Oh, 100% about normies. I would NEVER lead with that in a convo with a normie. My comment above was just highlighting John's entire post about being skeptical, yet his glaring oversight about the hijackers. Are any normies reading this 'stack and, if so, are they reading these comments?
For any normies in the room: Do a casual examination…
Oh, 100% about normies. I would NEVER lead with that in a convo with a normie. My comment above was just highlighting John's entire post about being skeptical, yet his glaring oversight about the hijackers. Are any normies reading this 'stack and, if so, are they reading these comments?
For any normies in the room: Do a casual examination of the Shanksville site and then compare it to any photo of another commercial airliner that's crashed. Put the photos next to each other and come back and share with me how you can tell that United 93 crashed there.
Yes I also felt Leake was mistaken in the hijacker statement.
Its a doodle, we aren't all redpilled to the same extent. And some may go too far. The trick is, my point ALWAYS is, take your allies where you find them, details are not important. Not right now.
Why I have trouble with folk beating up on Malone, yes he seems to be behaving like a child re the lawsuit. However. I have watched a lot of his videos, and warts and all, I cannot understand how what he says and has said could possibly do other than hurt the DAVOS crowd agenda. The Breggins also seem entirely sincere.
Oh well, no surprise we are surrounded by imperfect beings. Malone AND the Breggins are my allies, even if they hate each other.
And Leake is also an ally, I choose to believe he is half awake at worst. Same with Weinstein and Tucker C.
And sometimes these folk conceal what they really think, tactical to present a face a normie might accept. There is that, and I suspect our host McCullough is in that camp/ He occasionally goes a hair off script and you start hearing about monstrous evil. Which it is, but he usually avoids such talk and sticks to provable fact.
For 911 I stick to the simple physics of freefall acceleration, proven and agreed by the authorities for building 7, and symmetry of collapse. All you need to definitively prove the case that airliners did not cause the buildings to collapse. Mr Leake should ponder just how stunningly simple it really is, if proof is all you are after. It would prove that the load bearing members for the twins AND building 7 ceased to exist, in perfect symmetry, within a second or so. That is already proven, just look.
It should be no surprise the proof never made the MSM. We have seen remarkable lack of acknowledgement of factual matters related to the jabs, this precedes it but set the pattern, simply never acknowledge it and it never happened.... something like.
My intention was not to hold Leake (or anyone else) to standards of perfection. I appreciate his work and that of all the other fighters. I definitely understand the balance that has to be struck depending on your public profile, job, family, friends, etc. And I myself do nothing to advance the public dialogue while being happily holed up in a corner of the world that no one pays much attention to. Nice spot, tho.
These days, I both care and don't care to make a case about all the things. I've watched some of the most intelligent and capable doctors I know recommend unproven genetic treatments to their children, grandchildren, spouses. They were unwilling to even consider the slightest bit of common sense or hard data. Just like buildings free falling into their own footprint. The psyop was TIGHT. And the bad guys really f'd with people's heads.
In both cases (heck, all the cases) the depth of evil on the part of the perpetrators is so vast, that I've largely accepted that our current situation is probably unsalvageable. But, interestingly, that acceptance has made me strangely optimistic again after 20-ish years of red-pilled anxiety about the future.
My original point was simply the humorous irony of Leake's entire stack about being skeptical and then he sweeps past a "salient fact" about "hijackers" implying his belief of the Matrix's version of 9/11 (in this crowd, no less). Almost like he was deadpanning waiting to lay a "gotcha", but he's so earnest that there wasn't going to be a gotcha.
I probably should have included a smiley as my intention was more of a "haha, you can't be serious bro, wtf?" I'm reminded of that salient fact of the single shooter in a window 6 floors up. :-)
A bit late - but for me too JFK was where I started to realize things were not as said.
I think many of us 'more or less redpilled' come from a history where we pondered and wrestled with matters of fact which were trying to make our heads explode, ie destroy our worldview. But we had time.
Consider an average doc, completely conventional. He doesn't have months to wrestle his cognitive dissonance to the ground and admit matters of fact. Compressed redpilling..... there is no time. We should ponder how we came to where we are, just how long it may have taken. In my case JFK was digested in bits and pieces over several years. However I initially 'bought' the 911 narrative. It took a further 2 years where I treated it as a hobby to finally digest that slug of unpleasant truth. Our docs have no such time, no luxury. And I was already a cynic.
