Yet you hurl mindless insults and slurs with respect to Mrs. Alito's choice to raise her own flag...because she dared to not honor the message of a flag that broadcasts that an amalgam of particular sexual orientations and depravity, in some cases, as indicated by the *trans* and *intersex* colors, that must be celebrated, forcibly, by a…
Yet you hurl mindless insults and slurs with respect to Mrs. Alito's choice to raise her own flag...because she dared to not honor the message of a flag that broadcasts that an amalgam of particular sexual orientations and depravity, in some cases, as indicated by the *trans* and *intersex* colors, that must be celebrated, forcibly, by all. You, so very comically and ironically, are NOT *accepting* her as an *equal human being*, and are...sigh...imposing the very politically correct authoritarianism that Peterson speaks of, by slandering her---fallaciously, of course---as *uneducated*, when she is factually well-educated. Of don't mean *education* in the academic mean it as one you view as having to be *re-educated* into...let's all say it together, now...politically correct authoritarianism.
You don't even bother to read what I write. I never called Mrs Alito uneducated, quite the opposite. That's the whole point of John's article, that it's the educated who agree with him. As for the Pride flag, it includes all sexual orientations, yes, but as for depravity, that unfortunately is found among humans of all persuasions. I don't care what flag Mrs Alito flies. But the Christian nationalism she seems to represent is bad news for all of us
Clears throat, "You mean uneducated like Mrs. Samuel Alito, the wife of the Supreme Court justice?" So...uh...yeah, ya did explicitly call her uneducated. Not even a point of argument....there it is in black and white.
And you *don't care* what flag Mrs Alito flies, but you then categorize her choice of flag as the...uh...politically correct authoritarian term, *Christian nationalism*, which you decry as *bad news*. No...your rigid zealotry for politically correct authoritarianism is bad news for *all of us*. And that's the point of the whole piece, lol, for which you have singlehandedly proved the validity of.
thank you, She Has Invisible Friends. unfortunately this Tori is obtuse. Also, I didn't categorize her flag as one way or another, as I said I don't care what flag she flies. Christian nationalism is a separate topic, something which I guess this person is not sharp enough to grasp. The end
Not being obtuse. You lied. Got that, hun...YOU lied. Period. Objectively provable that you lied. But not content to say *oops*, you elaborated on the *sins* of Mrs. Alito, in this case, that *she didn't show proper respect for the pride flag*, as if obeisance to the pride flag is mandatory. You specifically tied her flag to Christian nationalism---verbatim. I have no idea why you are exerting to wiggle out of your own words, but it's an exercise in futility and one would hope that you would have the sense to not double down, hun.
Peace to all of you! Come, let us reason together.
Making friends is always more fun than making enemies. Listen to the voice of experience. I've made far more enemies than friends, in my time. That my friend, is a sad legacy.
I was not reading Christians as wrong. I salute faith of any kind. But calling oneself a Christian does not always absolve one from being narrow-minded and judgmental of others. That's my response to her moralistic condemnation of the Pride flag. I don't give a hoot what flag she herself flies.
Aaaaaand...just like that, you devolved into judgement of those whom you fallaciously suggest are *Christian nationalists*, on the basis that they reject the pride flag and exercise THEIR right to hoist their own flag. You also quite literally stated as a declarative fact that she was 'uneducated'. Verbatim. You, not me. If you did not care what flag she flies, you would not have whined that she 'was condemning the pride flag', in the context of her refusing...say it out loud, appropriate the mandate of politically correct authoritarianism.
That is true, for sure! We are human. And have to suffer with one another’s slowness and dumbness.
But we need to distinguish between narrow-minded poor Christians, and the tenets and principles and doctrines of Christianity (and I mean Catholicism, for the most serious-minded Christian).
All humans are depraved in one way or another. Look at the industry of pornography. It isn't confined to homosexuals. Jesus promoted inclusivity of love, it is about accepting the sinner, not the sin.
