You might think the fiduciary duty of parenthood would trump a desire to be a good or paid citizen. Why are they allowed to offer up a life that is not theirs but is their legal duty to protect?
The same impetus that got the people to take the kool aid. People putting too much trust in authority and a lot of manipulative conditioning. If you study cults… there’s always a few people who instinctively knew from an early age, this is sick and wrong or whatever… while others were hook line and sinker, then eventually had an epiphany or a bad experience or were somehow accidentally let out of the cage. But once people get caught in the trap, it’s hard to get them out, often accepting abuse. I’ve been exposing the snake oil bio weapons since around 08 or 09 now and prior to 2021… those who saw the writing on the wall, were chiefly the victims in some way… usually the parents of the injured… a few docs got cued in… a few who were just looking at evidence… but it was mostly the victims who became active and vocal. It’s totally different today… but, I’ve seen a few interviews where the parents talked about how they kept allowing the doctors to vax as their child took one beating after another… they said they did not know how they didn’t see it…I applaud those parents for their honesty. They just thought the doctor knew better. It’s very heartbreaking. But, it boils down to conditioning (indoctrination) and authoritative trust built thru propaganda. Some of it is the tendency to conform to norms. Making a bio weapon seem like the norm and it seemed ok for decades… There’s really no explanation beyond the Adam & Eve story, but putting it secularly, it’s just a psychological susceptibility and people get caught. The diabolical prey on them. And maybe some of those parents are just hoping for money and could care less… I’ve heard some doozies from children who were satanic ritually abused, offered up by their parents. But, most of them have absolutely no clue what they are doing. They just don’t know. And this is why we must not comply, speak out etc
Don't forget one simple word. FREE. It started the mass vaccine madness.
We were to poor for regular health checks you had to be real sick to see a doctor. So till schools started giving vaccines, we didn't get them. TB Tine test were prevalent as TB was rampant then. Only one I had was A SINGLE SMALLPOX. GOVERNMENT SCARE JOB. It was FREE. My only younger brother did get the mumps one, as he had not had them before puberty, like the 3 of us girls did.
Schools didn't require them back then either. It's now 40-70 depending on state. And about insurance money. Well Baby checks. Yet they can't diagnosis a case of FFT (FAILURE TO THRIVE).
The news is now full of stories about ins. denials due to AI. Even a human would have denied this one. Insurance Refuses To Pay For Prosthetic For 9-Year-Old Born Without Left Arm: "Not Medically Necessary" $24 K is a lot for a multi need replacement robotic vs regular prothesis.
The family of a 9-year-old girl is having to turn to fundraising after their insurance company refuses to pay for a prosthetic arm for her. She was born without her left arm. But the insurance company told her it is "not medically necessary" for a prosthetic. WANT VS PRACTICAL NEED. A child grows to fast and needs many prothesis devices before adulthood, when a robotic one would be practical.
Actually there are only about 7 states with true vax mandates for school attendance. I could be wrong about the number of states. But when I first began research near twenty years ago… there were only maybe three states with true mandates. The rest of the states are still lying to the parents. In most of those states, you have to know to ask for an exemption form. And in my state, it was (not sure if it still is) easy peasy. They just hand it to you at the front desk or they make you get it from the nurse who will try to scare you in some way. I’ve heard, ‘what will you do if they get the disease?’ I told her, I’ve researched all the diseases and I know what to do, which was true. I even told her that I have a doctor who is capable of helping and who actually knows how to treat illnesses. Another one said, ‘if there’s an outbreak, your child won’t be able to attend school’ … to which I said, ‘doesn’t bother me in the slightest’ and in high school, ‘well they’ll have to get it for college’ … ‘really, I’m in college now, and there was no requirement’ … but they did try that when my son entered college… and guess what, there was an easy peasy exemption form there as well. These people are all Nazi liars or duped minions.
I’ve been a vax truther since 08… we’ve all been spreading that information around since way back… I have found it to be effective … but first you gotta get people to even wanna look at evidence and then you gotta get them to care because their response to this is ‘I’d rather have the vaccine than the measles’ and they’ve been taking these things for years and so have their friends and the injured kids were taken out before kindergarten starts… that’s why they push all the vax b4 kindergarten … to make sure the kids aren’t dropping like flies once more people know them. I could explain more, but I suspect most people reading see what I’m talking about. Although nowadays with the annual flu shots. They’re all diseased and sickly and conditioned into this crazy norm. The whole thing is sick and twisted.
These mRNA injections that they refer to as "vaccines" are deadly. They should not be given to ANYONE, least of all a baby or child. Everything about them is wrong & potentially lethal.
