Socialism, the new "communism", is more repressed here in the US than almost any country in the world, nowhere else is it demonized. In many dozens of countries, basically every rich country in the world besides the US, capitalism and socialism work together just fine and it is just about tinkering to get the balance right. The most abus…
Socialism, the new "communism", is more repressed here in the US than almost any country in the world, nowhere else is it demonized. In many dozens of countries, basically every rich country in the world besides the US, capitalism and socialism work together just fine and it is just about tinkering to get the balance right. The most abusive use of US socialism is by the corporate entities, who pillage our food, air, and water, and have bought out our medical system. The corporate capitalists on the one hand seek to reduce socialistic constraints on themselves but abuse it to the max for their own benefit. The textbooks used by every medical student for example, are underwritten by pharmaceutical, instrument and other profit making corporations. So, for example, the US has among the highest caesarean rates in the world as textbooks teach that hi tech births should be the norm! for the most natural human process on the planet!! And those "socialist" universities? subsidizing the corporate world - skilled labor pool, laboratories, etc etc. 90% of the "food products” in supermarkets is not really food - so highly processed, artificial ingredients, etc.- and should not be consumed. Every body of water and every inch of soil would be polluted if it was not for socialist environmental policies. Nixon's bi-partisan commission with majority Repubs, passed the EPA into law but now it is conservatives and corporations who want no restrictions on death producing industries - immigrants have inconsequential impact on the big picture of our ills.
Every country in the world wants to emulate the way more amazingly successful socialist/capitalist economies of Western and Northern Europe (and they do it without the bounty of resources that we have and waste so blatantly and without the worldwide military presence that unblinkingly is there not for peace but to maintain our “strategic interests”). The northern European countries lead the world in almost every category of quality of life - healthcare, education, environment, transportation, status of women, etc. etc. The 30 year old argument that our more capitalist health care system (Obamacare a joke compared to real socialist healthcare - that's why it cannot succeed) would blow away Europe's way more socialist health care has officially been declared dead, and the US retreats every year in health care indicators, now behind Third World countries in many categories. Tiny communist (oooh so scary) Cuba, despite the loss of the Soviet Union and all our senseless embargoes, blows us away in almost every health category (and so many other fronts like organic agriculture, education, etc).
Illegals as the root of all our problems - give me a break. Republicans and Democrats still turn a blind eye, especially in the southern states, to illegal immigration because they know that provides cheap farm, restaurant, landscaping, construction, childcare, etc. etc. It is well known that legislators who vote for tough immigration laws actually have illegal immigrants working for them. It has been a sham for decades - we do not have the want to take care of the border problem. It could be done in a year's time if we had the political will to accomplish it, but it would ruin our economy - shucks Americans do not want to work most jobs needing doing, if they want to work at all, and are much more obsessed with basically white collar crime/internet scheming. And we want our cheap food and service prices. Recently Republicans have refused to vote for bi-partisan bills for border control…. Please read the history of our immigration "problem". And please please get your head out of the US conservative anti-socialism sand!
Um, for starters, Communism,ala Marx, is the NEW socialism which dates back at least to Rome! Remember "bread and circuses"? That was but 1 socialist program.
Don't even get me started on the EPA; just ask the folks in SW CO about the orang river that still has not been cleaned up after their major faux pas, among others, and the over reaches!
As for the high rate of C-sections, that's more about money than most anything else, for the docs and hospitals alike.
Capitalism and socialism are about as unequally you ked as possible; they never work "peacefully" together! That's like saying Yhwh God and Satan work together; NO WAY! They are always in conflict!
Constitutionally, there is no provision for a standing Army, Air Force, or Space Force; only Navy, Marines as part of their structure, and Coast Guard. A well regulated militia of reserves is the only "army" we are entitled to, and essentially what we had 'til WW II!
What you're not taking into account is the socialist change executed under Wilson, which moved our corporate gov't into FOREIGN control via our money. We haven't been a sovereign nation since1913!
Neither have you recognized the spiritual aspects of the events taking place, in the world today! The global situation as an whole, is rapidly moving toward a climax, to be followed by a total reorganization, "under new management"; it's following 2 divergent, but long- standing, agendas, and the outcomes already determined. It will be a time of peace and prosperity for those who live long enough to enjoy it, but the next years will be " thinning the herd" in a number of unpleasant ways.
