Sorry, that there is such hostility and paranoia in the comments. Dr. McCullough did a great interview with the interviewer Gaffney, where he explained how a GOF bird flu leaked four years ago and spread globally. One clade in particular can cause serious respiratory symptoms. The black and white thinking in the comments reflects a dumbi…
Sorry, that there is such hostility and paranoia in the comments. Dr. McCullough did a great interview with the interviewer Gaffney, where he explained how a GOF bird flu leaked four years ago and spread globally. One clade in particular can cause serious respiratory symptoms. The black and white thinking in the comments reflects a dumbing down of critical thinking and a lack of research into evolving science and GOF leaked viruses. Trust is golden, and we can't even trust ourselves as human beings 100%, does that mean we don't buy a lawnmower because a human designed it, and therefore we can't trust it will work? No, we take calculated trust risks daily, and I for one trust Dr. McCullough's motives even if his information is off on occasion., and he cites his sources, so if the information is wrong, he is not at fault, all this information is in flux. Body language is more informative than words. I see no guile in Nicholas or Peter. Dr. McCullough has every right to engage in a new model of health care and make money, while providing something of value. Consumers don't have to buy the Wellness products, they can make their own nasal sprays for a couple of dollars, or not.
Sorry, that there is such hostility and paranoia in the comments. Dr. McCullough did a great interview with the interviewer Gaffney, where he explained how a GOF bird flu leaked four years ago and spread globally. One clade in particular can cause serious respiratory symptoms. The black and white thinking in the comments reflects a dumbing down of critical thinking and a lack of research into evolving science and GOF leaked viruses. Trust is golden, and we can't even trust ourselves as human beings 100%, does that mean we don't buy a lawnmower because a human designed it, and therefore we can't trust it will work? No, we take calculated trust risks daily, and I for one trust Dr. McCullough's motives even if his information is off on occasion., and he cites his sources, so if the information is wrong, he is not at fault, all this information is in flux. Body language is more informative than words. I see no guile in Nicholas or Peter. Dr. McCullough has every right to engage in a new model of health care and make money, while providing something of value. Consumers don't have to buy the Wellness products, they can make their own nasal sprays for a couple of dollars, or not.