More and more fearporn coming from McCullough and Hulscher re: bird flu. Me thinks they're trying to get back into the good graces of the medical establishment that ran them out over Covid? Or maybe being controlled opposition was the agenda all along?
All I know is that if this nonstop peddling of bird flu fear porn continues the reason for this Stack's existence will cease to be. If the Stacks were, "Here's the lies the media and medical industry are peddling today, but it's still built on the same FAKE PCR test and theories of flu infection/spread as Covid, just take note of how it's done with clear eyes to detect the method" that would be one thing. But it's not. It feeds the fear. STOP! Or become irrelevant.
He has ALWAYS made my 'Bullshit Meter' go into the red.
There are just some people, that it is SO OBVIOUS, that they are Deep State/Globalists' SHILLS! And I think that McCullough is one of them.
Always is not only WHAT the SAY......but it's MORE IMPORTANT as to what they are NOT SAYING!
When WE, THE PEOPLE (world-wide), finally DO 'grab our pitchforks, torches and ROPE'......those who LIED FOR THE GLOBALISTS, and PLAYED ALONG with the EVIL will NOT end well for them, either! All of these USEFUL IDIOTS seem not to realize that they are, 'LOW HANGING FRUIT', and the People will go after THEM, first.
I get it. He's been really good, despite the red flags, for a very long time. I've seen him, met him at health freedom leader conferences, very genuine, passionate, articulate, has said some things that make me jump up and down to hear someone of his stature say that hasn't even been reported.
That said, the bird flu fear porn peddling is about to negate all of the good will he has built up. After experiencing what we've experienced, seen so many betrayals, even Del BigTree red flags being raised higher, we're all on alert about everyone. NO man is fully trustworthy. Only God is. But, geez, McCullough, really going to forfeit all his goodwill and credibility over more BS bird flu fearporn? Smh.
The ‘sales and promotion’ of various therapeutics did seem to increase once The Wellness Company became involved. Not saying the products aren’t warranted, and the messaging isn’t important, but the flavor has been tainted… I get it tho, independent medicine needs revenue too.
Kerry Mullis, the INVENTOR of the PCR, stated clearly......that the PCR was NOT for detecting disease. PERIOD!
For those that haven't connected dots.......Kerry Mullis 'CONVENIENTLY' died, in Aug of 2019......RIGHT BEFORE the start of the 'Big, Bad Virus' PsyOp. (in other words......he was MURDERED so that he could not EXPOSE the FRAUDULENT USE of HIS PCR for a fake virus.)
Tom White a leading scientist at Cetus, got Mullis a job there. Eventually, Mullis got the results he believed proved PCR worked. But Mullis was not a thorough experimentalist, and his experiments lacked proper controls and repetition, so his results were ambiguous. White simultaneously had another group of scientists work on the PCR study. The alternative group of experimentalists proved PCR worked. PCR was revolutionary. Within several years, PCR use went viral, propelling the growth of the biotech industry and molecular biology. The polymerase chain reaction conceived by Mullis allowed a few chemicals to make the desired sequences of DNA. Cetus kept the rights to PCR, giving Mullis $10K, and later sold the rights for $300 million.
I'd be much more concerned about COVID that hasn't hit baseline from the winter wave. Looks like an Omicron wave but much larger. Based on fake news hysteria over bird flu, and based on what I am reading, bird flu will be mild and COVID is about to come back like Geert Vanden Bossche said. Bird flu is another COVID...they want to drive dangerous mutations with their quackcines. Quacks everywhere in the mainstream!!!
LP.8.1 has found a way to preserve ACE2 binding similar to KP.3, while achieving immune evasion capabilities akin to XEC.
Monger’s have no morales. They will not stop until you are dead. This will never end as long as the evil people who brought Covid into existence are allowed to live. They need to be culled just like the chickens are culled.
Wait a minute! “Globally, H7N9 gained attention following its first detection in humans in China in March 2013, where it caused severe respiratory illness and significant mortality, with 1,568 laboratory-confirmed cases and 616 deaths reported by January 2024.”
In 11 years, 616 deaths out of billions, is what you consider “significant?? Really?! Come on!!!
If we believe virology and evolution - a virus that had a certain dna / rna sequence in 2013 will not be the same now or it would need to be gene cloned in a lab and not like mutating genetic alteration. Today it will be a whole new family.