Since the rigging and suppression of covid trials was outted,the companies are being careful. Boy,they really want this stuff to be successful. " we adjusted the dose.Bring on the next batch of babies."
It's so grotesque that it's hard to believe, yet we all know the FDA is now merely a rubber stamp agency for drugs because of the revolving door between government agencies and corporations. Terrible, awful, and grotesque.
Zero and I can’t wait for the lawsuits to overwhelm BIG PHARMA. Next I want to see all those evil elites that had “anything” to do with harming anyone with their poison shots go to prison forever, then jab them with the same poison they gave the public over and over again. Then we won’t allow remedies like they did to us….eyes wide open. You know what payback is? 👁️👁️
They only legally have protection if the Covid mRNA jab mandates and EUA approvals were legal. Legally if there are other remedies such as Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine and so many others they would not have actually received EUA. They also lied about the trial info to the FDA. But they deceived all of us by smacking down all remedies and lying about the phony trials. Although it’s not talked about in the liberal media at all they can be sued no matter how protected they “think” they are. They aren’t protected by their many deceptions, bring on the lawsuits. Put Pfizer and Moderna on the chopping block. Why the heck are drug companies doing their own clinical trials anyway? They just lie. It’s been happening for decades. RJK Jr. we’re all waiting for you….wait till the public discovers the truth, many many deceptions for profit. Eyes wide open👁️👁️.
Hi Annette so I need to look for the class actions… I’ve found that in my state they are throwing out individual murder cases, judges are cold blooded, it’s very Nazi… and there’s a statute of limits of 2 years in reg court and if they’re taking cases at vax injury comp program, the old vax had 3 years to file… I’m assuming it’s same for c vax. I really have not heard what’s going on there. But there are lots of reasons to file a court case. People keep calling for prison time. I’m starting to recommend people report murders at police station. No statute of limitations there. But, I am going to see what it takes to file for the job losses and employers and such. Whatever I can come up with. My x taught me how to play the lawfare game. You miss all the shots you don’t take. I’m also going to send letters to pediatricians … probably telling them that they can be sued or imprisoned for murder and such… after pointing out the data to them. Not in a threatening way, although many of them will take it that way.
This will all change soon. Keep your spirits up. I believe we’ve hit bottom in many ways in this country and its citizens and new administration will work together to win back America. We’ve been run by the elites for too long. I can’t wait to watch it happen!!!!!
Yes… prior to 2020, the vast majority of the ‘anti vaxxers’. We’re actually just vaccine injured victims, usually parents. We are all suffering alone. I don’t know what’s worse though… the people who just can’t see the truth or those who see, yet are still apathetic. The only solace I have found is through conversations with people online as you and I are having. They just don’t know what they’re doing and we benefit from remembering when we didn’t know either. But more and more people are beginning to wake up. It’s kind of like the food additives. 20 years ago most people didn’t know and if they heard, didn’t care or thought the concern was overblown. I’ve seen a shift there as well. So whatever we do, moving forward, in terms of warning people, or giving solace to those who get very little, in the very least, will matter.
anyone even considering giving their children these jabs needs their head examined. My son in law (even after our warnings) inoculated our 16 year old grandson. Who now has Pericarditis and has to wear a monitor.
Did these infants have parents? If not, were they used as guinea pigs from an orphanage? Everyone involved in experimenting on infants is guilty regarding harms. Would the researchers use their own kids or family members kids instead? If not, why not? I hate the idea of experimenting on animals, so I hope AI can work out harms without having to inject any living creature while safety has yet to be determined.
I don’t really understand it. But I literally know people who were protestors in the 60’s who really think J6 was an organized insurrection and they think vaccines should be mandated still.
I was also going to say that, yes, the hippy movement was a deep state movement that did more to degrade society than to make a better world. The arbiters knew that people couldn’t really hack the whole idea of living with nature and they injected drugs and depravity… And the draft brought a lot of the young people out of the mainstream. But the mainstream is still a huge cult of lies and deception. So none of it really matters. I just illogically continue to hold onto this idea that old hippies would still likely be interested in the crimes of the deep state and general lies. But, nope. Other than digging certain hippie style atire, like Mexican peasant tops w embroidery… I don’t hold them as a group in high regard by any means.
