Cancer is a metabolic disease, not some space invader. mRNA will not magically fix the many broken parts of your metabolism.

This 1/2 trillion dollar boondoggle needs to be stopped. The first thing I did when I heard the announcement was to ask my state senators to block any and all funding for this proposal.

Let Larry Ellison play Peter Pan. If he believes it, he can pay for it. I'm not buying his fairy tale.

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If AI functioned on an objective basis, it would determine that the number one preventive measure was to maintain a whole vibrant immune system which is the number one defense against all pathogens. The fact that in 48 hours Oracles AI created a chemo formula says it is not objective, but bias and is designed to perpetuate the fraud that says poisoning the cancer patient is the goal for profit. AI would also determine if unbiased that all patients should be tested for Vitamin D blood deficiency., and the goal would to boost blood value over 50 ng's. Drive down all forms of disease states dramatically, but of course it would also deflate the medical profit centers and reduce the cost of healthcare dramatically in the USA. I hope President Trump reads this and doesn't let the snake oil salesman gas light him again.

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Amen, brother. Garbage in/garbage out. All for just one half trillion dollars! The desire for raping and pillaging continues unabated.

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Yea. My wife was a victim of the chemo boys. Had six rounds of CHOPS for Lymphoma and then gas lite us and convinced us she should have another 3 rounds of the measured poison. In spite of that, she survived for nine years until drugs were prescribed that drove down her immune system into the cellar! Since then they disavowed that 9 was good. Just a money making scheme.

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I expect Ellison will have to come up with more proof this isn't another MRNA disaster. I am all for advancing science properly to help mankind but MRNA has been a total disaster to date.

I feel Trump is very supportive of advancing American leadership in science and technology which is good, especially with private funding. However safeguards have to be in place to prevent greater harm from dangerous MRNA technolgy being unleashed again on the population.

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Trump’s meeting with Bill Gates last week created an agreement to use MRNA. Larry Ellison was used in place of Bill Gates bc he’s hated so much. Unfortunately I surmise that Trump fell for the scheme. His base is very upset and there are issues now that are concerning. RFK, Jr and his partner was interviewed and by M. Kelly. She said the MRNA is an Extinction event. RFK, Jr had two people that were handling the Vaccines issues and they were pulled by Trump. Elon appears to not be on board with this Stargate Project. I encourage everyone to view Redacted on YouTube. I have no issues with Trump except the MRNA issue that could literally Depopulate American Citizens.

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I just read Jenny McCarthys write up of words and phrases that used to have positive or benign meanings and now trigger peoples revulsion. I remember a drama teacher in the 1960s telling how the word gay used to mean happy and cheerful. Now its most common usage is homosexual. Today words like "the Science", vaccine, mandate, mask, safe and effective, booster just plain scare people and rightly so after the Biden years.

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Has anyone else noticed the sleight of hand (eclipsed by the outrageous announcement) in how they are continuing to expand the definition of "vaccine"? In one sentence, they say the AI detects the cancer, and then the mRNA "vaccine" TREATS the cancer. Talk about an oxymoron. I guess I'm just old fashioned. I thought a vaccine was supposed to PREVENT disease...

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“The difference between God and Larry Ellison... God does not think he is Larry Ellison."

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Anything MRNA sucks. Just say absolutely not.

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Do you have a comment on Dr. William Makis's success with treating Cancers with repurposed Ivermectin, Fenbendazole and CBD oils?

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While I'm not familiar with CBD oils as a cancer therapy, I am familiar with both Ivermectin and Fenbendazole as meaningful adjuncts to other therapies including INDIVIDUALIZED dendritic cell vaccine. It works.

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Not familiar with dendritic cell vaccine. Links? TIA!

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More treatments, more side effects... Will it ever end? is this a Joke? (no, cancer is not a joke), but for crying out loud: they pollute our waters, spray us with toxic chemtrails, mismanage our food, permeate crops with glyphosate to finish our gut flora. Added on top: more of their mRNA tech (most likely self replicating venoms) to make sure our immune system is kaput. And then they're telling us they found 500 billions that will enrich the CEOs to potentially find a cure to cancers when they've been killing us with the exact stuff that gives us cancer in the first place? How insulting!!!! Okay, I'm gonna take a deep breath and go back to being calm.

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More treatments, more side effects, more profit.

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The backgrounds of these three men need be shouted far and wide…not just what their goals are. These alone will give many nightmares and stand alongside the strongest medical arguments. Do some research!

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AI may hold great promise in certain areas, however the currently deployed operational quality of AI is atrocious. For AI to live up to its promises, the technical excellence of the deployed product must vastly improve. Businesses have been increasingly employing AI in areas of customer service, attempting to trouble shoot and solve both simple and complex problems with “digital assistants”. The results so far are a long way from satisfactory. Often the digital assistants will simply get it all wrong, confounding or confusing the customer in what ends up as a frustrating experience where the digital assistant is finally abandoned in favor of a “real person” to get the problem solved. The IRS has been an early adopter of AI with disastrous results. For AI to guide doctors with complex medical cases and come up with “wireframe” diagnoses and treatment solutions, things need to improve a great deal.

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I'd be thrilled if Larry Ellison would conduct all experiments on himself.

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If Ellison was Dr. Ellison, oncologist, then he getting airtime wouldn't be so egregious. Billionaires with no biological science background influencing world leaders on public health is crazy.

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Never ever allow these money grubbing soulless smart people near your health. The whole concept is based upon a total misunderstanding of what cancer actually is.

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This could potentially do more harm to an already weakened immune system. No turn off switch.

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Thank you Peter for explaining something that by its dramatic presentation is quite alarming. I feel reassured by your much more measured (as ever) approach. Who knows where this goes, but clearly there are great exaggerations and extrapolations being made to impress!

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Sam Altman's sister has accused him of being an incestuous serial rapist. I sure hope this is a case of keep your enemies closer... Time will tell

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I was thinking the same thing about “keep your enemies closer”. I viewed the Tucker Carlson interview with the mother of the Open AI whistleblower who is now a suspicious “suicide”. And Sam Altman is a friend of Reid Hoffman who funded the EJ Carrol lawsuit. And Larry Ellison who loves AI surveillance. All very suspicious??

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I heard Sam is a pedo.

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Shame on them for preying on desperate, vulnerable people suffering with cancer.

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