I think we can safely assume every "highly pathogenic" virus being launched at us from now on will be the result of gain-of-function meddling of some kind, by humans, in labs.
They never needed GoF, nor do they now. Psychology, owning MSM, crap not fit for purpose tests and a fearful and gullible populace is ALL they ever needed. Rinse and repeat. Where DID flu go anyway?
One of the big "if's" there are, is IF one "believes" in virology, (which, frankly, hasn't been satisfactorily proven to exist). The lack of clarity and proof of "viruses", as they've been SAID to exist, is seriously in question. The "virus" belief is based on "cuz we said so" (that viruses exist), and not much else.🤷♀️ So, basically, much is still unproven. What's proven are the dastardly deeds of a captured, corrupt field called "medicine", all of which has to be addressed before any assessments can actually be made as to what we're actually "dealing" with. The lack of real "science" (and bought-and-paid-for false "scientific results") are, frankly, appalling. And the use of unreliable testing, such as PCR "testing" which "diagnoses" nothing at all, further undermines the credibility of any claims surrounding "outbreaks" of ANY kind.
These viruses have been around for a long time. HxNx, are the two main genes, but there are 6 others. Furthermore these genes mutate and re-assort constantly, so clades of a certain HxNx subtype vary as time passes.
No one's infecting anything with anything except a mind "virus"... narratives, lies, BS and agendas, based on nothing, to keep the DS/UN/WHO captured medical cartel babylon agenda in place... just like the "climate change" narrative was shoved down unsuspecting people's throats with bought-and-paid-for "science". Those continuing to push this psyop of "pandemic this or that" do so as part of the agenda to capture feeble minds and place them back into (or keep them in) the matrix.
So far there has been occasional spillover to humans and other animals without sustained human. To human transmission. Genetic changes occur naturally through mutations and re-assortments, but quite a few changes are necessary to get sustained human to human transmission and to become more pathogenic to humans. These genetic changes often lead to diminished viral viability.
As a veterinarian, I have a theory. I believe that the intensive factory farms are ripe for respiratory illness. If you have never been in a poultry house, you will have to imagine based what I describe.
They have closed ventilation, which is a problem for respiratory viruses. If the circulation is not JUST right, it will make respiratory diseases worse.
Concentrated fecal matter results in increased ammonia in the air. Ammonia is known to irritate the respiratory tract. Inflamed airways are more susceptible to infection from anything.
These birds are packed in pretty tightly, so they share everything.
They are highly stressed in these environments. They need to be roaming around with more room and fresh air.
It is not that difficult to make birds at least partly free range. The biggest issue for free range birds is predation, which is relatively easy to solve.
I believe we need to move to less intensive farming practices and multiply the number of smaller operations. It's a mistake to concentrate the country's chicken and egg supplies into very large operations.....this greatly increases the ability to wipe out wide slews of birds all at once.
In fact, I really think that more people need to have their own backyard hens to raise their own eggs. This is NOT to save money. The eggs will likely be MORE expensive than those in the supermarket, but they will be fresh and readily available direct to the 'farmer.' You don't need much space. Chickens are great parasite eaters too. If you let them roam your backyard, there will not be a tick in sight.
It will be much harder to take out significant swathes of chickens if they are spread out in smaller groups.
Same goes for pig farming. It's too intensive. These animals will always do better in less intensive environments. Less disease, less stress, better AG product. Yes, it may end up slightly more expensive, but most Americans need to eat less anyway.
Thank you for this update Nicolas. I appreciate all the work that you and Dr McCullough do. I find it interesting that a wild type bird flu that hasn't been detected since 2017 has now made an appearance and greatly sickened a commercial flock. Did these birds have access to wild birds outside? Make sure you wonder.
"Detected", how? Using a PCR test that diagnoses nothing... never did, never will, because it wasn't designed to diagnose anything? The more this fake narrative is pushed, the more people's credibility pushing "bird flu BS" will be extinguished. And it's high time that happened; because this nonsense of keeping these false "pandemic" (or potential pandemic) psyops circulating should make people start to question why some are continuing these narratives. Very reminiscent of the "scientists" who were paid to make [fake] "climate change" narratives a mainstream delusion of total mind control.
I just think you all are making shit up at this point ... Zero trust in any of this WEF covid 19 great reset globalist psychopaths theft gravy train for global depopulation, control, empoverising, enslavement ideology!
