The road to tyranny and totalitarianism begins and ends with suppressing freedoms of thought and speech.

Censorship, suppression of information and opinions, gaslighting propaganda, disinformation campaigns conducted by those who scream the loudest about "protecting people from mis- and disinformation" - these are growing like wildfire in the US, Canada, most of Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

Truth is becoming an endanger species.

Anyone speaking any truth or facts that contradict any 'official' narratives are falsely discredited, attacked, censored and/or labeled as "white supremacist" or "racist" or "transphobe" or "anti-Semite" or "Jew hater" or "right wing extremists" or "threat to democracy" or similar terms.

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Well said Keihatsu!!

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Yet, the aggravated malice and depravity towards women - actually murdered and sexually assaulted, as well as, "ho", "bitch", etc in rap music don't count.

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Not many are awake up here in Canadistan. As John said the worst offender for this new hate crime bullshit is the Turd himself our so called leader. He mentioned many a time, that the unvaxed were taking up space. He and his Liberal party plus the NDP are the ones taking up space.

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Well, when the majority of the vaxxed die off that won't be a problem, now will it?

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Unfortunately, shedding appears to be a thing, as is contaminated blood supply and GMO-treated food supply.

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I know, but there are things we can do against those, to an extent.

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You hit Trudeau right on the head John Leake...he is the archetypical hate speech monger, but he is indeed too narcissistic to comprehend his own evil brand. Trudeau has stated that he wants to rid Canada of white men, and that "Christians are the dregs of Canadian society". His arm pounding the air, he denounced those Canadians wise enough to refuse the death jab, and declared they should not be allowed to ride a train or fly alongside 'good people who got the jab'. The man is a puppet of Klaus Schwabb, and fully believes in the global warming fraud, funding every aspect of the inveiglement with taxpayers money, and is bankrupting the country. He recently 'bribed' major car manufacturers to "invest" in electric vehicles in Canada, in spite of the fact that few people want them. He is a fascist by his actions, and delights in "deferring to the experts"...many of whom we have recently discovered are in fact frauds...(Covid nazis), who have no problem receiving money to lie for this 'government'. Fisman et al at U of T would be a suitable example of liars taking money from the Liberal government to bolster their frauds. So sorry, I did mean to run on, its just that I would like to say what everyone REALLY thinks. Is everyone sick of liars who cause division and chaos and live in a fantasy world where anyone can be anything on any day and get government funding for their fantasies? Welcome to Trudeau's dystopia.

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Canada’s Bill C-63 will mean punishments for past “offences” (failing to delete past “hateful” material), punishments for future potential “offences” (pre-crimes) where no actual crime has been committed and life in prison for offences motivated by hatred. And it will reward vexatious complainants with $20,000 of the “offender’s” (victim’s) money. The Online Harms Act must be opposed if Canada is to retain any semblance of democracy.

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But who defines what IS "hate", and a crime based thereon? The haters, of course!

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And this right here ☝🏻is where the rubber meets the road…any time you start to think that “well, one really shouldn’t say (X), because that’s offensive and nasty, etc.”, recognize that at one point, someone (who, exactly?) may decide that what YOU said is offensive and nasty, etc. My mother taught me that our First Amendment right ends at the tip of someone else’s nose. She also taught me “while I may disagree with what you may say, I will defend, to the death, your right to say it.”

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Well written and balanced viewpoint, Mr. Leake.

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Policing emotion, which is what hate is, seems so absurd. The country has grown dumber and darker the last 50 years. I watched a WW2 film recently and had always wondered why so many people just lined up to get into cattle cars. I asked my husband about it and he reminded me they didn’t have guns. Might be they had a lot of propaganda much like what the world is going through now.

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The road to hell, is paved with good intentions.

In a parallel fashion, the Fraudulent Definitional change, to the word "antisemitism" - first by this "IHR" - and now by the American Congress and probably the White House, is creating threats of tyranny as well. It appears that having a critical opinion about a foreign Government, a Rogue Nuclear power that's currently engaged in a Genocide, and using US Military and Financial aid, in violation of various US Laws, to do it - has now been redefined as some kind of "Hate speech", as well. Even if the person who opposes the policies of that foreign Regime is Jewish - it's apparently now considered a signifier of Bigotry against Jewish people. This, despite a long history of Jewish opposition - to the political movement called "Zionism", on Religious, legal, and humanitarian grounds.

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Thank you for your succinct description of Canada’s kakistocrat and how he is busy destroying this country. You are speaking for all of us. Never did I believe this country that we immigrated to 42 years ago, would turn out to be like those totalitarian countries of the past that I learned and read about. My husband must be turning in his grave.

