"It reminds me of the salient fact that most of the the September 11, 2001 hijackers were Saudi and Egyptian boys"
John- Love your work, but you should apply your 7 tips above to this statement. ^
At best: "The 'supposed' hijackers were Saudi and Egyptian boys". But it's pretty hard to have hijackers if there are no planes and I have yet to see irrefutable proof of planes in any of the four alleged crashes.
Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see
Also no plane wreckage in PA, and precious little evidence of plane wreckage in NYC. And not a single identified victim's remains in any of those crashes.
As an experiment, compare pictures from PA and DC to any other debris field of any other crash of a commercial airliner you can find. No wings, no engines, no luggage, no human remains.
NYC is obviously more complicated, but examine how the one plane effectively disintegrates (or is absorbed) as it hits the building. No crumpling, no recoil, nothing — it just disappears. A hollow, lightweight (but strong) aluminum tube vs heavily reinforced concrete encasing the strongest steel columns of their day.
Yep! Very sophisticated tech was used to make a missle appear as a commercial jet.
Until it was determined that the rolling video cam adjacent to the Pentagon was not 'supportive' of the narrative and removed, it clearly showed a missile coming in just over the tree line before knocking on the Pentagon's door.
That was what was most noticeable about that whole event - no large airplane parts, luggage debris, etc. In the 1950s, when I was a kid, two TWA Constellations collided over a relative's farm near the Greater Cincinnati N. Kentucky Airport. While it was rather gruesome, our relative invited us to come to the farm to see the debris in the wooded are on their farm. It was pretty horrific -- huge airplane parts over the large debris field, clothing from luggage (and from bodies) handing from the trees. The bodies had already been taken away but that did little to make this scene easier for a 12-year-old who'd never seen such a sight.
I've often recited that saying about believing none of what you hear and only half of what you see -- it's good advice.
Pentagon.. I have a close (military) friend who pulled injured out. How did the undercarriage and jet fuel get down where he was pulling out the patients and bodies.. So the "no planes" rumor is untrue.
The point is not that there wasn't an explosion and fire at the Pentagon. That much is seemingly obvious, hard to fake, and not at issue. The point is that there's no obvious and irrefutable signs of a commercial airliner.
The main evidence used to support the assertion that there was one include: 1) a security cam video from a nearby gas station that took months or years to release to the public despite much publicity and pressure. That video has about 5 not-very-good frames of the alleged airliner, and 2) photos released months or years afterwards of randomly scattered bits of fuselage.
What you can't find is anything that looks like a wing or tail section or luggage in the picture of the crash site. And that doesn't comport with pictures of any other crash sites of commercial airliners I've ever seen. Nor can you find any credible first person accounts of having seen that 757 descend and impact the building, never mind a picture of it. We're talking about a plane descending at 500 mph from 10,000 feet and no one within sight of it had a camera? Yes, early days of cell phone cameras, but still.
Also, when you want to dig deeper, read the opinions of other commercial pilots about the chances that an untrained pilot could steer that aircraft in the descending spiral it supposedly took at near full speed and hit a mark that was 80 or so feet tall. (Oh, and just happened to be the budget office. Seriously, not kidding).
But overall, I get it if you don't want to start with the Pentagon — you've got a trusted friend there who knows there was a plane. (Similar to a friend of mine who's brother is a doctor and "knows" that the vaccines are okay.) Instead, take a look at Shanksville. It's a little like the WTC: it's hard to swallow the reality of the Twin Towers when you first try, but take a swing at explaining WTC7. Once you cross that threshold, then everything changes. (Which is the whole point of John's article here).
And it's not like the perpetrators were dumb. They were working with 70+ years of experience in propaganda and psyops.
Anyway, it's all good either way. No offense whatsoever is intended. I had entirely given up on talking about 9/11 around 2008 after not a single friend or family member of mine would look critically at the evidence. It just wasn't worth the continued anguish. The funny part is that I've had at least 5 of those people come to me since covid and say that they now don't believe the official 9/11 story.
What 9/11 and the scamdemic spotlight is that the powers that be are leaving their narratives to people who aren't that bright, but then when they're presenting a narrative to a population that has been meticulously and almost completely dumbed down, they don't need to be all that convincing to begin with. I've often wondered why the 9/11 narrative didn't begin with the obvious. The best lies don't conceal the truth. They utilize it.
I have to agree with you, Steve. After reading all the articles and books on 9/11 and watching I don't know how many videos, I had to come to the conclusion that there were no planes. Rebekah Roth has a good novel series on it she titled Methodical Illusion, the word methodical being airline code for highjacking. She wrote it in the form of a novel as a way of self-protection. Another good book is Judy Wood's What Happened to the Twin Towers? A lot of fascinating pictures of fire anomalies.
Interesting. Just one, so it went through that one hole in the building. And, then, when people saw it, they called it a "machine", not a jet engine? Okay, I mean, maybe? I still couldn't find a picture of it though. But then, so much has been scrubbed in the past 10 years it's crazy. (As if someone had something to hide...)
I can assure everyone that the Matrix will NEVER elaborate on these five names: Oded Ellner, Paul Kurzberg, Sivan Kurzberg, Omer Marmari and Yaron Shmuel!
So we are allies. I also believe 911 was a big psyop.
However a normie could never swallow 'there were no planes at all', would you agree with that?
Wake up normies or lose, my mantra on what our job is. Tailor and manipulate your words to them, to avoid driving them away and confirming them in their blindness.
Oh, 100% about normies. I would NEVER lead with that in a convo with a normie. My comment above was just highlighting John's entire post about being skeptical, yet his glaring oversight about the hijackers. Are any normies reading this 'stack and, if so, are they reading these comments?
For any normies in the room: Do a casual examination of the Shanksville site and then compare it to any photo of another commercial airliner that's crashed. Put the photos next to each other and come back and share with me how you can tell that United 93 crashed there.
Yes I also felt Leake was mistaken in the hijacker statement.
Its a doodle, we aren't all redpilled to the same extent. And some may go too far. The trick is, my point ALWAYS is, take your allies where you find them, details are not important. Not right now.
Why I have trouble with folk beating up on Malone, yes he seems to be behaving like a child re the lawsuit. However. I have watched a lot of his videos, and warts and all, I cannot understand how what he says and has said could possibly do other than hurt the DAVOS crowd agenda. The Breggins also seem entirely sincere.
Oh well, no surprise we are surrounded by imperfect beings. Malone AND the Breggins are my allies, even if they hate each other.
And Leake is also an ally, I choose to believe he is half awake at worst. Same with Weinstein and Tucker C.