Are you guys now going to be pushing the bird flu vaccine? What is happening? This has all been manipulated and manufactured. If more and more animals or people are truly getting sick it is due to the government and its handlers. The people now know there is an agenda and we will resist.
Sorry, that there is such hostility and paranoia in the comments. Dr. McCullough did a great interview with the interviewer Gaffney, where he explained how a GOF bird flu leaked four years ago and spread globally. One clade in particular can cause serious respiratory symptoms. The black and white thinking in the comments reflects a dumbing down of critical thinking and a lack of research into evolving science and GOF leaked viruses. Trust is golden, and we can't even trust ourselves as human beings 100%, does that mean we don't buy a lawnmower because a human designed it, and therefore we can't trust it will work? No, we take calculated trust risks daily, and I for one trust Dr. McCullough's motives even if his information is off on occasion., and he cites his sources, so if the information is wrong, he is not at fault, all this information is in flux. Body language is more informative than words. I see no guile in Nicholas or Peter. Dr. McCullough has every right to engage in a new model of health care and make money, while providing something of value. Consumers don't have to buy the Wellness products, they can make their own nasal sprays for a couple of dollars, or not.
This is FAKE NEWS!
HOW was the SO-CALLED 'testing' done???
PCR 'test'??
Methinks that those who BELIEVE (as opposed to THINK) that the PCR 'test' is a VALID one.....
need to go and EDUCATE THEMSELVES!!!!!
This WHOLE FRAUD, and the 'BIG, BAD VIRUS' before this one......were FACILITATED BY THE PCR!
More and more fearporn coming from McCullough and Hulscher re: bird flu. Me thinks they're trying to get back into the good graces of the medical establishment that ran them out over Covid? Or maybe being controlled opposition was the agenda all along?
All I know is that if this nonstop peddling of bird flu fear porn continues the reason for this Stack's existence will cease to be. If the Stacks were, "Here's the lies the media and medical industry are peddling today, but it's still built on the same FAKE PCR test and theories of flu infection/spread as Covid, just take note of how it's done with clear eyes to detect the method" that would be one thing. But it's not. It feeds the fear. STOP! Or become irrelevant.
I do NOT TRUST McCullough!
He has ALWAYS made my 'Bullshit Meter' go into the red.
There are just some people, that it is SO OBVIOUS, that they are Deep State/Globalists' SHILLS! And I think that McCullough is one of them.
Always is not only WHAT the SAY......but it's MORE IMPORTANT as to what they are NOT SAYING!
When WE, THE PEOPLE (world-wide), finally DO 'grab our pitchforks, torches and ROPE'......those who LIED FOR THE GLOBALISTS, and PLAYED ALONG with the EVIL will NOT end well for them, either! All of these USEFUL IDIOTS seem not to realize that they are, 'LOW HANGING FRUIT', and the People will go after THEM, first.
I am so SICK of the LIARS and the LIES!
I get it. He's been really good, despite the red flags, for a very long time. I've seen him, met him at health freedom leader conferences, very genuine, passionate, articulate, has said some things that make me jump up and down to hear someone of his stature say that hasn't even been reported.
That said, the bird flu fear porn peddling is about to negate all of the good will he has built up. After experiencing what we've experienced, seen so many betrayals, even Del BigTree red flags being raised higher, we're all on alert about everyone. NO man is fully trustworthy. Only God is. But, geez, McCullough, really going to forfeit all his goodwill and credibility over more BS bird flu fearporn? Smh.
Del BigTree is another Globalists' shill.
The ‘sales and promotion’ of various therapeutics did seem to increase once The Wellness Company became involved. Not saying the products aren’t warranted, and the messaging isn’t important, but the flavor has been tainted… I get it tho, independent medicine needs revenue too.
Regretfully, I agree with your 2nd paragraph.
McCullough sell out Wussie!! I don't trust "Operation Warp Speed" Donald Trump!! Still peddling the poison! Disgusting!
The PCR test is worthless if it isn't used properly. It is a sensitive test that can diagnose infection when used at meaningful thresholds.
Kerry Mullis, the INVENTOR of the PCR, stated clearly......that the PCR was NOT for detecting disease. PERIOD!
For those that haven't connected dots.......Kerry Mullis 'CONVENIENTLY' died, in Aug of 2019......RIGHT BEFORE the start of the 'Big, Bad Virus' PsyOp. (in other words......he was MURDERED so that he could not EXPOSE the FRAUDULENT USE of HIS PCR for a fake virus.)
