Lindsay Graham is an extremely dangerous buffoon. These fools should be made to lead armies into war at the front as Roman emperors did. This would stop the madness in its tracks.

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I've always thought these 'nuclear' types should be strapped into a chair with their eyes propped open - like the protagonist in the film A Clockwork Orange. Have them watch hours and hours of nuclear "test" films from the 50's and 60's. Obviously, these nut jobs have Zero appreciation of what nuclear detonations actually do in close proximity...

Another facet: Why would Russia attack England? No industry. Few resources. No agricultural surplus whatsoever. And an idiot civilian population... Next >>>

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Just the raw footage from both our and Japanese military sources of Hiroshima and Nagasaki should suffice. I was "treated" to those as a student nurse, because it was the '60s and the possibility of a repeat was VERY real!

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I can relate: “Progress: We've progressed from a generation of experts that graduated from hiding under their desks, to a generation of experts that are hiding behind their desks.

Wonderful...” - Paul Vonharnish - (3/14/2022)

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Correct! Thanks for the chuckle...

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Feb 6, 2024
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You're just now finding this out?

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Another "miscarriage of justice" is Chernobyl... BBC did a reasonable job on its miniseries entitled "Chernobyl" When can we start learning from our horrific mistakes? Egos and Big Toes, that's why.

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It might not stop the madness, but it'd be a fabulous start at rational downsizing.

Congress incompetents conjure laws they don't obey, while enjoying the very protections they prohibit.

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Linda and Little Nikki.

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Rishi, then take all your safe effective shots, simply mind blowing that he would say this, and no one called him out on it. How much longer must we put up with these serial liars willing to kill their own citizens. But welcome in invading hordes with no vetting or even a health inspection!

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If someone grabbed him in a dark alley with a syringe full of mrna, his eyes would pop out of his head. Trust me, he knows this as well as we do! Guaranteed he's got pfizer money in his accounts, or epstein children in his closet. Or both.

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This political asshole sponsored by Pfizer

Not the UK Citizens.

I’d love to see that get the syringe!

Most likely kids in the closet and monies in the bank. They will lie with their last dying breath.

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Of course! They have all sold their souls, their childrens souls. They are of their father, the devil.

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Agreed soulless, they will be humbled in this or the next life!

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Inarguably, the next. By God's grace, sooner as well.

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And while on the subject of UK genocide in progress:


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No, he has a major investment in the one health IDENTITY racket.

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I'm sure that's not the only thing keeping him in line. I bet the others apply as well. They're all evil deviants.

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I think it is impossible that the government does not know. There must be plenty of MPs who suffered injuries themselves and/or had family members injured. And ONS must know since they have been fiddling and obfuscating the data for 3 years - you can't do that accidentally. Aside from safety - surely everyone can agree that the stuff doesn't work - since all the vaccinated people keep catching covid.

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Xactly. Fiddling about = guilty

Doesn’t work = makes you sicker

Our congress senate were exempt from getting the shots, but they were so patriotic about their constituents get them.

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Maybe he actually believes the genocide jabs are safe. A scary thought.

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That's actually scarier than if he's just a liar. Scarier than a criminal or psychopath at the wheel is perhaps the realisation that there is nobody at the wheel of this clown car at all...

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No one could be that stupid!! Maybe Joe Biden might think this. I gotta believe they are all in on the killing, so far I don’t see any scaffolds being built.

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Until we rise up and declare: "ENOUGH!" Or until Jesus returns and does so.

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I think it's pretty obvious by now that it's up to the people now. If we created this - and most people will claim they didn't have anything to do with it - we have to un-create and decide what kind of life we wish for ourselves. If we keep going along with what the authorities are deciding for us, well I think it's pretty clear to most of us here where that will get us. I wish all of us 'bon courage'!

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Sadly, we, as humans, have waited far too late to acknowledge we had a role in this debacle, and too few are still to the point of acknowledging what that role is, for us to turn it back now. Yhwh God has taken those reins now, and His judgment will unfold as prophesied. He allowed the US to choose Trump, but Trump failed to do what needed to be done; instead, he tried to do it his way in his strength, and surrounded himself with RINOs and false teachers, so he was removed from office, and we were given the gov't the US deserves, at this point in history. Trying to reinstate Trump now will only get him killed. He doesn't have Yhwh's sanction, and the PTB will not allow him to be returned to the WH. We, as a nation, have been making our bed for generations, and it's we who must now lie in it. The best we can do it try to turn as many as possible to repentance and redemption now.

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Enuff Already

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It might require more than hat lackadaisical response.

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I ask the same about my PM..... I look forward to a time in the near future where we are FREE OF THESE CRIMINALS

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It is all by design... the Great Reset will be pushed through... presumably with War and Chaos (disruptions of all kind).

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PLEASE ALSO publicize the GREAT AWAKENING. The Great Awakening is the BEST antidote to the toxic, genocidal "great reset", wouldn't you agree?....

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It would be, except it's way too little and far too late in the game, just starting, really, as it is. Satan's agenda is too well entrenched, and Yhwh God's agenda to deal with it has taken over, for all most won't understand it, 'til far too late.