Yet you hurl mindless insults and slurs with respect to Mrs. Alito's choice to raise her own flag...because she dared to not honor the message of a flag that broadcasts that an amalgam of particular sexual orientations and depravity, in some cases, as indicated by the *trans* and *intersex* colors, that must be celebrated, forcibly, by all. You, so very comically and ironically, are NOT *accepting* her as an *equal human being*, and are...sigh...imposing the very politically correct authoritarianism that Peterson speaks of, by slandering her---fallaciously, of course---as *uneducated*, when she is factually well-educated. Of don't mean *education* in the academic mean it as one you view as having to be *re-educated* into...let's all say it together, now...politically correct authoritarianism.
You don't even bother to read what I write. I never called Mrs Alito uneducated, quite the opposite. That's the whole point of John's article, that it's the educated who agree with him. As for the Pride flag, it includes all sexual orientations, yes, but as for depravity, that unfortunately is found among humans of all persuasions. I don't care what flag Mrs Alito flies. But the Christian nationalism she seems to represent is bad news for all of us
Clears throat, "You mean uneducated like Mrs. Samuel Alito, the wife of the Supreme Court justice?" So...uh...yeah, ya did explicitly call her uneducated. Not even a point of argument....there it is in black and white.
And you *don't care* what flag Mrs Alito flies, but you then categorize her choice of flag as the...uh...politically correct authoritarian term, *Christian nationalism*, which you decry as *bad news*. No...your rigid zealotry for politically correct authoritarianism is bad news for *all of us*. And that's the point of the whole piece, lol, for which you have singlehandedly proved the validity of.
I thought he was being ironic about Mrs. Alito!!!
thank you, She Has Invisible Friends. unfortunately this Tori is obtuse. Also, I didn't categorize her flag as one way or another, as I said I don't care what flag she flies. Christian nationalism is a separate topic, something which I guess this person is not sharp enough to grasp. The end
Not being obtuse. You lied. Got that, hun...YOU lied. Period. Objectively provable that you lied. But not content to say *oops*, you elaborated on the *sins* of Mrs. Alito, in this case, that *she didn't show proper respect for the pride flag*, as if obeisance to the pride flag is mandatory. You specifically tied her flag to Christian nationalism---verbatim. I have no idea why you are exerting to wiggle out of your own words, but it's an exercise in futility and one would hope that you would have the sense to not double down, hun.
Peace to all of you! Come, let us reason together.
Making friends is always more fun than making enemies. Listen to the voice of experience. I've made far more enemies than friends, in my time. That my friend, is a sad legacy.
REALLY?? Wait a minute, I read you wrong, or you are reading Christians like Mrs. Alito wrong. I retract my support for you.
I was not reading Christians as wrong. I salute faith of any kind. But calling oneself a Christian does not always absolve one from being narrow-minded and judgmental of others. That's my response to her moralistic condemnation of the Pride flag. I don't give a hoot what flag she herself flies.
Aaaaaand...just like that, you devolved into judgement of those whom you fallaciously suggest are *Christian nationalists*, on the basis that they reject the pride flag and exercise THEIR right to hoist their own flag. You also quite literally stated as a declarative fact that she was 'uneducated'. Verbatim. You, not me. If you did not care what flag she flies, you would not have whined that she 'was condemning the pride flag', in the context of her refusing...say it out loud, appropriate the mandate of politically correct authoritarianism.
Sadly, I find so many Christians, hard of heart.
I can’t put any likes down, unfortunately; i don’t know why.
That is true, for sure! We are human. And have to suffer with one another’s slowness and dumbness.
But we need to distinguish between narrow-minded poor Christians, and the tenets and principles and doctrines of Christianity (and I mean Catholicism, for the most serious-minded Christian).
All humans are depraved in one way or another. Look at the industry of pornography. It isn't confined to homosexuals. Jesus promoted inclusivity of love, it is about accepting the sinner, not the sin.