Tom White a leading scientist at Cetus, got Mullis a job there. Eventually, Mullis got the results he believed proved PCR worked. But Mullis was not a thorough experimentalist, and his experiments lacked proper controls and repetition, so his results were ambiguous. White simultaneously had another group of scientists work on the PCR study. The alternative group of experimentalists proved PCR worked. PCR was revolutionary. Within several years, PCR use went viral, propelling the growth of the biotech industry and molecular biology. The polymerase chain reaction conceived by Mullis allowed a few chemicals to make the desired sequences of DNA. Cetus kept the rights to PCR, giving Mullis $10K, and later sold the rights for $300 million.
I'd be much more concerned about COVID that hasn't hit baseline from the winter wave. Looks like an Omicron wave but much larger. Based on fake news hysteria over bird flu, and based on what I am reading, bird flu will be mild and COVID is about to come back like Geert Vanden Bossche said. Bird flu is another COVID...they want to drive dangerous mutations with their quackcines. Quacks everywhere in the mainstream!!!
LP.8.1 has found a way to preserve ACE2 binding similar to KP.3, while achieving immune evasion capabilities akin to XEC.
The PMC notes that if LP.8.1 takes off, the peak number of daily infections could go as high as 2 million.
Bird flu is a hoax.
More fear production courtesy of the parasite class, formerly known as the elite.
Parasite class, i call them that too..
Worth following but not alarming.
No worries, our flock periodically gets IVM to prevent vermin infestation.
The fear
Monger’s have no morales. They will not stop until you are dead. This will never end as long as the evil people who brought Covid into existence are allowed to live. They need to be culled just like the chickens are culled.
With the same methods used to cull chickens!!
Absolutely. Foam them!
Wait a minute! “Globally, H7N9 gained attention following its first detection in humans in China in March 2013, where it caused severe respiratory illness and significant mortality, with 1,568 laboratory-confirmed cases and 616 deaths reported by January 2024.”
In 11 years, 616 deaths out of billions, is what you consider “significant?? Really?! Come on!!!
If we believe virology and evolution - a virus that had a certain dna / rna sequence in 2013 will not be the same now or it would need to be gene cloned in a lab and not like mutating genetic alteration. Today it will be a whole new family.
I think we can safely assume every "highly pathogenic" virus being launched at us from now on will be the result of gain-of-function meddling of some kind, by humans, in labs.
They never needed GoF, nor do they now. Psychology, owning MSM, crap not fit for purpose tests and a fearful and gullible populace is ALL they ever needed. Rinse and repeat. Where DID flu go anyway?
One of the big "if's" there are, is IF one "believes" in virology, (which, frankly, hasn't been satisfactorily proven to exist). The lack of clarity and proof of "viruses", as they've been SAID to exist, is seriously in question. The "virus" belief is based on "cuz we said so" (that viruses exist), and not much else.🤷♀️ So, basically, much is still unproven. What's proven are the dastardly deeds of a captured, corrupt field called "medicine", all of which has to be addressed before any assessments can actually be made as to what we're actually "dealing" with. The lack of real "science" (and bought-and-paid-for false "scientific results") are, frankly, appalling. And the use of unreliable testing, such as PCR "testing" which "diagnoses" nothing at all, further undermines the credibility of any claims surrounding "outbreaks" of ANY kind.
These viruses have been around for a long time. HxNx, are the two main genes, but there are 6 others. Furthermore these genes mutate and re-assort constantly, so clades of a certain HxNx subtype vary as time passes.
Don’t doubt any of that. But that’s not how Nicholas structured his posting.
Just wondering. Is some human intentionally infecting wild birds with lab viruses?
No one's infecting anything with anything except a mind "virus"... narratives, lies, BS and agendas, based on nothing, to keep the DS/UN/WHO captured medical cartel babylon agenda in place... just like the "climate change" narrative was shoved down unsuspecting people's throats with bought-and-paid-for "science". Those continuing to push this psyop of "pandemic this or that" do so as part of the agenda to capture feeble minds and place them back into (or keep them in) the matrix.
These viruses have been epizootic in wild birds globally. The first KNOWN outbreak was in waterfowl in Italy in 1874…. Nothing new under the sun.
K thx. However, if lots of humans start getting it, that would smack of gain of function. I’m not worried, just watching.
