This is all part of the great reset agenda. Destruction under the guise of incompetence and the climate change hoax.

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There is indeed a great reset agenda. But the real problem is a population who elevates leaders who are corrupt and incompetent, and obviously so. Biden is the president? Kamala the VP? Lizards like Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi, McConnell leading the legislatures? Ketanji Jackson on the supreme court? The revolving door of criminals in the FDA, CDC, EPA, and the rest of the "regulatory" apparatus? This list barely scratches the surface of the rot. Where is the public outrage and pushback against the worst of the worst who are in charge? A great reset agenda orchestrated by the WEF, Davos slime, Gates, Soros, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, et al is hardly needed. The people don't need any help to destroy themselves.

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The CIA rigs elections all around the world, and ours isn’t rigged?

IMO none of those people won the election

In 2020 Biden vs Trump I watched the election all day and night. I actually saw my state, purportedly a big dem state go red!! I was like WHAT!! Then a few minutes later it was blue again. I am positive what happened was this: the “handlers” saw states were turning red and they quickly fixed all of them by going through the back door of the electronic voting machines switching hundreds of thousands of votes from Trump to Biden, within minutes or even seconds.

I remember a map of Germany that was following this election and Trump had ALL the states! I believe that. Remember Biden only had a handful of supporters following him during his campaigning. It’s possible many of those were relatives or people paid to be there.

On the other hand Trump had a sea of people for miles outside wherever he was speaking. Standing room only even outside!

Germany was following

the U.S. elections because Dominion, the vote switching and rigging company was based in Germany with U.S. soldiers protecting it. There was some kind of invasion of the Dominion

facility, US soldiers were killed.

Possibly soldiers wanted to foil the rig.

I will have to revisit this for better details.

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Of course there's cheating. Trump would have easily won a fair election in 2020. The Republican majority in the house would be bigger without cheating. But, don't we live in a purported democracy, where election laws and regs are made and enforced by our elected officials? The people at large made the corrupt election bed we're sleeping in. Where is the outrage against the cheating? It's only around the margins, like Substack. Even without cheating, Biden, Kamala, et al get close to half the votes, but in a society worth spit they would never break 20% or so. For that matter, do you think McConnell, and Lindsey Graham, both Republicans, win primaries and are lifelong Senators by cheating? No, the Republicans in KY and SC are brainless enough to keep sending those scumbags back. You're dead wrong if you think we'd have great leaders without Democrat cheating. I do greatly admire the few heroes who have been able to reduce the cheating somewhat, not saying that isn't important.

Re the CIA rigging elections - sure. And yes, they impact ours. Don't you realize why that is? Because all our leaders have to do is whip up fear among the sheep, and we get the Patriot Act, and whatever power grab they want. Same with the fear they instilled over COVID and resulting tyranny. I don't personally know anybody except my wife, son, and myself who saw through those scams from the beginning. There are millions like us, but they amount to what, 5% tops? Fact is, 95% fall for obvious BS, and so we all get the government THEY deserve.

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Graham’s reelections are more complex than you realize. First, we have a RINO legislature and state GOP in S.C. that will not close our primaries (so that Democrats can’t vote in them); second, the RINOs add non-conservatives into the races against Graham so that the conservative vote is spread amongst several non-Graham candidates; third, incumbents start with way more money than non-incumbents; fourth, the big-city media (Columbia, Charleston, etc.) is, as everywhere, liberal and censorial, making publicity difficult for the conservative candidate; and fifth, liberal money and influence from around the country back Graham. We’re working hard at the grassroots level this time around to fight back against all this, so hopefully in two years the reign of our horrible senator will come to an end.

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Most things are more complex than you can flesh out in a comment. I left a ton out and it was still too long. You're right, there are forces that make it hard for right-thinking citizens to prevail. OTOH, in a democracy, what keeps right-thinking citizens from being in a position to prevail? Why is it always the bad guys? Well, that's because the bad guys wake up in the morning thinking about how they can get more power and screw people over. Good guys have other priorities. A book could be written on why we have pure crap for leaders, and probably have been.

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The usual job of politicians is to deliver the people willingly to the objectives of the owners, right?

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I will go further in saying the bad guys are chosen way in advance to run, and promised they will win (by rigging) Bad guys meaning blackmailable, usually pedophiles.

I read someone’s post about Graham that was pretty funny. They said his mouth is in a perfect “O” when he speaks because it is frozen from too much…and I just can’t say the rest, but you can imagine.

