A human standing for the truth is always a beautiful message to begin my day with!

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Fresh ground black coffee or Hot Tea with Honey or Maple?

The perky tea pot just whistled mine is half way there.

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Apr 11
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Funny....for quite a while now usually now they just "FLAT OUT" told us point blank that its coming! Not likely to announce the NBC hit game show series "Run For Cover Dummy".

Two for one specials @ DUNKING THEM DONUTS. Now with Rainbow Spike Protiens.

RED Flags have been flown for decades.

1986 "0" LIABILITY enacted. UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE. Safe and effective. ???

Event 201. Eat ze bugs. Own nothing be happy. This was all once a comedy skit.

How bout now?

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The Vigilant Fox also provided this video which I watched earlier today. I made sure that I inserted a link for it in Steve Kirsch's substack this morning. I will continue to pass it along.

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John, it would be powerful if a compendium of such exclamations of dissent and concern about both the vaccine's harms and withdrawal from the WHO could be placed on ONE presentation on YouTube, Rumble, GAB, Trump Social, etc. and transmit the message around the world so the people of the entire world will realize concern is widespread around the world. This could put enough pressure on elected representatives and national leaders to STOP this madness.

Think about Dr. McCullough, this Japanese researcher, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Malone, Dr Jessica Rose, the Breggins, Dr Ness, Dr Mike Yeadon, Dr Ryan Cole, and on and on in ONE video with short video clips of each proclaiming the harm to humanity? This could be very powerful. It may actually force the MSM to publish it too.

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and here is Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi--highly regarded scientist from Germany to add to the above list of luminaries calling for the withdrawal of the injections


He was among the first to expose this attack on humanity in 2020..with his groundbreaking book CORONA FALSE ALARM Corona, False Alarm? Facts and Figures

by Karina Reiss Ph.D. and Sucharit Bhakdi MD | Oct 2, 2020

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Here are Dr. Bhakdi's words from the above speech

"In an explosive revelation a few days ago during a video conference with Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International, Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, former Chair of Medical Microbiology at the University of Mainz and a distinguished figure in the field, unveiled findings that have sent shockwaves through the scientific community.

The first experiments indicates that experimental COVID mRNA jabs, may have been integrating into human cells—raising the specter of genetic modification on an unprecedented scale.

Prof. Bhakdi, long known for his critical stance on the mainstream narrative surrounding genetic experimental mRNA therapy, shed light on previously dismissed evidence, saying, "What then happened was that Kevin McKernan's findings [of DNA Contamination] were belittled…, although they were reproduced in Canada by Speicher." These findings were eventually reproduced across multiple independent labs across the world. This disregard for groundbreaking research is alarming, but what Prof Bhakdi and his german team discovered next is even more so.

Prof Bhakdi's colleagues immersed human cells in vaccines, unveiling a startling truth: These cells did not merely interact with the vaccines but absorbed them, incorporating foreign DNA into their very structure. "Our two lady scientists...found that the human cells immediately took up the vaccines, and the DNA, and the chromosomes," Bhakdi said, outlining a process where cells began producing the spike protein in massive quantities. What was once theoretical fear has now been manifested into tangible evidence, showing the potential for these vaccines to alter human genetics fundamentally."

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and thank you Kathleen!

Let's build the list folks.

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There are many in the UK too. Andrew Bridgen, for one. This is such a good idea. Those montages of all the lies told, or the talking heads all spouting the same lies are really upside the head kinds of wake up calls.

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thanks Cynthia. It just seemed a natural application of Fox News' montage they do of the MSM networks teamed up the same day with "Democrat" politicians, and celebrities all spouting the same 3 to 5 words of lies, as you aptly point out.

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And Geert Vandenbossche.

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Dr Anthony Hilton, Professor Dalgliesh

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Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi has a new video out. He says (and I quote) "Now is the time to act" https://www.aussie17.com/p/scientists-stunned-by-first-proofs

in regard to the deleterious and contaminated covid injections. He is highlighting the news from cell biologist Kevin McKernin (sp?) that DNA damage has been proven at the cellular level...

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It baffles me they’ve left if up this long. If you even say COVID vaccines next to negative words the algorithms will trigger a strike on your channel

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Everyone, please SCREEN RECORD Dr. Inoue’s message. And share ☀️

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Someone asked me today about vit C and cancer. I remembered reading a few decades ago a book on this by Linus Pauling, nobel chemistry 1954.

I was impressed by the results.

I went here as a starting point and surprise...the mayo clinic did a study that could not replicate his results.


Read the part about Vit C and what Dr Pauling describes the mayo clinic study:

"Pauling denounced the conclusions of these studies and handling of the final study as "fraud and deliberate misrepresentation",[145][146] and criticized the studies for using oral, rather than intravenous vitamin C[147] (which was the dosing method used for the first ten days of Pauling's original study[144]). Pauling also criticised the Mayo Clinic studies because the controls were taking vitamin C during the trial, and because the duration of the treatment with vitamin C was short; Pauling advocated continued high-dose vitamin C for the rest of the cancer patient's life whereas the Mayo Clinic patients in the second trial were treated with vitamin C for a median of 2.5 months.[148]

Knowing what we know now about the perversion and corruption of science, and his reasonable critic, high IV doses of vit C is very likely efficient.

