What type of father knowingly lets his drug addicted son go to foreign lands to become the bagman for the family?

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"What type of father knowingly lets his drug addicted son go to foreign lands to become the bagman for the family?"

A scumbag father.

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Answer: The greedy and corrupt politician who raised his son to be spoiled and just as corrupt as he was, and who used his son to profit off of the corruption that was so easy to capitalize on, selling access and favors from the most corrupt party the US Government has ever seen in it's entire history, with that being the party that he represented... that's who. His name being Joe Biden, and corruption and selling access and influence to his political office being the family business, of which his son was only a part.

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A beyond his years and lead around like a nursing home patient brain dead one?

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Yeah, but Joe Biden did all that (and who knows what else) before his dementia set in. So…that’s not an explanation or excuse.

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Maybe Hunter can go live with his grifter Dad now?

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Sadly, a large part of the country was stupid enough to support Biden.

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Coincidence that both fathers were mad hatters addicted to power? The sins of the father and all that. said pops will never win father of the year! But to use your addict son to enrich yourself is the ultimate betrayal. I suppose you reap what you sow! Did daddy dearest give his son an all encompassing pardon? Yes? No? Only back to 2014. Probably not giving him a loan either 🤷‍♀️

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It isn't just Hunter. There's an entire Class of the relatives and offspring of those In Power who are connected, entitled and ... unelected. A Ruling Class.

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This is a great parallel, history does rhyme. I hope and pray there will be justice brought to all the spies who lied and to all parties involved in the “shenanigans” of the 2020 election. I believe Trump/Vance 2024 will be the better for our nation, look at what they have accomplished in such a short time. The “fortifications” of those in power and control in 2020 actually saved us from ourselves. Actions of the administration today would not have happened in 2020. Transparency is the key, sunlight is the best disinfectant, we need the truth and there needs to be a price for those who lied.

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Always enjoy a tidbit of history to give perspective. We vainly believe that our times are unique and modern, but human nature has changed little over recorded history. Technology has shortened our attention spans and had a deleterious effect on our memory capabilities, but our foibles have been consistent.

Dick Minnis removingthecataract.substack.com

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Here here!!!

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William, it’s actually ‘hear, hear’ ;)

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Homeless? I hardly doubt it simply because it has been reported that Mr. What Planet Am I On Today has reportedly received $35 Million CLAMS! Yes the Dollars, yes from America’s adversarial nations! China, Russia as well as the gigantic laundering scheme via Ukraine. Of course we’re not supposed to say anything, right? BS! Hunter Biden is not homeless and I can guarantee he’s living a better life than 98% of the American people!


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These peoples will probably never be held accountable. No one has the balls to do it! We’’ll see.

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Our system is so corrupted. Former Acting Director of the CIA, Mike Morell, testified to congress that he worked with Blinken to create the letter which maligned Hunter’s laptop as Russian disinformation because they wanted Biden to win. It’s documented in publicly available archives. Yet the DoJ and Republicans do nothing. SMH.

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That the king lived to be 67 with all the gluttony is pretty interesting. But, that food was probably not of the sort of frakenfoods we eat today

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I sincerely doubt he is out of money. Out of the loop maybe, but I'm sure his whole family is doing just fine.

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Bwah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!!!!!

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Mr. Leake - you state that Hunter Biden is homeless…c’mon, now. You don’t believe that, do you? Did you mean to say that HIS ATTORNEYS CLAIM that he’s homeless and mired in debt?

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Indeed. Just desserts , I would say,

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With all of the the pardons coming out of the WH found to be signed with an auto-pen, and not reviewed or signed off on by Biden himself, they will soon all be deemed to be invalid, and once they are, good ol' Hunter may very well find himself facing the insides of a courtroom again for crimes he already admitted that he was guilty for... and wouldn't that be oh so fitting? as well as satisfying... ;-)

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Very good. Thanks. I used to live near his beach house in Brighton. Maybe, ironically, the suppression of the lap top story that led to the Biden victory in 20 paved the way for the conservative revolution we are now living in. I doubt Trump would have ever been so radical then as he is being now, if they had not treated him so badly then.

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Thanks again, John, for the lesson in history! Your knowledge is amazing…..have you ever thought of being on Jeopardy? You would kill it! ❤️

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