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Spot on!

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"Good guys have other priorities."

You're right.

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I feel your frustration… we’re stuck with Susan Collins. She’s more of a democrat, but got in last election because the senate was so closely tied that folks had no choice but to put her in. Ugh

Next she won’t confirm half of Trumps cabinet but she did vote to approve of ALL Joe Biden’s. Yeah I do understand your pain.

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Yes, exactly the same with the last race Graham had—money from all over the place put behind his Democratic opponent, Jamie Harrison, so we all had to vote for Graham as the lesser of two evils. So sick of doing that!

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Susan Collins rigged

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As long as computer rigging like Dominion picks our senators, I don’t see that happening.

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Graham rigged by Dominion e vote machines and the evote machine counters.

Before Dominion it was Diebold, Sequoia and ES&S.

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Computer programmer testifies he rigged voting machines This is still going on but no one allowed to even whisper it, they will be assassinated.


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Nothing complex about rigging.

All rigged, down to and especially the school board.

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SteelJ Yep, I saw through the crap from the beginning. My doctor also did. She couldn't say anything publicly, though, for fear of losing her medical license.

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Well said

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The deep state with the help of the CIA rigs our elections.

All of our elections are rigged even down to the municipal govt. Heads of school boards-rigged. Why do you think we have woke in all of our public schools?

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Also when the media censors all news nobody knows anything.

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Where s the outrage against cheating? It’s everywhere but censored 100%

If a reporter even whispers this in the newsroom they will be fired at the very least.

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“Constitutional Republic”. It’s not that difficult

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We're a nation of dog kings. Our citizens who aren't outright crazy morons are demoralized.

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uk both 'sides. wef

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Yes, indeed

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Yes, where IS the public pushback!? I’m in Australia but wrote and shared continually (and donated) but no answers anywhere? And their water was turned off as well!!!???

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You are right!

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The population is duped into thinking they have a choice. Our "leaders" are selected by committee. The left/right paradigm is fake and used to divide. Once the masses realize this, then maybe we have a chance with real grassroots movements. We have to unite but people keep falling for the same theater every 4 years. There is a quite war being waged against us, divided we fall.

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like ^^this^^

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I feel very sorry for the animals in the forest and the pets that were killed in this purposeful evil event.

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Exactly. Mayor Bass was shipped to Ghana purposely. Turbo fires that can’t be extinguished. Not prepared. No water. All purposely destroyed.

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The suburbs are burning, not the inner city. Interesting.

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I think you are right. Courageous Discourse, not so courageous.

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Hard to believe that, until you think of the real estate opportunities, especially for foreigners.

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A report from four months ago: " A fire that rapidly scorched more than 5,400 acres in Orange County's Trabuco Canyon was started accidentally by public works crews who were trying to prevent access to dangerously dry brush, officials said Monday." (source: https://abc7.com/post/brush-fire-breaks-orange-countys-trabuco-canyon-spreads-quickly-hundreds-acres/15283403/) . Could any of this week's fires have a similar cause?

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I feel sorry for Bass. She was thrown under the bus. When the press was trying to ask her questions she had a sad look on her face that said “they used me.”

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Oh, please!

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You are correct. I thought Bass was a newbie never heard of her before. Turns out she has been a player since 2004, definitely long enough to know better.

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Do you think this know nothing was in on it? I doubt she makes any calls herself, everything is scripted for her.

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She knows something isn’t and plays her part and goes along- hardly any reason to feel sorry for her.

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Agree but she’s not smart enough to know in advance the agenda. And definately not smart enough to know why she was placed in power.

I think she figured it out afterwards. Now I’d like to see what happens to her.

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The piper must always be paid, and in politics, and especially the democrat party, all lower ranking apparatchiks are expendable. She's finding that out, like the mayor of New York did.

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I agree

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They’re saying the fire hydrants had no water in CA- exactly the same as Lahaina!

That’s not a coincidence

That’s culpability

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"They're saying..." Who is saying? How would they know?

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Reported by several news sources.

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Might I say and as a volunteer firefighter in Australia that it’s not uncommon for water pressure to drop when many tankers within proximity are trying to utilise the water at the exact time. Mostly we rely on static water supply or bulk water haulage in the bush here. Although when firefighting within the interface and using standpipes - the pressure can drop.

In no way am I saying anything regarding preparedness by officials. However, when we experienced the worst here back in 2018/19, our Prime Minister was busy holidaying overseas.