Oh yeah. Anyone can be indoctrinated. When I was younger I was under the impression that a lot of the people in the hippie movement were interested in truth …. Then I met a somewhat prominent one who’d lived the life and had a best selling book … she was nowhere near interested in truth… extremely selfish and materialistic really … it was an image she put forth … not that she was all that horrible or anything… just living in the prescribed box of lies like everyone else… it wasn’t like she was doing anything for truth or humanity or anything… in fact she told me she actually didn’t like any of the actual hippies from the orig movement … but I was still shocked about my old friend who I hadn’t seen in years who was interested in weird truth stuff in the early 90’s … he studied history, had a ba in it … I got reunited with him in 2021 and I tried talking to him about the bio weapons and it turned out that he wants to run for office and force vaccinate the world and refuses to look at evidence … I tried to remain friends with him hoping maybe he’d come around but he got worse actually… constantly sounding like a libs of tik tok feature. Repeating everything he was programmed to believe. Really sad.
According to the CDC, 2-3% of children under 6 months become hospitalized with RSV every year. So why are healthy babies who qualify for this clinical trial becoming hospitalized with RSV at rates significantly higher in both the vaccine and placebo group?! What are they putting in that placebo?!
Once again they experiment on this case the infants and children. Of course, the experiment is going very these are not about health but about elimination. So the sicker the child the better...then if not dead, there is the permanent patient of Big Pharma. Once again, follow the money!
My first question: what kind of psychotic crazy person do you have to be to offer up your infant as a mouse, for these drug trials??
A democrat?
You might think the fiduciary duty of parenthood would trump a desire to be a good or paid citizen. Why are they allowed to offer up a life that is not theirs but is their legal duty to protect?
The same kind of crazy person that believes everything they see and hear on television is true
Makes sense but how frickin' stupid.
Made me recall an interview I watched with Maddy DeGaray's mum. And dad.
The "money." Her friends and brother were all "enrolled" in the VACCINE TRIAL.
As if!!! She was 12 ffs...
I'm not a fan of her parents. Obviously.
To quote another commenter: "Morons".
Money, money, money
Exactly. Morons I believe……
Maddie De Garay's parents also come to mind.
Complete morons.
Probably money
The same impetus that got the people to take the kool aid. People putting too much trust in authority and a lot of manipulative conditioning. If you study cults… there’s always a few people who instinctively knew from an early age, this is sick and wrong or whatever… while others were hook line and sinker, then eventually had an epiphany or a bad experience or were somehow accidentally let out of the cage. But once people get caught in the trap, it’s hard to get them out, often accepting abuse. I’ve been exposing the snake oil bio weapons since around 08 or 09 now and prior to 2021… those who saw the writing on the wall, were chiefly the victims in some way… usually the parents of the injured… a few docs got cued in… a few who were just looking at evidence… but it was mostly the victims who became active and vocal. It’s totally different today… but, I’ve seen a few interviews where the parents talked about how they kept allowing the doctors to vax as their child took one beating after another… they said they did not know how they didn’t see it…I applaud those parents for their honesty. They just thought the doctor knew better. It’s very heartbreaking. But, it boils down to conditioning (indoctrination) and authoritative trust built thru propaganda. Some of it is the tendency to conform to norms. Making a bio weapon seem like the norm and it seemed ok for decades… There’s really no explanation beyond the Adam & Eve story, but putting it secularly, it’s just a psychological susceptibility and people get caught. The diabolical prey on them. And maybe some of those parents are just hoping for money and could care less… I’ve heard some doozies from children who were satanic ritually abused, offered up by their parents. But, most of them have absolutely no clue what they are doing. They just don’t know. And this is why we must not comply, speak out etc
Don't forget one simple word. FREE. It started the mass vaccine madness.
We were to poor for regular health checks you had to be real sick to see a doctor. So till schools started giving vaccines, we didn't get them. TB Tine test were prevalent as TB was rampant then. Only one I had was A SINGLE SMALLPOX. GOVERNMENT SCARE JOB. It was FREE. My only younger brother did get the mumps one, as he had not had them before puberty, like the 3 of us girls did.
Schools didn't require them back then either. It's now 40-70 depending on state. And about insurance money. Well Baby checks. Yet they can't diagnosis a case of FFT (FAILURE TO THRIVE).
The news is now full of stories about ins. denials due to AI. Even a human would have denied this one. Insurance Refuses To Pay For Prosthetic For 9-Year-Old Born Without Left Arm: "Not Medically Necessary" $24 K is a lot for a multi need replacement robotic vs regular prothesis.
The family of a 9-year-old girl is having to turn to fundraising after their insurance company refuses to pay for a prosthetic arm for her. She was born without her left arm. But the insurance company told her it is "not medically necessary" for a prosthetic. WANT VS PRACTICAL NEED. A child grows to fast and needs many prothesis devices before adulthood, when a robotic one would be practical.