And sometimes these folk conceal what they really think, tactical to present a face a normie might accept. There is that, and I suspect our host McCullough is in that camp/ He occasionally goes a hair off script and you start hearing about monstrous evil. Which it is, but he usually avoids such talk and sticks to provable fact.
For 911 I stick to the simple physics of freefall acceleration, proven and agreed by the authorities for building 7, and symmetry of collapse. All you need to definitively prove the case that airliners did not cause the buildings to collapse. Mr Leake should ponder just how stunningly simple it really is, if proof is all you are after. It would prove that the load bearing members for the twins AND building 7 ceased to exist, in perfect symmetry, within a second or so. That is already proven, just look.
It should be no surprise the proof never made the MSM. We have seen remarkable lack of acknowledgement of factual matters related to the jabs, this precedes it but set the pattern, simply never acknowledge it and it never happened.... something like.
My intention was not to hold Leake (or anyone else) to standards of perfection. I appreciate his work and that of all the other fighters. I definitely understand the balance that has to be struck depending on your public profile, job, family, friends, etc. And I myself do nothing to advance the public dialogue while being happily holed up in a corner of the world that no one pays much attention to. Nice spot, tho.
These days, I both care and don't care to make a case about all the things. I've watched some of the most intelligent and capable doctors I know recommend unproven genetic treatments to their children, grandchildren, spouses. They were unwilling to even consider the slightest bit of common sense or hard data. Just like buildings free falling into their own footprint. The psyop was TIGHT. And the bad guys really f'd with people's heads.
In both cases (heck, all the cases) the depth of evil on the part of the perpetrators is so vast, that I've largely accepted that our current situation is probably unsalvageable. But, interestingly, that acceptance has made me strangely optimistic again after 20-ish years of red-pilled anxiety about the future.
My original point was simply the humorous irony of Leake's entire stack about being skeptical and then he sweeps past a "salient fact" about "hijackers" implying his belief of the Matrix's version of 9/11 (in this crowd, no less). Almost like he was deadpanning waiting to lay a "gotcha", but he's so earnest that there wasn't going to be a gotcha.
I probably should have included a smiley as my intention was more of a "haha, you can't be serious bro, wtf?" I'm reminded of that salient fact of the single shooter in a window 6 floors up. :-)
A bit late - but for me too JFK was where I started to realize things were not as said.
I think many of us 'more or less redpilled' come from a history where we pondered and wrestled with matters of fact which were trying to make our heads explode, ie destroy our worldview. But we had time.
Consider an average doc, completely conventional. He doesn't have months to wrestle his cognitive dissonance to the ground and admit matters of fact. Compressed redpilling..... there is no time. We should ponder how we came to where we are, just how long it may have taken. In my case JFK was digested in bits and pieces over several years. However I initially 'bought' the 911 narrative. It took a further 2 years where I treated it as a hobby to finally digest that slug of unpleasant truth. Our docs have no such time, no luxury. And I was already a cynic.
One of the problems you face in dealing with normies is that they don't even know enough basic science to realize that certain things can't happen the way the MSM says they did.
Every war might not be caused by a big interest group. But it is fought for the benefit of a big interest group and it is NOT won for the same reason. The wars are fought to be continued, to never end. No war would ever be fought if the big players didn’t benefit. The MIC wants war. It does not want victory.
Getting rid of the TV is fine advice, but the reality for me is that my attention gets pulled into Substack, Twitter and YouTube rabbit holes instead. It’s easy to justify working hard to figure out the truth, but it can become just another layer of the same problem.
Good post. In my interview with Stew Peters, re-uploaded to YouTube after being censored about five times, you will note that Stew's preamble includes my detailed knowledge of and interaction with a guy named Anthony Fauci that dates to not-later-than 1985:
In a recent interview Peter McCullough declared that Fauci "got off" W.R.T. his recent closed door House sessions with Congressman Dr. Brad Wenstrup (Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic of 8/9 January 2024)). Flat wrong; McCullough does not know the process now unfolding, and does a great disservice with his off-the-cuff criticism. Here is the letter sent by Congressman Dr. Wenstrup directly to Fauci:
It is the congressman's fourth dot-point that matters. I will be at that hearing. PRIOR to that letter, I forwarded to Cornell University Board of Trustees Chairman Mr. Kraig Kayser my open formal DEMAND letter regarding the revocation of Fauci's medical degree. The following is a directory; link #3 is my cover letter. In the SPODs file you will note that Dr. Wenstrup is a recipient:
On the very first page of the cover letter I repeat an earlier 2021 statement to Trump defense attorney Michael van der Veen:
“ The so-called ‘COVID-19 vaccine’ is not in response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus; but the exact opposite! Attempts to patent mRNA contraptions, and market such as a ‘vaccine’ for SARS-CoV-1 had failed. SARS-CoV-2 was intentionally released to overcome (“blow up!”) traditional systemic approaches to vaccine formulation, development, and safety confirmation protocols. A conspiracy theory? Hardly. Defendants and associated witnesses have already boasted of this reality, in public! ”
On Page 2 of 45 I repeat verbiage I have stated MANY times:
"To have the world, they had to have the United States.
To have the United States, they had to have Cornell !"
A wild boast? Hardly. relative to John Leake's good article above, I pose the following:
On what campus is the Bill & Melinda Gates Hall located? Where artificial intelligence and advanced computational sciences are taught? I have spent many conference hours in that $10,000,000 building.
Now, back to my "exact opposite" statement of 2020, please note perhaps THE MOST IMPORTANT assessment of the 8 January 2024 Fauci hearing, as offered by Congresswoman Greene (turn up your audio):
Clarity (as asked by the reporter) ?? Let us spell it out, we are moving toward a Congressional level establishment and recorded entry of record of WILLFUL MISCONDUCT. Does anyone actually believe that Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla was not fully involved? We have far more evidence affirming such, but the following offers an indication:
Hint: The connection point? Go to Pages 8/9/10 of 45 of the third link above, and read my section entitled:
COVID-19 “Guidance” Enforced Upon the World by Dr. Anthony Fauci : His Exploitations of Cornell University
Albert Bourla was an original and very active member on that "NY Forward" board . . . as was Ms. Martha Pollack, the Cornell clerk that coddled Fauci in 2020 . . . and followed his recommendation that our campus be locked down . . . based on zero scientific data . . . that now he has admitted under oath before Dr. Wenstrup's hearing on 9 January 2024.
When Peter McCullough openly and forthrightly denounces the criminality of LIABILITY IMMUNITY, and begins assisting us with the voiding of PREP (relative to SARS-CoV-2 and the modRNA poisons) by virtue of WILLFUL MISCONDUCT, then and only then will his off-the-cuff criticisms be considered, and not before.
