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Indeed! Our foundation based on Christianity must be dismantled to be distorted. Evil powers know that. Jesus is truth. The more Jesus is taken out of the picture, more room is made for evil to step in. Disregard the Bible, homosexuality turns into pedophilia, gender confusion. Disregard the Bible people are easily brainwashed by Marxism. God has the perfect way for us to live and flourish. But the evil ways of man have created all the turmoil in our lives. God is not confusing. There is only one way to worship Him. If it isn’t in the Bible, it’s a lie. The last chapter in the Bible is playing out. We are in end times. The evil powers on this planet have far more control than most would believe. Weather, climate, earthquakes, disease, famine. It’s all coming true. Accept Jesus, you have nothing to loose, get in the truth( light), get out of darkness. Or you may find yourself bowing down to a false religion and wearing the mark of the beast. The road is narrow and FEW are on it.

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Correct. The fact that few believe it doesn’t change the fact that it’s TRUE.

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* destroyed

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The late great Alan Watts, in a 1976 Playboy article, described the Bible (and other religious books) as The Most Dangerous Book in The World. More humans have been killed in the name of religion than any other, considering the Crusades and Inquisition.

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How many have been killed from following the world view constructed by Karl Marx.

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Marxism is also a religion, filled with zealots!

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I have no idea, but the number killed by religious zealots is fairly well documented. Lo and behold, we see it in play today in Gaza!

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Religious zealots are really just control freaks. Evil man that wants to go against God. Jesus said they will hate Christians, because they hated him too.

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Yes, the Palestinians are mostly religious zealots. They are taught from birth to have the Jews and “infidels.” I remember seeing a Palestinian version of a Mickey Mouse cartoon meant for children, calling for death to Israel.

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The Zionist Christians like my sister are just as bloodthirsty as Nikki Haley and Lindsey Graham. They go to Church and pray for other humans to be slaughtered. The Most Dangerous Book in The World is an appropriate title for the Bible and other religious books.

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I think you may be misunderstanding a lot there. I believe most Christians would be very happy if Muslims would repent, and lay down their hate and weapons for good! As would most Jews. But if they will not, the the only way to end the killing is to eliminate those instigating the killing. Muslims bow down and pray 5 times a day, for the deaths of all they consider "infidels"; that is not the content of the typical Christian's prayers. Rather, they pray for souls to be redeemed, for people experiencing health issues to be healed, for the hungry to be fed, for peace in the world, etc. It's the difference between death and life. The Quran calls for death; the Bible teaches life. You might get to know your sister a bit better, but if that isn't what they're praying for then I question to whom they are praying, because the Bible calls us to pray for our enemies and those who despitefully use us, but not for their deaths.

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It's too bad that Islam isn't a religion "of peace" but it isn't. To pretend that it is is may be politically correct, but it is dangerous.

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** …to have the Jews and “infidels” wiped off the face of the earth.

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Maybe just Ashkenazi Khazarians who currently run Israel. They move to Ukraine; then Khazaria can be "Khazaria again.

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True. And sometimes religion is just a cover for a desire to conquer and control.

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We see that on 1 side only, the other is fighting only for their right to live in peace, in the land bequeathed them by their God.

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Only if you ignore the atheistic religions of the left beginning with the French Revolution and continuing through the 20th century (and Nazi’s were/are leftists, sport, anticipating your ignorant retort: NAZI = National SOCIALISTS). Just because some one in the past has been quoted , doesn’t make them correct.

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Nazi comes from Ashke-nazi. The financial forces behind the Nazi were the bankers, many International influences went into putting Hitler in office. Max Warburg, Rothschild Bankers, IG Farben, Shell Oil, Ford and IBM.

Nazi-- Etymology comes from "" nasi "" meaning "prince or heir apparent," in Hebrew. The meaning of this in Hebrew originates from Ancient Egyptian term "So--Nisi," King is Neshu or Neshua.

Etymology is a unique way to expose where words we are so used to come from.

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Not sure where you got your information but the following is the origin of the word Nazi…..

From Etymonline.com


1930, noun and adjective, from German Nazi, abbreviation of German pronunciation of Nationalsozialist (based on earlier German sozi, popular abbreviation of "socialist"), from Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei "National Socialist German Workers' Party," led by Hitler from 1920.