Actually there are only about 7 states with true vax mandates for school attendance. I could be wrong about the number of states. But when I first began research near twenty years ago… there were only maybe three states with true mandates. The rest of the states are still lying to the parents. In most of those states, you have to know to ask for an exemption form. And in my state, it was (not sure if it still is) easy peasy. They just hand it to you at the front desk or they make you get it from the nurse who will try to scare you in some way. I’ve heard, ‘what will you do if they get the disease?’ I told her, I’ve researched all the diseases and I know what to do, which was true. I even told her that I have a doctor who is capable of helping and who actually knows how to treat illnesses. Another one said, ‘if there’s an outbreak, your child won’t be able to attend school’ … to which I said, ‘doesn’t bother me in the slightest’ and in high school, ‘well they’ll have to get it for college’ … ‘really, I’m in college now, and there was no requirement’ … but they did try that when my son entered college… and guess what, there was an easy peasy exemption form there as well. These people are all Nazi liars or duped minions.
Maybe RFK Jr will figure out how to use Grok to help destroy the vaccine industrial complex. Prick by Prick.
I’ve been a vax truther since 08… we’ve all been spreading that information around since way back… I have found it to be effective … but first you gotta get people to even wanna look at evidence and then you gotta get them to care because their response to this is ‘I’d rather have the vaccine than the measles’ and they’ve been taking these things for years and so have their friends and the injured kids were taken out before kindergarten starts… that’s why they push all the vax b4 kindergarten … to make sure the kids aren’t dropping like flies once more people know them. I could explain more, but I suspect most people reading see what I’m talking about. Although nowadays with the annual flu shots. They’re all diseased and sickly and conditioned into this crazy norm. The whole thing is sick and twisted.
Beat me to it.
These mRNA injections that they refer to as "vaccines" are deadly. They should not be given to ANYONE, least of all a baby or child. Everything about them is wrong & potentially lethal.
Appreciate a safe place to share truth. You have said it clearly & succinctly.
Thank You🙏
Wonder why they would pause for 5-7 very severe infections but not care about all the covid deaths?
Maybe running scared just a bit thinking about the new administration?
Since the rigging and suppression of covid trials was outted,the companies are being careful. Boy,they really want this stuff to be successful. " we adjusted the dose.Bring on the next batch of babies."
For the simple reason, it’s in their protocol for phase I trials. Read the report in full, don’t depend on other people.
False sense of trust?
Is big pharma getting nervous, finally?????
It amazes me parents let their infants to be experiments. Sad.
I don’t think they should be developing any “vaccines” using mRNA technology! Why would anyone enter a baby in a clinical trial anyway? Unbelievable!
It's so grotesque that it's hard to believe, yet we all know the FDA is now merely a rubber stamp agency for drugs because of the revolving door between government agencies and corporations. Terrible, awful, and grotesque.
What is the future share price of a company that has yet to be sued for the untimely deaths of millions and debilitating injury to millions more?
Zero and I can’t wait for the lawsuits to overwhelm BIG PHARMA. Next I want to see all those evil elites that had “anything” to do with harming anyone with their poison shots go to prison forever, then jab them with the same poison they gave the public over and over again. Then we won’t allow remedies like they did to us….eyes wide open. You know what payback is? 👁️👁️
Jab them right in the eye!
Good idea…
Let your kids bring their Christmas Bebe gun gifts on their next well check up…
Well they’ve got indemnity. But they should still be sued anyways.
They only legally have protection if the Covid mRNA jab mandates and EUA approvals were legal. Legally if there are other remedies such as Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine and so many others they would not have actually received EUA. They also lied about the trial info to the FDA. But they deceived all of us by smacking down all remedies and lying about the phony trials. Although it’s not talked about in the liberal media at all they can be sued no matter how protected they “think” they are. They aren’t protected by their many deceptions, bring on the lawsuits. Put Pfizer and Moderna on the chopping block. Why the heck are drug companies doing their own clinical trials anyway? They just lie. It’s been happening for decades. RJK Jr. we’re all waiting for you….wait till the public discovers the truth, many many deceptions for profit. Eyes wide open👁️👁️.
Let’s get rolling with the lawsuits! How does one start?
I’m not an attorney but I think there are some going on already. Probably CHD website can help with info.