If we want to 'escape the matrix' as John Leake aptly suggests, we must rescind LIABILITY IMMUNITY; and that rescinding must be retroactive to 10 December 2020.
Having visited the Cornell campus on several occasions, one is struck by the magnitude, state of the art, monumental computational building Gates supplied. I never put 2 +2 together on this one, but it makes perfect sense to me now.
Thank you for the reply Bill. Those of us loyal to Cornell (and its founder) assumed from the very beginning that Gates Hall amounted to bribery. Think about it this way: In my letter of 21 April 2023 (Subject: Your Immediate and Unconditional Resignation), sent to all twenty Ivy League administrators (8 presidents, 7 med college deans, 5 law school deans) I proclaimed as follows (cover letter, page 11 of 12, pdf 17 of 40):
"Of the many institutions embedded in the global COVID-19 crime syndicate, none are more insidious than Big Academia. Of the latter, none are more grotesque, and DIRECTLY culpable, than the Ivy League especially the current administrators of Cornell University:
If just one Ivy League University had unmasked the criminal character, purpose, and culprits of the so-called COVID-19 pandemic, that entire scheme would have collapsed; and millions of lives and livelihoods would have been spared . . . This is especially true if it had been my alma mater, Cornell University."
Thanks. When I watch the video there is a pause every 5-10 seconds so I give up. Why does my computer do this. It does not pause when I watch you tube but it pauses with jones videos and rumble?
Hello Dennis: I tried it with my ISP, and it works/plays okay. Sometimes the DOWNLOAD works better than the stream (at banned .video), lower right button below video window at that link. Then play on pc.
I placed hyperlinks. For example, go to cover-letter Page 15 of 45, and click the picture of Cornell Professor Liefer. It will take you to the following "decades" video:
I just saw this a month ago. It’s “ old” news if you look at the date. But, if mainstream media didn’t cover this, it seems rather relevant to Gate’s obsession with vaccines.
I was so proud of the 3 African presidents for standing their ground against more investigational “ vaccines” being brought into their country. Those 3 made the ultimate sacrifice for their citizens. Read “ The Real Anthony Fauci” by Kennedy Jr. to learn of the other vaccines that killed and harmed the innocent people of Africa. “Philanthropic” & “Bill Gates” should NEVER be in the same sentence.
So agree with you. God bless and keep those five African Presidents who refused. Maybe their refusal gave their people enough pause to find vaccine work arounds.
Many citizens protested the deaths. They know too well about corruption & forced compliance. If Americans want to fight racial injustice, these places would be a good place to start. Haiti citizens & country are continually abused & controlled by the Dominican Republic. So sad to see such blatant disregard for life.
Don’t forget Haitians are continually abused by their power elite, too. Claudine Gay’s family for example were a power elite Haitian family who had to leave when another tyrant took over. Similar to Illhan Omar’s power family who had to skedaddle from Somalia as a new group of thugs took over.
this sounds way too much like what happened with JFK and changes that occurred in American foreign policy after Johnson took over the helm of leadership. I recommend listening to Roger Stone's interviews on his book on subject of JFK.
If you know the US govt lies about everything I'm surprised you're telling us the story about the 911 "hijackers". Has someone other than the govt/its media outlets verified that?
Another tip might be to determine the religiosity of the perpetrators of narratives. Those who have no healthy fear of God are likely perpetrating falsehoods for their personal gain with little regard for humanity in general or even their own souls.
You know, you make a very good point. I think it's likely that those in today's ultra left received no education in something as basic as the Ten Commandments. People who have learned about the Ten Commandments certainly make countless mistakes and sin, but the difference is they recognize when they sin and try to do better in the future.
The Supreme Court found, "if the posted copies of the Ten Commandments are to have any effect at all, it will be to induce the schoolchildren to read, meditate upon, perhaps to venerate and obey, the Commandments. However desirable this might be as a matter of private devotion, it is not a permissible state objective under the Establishment Clause."
So true. And you remind me of some atheist political ad on television, seen recently, where the leader ends with "...and I'm not afraid of burning in hell". Clearly, he should be.
I mean no disrespect I promise but you say they lie about everything but still seem to believe some of their biggest lies. The 9/11 lie isn’t that the highjackers were from Saudi Arabia instead of Iraq. The lie is there were highjackers at all. Do this: watch the 2nd plane hit the 2nd tower frame by frame in slo-mo and ask yourself what would happen if a hollow aluminum can filled with kerosine slammed into solid steel (remember, all the structural steel for the towers was around the exterior of the buildings). You can clearly see the plane vanish like a ghost into nothingness instead of crush against the wall and explode. And that is just one of many scientific impossibilities about the planes and pilots story. Likewise, the biggest covid lie is not about the vaccines, it’s that there was even a pandemic in the first place. Or maybe you know this and are just leery about publicly going all the way to the seemingly impossible truth, which is common. Their lies are protected with lies and the bigger they are the less likely people are to challenge them.
Same concept different application. That book goes into depth on the self-deception of building on potentially flawed precedents in the approvals for the pharmaceutical industry.
Te book is very well written and has a separate volume of sources. I tried to share this with a PHD of education with whom I share a school board. She dismissed it as the sources were not immediately evident to her.
She clearly did not take to time to read even the introduction. She brought back to me without any evidence of the back being broken (which would be evidence of study).
Stupidity is not the enemy. It is willful ignorance.
Also the DOD made and distributed the jabs - contracted with pharma to create "EUA countermeasure prototypes" and required no clinical trials. So the big lie of a "pandemic" was for the purposes of the "emergency" that enabled DOD to inject prototypes into everyone.
DEW is unprovable. why is that Covid has brought out the worst of conspiracy thinking from people in the covid dissenter truth movement--especially on the McCullough substack which is about as straight laced as they come? I would challenge you to reject the idea that everything is a deep conspiracy--you are giving them way too much power and credit.
I was a non-believer in the 9-11 narrative from hour 1. The video I linked is 2+ hours of evidence discussing why her conclusion is DEW. It’s virtually common knowledge now that 9-11 was an inside job. In my many years of questioning, research, reading and direct experience, the conclusion of conspiracy at a global scale becomes obvious. You cannot get a global scam like covid to occur without many many pieces of law and policies and institutions being laid in place and worked for many many years.