So far there has been occasional spillover to humans and other animals without sustained human. To human transmission. Genetic changes occur naturally through mutations and re-assortments, but quite a few changes are necessary to get sustained human to human transmission and to become more pathogenic to humans. These genetic changes often lead to diminished viral viability.
Some form of toxins more like.
As a veterinarian, I have a theory. I believe that the intensive factory farms are ripe for respiratory illness. If you have never been in a poultry house, you will have to imagine based what I describe.
They have closed ventilation, which is a problem for respiratory viruses. If the circulation is not JUST right, it will make respiratory diseases worse.
Concentrated fecal matter results in increased ammonia in the air. Ammonia is known to irritate the respiratory tract. Inflamed airways are more susceptible to infection from anything.
These birds are packed in pretty tightly, so they share everything.
They are highly stressed in these environments. They need to be roaming around with more room and fresh air.
It is not that difficult to make birds at least partly free range. The biggest issue for free range birds is predation, which is relatively easy to solve.
I believe we need to move to less intensive farming practices and multiply the number of smaller operations. It's a mistake to concentrate the country's chicken and egg supplies into very large operations.....this greatly increases the ability to wipe out wide slews of birds all at once.
In fact, I really think that more people need to have their own backyard hens to raise their own eggs. This is NOT to save money. The eggs will likely be MORE expensive than those in the supermarket, but they will be fresh and readily available direct to the 'farmer.' You don't need much space. Chickens are great parasite eaters too. If you let them roam your backyard, there will not be a tick in sight.
It will be much harder to take out significant swathes of chickens if they are spread out in smaller groups.
Same goes for pig farming. It's too intensive. These animals will always do better in less intensive environments. Less disease, less stress, better AG product. Yes, it may end up slightly more expensive, but most Americans need to eat less anyway.
Thank you for this update Nicolas. I appreciate all the work that you and Dr McCullough do. I find it interesting that a wild type bird flu that hasn't been detected since 2017 has now made an appearance and greatly sickened a commercial flock. Did these birds have access to wild birds outside? Make sure you wonder.
For heaven’s sake. Wake up!
What chance that the Deep State deliberately infected the flock with a virus that had been stored at Fort Detrick (or elsewhere - Ukraine?)
Southeast Poultry Research Lab (SEPRL).
"Detected", how? Using a PCR test that diagnoses nothing... never did, never will, because it wasn't designed to diagnose anything? The more this fake narrative is pushed, the more people's credibility pushing "bird flu BS" will be extinguished. And it's high time that happened; because this nonsense of keeping these false "pandemic" (or potential pandemic) psyops circulating should make people start to question why some are continuing these narratives. Very reminiscent of the "scientists" who were paid to make [fake] "climate change" narratives a mainstream delusion of total mind control.
I just think you all are making shit up at this point ... Zero trust in any of this WEF covid 19 great reset globalist psychopaths theft gravy train for global depopulation, control, empoverising, enslavement ideology!
Why are you even writing this, amd paying attention to this phony propaganda? Have you learned nothing over the past five years?
Are you guys now going to be pushing the bird flu vaccine? What is happening? This has all been manipulated and manufactured. If more and more animals or people are truly getting sick it is due to the government and its handlers. The people now know there is an agenda and we will resist.
No, quite the opposite. If you read any of my past articles, you will see constant warnings against using bird flu vaccines.
Sorry, that there is such hostility and paranoia in the comments. Dr. McCullough did a great interview with the interviewer Gaffney, where he explained how a GOF bird flu leaked four years ago and spread globally. One clade in particular can cause serious respiratory symptoms. The black and white thinking in the comments reflects a dumbing down of critical thinking and a lack of research into evolving science and GOF leaked viruses. Trust is golden, and we can't even trust ourselves as human beings 100%, does that mean we don't buy a lawnmower because a human designed it, and therefore we can't trust it will work? No, we take calculated trust risks daily, and I for one trust Dr. McCullough's motives even if his information is off on occasion., and he cites his sources, so if the information is wrong, he is not at fault, all this information is in flux. Body language is more informative than words. I see no guile in Nicholas or Peter. Dr. McCullough has every right to engage in a new model of health care and make money, while providing something of value. Consumers don't have to buy the Wellness products, they can make their own nasal sprays for a couple of dollars, or not.
Dr. McCullough was interviewed recently, and in no way did he push the vaccine. He recommended nasal and throat hygiene.
give the chikens rest and fluids and stop being AFRAID.