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How many have been killed from following the world view constructed by Karl Marx.

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Marxism is also a religion, filled with zealots!

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I have no idea, but the number killed by religious zealots is fairly well documented. Lo and behold, we see it in play today in Gaza!

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Religious zealots are really just control freaks. Evil man that wants to go against God. Jesus said they will hate Christians, because they hated him too.

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Yes, the Palestinians are mostly religious zealots. They are taught from birth to have the Jews and тАЬinfidels.тАЭ I remember seeing a Palestinian version of a Mickey Mouse cartoon meant for children, calling for death to Israel.

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The Zionist Christians like my sister are just as bloodthirsty as Nikki Haley and Lindsey Graham. They go to Church and pray for other humans to be slaughtered. The Most Dangerous Book in The World is an appropriate title for the Bible and other religious books.

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I think you may be misunderstanding a lot there. I believe most Christians would be very happy if Muslims would repent, and lay down their hate and weapons for good! As would most Jews. But if they will not, the the only way to end the killing is to eliminate those instigating the killing. Muslims bow down and pray 5 times a day, for the deaths of all they consider "infidels"; that is not the content of the typical Christian's prayers. Rather, they pray for souls to be redeemed, for people experiencing health issues to be healed, for the hungry to be fed, for peace in the world, etc. It's the difference between death and life. The Quran calls for death; the Bible teaches life. You might get to know your sister a bit better, but if that isn't what they're praying for then I question to whom they are praying, because the Bible calls us to pray for our enemies and those who despitefully use us, but not for their deaths.

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It's too bad that Islam isn't a religion "of peace" but it isn't. To pretend that it is is may be politically correct, but it is dangerous.

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It isn't a religion at all, it's a political system wearing a cloak of religiosity (appearance of religion). There is no faith, just blind obedience to a tyrant: not the same thing at all. Islam is fear based, with good reason. Scared people are more compliant, and more likely to do things those thinking freely would not consider rational. It also uses drugs to bypass rational thinking, to coerce actions someone sober and rational would not take. Not even false religions rely on such tactics to "control" adherents. They use distortion and deceit, yes, but not fear and drugs. Islam is the only system that I know of, in 65 yrs of studying about religions, that does such things.

Judaism and Christianity contain warnings about bad things when bad choices are made, but no threats. Their warnings are like a posting that a bridge is out or a road washed away where such is the truth, and proceeding along that path will have an obviously bad consequence. That's different than a threat of maiming, torture, or brutal death, upon failure to comply. But Satan was never known for compassion, or kindness...

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"Their warnings are like a posting that a bridge is out or a road washed away where such is the truth, and proceeding along that path will have an obviously bad consequence."

Excellent image! And yes, real faith is not blind obedience but rather it is the opposite. It is seeing that which cannot be seen by the eyes alone.

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Thanks. I was trying to make it clear to the "uninitated!

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** тАжto have the Jews and тАЬinfidelsтАЭ wiped off the face of the earth.

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Maybe just Ashkenazi Khazarians who currently run Israel. They move to Ukraine; then Khazaria can be "Khazaria again.

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True. And sometimes religion is just a cover for a desire to conquer and control.

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We see that on 1 side only, the other is fighting only for their right to live in peace, in the land bequeathed them by their God.

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