A lot of redundancy in medicine. With all the great antivirals, do we really need injections? Actually you have to wonder about aggressive manipulation of the immune system and actually causing immunity issues from injecting things meant to manipulate immunity.
As with any product on the market, the ultimate liability protection should be a safe consumer, and not a consumer with no right to sue.
The Film Rain Man Was Likely Forged to Pre-Program the Populace For the Upcoming Explosion in Vaccine Induced Autism.
1986: Congress Grants Immunity Shield to Vaccine Makers for Venom Injection Damage | Film Rain Man Begins Production
1988: Rain Man Released to Educate, Condition, & Normalize Autism
1986—2025: Number of vaccines administered explodes to 78 - and rising - from birth to two years of age. Autism diagnoses explode right along with them.
I had never thought of that before!! I have a child on the Autism spectrum (Asperger's) but it is heredity, I can now see all those traits in my in laws and can identify those people quickly, but that is completely different from Autism. It's very sad how much damage has been done.
The Held Harmless agreement was a manipulation on behalf of the Pharma industry. It gave them carte blanche to create ongoing drugs called vaccines that did not require the kind of testing of other products on the market. It allowed them to create diseases, made up diseases, promote fear and impose a new drugs for patent control for their big profiteering. They have succeeded in creating a belief system akin to a religion about 'vaccines' based on hysterical fear of an illness. It is impossible to even say the word polio without people jumping on the propaganda bandwagon to rave about the wondrous benefits of that conditions symptom called polio. But there never was a polio epidemic. Some cases, and some paralysis and even some deaths--but no major pandemic. In fact most people never knew they had polio and even if they had some flacid paralysis, healing occurred on its own with 2 weeks. Today all polio in the US gets a different name all to protect the sacrosanct belief in this vaccine and as a corollary, all the following vaccine drugs. And the beat (profit) goes on!
Yes "create diseases, made up diseases " and create made up cures.
It also allowed them to put absolutely WHATever into the vaccines because it no longer mattered if it maimed or killed. NO accountability! Beyond appalling. (Not that vaccines ever were safe. But Im sure they are 20x more dangerous since 1986). Oh and why vaccinate for chicken pox? It (the Chicken pox itself)never caused my kids any troubles. Gave them warm oatmeal baths. Homeopathics. And all was well.
If there is any viruses that existed it’s all man made and the poisoning of sky, water and land which then poison our food in the sea and inland!!The problem was created so they can provide us solution that give us more problem and it was just a circus of endless problem. A very profitable business with big return for pharmaceutical companies!!
Many years ago my kids were sent home from school being dx with chicken pox. I gave them Rhus tox and that was it. I still recall it because I had 3 healthy kids at home for a week, couldn't work, and the school would not deal with their intransigence on the situation. In fact those childhood diseases they now give vaccines were what worked to build robust immune systems for life.
All the vaccines are harmful and this was acknowledged by the VAERS hearing 'court' when they thru out aobut 5000 cases in one shot because "all vaccines are harmful1" This statement should have been front headline news but we know why it wasn't. The statement was so ass backwards. If they are harmful why dismiss the cases. Why not raise the issue of forcing parents to vaccinate and then be responsible for the life long harm created.
i'm convinced that the shingles epidemic was caused by the chicken pox vaccination campaign. if children were allowed to get chicken pox and then to have periodic exposure it throughout their lives by coming into contact with their siblings and cousins and later with their own children, i don't believe we would have seen a shingles epidemic except in the very elderly, once they are separated from exposure to children
This has been well known for many years in the medical science research. The very elderly were similarly protected with their contact with younger children in their family and community at large. We know our immune system is activated and developed from birth by having contact with foreign proteins/toxins. Preventing this is one reason our younger generations are so sickly and vaccines have done this. We have no smallpox and stopped vaccinating many years ago. We do not have epidemics of diseases for which there are no vaccines but do have constant outbreaks of those for which vaccines are given.
I was born in 1959 and I've been healthy all of my life with just a few visits to doctors. I only recall getting one vaccination but I think it contained multiple vaccines. I still swing a pick, dig with a shovel and uproot trees over 1 foot in diameter using hand tools. Clean air, clean water and a healthy vegetarian diet keep me strong as an ox, which is a vegetarian.
