRNA can’t pandemic;-)