His critic of the mayo clinic reminds me of the bad studies we saw to denigrate hcq and ivermectine.

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In Detroit, which was a hot zone, whether one thinks infectious clones were released, or that factors beyond the virus were involved, people of all ages, including a child, fell desperately ill. Hospital protocols were horrifyingly bad, but the FBI raided a clinic that was giving IV vitamin C to first responders, who were trying to work during the lockdown. That, in itself, is evidence to me that it works, as all cures and nutrients that actually strengthened people or cured covid were attacked. Dr. Paul Marik has an IV C protocol for sepsis also.

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I cured myself of cancer and rheumatoid arthritis with Gerson therapy. Physicians and "experts" have universally hated on this amazing protocol for decades. But there is still a clinic in Mexico that applies Gerson and many people have had their diseases relieved.

A documentary called THE BEAUTIFUL TRUTH also explains the process. It is not an easy regime to follow...but here I am. And I don't have arthritis any more either. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MyuX5cz8S0

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For anyone interested the following is the history behind the Gerson therapy and the suppression by the medical profession. https://gerson-research.org/research/history-gerson-therapy-contract-report-prepared-u-s-office-technology-assessment/

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What is pathetic is that I can share this with my co-workers and they will still roll their eyes at me. I'm SO tired of trying to open people's eyes. Just tired.

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You must think of new ways to reach them....posting little notices on bulletin boards--

Calling attention to the vast array (and ever-increasing) of horrifying collapses of athletes(latest Vontes Davies sp?) at play...now down to the JUNIOR high school level.

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At work?! No way. I end up just saying stuff and walk away saying "just sayin'" so when it happens later I say "I told you." Just like Ivermectin. I remember being laughed at about the "horse medicine" and "neighs" being called out. Well, they weren't laughing when at first the CDC very quietly added Ivermectin to their list of recommended treatments. One of my co-workers showed it to me so surprised. I just looked up at them and said "what? I told you and you guys just laughed at me." Of course, they denied they did. I remember. At some point, you have to just leave those that won't even listen where they are. (And I've discussed the deaths. Most dismiss it. One of my favorite comments back to me when I tried to tell her about the jabs and the deaths "well, you don't know that for sure. We all die from something." Those people you can't help. This person has a two year old. I pray every single time for the child's protection when she has her death jabs. It is just sad.

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I agree with that gentleman. YOU are the last line of defense. Just say NO to these injections because your governments are NOT going to protect you from this poison.

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Exactly! Everyone has the power to protect their own health and refuse to take these fraudulent and toxic mRNA injections.

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You understand, I hope, that these injections are now being given to babies?

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Good point. Of course it’s the parents who should have the guts and the information to refuse gene-altering injections to their children.

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One of the first things I observed right after the pandemic was waning and things got back to their previous flow, was deformity and accelerated senescence in people.

It was most prominent in actors, since it’s their faces that one gets to be familiarized with. And so I’ve seen this strange phenomenon in which many actors - in the 40’s and 50’s - their faces began to deform and their age accelerated, just within a span of two years.

It’s important to note that this accelerated senescence has been observed in unvaccinated people as well.

I’ve been saying this since the very beginning. According to what I know, the vaccines create an initiation to a dormant evolutionary mutation that’s there to eventually “shut us down”. In other words, there’s a hidden step between proliferation of these oddities and the instigator.

What actually ensues within humanity is the loss of the binding “glue”, which then brings forth a distortion: Fragmentation between mind, body and spirit.

What we call ‘morality’, ‘conscience’, ‘ethics’, knowing right from wrong; the drive to bond with one another, either as husband and wife or in groupings as a community and a country; the need to find the godhead and find meaning; the need to sacrifice our individuality and be of service to something larger than us; the dedication to community and the family; the connection to territory; the husbandry of mammals and more, are all derivatives of the “glue” - the Ego circuit inherent in the etheric human body.

This is where we derive our tribal identity. This is the source of religion. The word ‘religion’ is made by the words ‘re’ and ‘ligare’, which comes from Latin and means to ‘(re)bind’.

The tribe is binded by the same principles and values because otherwise it's in danger of disintegration and thus, extinction. This is the source of our values, our traditions and our laws. It’s the foundation of what we call ‘trust’ and ‘loyalty’. It’s the bedrock of human civilization in all its colors, shapes and forms throughout the entire eons of time of the human species.

And all of it is coming to a close. It’s shutting down.



Physical Counterpart

Their physical counterpart of the Ego circuit is expressed in our bodies as: connective tissue - blood (blood is a connective tissue), ligaments, fascia (basically all tissue and cell lines derived from the Mesoderm germ line); the heart; the entire gut line (stomach, esophagus, mouth, teeth and gums, intestines, colon, mesentery and more); kidneys; the theme of resistance/barrier expressed as PH, osmotic pressure, blood brain barrier, etc.; globulin family proteins (e.g. hemoglobin, and therefore a change in the affinity to oxygen), myelin sheath (what protects our nerves) glial cells, the adaptive immune system (T and B cells), the motor function in our muscles, musculoskeletal framework and more.

