And many people who wake up to know the truth will be slow to answer ANY poll

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Did the questions actually have the words "false claims" in them? In that case the survey is totally biased!

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Aug 23, 2023
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That reminds me of political polls done by the mass media. They invariably ask if you consider yourself to be a "liberal" or a "conservative", ignoring the fact that the neocons changed the definition of conservative and the neoliberals (the same group) changed the definition of liberal. Both support monopoly capitalism, imperialism, election rigging, corruption, human-trafficking and no individual liberty or privacy. If you are anti-capitalist and pro-liberty, you don't exist.

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Encouraging. Hopefully my left-leaning family members and friends will want to join the growing herd of the woken up.

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Sorry too late

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There’s no information on the respondents in this poll. I worked for Kaiser and if you gave the medications listed on their formulary instead of the better drugs out there, you received bonus checks.

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Wish they would print the # polled and the demographics. I believe this survey was done as further justification of the need to crack down on "misinformation" and to secure more funding for their censorship projects. Interesting that this outfit which provides something like 60% of the CDC stats, spends its money on polls - but makes no effort to investigate claims. It has nothing to do with public health and never has - its all about the narrative. It is difficult to change a persons perspective from vaccines can cause injury and death and are not effective to a belief that they are "safe and effective" and it is that which scares them.

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That is progress.

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Yes! Quite different from the false perception MSM puts out.

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McCullough concludes-with/poses, "I wonder what the actual sentiment is on vaccines if Kaiser had asked the questions in a more unbiased manner and did not load up their survey with charged words such as 'false' and 'misinformation.'"

How about these types of survey questions:

(1) Were you aware that the needle you allowed to be unloaded into your body did not contain a "vaccine," it did not contain an "mRNA vaccine," but instead contained what is precisely called modRNA; a highly modified RNA, a synthesized non-natural and long-lived molecule?

(2) Prior to the modRNA being unloaded into your body did the facilitator (medical doctor, nurse, practitioner, store clerk at Walgreen, etc.) or your mandating employer fully inform you, in the context of INFORMED CONSENT, about the issue of LIABILITY IMMUNITY?

(3) Prior to the modRNA being unloaded into your body did the facilitator (medical doctor, nurse, practitioner, store clerk at Walgreen, etc.) or your mandating employer inform you fully about LEGAL INDEMNITY?



(4) Were you aware that the individual that was key to instituting LIABILITY IMMUNITY into "law," Mr. Anthony Fauci, has been accused of lying to the United States Senate?


(5) With the RICO criminality of LIABILITY IMMUNITY and the letter above in mind, were you aware that (long before that Senator Paul letter was sent) a fellow alum at Mr. Fauci's alma mater Cornell University had openly and REPEATEDLY called for the forfeiture of all Fauci degrees, affiliations, and accolades from that alma mater?



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I just became aware of the modmRNA and the asmRNA. This surely is very important since its another massive lie perpetrated & forced onto unsuspecting humanity!!! I don’t know much about the as mRNA. What do you know about that? Also, Dr. Nass said “we don’t know what’s in the vaccines”. I recall seeing the inserts were completely blank and that alone was shocking!!!

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Hello Sharon: TY for your reply. A key USA person that has the laboratory capability to identify the precise constituents of any needle is Dr. Ryan Cole. I have forwarded to him in hard-copy many of my letters.

To your point, in a letter to the Ivy League administrators, on cover letter atop Page 11 of 12, I stated:

"Accurate perspective partially involves the following torrid fact regarding the twenty Ivy League administrators; recipients of this letter: None of you, to this day, can declare with absolute certainty the precise contents of the mRNA needle(s) that you coerced into the veins and arteries of your students, staff and faculty:

If there is a single piece-of-evidence that provides a ‘preponderance of truth,’ which further confirms your criminal status, it is that ongoing putrid reality."


I preambled that resignation demand letter as follows:


The SPODs for the above letter are here (cost me a small fortune):


Perspective . . . out of one side of their mouths those administrators LOUDLY laud their educational institutions especially in the areas of medicine and life sciences; openly soliciting the enrollment of the best & brightest students . . . but out of the other side of their mouths they grovel obediently at the feet of Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and the likes of the WHO, the UN, and the vile Satanic sewer called the WEF.

This is all especially painful for me as a graduate of Cornell, relative to the topic of life sciences. Ezra Cornell, the founder, was a farmer . . . hence the overwhelming real competence / dedication / expertise on multiple campuses in those subject areas. On that same Page 11 of 12 I declared:

"Of the many institutions embedded in the global COVID-19 crime syndicate, none are more insidious than Big Academia. Of the latter, none are more grotesque, and DIRECTLY culpable, than the Ivy League especially the current administrators of Cornell University:

If just one Ivy League University had unmasked the criminal character, purpose, and culprits of the so-called COVID-19 pandemic, that entire scheme would have collapsed; and millions of lives and livelihoods would have been spared . . . This is especially true if it had been my alma mater, Cornell University."

I am not one for 'sparing the rod' (no matter how much it pains me). I can assure anyone that Cornell, of all places, with its multi-billion-dollar lab endowments, is FULLY AWARE of the modRNA needle approach/constituents. Thanks again.

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Thank you for your efforts!!! Its all so mind boggling & surreal! I hope its not true a few in the know have predicted death of 70% of the vaccinated within 5 years. Professor Delores Cahill said this about 14 months ago. Surely that will not come true.

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Not so lonely on this hill any longer

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Everyone, I am certain, knows someone who after being vaccinated has been ill with C-19 multiple times, has "died suddenly" or become ill with one or more of the 1,200 "adverse events of special interest" listed in Pfizer's Post-marketing report. One would have to be blind, deaf and dumb NOT to see the big picture that has been painted for us.