Ya think? I remember having loud arguments with my children's pedeatricians, one of whom helped me change the then mandated silver nitrate eye drops (an 1898 law designed to prevent blindness from maternal gonococcal infection). We won the suit in Wisconsin in 1979, and after that, it turned out that every state public health department had been waiting for something like this, and all 50 states changed their law to comply with Wisconsin's ruling.
My point isn't to applaud myself, but to say that all of the PH services in all the other states already knew that silver nitrate drops were unnecessary and injurious to the infant given the then current prenatal care. Yet, it took someone like me, just a persistent mom, to get the system to move. Following the science didn't have much to do with it.
As for vaccines, it isn't surprising that the people most invested in the "Vaccines Are Always Good" narrative are the most inve$ted in preventing any counter narratives. Liability shield? Thank you President Reagan for that piece of a currently effed up system.
But that didn’t mean they would be allowed to!! But they were. And now we know of the relationship of the vax makers and the regulators!
I’ve learned more than I want to know about vaccines (and the evil they’ve done) in the last four years. I’m wondering if my first child, 50 years old next week, might have had been saved from allergies and a weird reading delay but not comprehension and understanding delay. And that was in Canada with a very minimal vax schedule. My two other adult children don’t seem to have been affected. But the propaganda is so intense all our grandchildren have had the whole volley.
Every parent should hear Dr Paul Thomas, paediatrician, discuss his study of his patients and the findings that the most healthy were the ones that got nothing (as he allowed and encouraged the parents to consider.
I think this is a key to the problem that many are failing to see.
The result of this is that every drug producer tries to get their medicine approved for vaccine status, thus earning them lifetime liability protection for that drug.
Glad to see discussion on this…I’m just a psychologist, but it appears the current vax schedule is very bloated. (BTW, people apparently forget the CDC vax schedule is their recommendation, not a commandment.) The sheer volume of vax products injected into our children is unprecedented as far as I know, and I suppose we will be realizing the neuropsychophysiological effects of this in the years and decades to come, not to mention any transgenerational effects. When it doubt, why mess around with the immune system? My understanding is that there are multiple ingredients in vaccines that are neurotoxic and are linked to chronic inflammation. And lo and behold, there are multiple diseases on the rise globally related to inflammation pathways: for example, ASD, ADHD, arthritis, and many more. Am I right?
by the way...what is the percentage of psychologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts who have joined the covid vaccine? 80% 90% 95%? how many of them have avoided vaccines for their children? and non-covid vaccines? so if so many of these "psychologists" have shown that they have a psyche that is unstable to indoctrination, how can they cure their patients? instead of harming them?
what good are they if they are lubricants of lies? they are not even able to protect themselves from lies, after 100 years of psychic or behavioral theories the most formidable result is Vaseline ready for use for any dictatorship.
I’m not sure on those percentages but if I had to guess, it’s probably still very high.
Yeah. I think you’ve got the right idea and raise some excellent questions. Well, one thing I am doing is editing a book on mass deception, by multiple authors. In it, I will include a chapter from myself on developing the concept of deception-informed psychotherapists. Ideally, psychotherapists wouldn’t even need such a concept, but here we are!
I introduce the concept this way:
“When treating clients whose beliefs regarding history and society are not delusional but vary significantly from mainstream narratives, sufficient training in compassion as well as geopolitical knowledge about mass deception may be helpful, or possibly necessary in some cases. Deception-informed therapists remain compassionate towards clients whose beliefs diverge from the mainstream. Any institution or clinical setting that trains psychotherapists may use this proposal to help practitioners excel in being able to approach divergent belief(s) in a way that is genuinely compassionate, respectful, conducive to healing, and not pathologizing. This may have a healing and re-humanizing effect for some of our clients in individual, couples, or family therapy who hold divergent beliefs.”
“I propose that psychotherapists and other clinicians who are deception-informed practice the following [8 points]:
-Deception-informed practitioners are aware of, and open-minded to mass deception events being real and affecting huge numbers of people. Examples are many, but broadly include cover-up operations, "state crimes against democracy", and "deep state events."