All of these tissues and cell lines represent the themes of 'support'.

So what happens to us as a result of the loss of "glue" is several things:

- We lose our “spine” figuratively and literally. We lose our “support” within our bodies which then cascades to myriad of diseases modern science to loves to give different names to. Neuropathy, paralysis issues are

- Accelerated senescence: we don’t have the resistance to counteract against decay so we get accelerated decay.

- The proliferation of cancer: cancer is basically the way the body builds “catacombs” to deal with fast proliferation of undifferentiated tissue in which the rate of production outweighs its removal.

- Fragmentation: we’re becoming more automaton-like. We become “spine-less”. Newer generations are becoming more malleable for blind following of orders. The ability to differentiate between fantasy and reality becomes obscured and the spirit becomes empty. It then drives human beings to fill it up, oftentimes by perverted means.

Addiction to sex, drugs, food, body dysmorphism, gender dysmorphia, the guzzling of resources and the greed for money as if there is no tomorrow, the desire to merge with machines and the addiction to technology, and the adoration of the sterile and synthetic higher above the natural and the whole, over the years, are but a few of the ways in which the imbalance within the spirit is expressed.

It also explains why we’re seeing the systemic breakdown of the nuclear family and the dying of morality, ethics, conscience and values, as we know them, well within the medical field as, well as all other sectors of life. It brings forth a perverted selfish culture. And just like cancer, it’s very selfishness eventually brings everything, including itself, to a demise.



The current growing belief, however, is that the vaccines, as well as the virus, are a direct linear cause and effect for that. This paradigm is what also sustains the enormous confusion, which is also part of the “evolutionary plan”. The more humanity is confused and polarized, the faster things descend to pandemonium and then annihilation.

Here’s an interesting quote I find suitable, uttered more than a 100 years ago, giving a taste for the metamorphosis ensuing within the human species under the surface and why the more we vaccinate, the more we accelerate the negative repercussions associated with the initiation of the mutation.

“To materialistic doctors, they will be entrusted with the task of removing the soul of humanity. As today, people are vaccinated against this disease or that disease, so in the future, children will be vaccinated with a substance that can be produced precisely in such a way that people, thanks to this vaccination, will be immune to being subjected to the "madness" of spiritual life. He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience, and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles.

With such a vaccine, you can easily make the etheric body loose in the physical body. Once the etheric body is detached, the relationship between the universe and the etheric body would become extremely unstable, and man would become an automaton, for the physical body of man must be polished on this Earth by spiritual will. So, the vaccine becomes a kind of ahrimanic force; man can no longer get rid of a given materialistic feeling. He becomes materialistic of constitution and can no longer rise to the spiritual ".

Rudolph Steiner, 1917

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A brave man! God bless him!

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Thumbs up for the Doctor. Wonder how long it will take You Tube to remove it. Thanks.

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Very important message. If anyone at YouTube has a shred of conscience and ethical media behavior, they will leave it as is so that viewers in Japan and around the world can obtain reliable information about their health situation and the threats to it from rogue government agencies. Remember, all who are pressured into taking toxic drugs for no legitimate health purpose have one powerful recourse — don’t do it. Just refuse. Protect yourself from power-mad bureaucrats, profiteering pharmaceutical criminals, and mad scientists. For the sake of your life and health, don’t take it.

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Thank God someone is saying this, and god bless Mr. Inoue.

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What is the end goal? When is it enough? Per other substack authors these pharma sites described by the truthful professor are in most large countries. These countries will continue to poison their citizens who represent their work force until they are all sick or dying then the labs will be turned into the equivalent of Auschwitz’s- exterminating the citizens various countries find to costly to treat.

Think about, it the current outcomes from the covid bio weapon are draconian and more and more people are dying. Then the mad men in charge introduce another plandemic, why?


Mad men of WHO and the oligarchs will soon find themselves isolated in the bunkers they have built on Maui and other locales unable to live in a world they created to empower them and increase their market share when the market has suffered a severe die off leaving them in famine, with, insufficient maintenance of cities, health care a thing of the past-health system decimated by death and injury- no one left to assist the other- Visualize a life of total control by malevolence that continues to turn the screws on us all. Remember we are all Palestinians in their world view.

Stop the WHO takeover of all things pertaining to governing our

lives. Play the good professors presentation to your church congregation, your book club - wherever you can. Do Not Comply.

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Sadly so many mainline churches won't hear it. These pastors used the mantra "love your neighbor" to tell you to get the demonic shots.

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Well stated...especially,

"Fraudulent use of gene therapy in healthy people an extreme violation of human rights".

It amazes me that most all of the governments and mainstream media and big corporations have the same talking points, as if there is a "director" in this lethal "orchestra"...

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