I guess if you believe 9/11 is a globalist job then yes there probably is a connection. I dont believe that they have anything to do with each other. I dont want to give the globalists unlimited power--they are humans with weakness like anyone else. I honestly think it will become a contest between the globalists vs Islam and think it likely that Islam will win because many many of them are zealously willing to become martyrs for their cause of allah's religion. God bless you Suzanne
In my video analysis 23 years ago I even found crafts fly by the towers just before the explosions that defied the capabilities of any known craft even today. I am assuming there were some forces at play that none of us ever figured out.
I don't doubt that at all at this point. I never believed the story they were giving us from hour 1. But just what the hell was really going on would take a hell of a lot of unravelling.
Yep. I personally believe there was a combination of technologies used to bring down the towers since they had to be sure they fell (after the failure in ‘93). Looks to me like there were maybe cruise missiles (to be blamed on airplanes), DEW’s that dustified parts of the twin towers and poked holes in surrounding buildings, then we had squibs seen, building 7 was classic controlled demolition, molten iron running out, and nano thermite found in all the dust samples. They weren’t taking any chances one method might fail!
yup! I considered the video with no plane could be simply the angle -- the tower obscured the flight path of the plane. But after many views, it would seem the plane should've been visible in the sky. But yeah, that's the question.
The very first clip and some of the others clearly show a perfectly intact dark cone shape shooting out the opposite wall of the building. You can easily find pictures of what happens when a bird hits an airplane cone on the front (it crushes the cone) yet we are expected to believe this airplane went through 2 walls of solid steel undamaged.
3:40 shows the aluminum plane melt into the building steel.
4:50 shows an even better view of the plane disappearing into steel (with what looks like a guidance laser showing on the side of the building before impact). I didn’t even look at the rest of the videos. There are many other anomalies.
The videos don't refute that airplanes were involved. In several videos, the spectators react before the second airplane hits (i.e., the spectators saw the second airplane before impact). See, for example, the third video (labelled Boris Miller) -- seconds before the second airplane hits, one of them says, ". . . There's another plane coming there, John -- you see?" That's not to suggest the buildings weren't brought down by planted explosives; my point is only that the videos don't refute that airplanes did in fact hit the buildings.
Also, if you studied the construction of the WTC towers you’d know that unlike most modern skyscrapers with most of the structural steel in the center, the WTC towers were designed with the structural steel around the perimeter. Aluminum cannot melt through steel. It would crumple and disintegrate when it hit the exterior wall, not go through one wall, through all the interior walls, then poke through the 2nd wall on the other side of the building, cone still intact, as the videos clearly show (and the cone is black when it does!). 😂
1) What if they were cruise missiles that were then doctored?
2) You have seen Hollywood films and CGI? You do know they have the ability to fake any video they want, right?
3) The videos I shared show perfectly that the airplanes are fake. Aluminum cans (airplane fuselages are made of aluminum) cannot go through two walls of steel like a knife through hot butter. It is physically impossible! Just google “bird hits airplane cone.” Lol. You ever fired lead bullets at steel targets? I have. The bullets crumple into little wads and the steel is unscathed. The proof is right there in front of your eyes if you just look.
I followed Tip number 5 almost 20 years ago. My house was in Hurricane Rita's path and sustained considerable damage. I had watched the news before I evacuated. About 8 months later, when my house was repaired and I had the opportunity to reconnect the TV, I turned on the news. It was the same news! I gave my TV to the guy who mowed my lawn.
Thank you for these tips and advice on 'navigating the matrix'. While I realize the analogy to the movie, it certainly seems to apply to this world of illusion in which human beings exist. The breath and depth of the fabrications appear endless and infinite. Having a realistic and reliable handle or reference point to what is going on all around us is easier said than done. I'm convinced that the only true reality resides in my spirit-mind; which is not of the body. As the saying goes: "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the Peace of God".
The patterns are the same. I worked in science and then retired age 62 and could finally research history and at 73 am wiser. I learned real history .
Now I see why wise people have said that if you know history you will know what is going on in the present and will be able to understand and then predict. For instance, I learned how Oliver Cromwell came to power- how financiers rigged things, smeared King Charles I . I knew Cromwell was a psychopath but I learned just how he attained power. Money was a main factor. Then you find out who supplied the money to him and to build his army of Roundheads.
Outstanding article John, succinct and to the point. Its shocking how many people just don't realize how the media in concert with the government and big business operates. The content of all media is not to entertain and inform. The entertainment is to get you to watch, while forever manipulating your POV.
Remember when cable tv had no commercials? That was the only way they could get people to pay for cable. It only took about 5 years for people to pay for their advertisements. And inside the advertisements are all the subliminal messages. Of course it goes much deeper than that. There's textbook's on the technics. It was perfected back in the 1950's. Look up Edward Bernays.
I remember seeing my first cable box at my friend’s grandmother’s house. It was a little console with twenty or so buttons, connected to the TV with--you guessed it--a cable. My friend’s dad explained it to me: “You pay a monthly fee and don’t have to watch ads.” Now there are ads in movie theaters, airplanes, and Amazon just sent out an email saying they would begin showing ads if you didn’t pay an upcharge. I was thankful for that because it finally got me to cancel my Amazon Prime account.
"It reminds me of the salient fact that most of the the September 11, 2001 hijackers were Saudi and Egyptian boys"
John- Love your work, but you should apply your 7 tips above to this statement. ^
At best: "The 'supposed' hijackers were Saudi and Egyptian boys". But it's pretty hard to have hijackers if there are no planes and I have yet to see irrefutable proof of planes in any of the four alleged crashes.
Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see
Yep! No plane wreckage at the Pentagon and Rumsfeld 'helping out' in the grass after.
Totally believable! /s
Also no plane wreckage in PA, and precious little evidence of plane wreckage in NYC. And not a single identified victim's remains in any of those crashes.
As an experiment, compare pictures from PA and DC to any other debris field of any other crash of a commercial airliner you can find. No wings, no engines, no luggage, no human remains.
NYC is obviously more complicated, but examine how the one plane effectively disintegrates (or is absorbed) as it hits the building. No crumpling, no recoil, nothing — it just disappears. A hollow, lightweight (but strong) aluminum tube vs heavily reinforced concrete encasing the strongest steel columns of their day.
Yep! Very sophisticated tech was used to make a missle appear as a commercial jet.
Until it was determined that the rolling video cam adjacent to the Pentagon was not 'supportive' of the narrative and removed, it clearly showed a missile coming in just over the tree line before knocking on the Pentagon's door.