The 24th edition of Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache (2002) says the word Nazi was favored in southern Germany (supposedly from c. 1924) among opponents of National Socialism because the nickname Nazi, Naczi (from the masc. proper name Ignatz, German form of Ignatius) was used colloquially to mean "a foolish person, clumsy or awkward person." Ignatz was a popular name in Catholic Austria, and according to one source in World War I Nazi was a generic name in the German Empire for the soldiers of Austria-Hungary.

An older use of Nazi for national-sozial is attested in German from 1903, but EWdS does not think it contributed to the word as applied to Hitler and his followers. The NSDAP for a time attempted to adopt the Nazi designation as what the Germans call a "despite-word," but they gave this up, and the NSDAP is said to have generally avoided the term. Before 1930, party members had been called in English National Socialists, which dates from 1923. The use of Nazi Germany, Nazi regime, etc., was popularized by German exiles abroad. From them, it spread into other languages, and eventually was brought back to Germany, after the war. In the USSR, the terms national socialist and Nazi were said to have been forbidden after 1932, presumably to avoid any taint to the good word socialist. Soviet literature refers to fascists.

Nothing about “princes” or Hebrew terminology.

A look at other websites shows that they are in general agreement with the above definition, which is also my understanding of the origin of “Nazi”.

I would be very interested in seeing the source material for your entomology of the word, if you can provide it….


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From Etymonline.com

Nasi == No results were found for nasi.

This means the site is being "Managed" for results only found for an "English" linguistic point of view.

I get most of my materials from Original Sources. Some of which cannot be found online, due to social engineering and censorship.

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Nasi would be prince in English.

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Again wrong. I learned this from my parents, neighbors, and teachers, some of whom had slid out between the retreating Nazis and advancing Soviets,to come to the US eventually, others who were veterans of that war, BEFORE all the PC, and worse, corrupted things!

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You are not wrong here about the "Political Construct" Nazi, there are Cultural Linguistic roots to words I try to follow more than just the "Dictionary" definitions. But here:

The term “Nazi”, instead of being short for NAtional soZIalistisch, appears to be derived from “Nasi”, which means Prince in ancient Hebrew.

The noun nasi (including variations), appears 132 times in the Tenach (Old Testament). The first use is for the 12 "princes" who will descend from Ishmael, in Genesis 17. The second use, in Genesis 23, is the Hethites recognising Abraham as "a godly prince" (nesi).

In the book of Numbers, the leader of each tribe is called – a nasi.

Later in the history of Israel, according to the Tenach (e.g. Lev 4:22; Ezek 44:2-18; Ezra 1:8), the title nasi refers to the political ruler of Judea.

And ....

Nāśîʾ, Hebrew Strong's #5387, pronounced “naw-see”, is a noun meaning raised or exalted one. It is used in the OT 132 times, and is translated in the KJV as prince (96), captain (12), chief (10), ruler (6), vapours (3), governor (1), chief + 05387 (1), clouds (1), part (1), prince + 05387 (1). It is a derivative of Hebrew Strong’s #5375, nāśāʾ, a verb which is translated in the KJV as lift up, arise, exalt, extol, raise, high, etc.

While "NAZI" may in fact be derived from "nāśî", I believe it no small coincidence that the roots “fasci” and “nazi” are found in the Italian word for “fascination.”

There are many layers to the study of language, as I have been studying Ancient Egyptian; I noticed that I had to figure out how to filter out the Ancient Hebrew from some Middle Egyptian to get to Archaic Egyptian word roots, to approximate the original word meanings.

There are many angles to the definition of Nazi, to witt:

Definition from Webster’s, 1828:

FASCINA'TION, noun The act of bewitching or enchanting; enchantment; witchcraft; a powerful or irresistible influence on the affections or passions; unseen inexplicable influence. The ancients speak of two kinds of fascination; one by the look or eye; the other by words.

So it is said that:

Hitler’s rise (nāśā) to power was due in large part to his ability to “fascinate” the people of Germany. Where did this ability come from? From his own fascination (and obsession) with Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and her book “The Secret Doctrine.”


http://www.blavatskyarchives.com/theoso ... uthors.htm

This is a part of a very large discussion, I am making no claims here.