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Your defeatist attitude only empowers the loser satan, IMHO.... I choose the Great Awakening of God for victory....

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So.. You prefer to fight against Yhwh God, then? Personally, I prefer to work with His plan!

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You need to not make unfounded assumptions. Please re-read my comment CAREFULLY. You are free to believe anything you want, but your "Yhwh God" is the SAME as my God....as if the creator of EVERYTHING really cares what you call HER!....LOL

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I just responded to your comments as stated, and Yhwh God has more than adequately informed us He is male, so clearly not the same as the deity you choose to address as "God".

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please say more about this?

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"Distractions" of all kinds.

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And with as many deaths of the 'useless eaters' as possible

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Disruptions of all kind - how about the present disruption in Texas? This looks like it's developing into a messy situation. I do find it interesting that this is about 'the people' standing up to government. Not a bad development, but it can get very ugly.

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Yes - the political class would sacrifice every human on the planet if they could make $10 for it. They are scumacious. Those responsible for vax mandates should be at Nuremberg2 facing the rope.

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Fair trials, speedy sentencing.

Ecofriendly rope, a truly sustainable, reusable resource.

Laudably reusable.

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Andrew Bridgen addressing Parliament with all members present. Nobody running away or blocking their ears as they were earlier. The Prime Minister himself forced to respond with an answer hedged about with " unequivocally". A weak cheer, hollow, lacking verve. This is very different from even a few weeks ago. Everybody now knows the injections were not safe; the calculus is when and how this is admitted and by whom. Expect to see the injections withdrawn shortly.

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Thanks for pointing this out - it is indeed an important progression. Bridgen's courage and tenacity, also combined with great humility, are deeply impressive.

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I agree about Andrew. I wish more MPs would show courage like his but they are slowly slowly waking up. Once critical mass is achieved and they no longer fear they are going against the herd then the ice will break. The mood in Parliament is changing. Recall Ms Mordaunt's scornful tone to Andrew only a few months back now we have the PM dropping words like "unequivocally" and on the defensive.

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But they all cheered him on.

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They did - but that cheer was not an honest cheer it was more an anti Bridgen partisan sounding jeer. Also it was certainly not the whole house. The house can make a lot more noise than that when it really believes something. When you combine the PMs defensive equivocation and that weak cheer you see the tide turning.

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Yeah - in UK you can tell a lot from this. It also struck me as a very very distinctly weak and sporadic cheer. It stood out. Which shows even more what an utter idiot Sunak is - e.g. if he was a smart crook he could have said "The MHRA have certified this as safe", instead of directly vouching for it himself.

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Rishi you PUNK TOOL.

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". . . if our political class winds up getting us all killed."

THAT is the objective! Democide. Depopulation. Genocide. Extermination . . . as the events of the past four years make it very clear to anyone with a functional brain! Unfortunately, THAT seems to be a rare commodity these days, and getting increasingly more rare as many of the Vaxxed develop brain pathologies and cognitive impairment from spike protein production (courtesy of the modRNA and DNA gene transfer shots!). The dumbing-down of the livestock prior to their slaughter. Nothing we are witnessing is an accident, or mistake, or mere stupidity on the part of the political class and their Globalist Overlords. This present debacle is the culmination of more than twenty years of detailed plandemic simulations. Twenty years!

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Those who took the jabs already had brain pathologies, they just developed more of them; only those who rejected the jabs were thinking clearly, at least on that issue.. You are correct it's the culmination of long planning, but it goes all the way back to an unfinished ziggurat in the plain of Shinar (modern Iraq); or if you prefer, its current iteration only, the 1550s!

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Re: ‘Goes Not Abroad in Search of Monsters to Destroy.’ Why go abroad when there are monsters here such as: parents at schoolboard meetings, people praying, peaceful grandmothers at J6, legal gun owners, people with dangerous opinions like: war should be avoided, experimental gene therapy should not be mandated, you should not mutilate confused adolescents, etc.

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Our now-uncommon sense is their new extremism. They fault us for awareness. They created this tinderbox.

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And the warmongers include bobby kennedy as evidenced by his support of the zionist slaughter of innocent civilians. 30,000 so far, Mostly children and women.

Who can we vote for that doesn't want these wars?

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You best rethink your "genocide" and who is responsible for the deaths. It appears you are, like so many Satan supporters, unaware of, or just unconcerned with, the truth! IDF bends over backwards, to warn Gazan civilians away from target areas; Hamas, on the other hand, kills those who try to leave! This has been reported by Gazans, as well as IDF, for yrs, before this war! Not the leadership of Gaza, but the civilian survivors. Digest that fact.

The wars will happen, they were written centuries ago; they will end, when Jesus Christ returns with His army, and ends them, for the next 1K yrs.

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Lol…I guess that’s why Israel cut off food, water, electricity and has bombed almost every hospital in Gaza. I

I also find it weird that religious people think that gawd will save them soon or that Jesus is okay with all the killing as long as it’s certain people being killed.