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Thank you for your thoughtful reply

And I can appreciate what you’re saying… the LA Times article says similar….

But when we keep seeing the same pattern of events- we must question if there’s intent to harm or culpability

There’s ALWAYS the impression of ignorance- and at best- gross incompetence in these fires.

But it’s too many times

Same or similar patterns…

There’s never any real attempt to solve the real problems (as prevention) and so the catastrophe is repeated over and over and over again

And that’s the definition of insanity.

And here’s another curious pattern-

“Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass (D) is coming under criticism for being on a trip out of the country (in Ghana) as wildfires rip through parts of the Southern California city.

“As the firestorm barreled into the historic town of Lahaina, the governor was more than 5,000 miles away at a family reunion in Massachusetts.”

“when we experienced the worst here back in 2018/19, our Prime Minister was busy holidaying overseas.”

Key Leadership is always FAR, far, far away …at a critical time.

That’s odd- don’t you think?

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Another concern I have is what makes the fires more intense here. I’d love to have foliage tested in a laboratory. The amount of aerial spraying has risen considerably in recent years. We’ve experienced fires that don’t seem to need low scrub and burn through tops of trees as the fronts move. Many questions.

My heart goes out to everyone affected by the fires over there. It’s horrible.

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Oh I think an analysis is a Great idea!!!

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Understand and agree to the potential. But at what point should the billions of dollars allocated for fire protection actually be used for that in a timely manner and perhaps find a way to avoid low pressure under strain? They do have oceans within a mile... and salt water works fine for fire response.

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Agree with you. It’s not a one off occurrence.

Why isn’t the money going where it needs to? There’s a lot at play. I don’t believe we are cared about. Money raised here those years back still hasn’t all been allocated to the needy. Red cross- worst offenders for holding funds back - supposedly for future crisis.

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the Red Cross has been totally corrupted

They’re supporting illegals immigration across the southern border … guess they have PLENTY of money for that!


MAP #2 - Distributed by the Red Cross.

The front shows the freight train routes across Mexico (similar to the Amigos Del Tren map) and lists 80 different stops from Panama to the United States.

The back gives advice on navigating the mass migration trail. One piece of advice given is how to safely ride a freight train. It is advised to avoid riding a freight train if ". . . you are under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication that can make you drowsy."

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The Firefighters are saying it!!!

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I read recently, and it seems to apply broadly, that "when you understand that they are trying to kill you, everything becomes clear".

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You hit the nail on the head.

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I, too, compared this fire to Lahaina. All the important people managed to be off the island when the fire was set so no one would have to take responsibility, the warning siren was purposely not sounded, the road was blocked by police preventing anyone from escaping. And they said they would build back (better). That area was slated for a 15 minute city with a transportation corridor. These current fires resemble Lahaina. The fire chief was gone, the fire hydrants were empty, no new reservoirs had been created. And what are they saying? They will build back. It's way too suspicious.

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I agree, this is all deliberate. Put incompetent people in office and then move them out of the way when disaster is planned, for plausible deniability.

I wonder of the Santa Rosa fire fits this picture. My cousin was in the hospital with her new baby when their house burned down in that fire. She and baby were evacuated while her husband dealt with everything. They lost all they had.

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Amen, Stella. 2018 Olympics?

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And people vote for these idiots.

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A good example Biden campaigning from a basement screamed senility

when he could NOT figure out if the mic was on and which camera to face

yet they voted. . . .and continued to believe what WE ALL saw as perfectly

normal behavior

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From podcast interviews with unelected candidates, it is common for the controllers to remove moral candidates leaving only controllable fools to win elections.

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But do they?

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"The conditions that often result in fire have been well understood by mankind since ancient times—namely, combustible material, dry conditions, and wind." All fires need to be ignited. Ignition is a factor that was left out of your otherwise excellent article. Combustible material alone will not ignite a fire. Wind alone will not ignite a fire. Dry conditions alone will not ignite a fire. However, a spark from a lit cigarette, a lithium-ion battery that explodes, a downed electric line, or a piece of brush that falls on a power line will ignite a fire. The act of arson will ignite a fire. It will be interesting to find out what started the Pacific Palisades fire...and now has grown to 6 fires in 6 different localities. In the meantime, Bass needs to remove the LA Fire Chief and then resign. She is clearly NOT up to the job as Mayor of LA. It is heart wrenching to watch the videos and see the photos of families who have lost so much. Absolutely heartbreaking.