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Nevertheless, they were the National Socialists and therefore leftists, which is the point that this non linguist was making; I am well aware of the banker’s backing of the little man; money has no politics, is neither left nor right; it is all about the Benjamin’s (or rubles or marks).

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"Non Linguist?" are you a linguist? Taking an extra effort to be insulting makes no point at all.

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My point was not to be insulting, but rather to declare that I have no claim to special insight into etymology of the word (another poster has done far better than I could), just my common knowledge of who they were-national socialists.

I am sorry that I was misunderstood.

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I have spent the last 25 years studying Sanskrit and Ancient Egyptian. The problem I found in the search for Nasi, which in an English phonic gets a "z" turned up no results, I think it may have to do with how the site is "managed."

You are right about the Nationalist Socialist too though.

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I'm guessing you've never read Alan Watts. Multiple reasons for that, I'm sure.

He was a philosopher you know, very well versed in comparative religion and psychology. My favorite book of his is The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are.

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Well I am glad that I never wasted any time on him, regardless of your opinion or others, as he certainly had homonyms hemianopsia (blind spot) regarding totalitarian atheism, making his ramblings not fit for purpose in the modern world; and it has been decades since I picked up a Playboy, not that I would pass up the centerfold.

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I still have a pulse.

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True. Most people don't know that the revolutionaries were as intent upon destroying the church as the monarchy.

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The Bible is not dangerous at all, it’s the people that go against it that are dangerous.

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I'm more of a New Testament sort of guy. The Old Testament which animates so many is hateful and cruel in many ways.

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Richard, you need to refer to the OT to understand the NT. You need to be all in. We create our own problems. God is not the author of cruelty. He only works to set us straight. The Bible is merely a History book.

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Yes, the Bible is a history book and a work of literature. So I was taught by the Jesuits in 4 years of college with them.

While I strongly support the spirit and letter of the First Amendment, I lost my religion many years ago. The harms done in the name of religion far exceed the good done by it.

I see St. Paul as being correct in Corinthians II, the spirit of the law gives life, the letter of the law gives death.

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I understand, I wasn’t always a believer, I saw all the bad stuff. Wars, child abuse in the Catholic Church, fruitcakes like Jim and Tammy Baker, many have been hurt by the church. But I was lead to a non denominational church that just taught the word. No rituals, just biblical lessons. And some of the OT stuff seems harsh, like female pastors go against Gods order, but when I study why, I get it. I believe the damage that comes from religion is more about man wanting to do things his way, I think it’s more about control. The bad stuff comes from evil, not from God. I hope you will fall back into faith before the rapture so you do not have to endure the tribulation. God Bless.

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Exactly. Many paths may seem right to a man, because our hearts are deceitful above all things, but they're not! Yhwh God's order was given for our best good in life, not to "confine" or deprive us.

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If you're happy, I'm happy. Did you notice the Pope has been pushing/mandating the shots?

That raises the question: Is the Pope doing the work of Satan by pushing poisonous serum?

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Not when you understand it in the full context, which is the entirety of the Bible, and read it in the tutelage of the holy Spirit!

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The misuse of the teachings of the Bible are not the fault of the Bible.

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Who? Alan Watts? Playboy??

Are you still looking at the center folds?

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As long as I'm alive and not blind I will be looking at the centerfolds. How about you Doc?

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"In the name of" religion, but not due to true Godly faith; there's a vast difference between the 2 ! 1 can be "religious" about anything, even secular practices or objects. True faith in the 1 true Creator, Yhwh God, is a very different thing indeed. He does, on occasion send a people group to war, to execute his righteous judgment against another people group, but it is not for land or power, or other gain, when He does so; it's because the wages of their sin is death, and they remain unrepentant. Most of the historic wars, or conflicts fought "in the name of religion" have not been such wars at all. Some might "seem right to a man", but not to Yhwh. If you look behind why the troops were sent, or ordered, you generally find greed and lust for treasure, or power, or both. It was for THAT the people died, not any Godly reason.

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If God must have gender, how do you know God is not a woman?

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Because He said so, and His traits are masculine rather than feminine. It's not that complicated really, just take Him at His word. If you look in his Word, you can find instances where He manifested Himself physically, to people, and when He has, it has always been as a Man; even His voice is masculine.