Will never forget 'seeing' that! All I could find now 22 years post is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F78KJ3zkKGg
The M.R,N.A..., is being put in F,0.0,D..... D0 this N0W........ t.co/vKo7R4ntQj
That was what was most noticeable about that whole event - no large airplane parts, luggage debris, etc. In the 1950s, when I was a kid, two TWA Constellations collided over a relative's farm near the Greater Cincinnati N. Kentucky Airport. While it was rather gruesome, our relative invited us to come to the farm to see the debris in the wooded are on their farm. It was pretty horrific -- huge airplane parts over the large debris field, clothing from luggage (and from bodies) handing from the trees. The bodies had already been taken away but that did little to make this scene easier for a 12-year-old who'd never seen such a sight.
I've often recited that saying about believing none of what you hear and only half of what you see -- it's good advice.
Pentagon.. I have a close (military) friend who pulled injured out. How did the undercarriage and jet fuel get down where he was pulling out the patients and bodies.. So the "no planes" rumor is untrue.
The point is not that there wasn't an explosion and fire at the Pentagon. That much is seemingly obvious, hard to fake, and not at issue. The point is that there's no obvious and irrefutable signs of a commercial airliner.
The main evidence used to support the assertion that there was one include: 1) a security cam video from a nearby gas station that took months or years to release to the public despite much publicity and pressure. That video has about 5 not-very-good frames of the alleged airliner, and 2) photos released months or years afterwards of randomly scattered bits of fuselage.
What you can't find is anything that looks like a wing or tail section or luggage in the picture of the crash site. And that doesn't comport with pictures of any other crash sites of commercial airliners I've ever seen. Nor can you find any credible first person accounts of having seen that 757 descend and impact the building, never mind a picture of it. We're talking about a plane descending at 500 mph from 10,000 feet and no one within sight of it had a camera? Yes, early days of cell phone cameras, but still.
Also, when you want to dig deeper, read the opinions of other commercial pilots about the chances that an untrained pilot could steer that aircraft in the descending spiral it supposedly took at near full speed and hit a mark that was 80 or so feet tall. (Oh, and just happened to be the budget office. Seriously, not kidding).
But overall, I get it if you don't want to start with the Pentagon — you've got a trusted friend there who knows there was a plane. (Similar to a friend of mine who's brother is a doctor and "knows" that the vaccines are okay.) Instead, take a look at Shanksville. It's a little like the WTC: it's hard to swallow the reality of the Twin Towers when you first try, but take a swing at explaining WTC7. Once you cross that threshold, then everything changes. (Which is the whole point of John's article here).
And it's not like the perpetrators were dumb. They were working with 70+ years of experience in propaganda and psyops.
Anyway, it's all good either way. No offense whatsoever is intended. I had entirely given up on talking about 9/11 around 2008 after not a single friend or family member of mine would look critically at the evidence. It just wasn't worth the continued anguish. The funny part is that I've had at least 5 of those people come to me since covid and say that they now don't believe the official 9/11 story.
What 9/11 and the scamdemic spotlight is that the powers that be are leaving their narratives to people who aren't that bright, but then when they're presenting a narrative to a population that has been meticulously and almost completely dumbed down, they don't need to be all that convincing to begin with. I've often wondered why the 9/11 narrative didn't begin with the obvious. The best lies don't conceal the truth. They utilize it.
How do we know your military friend hasn't put his career and the narrative above the story he tells his friends?
The point of this article is to doubt what you don't see with your own eyes.
Thank you. You saved me the trouble.
I have to agree with you, Steve. After reading all the articles and books on 9/11 and watching I don't know how many videos, I had to come to the conclusion that there were no planes. Rebekah Roth has a good novel series on it she titled Methodical Illusion, the word methodical being airline code for highjacking. She wrote it in the form of a novel as a way of self-protection. Another good book is Judy Wood's What Happened to the Twin Towers? A lot of fascinating pictures of fire anomalies.
So the machine that ended up nearly intact in the Pentagon's courtyard was nonexistent?
First I’ve heard of a machine in the courtyard. Can you share a pic or source?
It was supposedly an engine from the plane that hit the Pentagon. Just one, mind you.
Interesting. Just one, so it went through that one hole in the building. And, then, when people saw it, they called it a "machine", not a jet engine? Okay, I mean, maybe? I still couldn't find a picture of it though. But then, so much has been scrubbed in the past 10 years it's crazy. (As if someone had something to hide...)
I can assure everyone that the Matrix will NEVER elaborate on these five names: Oded Ellner, Paul Kurzberg, Sivan Kurzberg, Omer Marmari and Yaron Shmuel!
So we are allies. I also believe 911 was a big psyop.
However a normie could never swallow 'there were no planes at all', would you agree with that?
Wake up normies or lose, my mantra on what our job is. Tailor and manipulate your words to them, to avoid driving them away and confirming them in their blindness.
Oh, 100% about normies. I would NEVER lead with that in a convo with a normie. My comment above was just highlighting John's entire post about being skeptical, yet his glaring oversight about the hijackers. Are any normies reading this 'stack and, if so, are they reading these comments?
For any normies in the room: Do a casual examination of the Shanksville site and then compare it to any photo of another commercial airliner that's crashed. Put the photos next to each other and come back and share with me how you can tell that United 93 crashed there.
Yes I also felt Leake was mistaken in the hijacker statement.
Its a doodle, we aren't all redpilled to the same extent. And some may go too far. The trick is, my point ALWAYS is, take your allies where you find them, details are not important. Not right now.
Why I have trouble with folk beating up on Malone, yes he seems to be behaving like a child re the lawsuit. However. I have watched a lot of his videos, and warts and all, I cannot understand how what he says and has said could possibly do other than hurt the DAVOS crowd agenda. The Breggins also seem entirely sincere.
Oh well, no surprise we are surrounded by imperfect beings. Malone AND the Breggins are my allies, even if they hate each other.
And Leake is also an ally, I choose to believe he is half awake at worst. Same with Weinstein and Tucker C.
And sometimes these folk conceal what they really think, tactical to present a face a normie might accept. There is that, and I suspect our host McCullough is in that camp/ He occasionally goes a hair off script and you start hearing about monstrous evil. Which it is, but he usually avoids such talk and sticks to provable fact.
For 911 I stick to the simple physics of freefall acceleration, proven and agreed by the authorities for building 7, and symmetry of collapse. All you need to definitively prove the case that airliners did not cause the buildings to collapse. Mr Leake should ponder just how stunningly simple it really is, if proof is all you are after. It would prove that the load bearing members for the twins AND building 7 ceased to exist, in perfect symmetry, within a second or so. That is already proven, just look.
It should be no surprise the proof never made the MSM. We have seen remarkable lack of acknowledgement of factual matters related to the jabs, this precedes it but set the pattern, simply never acknowledge it and it never happened.... something like.