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Los Angeles Times owner Patrick Soon-Shiong, whose paper is covering the fire extensively, posted on X.com Wednesday that Bass had cut the Los Angeles Fire Department budget by $23 million, and that reports of empty fire hydrants in the Palisades were a concern. “Competence matters,” he wrote. Source: Open the Books

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Also heard on one of the stations that they donated some of their equipment to Ukraine

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there is also a problem of DECADES of reluctance to ensure water is collected as it falls

ensuring drought relief in summer and adequate water in the face of fire

Instead, it has been allowed to rush to the ocean. . .

It is not only from rain but a massive snowpack in the Sierras.

As soon as it happens, like roaches, they slither out from beneath

baseboards shrieking 'it be ALL due to climate change'

NOT incompetence in management

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CLIMATE CHANGE....a complete and utter scam for the last 2O odd years....Remember when fake presidential candidate John Kerry was screaming about it.

The climate has always changed and will in the future. It has nothing to do with carbon in the atmosphere or other nonsense. There are shifts in the climate that happen because of changes in our solar system and in the earth's axis. Fossils of tropical plants have been found in polar regions. Dinosaur fossils in places like the Dakotas. Global Warning is a fake premise that is used to try and control people's behavior....such as with electric cars. These cars use just as much resources as gas powered vehicles and cost twice as much. Plus you still have to pay for the electricity to charge them. Electric cars are virtue signaling devices for morons.

On the other hand, electric bikes are a great mode of transportation for ONE person in a climate that is not really too cold and snowy and icebound.

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By writer Greg Hunter:https://usawatchdog.com/lahaina-incineration-is-deadly-weather-warfare-dane-wigington/

Dane Wigington says weird and deadly weather events are going to intensify. Wigington points out millions of acres are burning in Northern Canada, while California and the Western U.S. brace for a huge hurricane coming from the Pacific Ocean. It looks like somebody wanted Lahaina burned to the ground no matter how many people had to die. Wigington contends, “We have the disaster capitalists trying to profit off any cataclysm, but I would argue the stakes are much, much more grave.– Dane Wigington

By Greg Hunter On August 19, 2023 In Political Analysis


capitalists trying to profit off any cataclysm, but I would argue the stakes are much, much more grave. These people know that the planet’s life support system is failing. They should know because they are a party to bringing us to this dark place. There are much bigger powers in play. . . .Climate engineering is a covert weapon because they can bring populations to their knees without the population ever realizing they are under assault. They mire populations in difficulty, and that makes them easier to control. . . . Climate engineering is far to dignified a term. This is weather warfare. ne coming from the Pacific Ocean. It looks like somebody wanted Lahaina burned to the ground no matter how many people had to die. Wigington contends, “We have the disaster capitalists trying to profit off any cataclysm, but I would argue the stakes are much, much more grave.

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I keep forgetting if civilization has 9 or 12 years until doomsday


I know Kerry was one and the other soothsayer was Greta

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I don't know either. I am so old now it doesn't matter much to me as I won't be here to see it.

I am lenient on Greta....she was just a kid in over her head. I thought it was very ill considered of her parents to let her make a fool of herself in the UN giving a ridiculous speech that everyone made fun of. Remember her furious face and "How dare you????" with her hair in braids......I wonder if she is embarrassed about this now?

Forbes magazine wrote briefly about her recently--bemoaning the fact that she has abandoned the climate issue and is now highlighting the genocide in Gaza.

I believe this change may be a mark of maturity....as human activity can not "change the climate"

The genocide in Gaza is real and beyond horrifying and must stop before it explodes into WWIII if it hasn't already.

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I don't believe there is any possibility that she would be embarrassed

about anything including her current foul mouthed rants about


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I haven't heard her rants...but I think what is happening in Gaza is criminal and horrifying. As the parent of teenagers I heard plenty of foul mouthed rants and they never hurt anyone.....except they did cause car privileges to be suspended.

Events in Gaza truly is murder of innocent civilians. I can never support any of this...

and anyone with a grain of moral conscience has said the same thing....

"foul mouthed rants" may be unproductive and stupid.

Murdering helpless civilians is barbaric a punishable offense AND a crime against humanity. Anyone who supports these crimes is morally suspect.

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"...combustible material, dry conditions, and wind "

and a source of ignition.