“-Deception-informed practitioners do not diagnose ANY disorder (e.g., a psychotic disorder, a delusional disorder, OCD) due to the client holding beliefs many or most people would reject. For example, if a client talks about 9/11 being an inside job, this alone does not at all indicate the presence of a delusional disorder. Or, if a mother is preoccupied about lead levels in the house and how it may impact her baby, this does not necessarily indicate OCD.”
Ed Dowd’s “Silent Vietnam War” was the contribution of 60,000 millennials, 25 to 45 age stratum, to the 2X excess mortality spike in Q3’21. Age 35 was birth year 1986. These children soaked up the proliferation of childhood vaccines after VICA. Certain damage to the human microbiome is NOT automatically corrected, but can persist into adulthood. Vaccine ingredients injected into the bloodstream moreover generate numerous anaphylactic sensitivities.
At the time the FDA denied that anyone had died from the COVID shots in unabashed contradiction to VAERS reports. The 60,000 fatalities were a subset of the whole … those who traded their laptops for group life payouts: a real body count.
As a child born in a former communist country in Eastern Europe, I received three vaccines in total during my entire childhood. And I received all the required vaccines. Three! Let that sink in. And here is the weird thing: I was much healthier than many kids born in Canada today. Just shocking!
REPEAL the 1986 ACT ... Watch Them Rats Running For cover
I’m glad I’m old
Me too
Words I never thought I’d say 😜
A lot of redundancy in medicine. With all the great antivirals, do we really need injections? Actually you have to wonder about aggressive manipulation of the immune system and actually causing immunity issues from injecting things meant to manipulate immunity.
As with any product on the market, the ultimate liability protection should be a safe consumer, and not a consumer with no right to sue.
True...it's redundantly terrible for your long term health.
Just think: a simple nasal rinse and gargle twice a day would have worked to stop many viruses. Costs pennies a day.
Just ask any vet, they would agree…
The Film Rain Man Was Likely Forged to Pre-Program the Populace For the Upcoming Explosion in Vaccine Induced Autism.
1986: Congress Grants Immunity Shield to Vaccine Makers for Venom Injection Damage | Film Rain Man Begins Production
1988: Rain Man Released to Educate, Condition, & Normalize Autism
1986—2025: Number of vaccines administered explodes to 78 - and rising - from birth to two years of age. Autism diagnoses explode right along with them.
Before the film few even knew what the term meant because it was so rare it was seldom reported, here is much more on this mindbogglingly wicked subterfuge: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/autism-pre-conditioning-and-normalization
Rain Man movie, great point!
I had never thought of that before!! I have a child on the Autism spectrum (Asperger's) but it is heredity, I can now see all those traits in my in laws and can identify those people quickly, but that is completely different from Autism. It's very sad how much damage has been done.
What nationality was it…every single time…
The Held Harmless agreement was a manipulation on behalf of the Pharma industry. It gave them carte blanche to create ongoing drugs called vaccines that did not require the kind of testing of other products on the market. It allowed them to create diseases, made up diseases, promote fear and impose a new drugs for patent control for their big profiteering. They have succeeded in creating a belief system akin to a religion about 'vaccines' based on hysterical fear of an illness. It is impossible to even say the word polio without people jumping on the propaganda bandwagon to rave about the wondrous benefits of that conditions symptom called polio. But there never was a polio epidemic. Some cases, and some paralysis and even some deaths--but no major pandemic. In fact most people never knew they had polio and even if they had some flacid paralysis, healing occurred on its own with 2 weeks. Today all polio in the US gets a different name all to protect the sacrosanct belief in this vaccine and as a corollary, all the following vaccine drugs. And the beat (profit) goes on!
Yes "create diseases, made up diseases " and create made up cures.
It also allowed them to put absolutely WHATever into the vaccines because it no longer mattered if it maimed or killed. NO accountability! Beyond appalling. (Not that vaccines ever were safe. But Im sure they are 20x more dangerous since 1986). Oh and why vaccinate for chicken pox? It (the Chicken pox itself)never caused my kids any troubles. Gave them warm oatmeal baths. Homeopathics. And all was well.