For me personally, I've known 45 people who've died since June of 2021. Granted, my career allowed me to know large numbers of people across the US and even Europe, so I likely know more people who've died than the average person, and I'm basing this number on the fact that most of them were "early adopters" of this experiment and posted their jabs on FB and other social media sites to show what good "do-be's" they are and shaming those of us who cared nothing for their fellow human beings.

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Aug 23, 2023Edited
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You're a very intelligent person! As they taught me in Journalism school, "Follow the money!!" Then you know all you need to know about motivation!

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Quick question for the good doctor:

The nattokinase has shown good efficacy with my patients in the community, improvement in pulmonary function, exercise tolerance, dermatitis etc but the memory loss appears to be less modifiable. This is likely due to the nattokinase not being able to cross the blood brain barrier.

Is it the intention of the addition of nano-cucumin and bromelain that these will help break down the spike protein across the blood brain barrier and have you seen that signal in your practice? Any references regarding this and would you consider posting some thoughts on it in the coming days?

Thank you for all you do.

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Great questions. I prob had covid or just a cold, a third time 2 months ago. First time, nasal stuff, persistent dry cough afterwards for about a week or so, then fatigue for a while. Overall, not not a big deal but it was DIFFERENT with the dry cough. The second time in Dec. of 2021, Omicron most likely, was like a cold. The 3rd bout recently like a cold.

This last bout seems to have given me more fatigue but at 65 yo I don’t know what is normal energy to be expected??? My memory issues are noticeable but again, not sure if its worse than normal at this age?

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"Remdesivir death widow reveals husband’s ER doctor tweeted about clubbing the unvaccinated"


Incidentally, the head of the ER at Dallas Regional was Matthew S. Way, @PoliorcetesMD. You can still read many shocking tweets on his account, such as stating that the unvaccinated are killing the vaccinated, schools should be closed, and mocking patients who used ivermectin. (He also hates Presidnt Trump---in Texas.)

Screen shot of the doctor's tweet about wanting to club the unvaccinated like baby seals: https://patriots.win/p/13zNFYMhqV/this-leftist-er-doctor-says-he-w/c/

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I am utterly astounded (perhaps, given their abject demonstrated lack of morality, I should not be) that the Remdesivir defendants actually scurried to LIABILITY IMMUNITY as a defense !! The law firm in Detroit has real muscle, and a great reputation locally; obtained this ruling:


Please remember . . . the charlatan that ran the "trials" on Remdesivir for Fauci is Marc Boom, the head needle-pumper at Houston Methodist Hospital (HMH). Note that he lies-through-his-crooked-teeth about the status of the Pfizer modRNA needle ALL THE WAY BACK IN EARLY 2021!! "not experimental" Boom proclaims ????? A copy of his email to all HMH staff here:


Incredible depths of inveracity . . . More Marc Boom saga here:


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Some people are starting to wake up.

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One concern I have is the blood supply. Many seniors or immune compromised individuals are given intravenous immunoglobin (IVIG) to strengthen their immune system and protect against seasonal colds and flu. IVIG is a blood product so the logical question is whether ModRNA is in IVIG! Further, the Biden administration has approved the idea that blood from the LGBTQ a community can be included in the national blood supply. To my knowledge, there is no screening processes in place to prevent contamination in this new scheme of things.

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Queensland only had "covid deaths" after 80% were vaccinated, and 67% of those deaths were of people who were fully vaccinated. Of course, the PCR test has a rate of false positives of 97%, so vaccine deaths were probably hidden under a false diagnosis of "covid."

Queensland only counted those who were eligible for vaccination, i.e., at least 16 years old and not sick. This means the percentage of the total population that was vaccinated was lower than 80% (50% of the population of some countries is under 16). This false 80% statistic was obviously an "appeal to popularity." But the government also omitted to tell the public that the first deaths were among the vaccinated. That's criminal. https://news.rebekahbarnett.com.au/p/first-covid-deaths-were-fully-vaccinated

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The Canadian ambulance reported runs files 2019-2023 are more that just "MATH".

Yet this exact tally on fatality and injury reports rides are dismissed as fact in evidence of 'MORE".

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I sent an email to KFF, their CEO Dr. Drew Altman and his associate Mr. Craig Palosky, that proposes a research topic (that the medical doctor McCullough also rarely speaks to): LIABILITY IMMUNITY. That email is linked next:


`Can be opened with Outlook or the free reader MailViewer ( https://www.coolutils.com/MailViewer ). The email text is below, within dividers:



Poll: Most Americans Encounter Health Misinformation, and Most Aren’t Sure Whether It’s True or False

Dr. Altman:

Thank you and your KFF staff for the recent poll on “health misinformation.” I was especially enamored with the second portion of the subtitle:

Local TV and Broadcast News Among Most Trusted Sources for Health Information; Fewer Trust Social Media Sources

Your poll will prove to be VERY valuable/useful.

Regarding the Subject, I have encountered a troubling theme (among medical doctors and hospital administrators in-particular): An ignorance-of and aversion-to the subject of LIABILITY IMMUNITY.

In that light, would it be possible to generate an extensive data set that affirms that there is a near-universal ignorance of the LIABILITY IMMUNITY provision that protects the modRNA injections, that were approved by the FDA under its EUA of 11 December 2020? One possible avenue would be to compare the frequency of mentionings of LIABILITY IMMUNITY on “Local TV and Broadcast News” versus “Social Media Sources” (ala your subtitle) In my experience (not rigorous), there is a blatant dearth from both.

Again, thank you for your efforts to keep everyone safe,

Paul Sheridan

Courtesy copy list upon request.


The "keep everyone safe" verbiage is a play on 5-year-old Julie, and her "informed consent" :


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