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They should have learned from the big Oakland California fire of nineteen ninety three where almost 3000 homes were burnt to the ground and many people lost their lives. It was a very windy day and a small fire blew out of control from strong east wind. I lived in oakland at the time.

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Wow, makes you wonder what happens to all the money allocated to public services like water, police, fire departments. It’s obviously not going where it’s needed.

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Spent on junkets to Africa, taking courses on how to create a 3rd world nation.

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DEI is a very important use of all money collected from taxpayers. From Grift to Graft...that is the Democrat way.

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Well having lived in SF Bay Area, there was a little problem with a private storage of combustible materials that got ignited at one of the houses atop the highland hills and turned into a huge fire ball that rolled down the side of the hill adjacent to the caldecott tunnel. If people had their cell phones, more personal videos of this fireball would have been captured instead if a few snapshots.

So that was a different fire altogether.


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One issue that’s not discussed a lot in all these CA fires is…. CA is cloud seeding and that puts aluminum and barium on the ground… which is then highly combustible … when any fire starts…

CA firefighters talk about how the fires are hotter than is normal…. They describe ‘fire tornadoes’ now….

And that is not ‘climate change’ … it’s a man made disaster

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same in Lahina and Paradise Valley...not "natural disasters"....these were deliberate arsons to facilitate real estate theft.

Now let's see what happens to the property left in that area of LA....

And another thing...you don't have to be a genius to see that these events are just weird. Why do the houses burn down and not the trees.

DEW weaponry is a terrifying reality that is being used to cause fear and social chaos.

Dane Wigington has a website that is dedicated to detecting "geo-engineering events"


I am not a scientist but these terrible fires do seem targeted and very beneficial to those engaged in exploiting "natural" disasters. I live in Asheville NC but my apartment complex was not hit by the flood. However, I know many folks now with nothing and nowhere to go because Helene took everything they own and their insurance did not include an entirely unprecedented flood such as this.

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Lost me at Lahaina. Lahaina, was a planned attack on prime real estate. LA is probably on the list of land clearance as well. Not enough time in a day to investigate the insatiable amount of government attacks on humanity across the world. It's clear what they are doing. This has nothing to do with 'management' and everything to do with land confiscation and genocide.

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This evening I saw Bass interviewed as she came off the exit ramp from her arrival to LA.

Complete silence. Look of complicit guilt.

She was asked at least three times why was she not in LA. Silence, but, the sheepish look on her face gave away her guilt in this massacre.

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She looked like she had a lobotomy

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Actually I felt sorry for her. She follows orders nothing else.

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That's the same thing they said during rhe holocaust. No excuse, no soul.

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What are you talking about? What does this have to do with the Holocaust?

She didn’t know that she was hired to use her. She thought she was hired for her aptitude, or race or whatever. Her bosses didn’t order her to go to Ghana so we can set fires. They gave her a mission that sounded plausible.

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Sure they did👌 she's a dei hire that was in the works for years. I told people she was going to "win" before she won. I won't do all of your hw foe you but she's a member of a certain organization where they all come out of. They all know their role, and all play their part.

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Thank you. They all know the game they just aren’t privy to all the plays but they all share in the outcome

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You are correct about Bass. She was chosen way back in 2004. I thought mayor was her first stint.

She is definitely a player.

Can you tell me the group she is associated with? I eliminated Trilateral Commission and WEF.

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I'm still searching my data, super crazy day and i have thousands of records. Garcettis were also members. Cant think of it off top of my head. Think it had something to do with smart cities but not positive. Ill keep looking when i have time.

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Fair enough. I will research her.

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Sorry for her? Dear God, WHY? "Just Following Orders" is NOT OKAY! When tyranny overcomes humanity, resistance become duty. May all involved face retribution, ten fold.

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I realized I was wrong. I erroneously thought this was her first year in politics because I never hear of her. I take back everything I said! Especially she has been around since 2004. She knows her role.

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Standing together we'll defeat them. Keep speaking out for humanity, truth will find you. May Gods wrath be your strength, His Wisdom your guide. Godspeed ✞🕊

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The conditions that contribute are also the agenda of depopulation and land seizure

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What a loser, incompetent, so called mayor. Why did she have to go to Ghana and was this on the taxpayer dime? Gruesome does not care about the people, or the numerous propositions for water storage would have materialized. Losers.

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She was ordered to so she wouldn’t get in the way.

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She went to Ghana because she was ordered to. If she was present she would be forced by the people to act.

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