Agreed on all points. I am your ally.
My intention was not to hold Leake (or anyone else) to standards of perfection. I appreciate his work and that of all the other fighters. I definitely understand the balance that has to be struck depending on your public profile, job, family, friends, etc. And I myself do nothing to advance the public dialogue while being happily holed up in a corner of the world that no one pays much attention to. Nice spot, tho.
These days, I both care and don't care to make a case about all the things. I've watched some of the most intelligent and capable doctors I know recommend unproven genetic treatments to their children, grandchildren, spouses. They were unwilling to even consider the slightest bit of common sense or hard data. Just like buildings free falling into their own footprint. The psyop was TIGHT. And the bad guys really f'd with people's heads.
In both cases (heck, all the cases) the depth of evil on the part of the perpetrators is so vast, that I've largely accepted that our current situation is probably unsalvageable. But, interestingly, that acceptance has made me strangely optimistic again after 20-ish years of red-pilled anxiety about the future.
My original point was simply the humorous irony of Leake's entire stack about being skeptical and then he sweeps past a "salient fact" about "hijackers" implying his belief of the Matrix's version of 9/11 (in this crowd, no less). Almost like he was deadpanning waiting to lay a "gotcha", but he's so earnest that there wasn't going to be a gotcha.
I probably should have included a smiley as my intention was more of a "haha, you can't be serious bro, wtf?" I'm reminded of that salient fact of the single shooter in a window 6 floors up. :-)
A bit late - but for me too JFK was where I started to realize things were not as said.
I think many of us 'more or less redpilled' come from a history where we pondered and wrestled with matters of fact which were trying to make our heads explode, ie destroy our worldview. But we had time.
Consider an average doc, completely conventional. He doesn't have months to wrestle his cognitive dissonance to the ground and admit matters of fact. Compressed redpilling..... there is no time. We should ponder how we came to where we are, just how long it may have taken. In my case JFK was digested in bits and pieces over several years. However I initially 'bought' the 911 narrative. It took a further 2 years where I treated it as a hobby to finally digest that slug of unpleasant truth. Our docs have no such time, no luxury. And I was already a cynic.
The squids know this, they are counting on it.
One of the problems you face in dealing with normies is that they don't even know enough basic science to realize that certain things can't happen the way the MSM says they did.
Every war might not be caused by a big interest group. But it is fought for the benefit of a big interest group and it is NOT won for the same reason. The wars are fought to be continued, to never end. No war would ever be fought if the big players didn’t benefit. The MIC wants war. It does not want victory.
Both Trump and Kennedy will keep us out of new wars.
Trump, yes. Just like last time. Kennedy...i have my doubts.
The MIC wants victory like big Pharma wants a cure. In other words, NOT.
The same is the reason to maim and injury and not kill all the oppositions on the battle fields or in the Fields of operation.
This logic in horror is two fold, the wounded require massive hours of attention and remedy.
The other is the visible effect of human/drama/trauma in play as fear and terror, bloodless or not. Little changes in the ART OF WARS. All variety.
Getting rid of the TV is fine advice, but the reality for me is that my attention gets pulled into Substack, Twitter and YouTube rabbit holes instead. It’s easy to justify working hard to figure out the truth, but it can become just another layer of the same problem.
Still glad to be here. ;)
Good post. In my interview with Stew Peters, re-uploaded to YouTube after being censored about five times, you will note that Stew's preamble includes my detailed knowledge of and interaction with a guy named Anthony Fauci that dates to not-later-than 1985:
In a recent interview Peter McCullough declared that Fauci "got off" W.R.T. his recent closed door House sessions with Congressman Dr. Brad Wenstrup (Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic of 8/9 January 2024)). Flat wrong; McCullough does not know the process now unfolding, and does a great disservice with his off-the-cuff criticism. Here is the letter sent by Congressman Dr. Wenstrup directly to Fauci:
It is the congressman's fourth dot-point that matters. I will be at that hearing. PRIOR to that letter, I forwarded to Cornell University Board of Trustees Chairman Mr. Kraig Kayser my open formal DEMAND letter regarding the revocation of Fauci's medical degree. The following is a directory; link #3 is my cover letter. In the SPODs file you will note that Dr. Wenstrup is a recipient:
On the very first page of the cover letter I repeat an earlier 2021 statement to Trump defense attorney Michael van der Veen:
“ The so-called ‘COVID-19 vaccine’ is not in response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus; but the exact opposite! Attempts to patent mRNA contraptions, and market such as a ‘vaccine’ for SARS-CoV-1 had failed. SARS-CoV-2 was intentionally released to overcome (“blow up!”) traditional systemic approaches to vaccine formulation, development, and safety confirmation protocols. A conspiracy theory? Hardly. Defendants and associated witnesses have already boasted of this reality, in public! ”
On Page 2 of 45 I repeat verbiage I have stated MANY times:
"To have the world, they had to have the United States.
To have the United States, they had to have Cornell !"
A wild boast? Hardly. relative to John Leake's good article above, I pose the following:
On what campus is the Bill & Melinda Gates Hall located? Where artificial intelligence and advanced computational sciences are taught? I have spent many conference hours in that $10,000,000 building.
Now, back to my "exact opposite" statement of 2020, please note perhaps THE MOST IMPORTANT assessment of the 8 January 2024 Fauci hearing, as offered by Congresswoman Greene (turn up your audio):
Clarity (as asked by the reporter) ?? Let us spell it out, we are moving toward a Congressional level establishment and recorded entry of record of WILLFUL MISCONDUCT. Does anyone actually believe that Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla was not fully involved? We have far more evidence affirming such, but the following offers an indication:
Hint: The connection point? Go to Pages 8/9/10 of 45 of the third link above, and read my section entitled:
COVID-19 “Guidance” Enforced Upon the World by Dr. Anthony Fauci : His Exploitations of Cornell University
Albert Bourla was an original and very active member on that "NY Forward" board . . . as was Ms. Martha Pollack, the Cornell clerk that coddled Fauci in 2020 . . . and followed his recommendation that our campus be locked down . . . based on zero scientific data . . . that now he has admitted under oath before Dr. Wenstrup's hearing on 9 January 2024.
When Peter McCullough openly and forthrightly denounces the criminality of LIABILITY IMMUNITY, and begins assisting us with the voiding of PREP (relative to SARS-CoV-2 and the modRNA poisons) by virtue of WILLFUL MISCONDUCT, then and only then will his off-the-cuff criticisms be considered, and not before.
If we want to 'escape the matrix' as John Leake aptly suggests, we must rescind LIABILITY IMMUNITY; and that rescinding must be retroactive to 10 December 2020.