Hi Annette so I need to look for the class actions… I’ve found that in my state they are throwing out individual murder cases, judges are cold blooded, it’s very Nazi… and there’s a statute of limits of 2 years in reg court and if they’re taking cases at vax injury comp program, the old vax had 3 years to file… I’m assuming it’s same for c vax. I really have not heard what’s going on there. But there are lots of reasons to file a court case. People keep calling for prison time. I’m starting to recommend people report murders at police station. No statute of limitations there. But, I am going to see what it takes to file for the job losses and employers and such. Whatever I can come up with. My x taught me how to play the lawfare game. You miss all the shots you don’t take. I’m also going to send letters to pediatricians … probably telling them that they can be sued or imprisoned for murder and such… after pointing out the data to them. Not in a threatening way, although many of them will take it that way.
I’ll check it out… no reason not to get them going without an attorney.
I believe this. Thanks for the affirmation. I think the thing that really protects them is the govt run vaccine injury court.
This will all change soon. Keep your spirits up. I believe we’ve hit bottom in many ways in this country and its citizens and new administration will work together to win back America. We’ve been run by the elites for too long. I can’t wait to watch it happen!!!!!
I’d love to stay in touch, regardless of what happens.
Yes… prior to 2020, the vast majority of the ‘anti vaxxers’. We’re actually just vaccine injured victims, usually parents. We are all suffering alone. I don’t know what’s worse though… the people who just can’t see the truth or those who see, yet are still apathetic. The only solace I have found is through conversations with people online as you and I are having. They just don’t know what they’re doing and we benefit from remembering when we didn’t know either. But more and more people are beginning to wake up. It’s kind of like the food additives. 20 years ago most people didn’t know and if they heard, didn’t care or thought the concern was overblown. I’ve seen a shift there as well. So whatever we do, moving forward, in terms of warning people, or giving solace to those who get very little, in the very least, will matter.
anyone even considering giving their children these jabs needs their head examined. My son in law (even after our warnings) inoculated our 16 year old grandson. Who now has Pericarditis and has to wear a monitor.
That is exactly what the old style RSV vaccines did when they gave them to babies, so it's no surprise. Enhanced susceptibility to infection.
Stop it for EVERYONE!!!
Did these infants have parents? If not, were they used as guinea pigs from an orphanage? Everyone involved in experimenting on infants is guilty regarding harms. Would the researchers use their own kids or family members kids instead? If not, why not? I hate the idea of experimenting on animals, so I hope AI can work out harms without having to inject any living creature while safety has yet to be determined.
Why do these parents believe that the government is their ‘Shepherd’?
I don’t really understand it. But I literally know people who were protestors in the 60’s who really think J6 was an organized insurrection and they think vaccines should be mandated still.
Perhaps they are still hippies who can’t think critically. The world is full of those who come in all ages.
I was also going to say that, yes, the hippy movement was a deep state movement that did more to degrade society than to make a better world. The arbiters knew that people couldn’t really hack the whole idea of living with nature and they injected drugs and depravity… And the draft brought a lot of the young people out of the mainstream. But the mainstream is still a huge cult of lies and deception. So none of it really matters. I just illogically continue to hold onto this idea that old hippies would still likely be interested in the crimes of the deep state and general lies. But, nope. Other than digging certain hippie style atire, like Mexican peasant tops w embroidery… I don’t hold them as a group in high regard by any means.
Thanks for your chats 😊. Have a good day.
Oh yeah. Anyone can be indoctrinated. When I was younger I was under the impression that a lot of the people in the hippie movement were interested in truth …. Then I met a somewhat prominent one who’d lived the life and had a best selling book … she was nowhere near interested in truth… extremely selfish and materialistic really … it was an image she put forth … not that she was all that horrible or anything… just living in the prescribed box of lies like everyone else… it wasn’t like she was doing anything for truth or humanity or anything… in fact she told me she actually didn’t like any of the actual hippies from the orig movement … but I was still shocked about my old friend who I hadn’t seen in years who was interested in weird truth stuff in the early 90’s … he studied history, had a ba in it … I got reunited with him in 2021 and I tried talking to him about the bio weapons and it turned out that he wants to run for office and force vaccinate the world and refuses to look at evidence … I tried to remain friends with him hoping maybe he’d come around but he got worse actually… constantly sounding like a libs of tik tok feature. Repeating everything he was programmed to believe. Really sad.
The ferrets didn't reveal this? How hard is MRI, etc. on a ferret?
According to the CDC, 2-3% of children under 6 months become hospitalized with RSV every year. So why are healthy babies who qualify for this clinical trial becoming hospitalized with RSV at rates significantly higher in both the vaccine and placebo group?! What are they putting in that placebo?!
Once again they experiment on this case the infants and children. Of course, the experiment is going very these are not about health but about elimination. So the sicker the child the better...then if not dead, there is the permanent patient of Big Pharma. Once again, follow the money!