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Actually, there's a great book by Karen Armstrong called Fields of Blood which refutes this statement. It is not the fault of the book, or the fault of our stars, though it would be easier if it were. I took a class in the cognitive science of religion which divides religions, churches, mosques, synagogues, etc., doctrines, practices etc. into coalitional and devotional versions. Religions hijacked to create coalition, control, wealth, power, or to promote sexual access or sadism (the Inquisition) are different than groups of people who gather together to devote themselves to a set of doctrines or principles and to participate in the divine. The ideologies of fascism and communism and technofeudalism all hijack our evolved natures and our alignment with the divine, be that an actual or a metaphorical ground of being, Karen Armstrong says.

And, as John is pointing out, this hijacking can lead to slaughter, and according to Philip Zimbardo, it often begins with insect or vermin imagery. Third Reich (rats) and Rwanda (cockroaches). I find "snow roaches" pretty funny, but it really isn't. It is a systematic attempt to initiate violence through suggestion and to foment racial hatred based on a sophisticated knowledge of how humans react to the implication that others are disease carriers. The author of Mao's America says the Cultural Revolution began in China at a girl's university, where the girls beat the principal to death, and then three years of violence ensued. That after "The Great Leap Forward," which was a terrible famine caused by delusions being promoted by the government. We must hold to the "redemptive handrail" (as Wisława Szymborska described poetry) of religion or ethical and moral absolutes. And right now the more of us who hold to that, the less likely the spark will ignite, which will no freaking doubt, be followed by horrifying and draconian new governmental/globalist powers.

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Hijacked? From whom/what and by whom? To what or whom?

I feel closer to the spirit of life/God when I'm alone at the beach, or in the woods, or in the mountains, than I ever have felt while in a church organized and run by humans. I've never had a "religious experience" inside a church, but have experienced it frequently in those places.

That said, I do intellectually recognize that the power of communal prayer has a certain dynamic. Exactly how to interpret that dynamic and use it beneficially is the art.

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Dismantled indeed.

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There is a big difference between "religion" and a relationship with God. What people who hate christianity forget, is that Jesus was crucified by religion because he had a relationship with God, and what he preached to the people cut right across the merchandizing and corruptness of the Sanhedrin.

When King Herod came to power he murdered all the priests in the temple and installed priests who were his lapdogs and would do whatever he said.

A relationship with God was the furthest thing from their minds. The very first (and last) thing that Jesus did in his three year ministry was to clear out the money changers and animal vendors who were family members of those in authority. He had plenty to say to the religious - that they were whited sepulchres, vipers, swine, clean on the outside and filthy inside. Most parables were an indirect attack on the religious leaders of the day who did everything they could think of to trap and kill Jesus from about 6 months into his ministry.

The religious leaders had Pilate right under their thumb and had the wood on him. Pilate did everything to not crucify Jesus, but the religious leaders said to him, "You will be no friend of Caesars if you don't". So Pilate did and "washed his hands" which of course, can't wash anything off something that was done under severe coercion.

If Jesus came down today, it would be religion that would do the same thing to him now, as they did to him then.

He message to the samaritan woman at the well says it all. That we would worship him in spirit and in truth, not in some temple on a mountain.

Religion has never represented God at all. Jesus made it clear that his "wars" were not on earth.

But it's always man's tendency to look at those who are in religion and assume that they have God's blessing.

Well they don't. All through the old testament the same message was pronounced by the prophet to the religious leaders. It's the same today.

By their fruits you shall know them.

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When asked by one of the teachers, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” Jesus replied, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."

Matthew 5:9

Men through the ages have twisted and distorted Christ's message, but His teachings remain true.

May you experience the 'glorious exchange' that Martin Luther spoke of regarding the imputation of Christ on our behalf. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

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"Our understanding of God and man is right, yours is wrong, and if you don’t agree and comply with our view, we will kill you.”

Substitute secularism of "climate, race, gender, abortion, etc" and you see what we've become.

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The source of conflict is obligate collectivists, who are psychologically uncomfortable living in freedom and always seek to impose an ideology. Think of the Enlightenment as a speciation event, in the true meaning of Evolutionary Biology. The new species is Homo sapiens var. individuus.

The parent species is H.s var. collectivistica. Over evolutionary time, adherence to tribal morality was a positive survival trait. It is baked in to most people. But now, in an open scientific age -- where free-thinking is a necessity -- it's a very dangerous failing.