Having visited the Cornell campus on several occasions, one is struck by the magnitude, state of the art, monumental computational building Gates supplied. I never put 2 +2 together on this one, but it makes perfect sense to me now.
Thank you for the reply Bill. Those of us loyal to Cornell (and its founder) assumed from the very beginning that Gates Hall amounted to bribery. Think about it this way: In my letter of 21 April 2023 (Subject: Your Immediate and Unconditional Resignation), sent to all twenty Ivy League administrators (8 presidents, 7 med college deans, 5 law school deans) I proclaimed as follows (cover letter, page 11 of 12, pdf 17 of 40):
"Of the many institutions embedded in the global COVID-19 crime syndicate, none are more insidious than Big Academia. Of the latter, none are more grotesque, and DIRECTLY culpable, than the Ivy League especially the current administrators of Cornell University:
If just one Ivy League University had unmasked the criminal character, purpose, and culprits of the so-called COVID-19 pandemic, that entire scheme would have collapsed; and millions of lives and livelihoods would have been spared . . . This is especially true if it had been my alma mater, Cornell University."
Regarding Bourla (and Gates):
Thanks. When I watch the video there is a pause every 5-10 seconds so I give up. Why does my computer do this. It does not pause when I watch you tube but it pauses with jones videos and rumble?
Hello Dennis: I tried it with my ISP, and it works/plays okay. Sometimes the DOWNLOAD works better than the stream (at banned .video), lower right button below video window at that link. Then play on pc.
As a courtesy (before I forget) in all of the text boxes and pictures of the following letter:
I placed hyperlinks. For example, go to cover-letter Page 15 of 45, and click the picture of Cornell Professor Liefer. It will take you to the following "decades" video:
One of my favorites is the hyperlink on cover-letter Page 26 of 45 . . . the Pfizer/India article. Enjoy!
I just saw this a month ago. It’s “ old” news if you look at the date. But, if mainstream media didn’t cover this, it seems rather relevant to Gate’s obsession with vaccines.
I was so proud of the 3 African presidents for standing their ground against more investigational “ vaccines” being brought into their country. Those 3 made the ultimate sacrifice for their citizens. Read “ The Real Anthony Fauci” by Kennedy Jr. to learn of the other vaccines that killed and harmed the innocent people of Africa. “Philanthropic” & “Bill Gates” should NEVER be in the same sentence.
So agree with you. God bless and keep those five African Presidents who refused. Maybe their refusal gave their people enough pause to find vaccine work arounds.
Many citizens protested the deaths. They know too well about corruption & forced compliance. If Americans want to fight racial injustice, these places would be a good place to start. Haiti citizens & country are continually abused & controlled by the Dominican Republic. So sad to see such blatant disregard for life.
Don’t forget Haitians are continually abused by their power elite, too. Claudine Gay’s family for example were a power elite Haitian family who had to leave when another tyrant took over. Similar to Illhan Omar’s power family who had to skedaddle from Somalia as a new group of thugs took over.
this sounds way too much like what happened with JFK and changes that occurred in American foreign policy after Johnson took over the helm of leadership. I recommend listening to Roger Stone's interviews on his book on subject of JFK.
If you know the US govt lies about everything I'm surprised you're telling us the story about the 911 "hijackers". Has someone other than the govt/its media outlets verified that?
Another tip might be to determine the religiosity of the perpetrators of narratives. Those who have no healthy fear of God are likely perpetrating falsehoods for their personal gain with little regard for humanity in general or even their own souls.
You know, you make a very good point. I think it's likely that those in today's ultra left received no education in something as basic as the Ten Commandments. People who have learned about the Ten Commandments certainly make countless mistakes and sin, but the difference is they recognize when they sin and try to do better in the future.
They're illegal in the United States:
The Supreme Court found, "if the posted copies of the Ten Commandments are to have any effect at all, it will be to induce the schoolchildren to read, meditate upon, perhaps to venerate and obey, the Commandments. However desirable this might be as a matter of private devotion, it is not a permissible state objective under the Establishment Clause."
Stone v. Graham :: 449 U.S. 39 (1980) https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/449/39/
So true. And you remind me of some atheist political ad on television, seen recently, where the leader ends with "...and I'm not afraid of burning in hell". Clearly, he should be.
I mean no disrespect I promise but you say they lie about everything but still seem to believe some of their biggest lies. The 9/11 lie isn’t that the highjackers were from Saudi Arabia instead of Iraq. The lie is there were highjackers at all. Do this: watch the 2nd plane hit the 2nd tower frame by frame in slo-mo and ask yourself what would happen if a hollow aluminum can filled with kerosine slammed into solid steel (remember, all the structural steel for the towers was around the exterior of the buildings). You can clearly see the plane vanish like a ghost into nothingness instead of crush against the wall and explode. And that is just one of many scientific impossibilities about the planes and pilots story. Likewise, the biggest covid lie is not about the vaccines, it’s that there was even a pandemic in the first place. Or maybe you know this and are just leery about publicly going all the way to the seemingly impossible truth, which is common. Their lies are protected with lies and the bigger they are the less likely people are to challenge them.
Turtles all the way down...Lies built upon lies built upon lies built upon...
I have that book😊
Same concept different application. That book goes into depth on the self-deception of building on potentially flawed precedents in the approvals for the pharmaceutical industry.
Te book is very well written and has a separate volume of sources. I tried to share this with a PHD of education with whom I share a school board. She dismissed it as the sources were not immediately evident to her.
She clearly did not take to time to read even the introduction. She brought back to me without any evidence of the back being broken (which would be evidence of study).
Stupidity is not the enemy. It is willful ignorance.
yup. 9/11 was Directed Energy Weapons (DEW).
Also the DOD made and distributed the jabs - contracted with pharma to create "EUA countermeasure prototypes" and required no clinical trials. So the big lie of a "pandemic" was for the purposes of the "emergency" that enabled DOD to inject prototypes into everyone.
DEW is unprovable. why is that Covid has brought out the worst of conspiracy thinking from people in the covid dissenter truth movement--especially on the McCullough substack which is about as straight laced as they come? I would challenge you to reject the idea that everything is a deep conspiracy--you are giving them way too much power and credit.
I was a non-believer in the 9-11 narrative from hour 1. The video I linked is 2+ hours of evidence discussing why her conclusion is DEW. It’s virtually common knowledge now that 9-11 was an inside job. In my many years of questioning, research, reading and direct experience, the conclusion of conspiracy at a global scale becomes obvious. You cannot get a global scam like covid to occur without many many pieces of law and policies and institutions being laid in place and worked for many many years.