That Trudeau’s twisted reasoning for this ‘hate speech’ bill is to protect children, is quite sickening when in actual fact parents are vilified and in some cases prosecuted for objecting to the aberrant gender/sexual ideologies that Trudeau espouses. Aberrant is obviously normal in the pagan world of this government. Their fruits are rotten.

Way back in OT times, Isaiah 5:20-21 warned, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight!”

More recently, in the 16th century, John Calvin the Protestant reformer said, “When God punishes a nation, He gives them wicked leaders.”

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Matt Taibbi: Blame Canada? Justin Trudeau Creates Blueprint for Dystopia in Horrific Speech Bill

Life sentences for speech? Pre-crime detention? Ex post facto law? Anonymous accusers? It's all in Justin Trudeau's "Online Harms Bill," a true "threat to democracy"


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What ever happened to "sticks and stones will break my bones but words can never hurt me"? I never liked the idea of what they call hate crimes. Because it's attempting to read minds, and nobody can do that. You can only prosecute actions. Law can specify degrees of the actions involved, but it's dangerous to enact laws that perports to determine what the perpetrator is thinking. The circumstances leading up to the act determine what degree the penalty must be. So there doesn't need to be a separate law to charge someone with.

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Exactly. There are a lot of new laws in many countries that criminalize speech and thought and merely being associated with a particular person or group.

I second and applaud John's reminder that hate crime prosecutions used to be and should return to being restricted to *actual violent crimes* that targeted the victim for merely being a member of a specifically identified (and protected category of) group.

One background piece for understanding what law in Canada used to aim toward is a "Summary Discussion of the Ouimet Report" (https://www.canlii.org/en/commentary/doc/1970CanLIIDocs12), which documents agreed principles of the Canadian criminal justice system. Here are the first 4: <Quote>

1. The basic purpose of criminal justice is to protect all members of society including the offender himself, from seriously harmful and dangerous conduct.

2. The basic purposes of the criminal law should be carried out with no more interference with the freedom of individuals [than] is necessary.

3. Recognition of the innocent must be assured by proper protection in all stages of the criminal process.

4. No conduct should be defined as criminal unless it represents a serious threat to society and unless the act cannot be dealt with through other social and legal means.


In other words, crime is defined by *conduct* (something you did, not something you said, or something you are), and that the conduct cannot be dealt with through other social and legal means. There are myriad social means to deal with speech we don't like, some not even envisioned when this report came out in 1970.

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms muddied the waters a bit in 1992 and then after 2001 the (War of) Terror laws started to define to speech crimes and membership crimes now pre-crimes aka thought crimes.

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It is neither necessary nor possible to 'eradicate hate'. Anyone who pretends to do so, masquerades with phony intentions. Using what should be parliamentary language, the wacko at the head of the Canadian government has shown us to have phony intentions time and again.

We need laws that put everyone on the same footing with common, clearly defined standards. Therefore, 'hate' cannot be an offense by itself. Feelings are what they are and can't be stopped. However, in your example the smashing of the honey pots is definitely an offense and it should be prosecuted also if the store owner were of a different ethnicity.


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Canada is like an angry hornet’s nest that has been kicked once too often by globalists. We DESPISE Trudeau. Unfortunately Canada is in the grip of the globalist uniparty, and all systems (judiciary included) are compromised.

Like the saying goes… you can vote your way into socialism but you’ll have to shoot your way out.

We’re very close to things going boom.

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Mr. Leake, I am sorry but this is a total fail. "Hate crimes" come right out of Orwell's 1984, never mind that they are unconstitutional. That conservatives have bought in to the concept is even more pathetic.


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I agree with most of the commenters who are making the point that what is happening with these laws is wrong. I reside in the US. The problem with any society today is the depravity of that society and the utter decay of any morals. We tend to think about the decay of our freedoms but the freedoms we know are lost because of our moral decay and utter depravity. You can look at history, nations and societies go through a typical evolution and ultimately end up in moral decay and are eliminated. We should all read "The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival" by Sir John Glubb found here https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://people.uncw.edu/kozloffm/glubb.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj5u_iax4uGAxWIFmIAHQHBDmAQFnoECCwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1se2pxRdVn_NhZRejP4Igq

You can read about Glubb here https://www.conciliators-guild.org/media/blog/sir-john-glubb-the-fate-of-empires

In addition we should all read Paul's letter to the Roman churches and specifically Rom 1:18-32. Our problem is one that has happened again and again throughout the history of the world. God gives us up to our sinful passions which he has done. That is why these things are happening. What we need to do is repent.

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Agreed. However, this cr** started years ago. The concept of terrorism is the grossest exploitation of this method. BTW, IMO we are witnessing not tyranny but petty tyranny. I see a difference.

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