If there is any viruses that existed it’s all man made and the poisoning of sky, water and land which then poison our food in the sea and inland!!The problem was created so they can provide us solution that give us more problem and it was just a circus of endless problem. A very profitable business with big return for pharmaceutical companies!!
Its true. 😢.
We’re slaves to the machine…
Many years ago my kids were sent home from school being dx with chicken pox. I gave them Rhus tox and that was it. I still recall it because I had 3 healthy kids at home for a week, couldn't work, and the school would not deal with their intransigence on the situation. In fact those childhood diseases they now give vaccines were what worked to build robust immune systems for life.
All the vaccines are harmful and this was acknowledged by the VAERS hearing 'court' when they thru out aobut 5000 cases in one shot because "all vaccines are harmful1" This statement should have been front headline news but we know why it wasn't. The statement was so ass backwards. If they are harmful why dismiss the cases. Why not raise the issue of forcing parents to vaccinate and then be responsible for the life long harm created.
i'm convinced that the shingles epidemic was caused by the chicken pox vaccination campaign. if children were allowed to get chicken pox and then to have periodic exposure it throughout their lives by coming into contact with their siblings and cousins and later with their own children, i don't believe we would have seen a shingles epidemic except in the very elderly, once they are separated from exposure to children
This has been well known for many years in the medical science research. The very elderly were similarly protected with their contact with younger children in their family and community at large. We know our immune system is activated and developed from birth by having contact with foreign proteins/toxins. Preventing this is one reason our younger generations are so sickly and vaccines have done this. We have no smallpox and stopped vaccinating many years ago. We do not have epidemics of diseases for which there are no vaccines but do have constant outbreaks of those for which vaccines are given.
Bill gates said so himself
I was born in 1959 and I've been healthy all of my life with just a few visits to doctors. I only recall getting one vaccination but I think it contained multiple vaccines. I still swing a pick, dig with a shovel and uproot trees over 1 foot in diameter using hand tools. Clean air, clean water and a healthy vegetarian diet keep me strong as an ox, which is a vegetarian.
An ox is a highly technological machine that converts vegetables into meat! 🤠
They really have to stop this adding to baby schedule. That list is giving kids Covid shots every year till 18! Shots are a huge crisis for our kids
And just how many do they get in hospitals the day they are born?
Ya think? I remember having loud arguments with my children's pedeatricians, one of whom helped me change the then mandated silver nitrate eye drops (an 1898 law designed to prevent blindness from maternal gonococcal infection). We won the suit in Wisconsin in 1979, and after that, it turned out that every state public health department had been waiting for something like this, and all 50 states changed their law to comply with Wisconsin's ruling.
My point isn't to applaud myself, but to say that all of the PH services in all the other states already knew that silver nitrate drops were unnecessary and injurious to the infant given the then current prenatal care. Yet, it took someone like me, just a persistent mom, to get the system to move. Following the science didn't have much to do with it.
As for vaccines, it isn't surprising that the people most invested in the "Vaccines Are Always Good" narrative are the most inve$ted in preventing any counter narratives. Liability shield? Thank you President Reagan for that piece of a currently effed up system.
Reagan was going a bit senile by then and attempted Blob assassination scared him silly.
But, that doesn't exonerate him, or the others who knew, but waited for someone else to take care of the problem.
Well, not a peep from Trump about undoing it. Big disappointment.
Well he really doesn’t have anything else on his plate right now, does he?/sarc
Let’s get the clot shots banned first.
& then prepare the ground for that battle.
Insane, that people do that to their children?
But that didn’t mean they would be allowed to!! But they were. And now we know of the relationship of the vax makers and the regulators!
I’ve learned more than I want to know about vaccines (and the evil they’ve done) in the last four years. I’m wondering if my first child, 50 years old next week, might have had been saved from allergies and a weird reading delay but not comprehension and understanding delay. And that was in Canada with a very minimal vax schedule. My two other adult children don’t seem to have been affected. But the propaganda is so intense all our grandchildren have had the whole volley.
Every parent should hear Dr Paul Thomas, paediatrician, discuss his study of his patients and the findings that the most healthy were the ones that got nothing (as he allowed and encouraged the parents to consider.