I guess if you believe 9/11 is a globalist job then yes there probably is a connection. I dont believe that they have anything to do with each other. I dont want to give the globalists unlimited power--they are humans with weakness like anyone else. I honestly think it will become a contest between the globalists vs Islam and think it likely that Islam will win because many many of them are zealously willing to become martyrs for their cause of allah's religion. God bless you Suzanne
In my video analysis 23 years ago I even found crafts fly by the towers just before the explosions that defied the capabilities of any known craft even today. I am assuming there were some forces at play that none of us ever figured out.
I don't doubt that at all at this point. I never believed the story they were giving us from hour 1. But just what the hell was really going on would take a hell of a lot of unravelling.
Especially with the entirety of the mass media covering for the crooks instead of investigating!
Yep. I personally believe there was a combination of technologies used to bring down the towers since they had to be sure they fell (after the failure in ‘93). Looks to me like there were maybe cruise missiles (to be blamed on airplanes), DEW’s that dustified parts of the twin towers and poked holes in surrounding buildings, then we had squibs seen, building 7 was classic controlled demolition, molten iron running out, and nano thermite found in all the dust samples. They weren’t taking any chances one method might fail!
good points, all! You're right they couldn't take chances on failing.
Can you provide a link to a video of the 2nd plane? I tried a little searching, but there’s been a lot of memory-holing vis-à-vis 9/11 imagery.
here's one with no 2nd plane at all. https://odysee.com/@N%C3%A9mesis2030:8/11WTC:3
The question is, which video is the fake?
yup! I considered the video with no plane could be simply the angle -- the tower obscured the flight path of the plane. But after many views, it would seem the plane should've been visible in the sky. But yeah, that's the question.
The very first clip and some of the others clearly show a perfectly intact dark cone shape shooting out the opposite wall of the building. You can easily find pictures of what happens when a bird hits an airplane cone on the front (it crushes the cone) yet we are expected to believe this airplane went through 2 walls of solid steel undamaged.
3:40 shows the aluminum plane melt into the building steel.
4:50 shows an even better view of the plane disappearing into steel (with what looks like a guidance laser showing on the side of the building before impact). I didn’t even look at the rest of the videos. There are many other anomalies.
The videos don't refute that airplanes were involved. In several videos, the spectators react before the second airplane hits (i.e., the spectators saw the second airplane before impact). See, for example, the third video (labelled Boris Miller) -- seconds before the second airplane hits, one of them says, ". . . There's another plane coming there, John -- you see?" That's not to suggest the buildings weren't brought down by planted explosives; my point is only that the videos don't refute that airplanes did in fact hit the buildings.
Also, if you studied the construction of the WTC towers you’d know that unlike most modern skyscrapers with most of the structural steel in the center, the WTC towers were designed with the structural steel around the perimeter. Aluminum cannot melt through steel. It would crumple and disintegrate when it hit the exterior wall, not go through one wall, through all the interior walls, then poke through the 2nd wall on the other side of the building, cone still intact, as the videos clearly show (and the cone is black when it does!). 😂
? Now I doubt you more. Not hard to set up a little group 'reacting'.
1) What if they were cruise missiles that were then doctored?
2) You have seen Hollywood films and CGI? You do know they have the ability to fake any video they want, right?
3) The videos I shared show perfectly that the airplanes are fake. Aluminum cans (airplane fuselages are made of aluminum) cannot go through two walls of steel like a knife through hot butter. It is physically impossible! Just google “bird hits airplane cone.” Lol. You ever fired lead bullets at steel targets? I have. The bullets crumple into little wads and the steel is unscathed. The proof is right there in front of your eyes if you just look.
I followed Tip number 5 almost 20 years ago. My house was in Hurricane Rita's path and sustained considerable damage. I had watched the news before I evacuated. About 8 months later, when my house was repaired and I had the opportunity to reconnect the TV, I turned on the news. It was the same news! I gave my TV to the guy who mowed my lawn.
"Congress NEVER subpoenas Professor Ralph Baric at UNC Chapel Hill"
Agree. Congress rarely subpoenas the key people, like Baric. No one in Congress looks after us proactively.
"Flood the Zone" seems a synonym for "Group Think" and never trust it...
Always brings to mind dysfunctional families of Psycho/Sociopaths rationalizing
various forms of abuse using exact words and phrases repeatedly
stated by the perpetrator.
Thank you for these tips and advice on 'navigating the matrix'. While I realize the analogy to the movie, it certainly seems to apply to this world of illusion in which human beings exist. The breath and depth of the fabrications appear endless and infinite. Having a realistic and reliable handle or reference point to what is going on all around us is easier said than done. I'm convinced that the only true reality resides in my spirit-mind; which is not of the body. As the saying goes: "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the Peace of God".
Good advice. Can’t be too skeptical these days. But avoid cynicism. It is poisonous to the soul.
"Walk away from the TV". Such good advice. They were pushing the jab on the NFL football yesterday. Made me sick to my stomach.
Excellent Exposure John-Thank you!
Please reexamine the Truth of 911 because then it is all Very Clear! I Woke-up on 911 and saw the Plan going forward.
The patterns are the same. I worked in science and then retired age 62 and could finally research history and at 73 am wiser. I learned real history .
Now I see why wise people have said that if you know history you will know what is going on in the present and will be able to understand and then predict. For instance, I learned how Oliver Cromwell came to power- how financiers rigged things, smeared King Charles I . I knew Cromwell was a psychopath but I learned just how he attained power. Money was a main factor. Then you find out who supplied the money to him and to build his army of Roundheads.
Outstanding article John, succinct and to the point. Its shocking how many people just don't realize how the media in concert with the government and big business operates. The content of all media is not to entertain and inform. The entertainment is to get you to watch, while forever manipulating your POV.
Remember when cable tv had no commercials? That was the only way they could get people to pay for cable. It only took about 5 years for people to pay for their advertisements. And inside the advertisements are all the subliminal messages. Of course it goes much deeper than that. There's textbook's on the technics. It was perfected back in the 1950's. Look up Edward Bernays.
For a current example see Swift-Kelce.
Bernays was Freud's nephew.
I remember seeing my first cable box at my friend’s grandmother’s house. It was a little console with twenty or so buttons, connected to the TV with--you guessed it--a cable. My friend’s dad explained it to me: “You pay a monthly fee and don’t have to watch ads.” Now there are ads in movie theaters, airplanes, and Amazon just sent out an email saying they would begin showing ads if you didn’t pay an upcharge. I was thankful for that because it finally got me to cancel my Amazon Prime account.