One of the problems you face in dealing with normies is that they don't even know enough basic science to realize that certain things can't happen the way the MSM says they did.
Oh, 100% about normies. I would NEVER lead with that in a convo with a normie. My comment above was just highlighting John's entire post about being skeptical, yet his glaring oversight about the hijackers. Are any normies reading this 'stack and, if so, are they reading these comments?
For any normies in the room: Do a casual examination of the Shanksville site and then compare it to any photo of another commercial airliner that's crashed. Put the photos next to each other and come back and share with me how you can tell that United 93 crashed there.
Yes I also felt Leake was mistaken in the hijacker statement.
Its a doodle, we aren't all redpilled to the same extent. And some may go too far. The trick is, my point ALWAYS is, take your allies where you find them, details are not important. Not right now.
Why I have trouble with folk beating up on Malone, yes he seems to be behaving like a child re the lawsuit. However. I have watched a lot of his videos, and warts and all, I cannot understand how what he says and has said could possibly do other than hurt the DAVOS crowd agenda. The Breggins also seem entirely sincere.
Oh well, no surprise we are surrounded by imperfect beings. Malone AND the Breggins are my allies, even if they hate each other.
And Leake is also an ally, I choose to believe he is half awake at worst. Same with Weinstein and Tucker C.
And sometimes these folk conceal what they really think, tactical to present a face a normie might accept. There is that, and I suspect our host McCullough is in that camp/ He occasionally goes a hair off script and you start hearing about monstrous evil. Which it is, but he usually avoids such talk and sticks to provable fact.
For 911 I stick to the simple physics of freefall acceleration, proven and agreed by the authorities for building 7, and symmetry of collapse. All you need to definitively prove the case that airliners did not cause the buildings to collapse. Mr Leake should ponder just how stunningly simple it really is, if proof is all you are after. It would prove that the load bearing members for the twins AND building 7 ceased to exist, in perfect symmetry, within a second or so. That is already proven, just look.
It should be no surprise the proof never made the MSM. We have seen remarkable lack of acknowledgement of factual matters related to the jabs, this precedes it but set the pattern, simply never acknowledge it and it never happened.... something like.
Agreed on all points. I am your ally.
My intention was not to hold Leake (or anyone else) to standards of perfection. I appreciate his work and that of all the other fighters. I definitely understand the balance that has to be struck depending on your public profile, job, family, friends, etc. And I myself do nothing to advance the public dialogue while being happily holed up in a corner of the world that no one pays much attention to. Nice spot, tho.
These days, I both care and don't care to make a case about all the things. I've watched some of the most intelligent and capable doctors I know recommend unproven genetic treatments to their children, grandchildren, spouses. They were unwilling to even consider the slightest bit of common sense or hard data. Just like buildings free falling into their own footprint. The psyop was TIGHT. And the bad guys really f'd with people's heads.
In both cases (heck, all the cases) the depth of evil on the part of the perpetrators is so vast, that I've largely accepted that our current situation is probably unsalvageable. But, interestingly, that acceptance has made me strangely optimistic again after 20-ish years of red-pilled anxiety about the future.
My original point was simply the humorous irony of Leake's entire stack about being skeptical and then he sweeps past a "salient fact" about "hijackers" implying his belief of the Matrix's version of 9/11 (in this crowd, no less). Almost like he was deadpanning waiting to lay a "gotcha", but he's so earnest that there wasn't going to be a gotcha.
I probably should have included a smiley as my intention was more of a "haha, you can't be serious bro, wtf?" I'm reminded of that salient fact of the single shooter in a window 6 floors up. :-)
A bit late - but for me too JFK was where I started to realize things were not as said.
I think many of us 'more or less redpilled' come from a history where we pondered and wrestled with matters of fact which were trying to make our heads explode, ie destroy our worldview. But we had time.
Consider an average doc, completely conventional. He doesn't have months to wrestle his cognitive dissonance to the ground and admit matters of fact. Compressed redpilling..... there is no time. We should ponder how we came to where we are, just how long it may have taken. In my case JFK was digested in bits and pieces over several years. However I initially 'bought' the 911 narrative. It took a further 2 years where I treated it as a hobby to finally digest that slug of unpleasant truth. Our docs have no such time, no luxury. And I was already a cynic.
The squids know this, they are counting on it.
One of the problems you face in dealing with normies is that they don't even know enough basic science to realize that certain things can't happen the way the MSM says they did.