Wrong. Make them liable!
I think this is a key to the problem that many are failing to see.
The result of this is that every drug producer tries to get their medicine approved for vaccine status, thus earning them lifetime liability protection for that drug.
So sick!
Glad to see discussion on this…I’m just a psychologist, but it appears the current vax schedule is very bloated. (BTW, people apparently forget the CDC vax schedule is their recommendation, not a commandment.) The sheer volume of vax products injected into our children is unprecedented as far as I know, and I suppose we will be realizing the neuropsychophysiological effects of this in the years and decades to come, not to mention any transgenerational effects. When it doubt, why mess around with the immune system? My understanding is that there are multiple ingredients in vaccines that are neurotoxic and are linked to chronic inflammation. And lo and behold, there are multiple diseases on the rise globally related to inflammation pathways: for example, ASD, ADHD, arthritis, and many more. Am I right?
by the way...what is the percentage of psychologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts who have joined the covid vaccine? 80% 90% 95%? how many of them have avoided vaccines for their children? and non-covid vaccines? so if so many of these "psychologists" have shown that they have a psyche that is unstable to indoctrination, how can they cure their patients? instead of harming them?
what good are they if they are lubricants of lies? they are not even able to protect themselves from lies, after 100 years of psychic or behavioral theories the most formidable result is Vaseline ready for use for any dictatorship.
I’m not sure on those percentages but if I had to guess, it’s probably still very high.
Yeah. I think you’ve got the right idea and raise some excellent questions. Well, one thing I am doing is editing a book on mass deception, by multiple authors. In it, I will include a chapter from myself on developing the concept of deception-informed psychotherapists. Ideally, psychotherapists wouldn’t even need such a concept, but here we are!
I introduce the concept this way:
“When treating clients whose beliefs regarding history and society are not delusional but vary significantly from mainstream narratives, sufficient training in compassion as well as geopolitical knowledge about mass deception may be helpful, or possibly necessary in some cases. Deception-informed therapists remain compassionate towards clients whose beliefs diverge from the mainstream. Any institution or clinical setting that trains psychotherapists may use this proposal to help practitioners excel in being able to approach divergent belief(s) in a way that is genuinely compassionate, respectful, conducive to healing, and not pathologizing. This may have a healing and re-humanizing effect for some of our clients in individual, couples, or family therapy who hold divergent beliefs.”
“I propose that psychotherapists and other clinicians who are deception-informed practice the following [8 points]:
-Deception-informed practitioners are aware of, and open-minded to mass deception events being real and affecting huge numbers of people. Examples are many, but broadly include cover-up operations, "state crimes against democracy", and "deep state events."
“-Deception-informed practitioners do not diagnose ANY disorder (e.g., a psychotic disorder, a delusional disorder, OCD) due to the client holding beliefs many or most people would reject. For example, if a client talks about 9/11 being an inside job, this alone does not at all indicate the presence of a delusional disorder. Or, if a mother is preoccupied about lead levels in the house and how it may impact her baby, this does not necessarily indicate OCD.”
In the land of the blind, the one eye man is king…no going back now…
Ed Dowd’s “Silent Vietnam War” was the contribution of 60,000 millennials, 25 to 45 age stratum, to the 2X excess mortality spike in Q3’21. Age 35 was birth year 1986. These children soaked up the proliferation of childhood vaccines after VICA. Certain damage to the human microbiome is NOT automatically corrected, but can persist into adulthood. Vaccine ingredients injected into the bloodstream moreover generate numerous anaphylactic sensitivities.
At the time the FDA denied that anyone had died from the COVID shots in unabashed contradiction to VAERS reports. The 60,000 fatalities were a subset of the whole … those who traded their laptops for group life payouts: a real body count.
As a child born in a former communist country in Eastern Europe, I received three vaccines in total during my entire childhood. And I received all the required vaccines. Three! Let that sink in. And here is the weird thing: I was much healthier than many kids born in Canada today. Just shocking!
There’s the biggest “Duh!” Ever!
Evil bastards must be held to account in this world…they certainly will in the next.
Very true James, they certainly will be held to account after they leave here. But as you correctly say they must be held to account in this world.
Death penalty