And yes, the military budget is killing us. Just 1/4 reduction of the military spending, re-directed, would "solve" all our problems. The Chinese are not marching into Iowa any time soon.....
Socialism, the new "communism", is more repressed here in the US than almost any country in the world, nowhere else is it demonized. In many dozens of countries, basically every rich country in the world besides the US, capitalism and socialism work together just fine and it is just about tinkering to get the balance right. The most abusive use of US socialism is by the corporate entities, who pillage our food, air, and water, and have bought out our medical system. The corporate capitalists on the one hand seek to reduce socialistic constraints on themselves but abuse it to the max for their own benefit. The textbooks used by every medical student for example, are underwritten by pharmaceutical, instrument and other profit making corporations. So, for example, the US has among the highest caesarean rates in the world as textbooks teach that hi tech births should be the norm! for the most natural human process on the planet!! And those "socialist" universities? subsidizing the corporate world - skilled labor pool, laboratories, etc etc. 90% of the "food products” in supermarkets is not really food - so highly processed, artificial ingredients, etc.- and should not be consumed. Every body of water and every inch of soil would be polluted if it was not for socialist environmental policies. Nixon's bi-partisan commission with majority Repubs, passed the EPA into law but now it is conservatives and corporations who want no restrictions on death producing industries - immigrants have inconsequential impact on the big picture of our ills.
Every country in the world wants to emulate the way more amazingly successful socialist/capitalist economies of Western and Northern Europe (and they do it without the bounty of resources that we have and waste so blatantly and without the worldwide military presence that unblinkingly is there not for peace but to maintain our “strategic interests”). The northern European countries lead the world in almost every category of quality of life - healthcare, education, environment, transportation, status of women, etc. etc. The 30 year old argument that our more capitalist health care system (Obamacare a joke compared to real socialist healthcare - that's why it cannot succeed) would blow away Europe's way more socialist health care has officially been declared dead, and the US retreats every year in health care indicators, now behind Third World countries in many categories. Tiny communist (oooh so scary) Cuba, despite the loss of the Soviet Union and all our senseless embargoes, blows us away in almost every health category (and so many other fronts like organic agriculture, education, etc).
Illegals as the root of all our problems - give me a break. Republicans and Democrats still turn a blind eye, especially in the southern states, to illegal immigration because they know that provides cheap farm, restaurant, landscaping, construction, childcare, etc. etc. It is well known that legislators who vote for tough immigration laws actually have illegal immigrants working for them. It has been a sham for decades - we do not have the want to take care of the border problem. It could be done in a year's time if we had the political will to accomplish it, but it would ruin our economy - shucks Americans do not want to work most jobs needing doing, if they want to work at all, and are much more obsessed with basically white collar crime/internet scheming. And we want our cheap food and service prices. Recently Republicans have refused to vote for bi-partisan bills for border control…. Please read the history of our immigration "problem". And please please get your head out of the US conservative anti-socialism sand!
Um, for starters, Communism,ala Marx, is the NEW socialism which dates back at least to Rome! Remember "bread and circuses"? That was but 1 socialist program.
Don't even get me started on the EPA; just ask the folks in SW CO about the orang river that still has not been cleaned up after their major faux pas, among others, and the over reaches!
As for the high rate of C-sections, that's more about money than most anything else, for the docs and hospitals alike.
Capitalism and socialism are about as unequally you ked as possible; they never work "peacefully" together! That's like saying Yhwh God and Satan work together; NO WAY! They are always in conflict!
Constitutionally, there is no provision for a standing Army, Air Force, or Space Force; only Navy, Marines as part of their structure, and Coast Guard. A well regulated militia of reserves is the only "army" we are entitled to, and essentially what we had 'til WW II!
What you're not taking into account is the socialist change executed under Wilson, which moved our corporate gov't into FOREIGN control via our money. We haven't been a sovereign nation since1913!
Neither have you recognized the spiritual aspects of the events taking place, in the world today! The global situation as an whole, is rapidly moving toward a climax, to be followed by a total reorganization, "under new management"; it's following 2 divergent, but long- standing, agendas, and the outcomes already determined. It will be a time of peace and prosperity for those who live long enough to enjoy it, but the next years will be " thinning the herd" in a number of unpleasant ways.
And yes, the military budget is killing us. Just 1/4 reduction of the military spending, re-directed, would "solve" all our problems. The Chinese are not marching into Iowa any time soon.....
The Chinese have already done that; you just weren't watching!