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Didn't occur to you that those things were empowering Hamas and NOT reaching the civilians anyway, I guess. The hospitals "bombed" were weapons caches!

You clearly don't know much about Jesus' nature . I'd explain,but it's probably above your comprehension level, and definitely beyond your willingness to hear; so have a nice what's left of your life.

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Don’t talk to me about Jesus when you are okay with the killing of tens of thousands of children. That makes you a damned hypocrite.

And nice Zionist talking points. Bibi would be very proud of you for repeating his lies..oh wait maybe your Jesus approves of that too? I want nothing to with your Jesus.

And how do you know what I believe? Good lord…nice job showing how you follow his teachings.

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Jesus is NOT doing the killing; HUMANS, who have chosen EVIL are! The Lord is not "okay" with it, but if He interferes with even 1 person's free will, all free will is taken away. He didn't want that for us... any of us! His judgment on the evil acts of humans is coming, much sooner than most suspect. When it does, many of those who are under judgement will be wailing"it's not fair"or like sentiments.

My "job" is not to "know"what you do, or do not, believe; it's merely to present His truth; what YOU choose to do with is is up to you. Just FYI, He's not " exclusively mine", He came to redeem the whole world, including you, if you accept it, but He will not force you to choose Him.

Your sarcastic judgment is not appreciated, but it is understood. You still have time, but not very much to turn from that , if you choose to.

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VA Shiva and/or Donald Trump.

No wars.

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Trump supports the zionists. Shiva does not support genocide.

So Shiva or Jill are the only ones?

I'm ashamed of our country.

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No sir, it was not "hotheads" in SC who started that war, but the greedy, power hungry fellow in the WH who did that. The southern states, fed up with the over reaches of the gov't in Washington City (it was not yet known as DC, or the private corporation it became called Washington DC) seceded, as was their right, formed their own gov't, as the Confederate Stares of America, and, again rightly, requested Lincoln remove his troops from their territory. When he refused, they moved to remove them.

For those who don't see a pattern, the same thing is again happening, not just in the US, but globally! It's perhaps most obvious in TX, over controlling the border invasion, but far from confined there, and not just over borders. Bodily autonomy is even more invasive. People all around the world are fed up and protesting their gov'ts' overreaching. Because the lies about what happened here between 1861 and 1865 were told and peddled as "truth", the lessons were not learned, and because the lust for power and control are so alluring, we are again on that brink, in many nations!

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yeah. hence the haste to dismantle equestrian statues in Southern states during the plandemic. it's taboo to even think about!

thanks for posting.

the term carpetbaggers keeps bobbing into consciousness. I think I'm gonna go find that old film.

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Carpet baggers were a thing in the late 1860s especially, but they were northerners who came down and bought up abandoned, or confiscated land, especially plantations in the former Confederacy, not southerners.

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uh huh.

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KILL off the law abiding CITIZENS and replace them with the imported, unvetted, hordes who won't miss freedom they never had, are used to tyranny and have no national allegiance.

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Here’s another subject of future “ control” that seems rather streamlined. My governor signed an Executive Order concerning Artificial Intelligence & state agencies, etc. It sounded scripted (universal?), so I checked if Gov. Newsom from California had signed one.

He sure did, in December. Here we go..

And what the heck is the White House “ blueprint” of an AI Bill of Rights?! 🙈

We are having a hard enough time enforcing our Nation’s Bill of Rights.

Like my 83 yr. old dad says, “ It’s always something.”

Keep up the good fight. Knowledge is power & freedom is never free. 🇺🇸



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remember when pelosi fenced in the capital? that was because of her guilt...she knew they were guilty and that guilt (rather than admitting their hidden dastardly deeds), caused her to be delusional became more derranged and tortured with imaginations of retaliation. They bring it on themselves out of thin air. Same with fool Bushey who got us into a nightmare, all made up in his peabrain head and rather than be truthful and stop the nonsense he created the entire snowball of BS upon BS and more BS to cover that BS. THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE.

***notice how the presidents create monuments to themselves(libraries) trying to rewrite and slant the outcome of their lifes lies. It's more (propaganda) lies, they never end...they never live an authentic life...lunacy of a narcissist. It's where our ppl learn that it's ok to lie steal and cheat and destroy rather than humble yourself before the Lord.

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It had nothing to do with her guilt. It was all about making J6 bigger than life to begin the process of punishing Trump and keeping him out of office in the future.

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J6 was classic entrapment, but not to punish Trump, so much as those who rejected her, and the rest of the pack's, lies!

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J6 is far bigger than Trump. It was engineered, imho, to send a chilling message that any dissent will be doggedly, disproportionately dealt with. "Elections", as we knew them, are no more.

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I agree John. Unlikely very likely with these Psychopaths!

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It does appear to be the plan...

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The GREAT AWAKENING....remember?....

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Citizens are of no concern to the ruling class at all. It's all just a Monopoly game to them. Humans are just irrelevant pawn pieces on their board game of life. Really. Get that through your head if you want to understand what's going on.

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