The organizing ideology of tyranny can be religious or secular. But it must be jealous and absolute. In our day, Marxism suits the secular bill. Among religions, Islam is the worst.

The conflict before us, at its very bottom, is two species of human --- parent collecitvist versus offspring individualist -- going to war over their common ecology -- that of culture.

Individualist culture can live with collectivists among them. But collectivists cannot live with individualists.

Free thought is always a threat to the collectivist. Hence our history of murdering heretics. Religions did it -- Islam still does. Marxism did it, and is now preparing to do it again right here in the US.

This thesis could be developed far further. But this forum is not the place.

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The great Islamic scholar Bernard Lewis, using Islamic sources, estimated that in spreading its religion, killed at least 100 million people since 623 AD. Recently, a group of Indian scholars figured the death toll closer to 660 million. This slaughter is ongoing all over the world by Muslims alone. The period of time you write about was bloody but is historical, not contemporary, unlike Islam, which is growing in its violence, unlike all other religions, which have few believers who will kill for their beliefs, let alone, even defend them.

Danny Huckabee

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Agreed. Islam owns the record for most deaths and destruction of all time although communism and nazism own the record of murders per year—far far higher.

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Dismantled at our extreme peril, John, because we have allowed it to happen. Thank the government starting with the feds but it has floated downstream to state, county and city governments as well. Monkey see, monkey do.

From the beach...


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Thank the radical leftists who have infiltrated our government and wrecked our society…..

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Unadulterated evil, Mark.

Yes, I agree with you. Thank you.

I remember the McCarthy Hearings in the 50's.

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So do I, and the backlash against him.

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I’m not old enough to remember them but I’ve read about them…… McCarthy wasn’t wrong. Maybe a little off in some respects, but certainly not wrong.

I think that the main leftist societal push came in the 1990’s and 2000’s when no one was paying attention.

Then came Obama. All of a sudden we found ourselves surrounded by leftist ideologies in government and corporate America (I was surprised by the extent of their influence, and I thought that I WAS paying attention)

It seems that people are into ‘conspiracy theories’, but this is one that has been largely ignored.

The leftist takeover of corporate America and the other institutions that contribute to American culture and prosperity was quietly planned and implemented decades ago.

And it never seems to make the list of “conspiracy theories”

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McCarthy was spot on. I watched on B&W TV. Direct and to the point. Pissed off the pinkos big time. What, the US government employs Communists? Uh huh !

Your analysis and narrative are well received.

Thank you, Mark.

I have a home in Brasil and Permanent Resident Status.

Option planning.

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Thank you, and smart moves, just in case…..

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And you don’t have to go too far left to get extreme anymore.

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That's because, since the '60s the left has been shifting further left noticeably, at a increasing rate, and dragging the right behind it, so that what was center right in the '60s is now"far right", and what is now "center right" used to be median left.

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Everything is extreme these days.

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Barry Goldwater: Extremism in the pursuit of liberty is no vice …, IIRC.

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No doubt the founders had religious wars in mind.

When someone gets a divorce, they then look for someone who does NOT have the traits their ex had. America was getting a divorce not just from Britain but from Europe. Codifying freedom of religion on paper in the first amendment was a way of placing an ad in personals column saying no one with religious hatreds need apply.

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Yes, the total for jihad is over 1500 years. The CCP has killed over 500,000,000 since 1949. A large number were abortions during their 1 child policy but we know that scores of millions were actually live births, then the children were put to death. The Nazis were pikers compared to the Muslims and communists internationally.

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Marxists worship a God no less than christians do. It is the absolute inverse of Christianity—which would make it satanic. Many early marxists were satan worshippers per Romanian pastor who wrote a short book called Marx and Satan—he was totured by commies. As you wrote, many -isms are less patient and less tolerant from deviance than the living God is. The Lord is patient not willing any perish until certain limits are crossed or time in this life runs out. There will be no retakes at that point.

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Dear John, well said and quite moving, it is, to realize that the spiritual forces which impell us, can not only drive us to seek the eternal, but also to fight against those who are carnal and anti-spiritual. May we know the true Love of God which implores to rise above that.

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" same spirit that animated the religious wars of the 16th and 17th centuries"


I frequently thought the same.

The impetus of the migration of so many

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