Zelensky and “friends” are money laundering, blood drenched, war criminals.

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And you can bet your last nickel that the entire Biden Crime Clan is in on it.

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You mean poor Hunter is not going to starve now that he can't sell his paintings any more? How reassuring...

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/4NWnqxRjgM

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Liv: hilarious. I hope they pay you well for promoting this.

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Zelensky is a criminal and I have no doubt his soldiers were sent to die without proper clothing, food or ammunition while those that control the country got fat and rich. I also believe some in our own government got some of that money and that includes Biden and Obama and his crew. Probably some others sitting in Congress that approved the funds. Just sayin. My opinion and I am sticking to it. If Trump has the receipts he needs to use them. He needs to spill the beans.

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yes. and on Epstein. and release JFK files and Boby K files. And the MLK files. I also want to know about the UFO files really make Mulder testify. I want to know how every US politician gets rich?? where does the money come from. I want full disclosure of all income while a person is in office. and for 5-years afterward. part of the sot of serving...(serving HA!! - self serving)

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Just do a Yandex.com search. Do not use google, they censor. Here is one


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Tell him to get cracking. Revoke the "sanctions" and claw back Biden, etc. crime family money to repair NordStream. And quit funding IshaRaEli war crimes and make amends for persecution and impairing the First Amendment.

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What you describe as a hunch John is one many of us pretty much knew was fact (you as well I suspect) it has simply taken until the present to know the how, who and more. This 24 hr money laundry called Project Ukraine enriched many in the US political class in exchange for supporting the penile pianist puppet ("the next Churchill" don't ya know) while up to a million Ukrainian men ( :o ) were indifferently wasted in a neo-con Russophobic wet dream the MIC was only too happy to enable. The poem you shared summed it up poignantly, thank you for this one.

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Tucker Carlson very recently has reported that he is in Switzerland and all the Ukrainian oligarchs are there (he didn't say which city, but sounded like Davos - a highly expensive ski area) and the rich Ukrainians are spending millions of dollars having a great time. Tucker is pretty sure it's US tax dollars being spent so lavishly. Tucker also says he knows - knows, and not speculates, he says - that the weapons and equipment we have provided to Ukraine are being sold, about 50% of them, sold at ten cents on the dollar, to terrorists and to our enemies, including being sold to the cartels at our Mexican border. Considering that what we give is not serving the intended perhaps, every bit of it should be stopped immediately, which apparently has been done since the Oval Office meeting. Tucker said something to the effect that, "If I know all this stuff, the CIA knows also." And he believes the CIA may be complicit. Some have speculated that Lindsay Graham may know something about this by now since he was seemingly quite a Zelensky fan, and he has recently been extremely negative on Z.

One other thought is that on X, I saw a video in which Zelensky has said if he can just get Ukraine into NATO, his mission will be finished, and I had also heard him say before, he would be willing to give up being President if he could just get Ukraine into NATO. Some have interpreted that as - he has been tasked with getting Ukraine into NATO for the purpose of keeping the war going and/or initiating World War III, that he is more interested in just keeping the war going or escalating it. It may be that because of all the corruption, all the money being gone, the weapons gone, and the biolab situation - that someone wants the evidence destroyed or lots of distraction from finding evidence. Because it sounds like there has been a tremendous amount of corruption.

I thought also from the beginning that the Bio-labs were part of it. I had seen a map showing 20 or so US Bio-labs on the Ukrainian - Russian border, and had seen reports that there were sometimes unusual diseases in Russia near the border, and that Putin had complained many times about the labs, complaining to the United Nations. Considering what our tax dollars paid for at Wuhan, I thought we might indeed be doing some gain of function research in Ukraine, and some have alleged the CIA was involved in these labs. The official US story is that the labs weren't even being used, nothing was happening at those labs and there was no reason to even think about those labs. But I did notice a Senator mentioning the biolabs briefly during Dr. Battacharya's confirmation hearing, so others besides me have noticed the labs and thought about them. That alone, if I were Putin, would have made me think about invading particularly since repeated complaints were ignored, and there are still labs at the border.

But before the invasion, Putin had sent a treaty to NATO to request an agreement not to further expand NATO, and if no agreement, then he would invade. They ignored it and did not choose to negotiate at all, and thus, the invasion. So, this would be evidence that Ukraine's desire to enter NATO, and apparently NATO's willingness to entertain this and keep that option open was clearly a cause of the war, but the Biolabs may well have been part of the reason.

My impression is that we should not be helping Ukraine at all at this point, and good that Trump has in fact stopped all help. But I think it is incorrect to blame Putin as the sole cause of this, and our own government has been complicit. I understand that within 7 days of the war, Putin offered good terms to Z, but Biden told him to keep fighting - the Biden-Obama administration wanted this war and it is a mistake to blame the whole thing on Putin. We didn't like it when Kruschev put missiles in Cuba, and JFK got Kruschev to remove them, and likewise, Putin would not have wanted NATO missiles aimed at him along his border, along with the Bio-labs that were reportedly associated with the CIA.

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Regular Ukranians make 1,000. a YEAR. Oligarchs make all the rest... this is what they want for all of us - to be poor (like those TV ads for helping the Russians). They wanted to tear down Ukraine and rebuild a condo city to house the poor people in, the war was a good way to not only tear it down but kill off any guy with sperm.

Romania has been bulldozed as well, I wonder why our news doesn't say anything about this. BlackRock bulldozed it and are going to build those condo cities. A girl from Romania told me this only when she could talk without her husband listening.

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How awful.

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Agree with you about bio labs. Victoria Nuland actually voiced concerned about them during a hearing when the war first started.

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Good to know. I had not known about her comments. Thanks.

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Don't forget the Jupiter nuclear missiles in Turkey!

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Oh, my goodness, i remember reading that the U.S. was looking for some missing missiles, missing from Ukraine, but I did NOT know they had been found in Turkey. At the time the "missing" missiles were thought be stolen, and this was not widely reported at that time - but I missed seeing about them being found in Turkey. Based on what Tucker Carlson has said, more likely, sold by the Ukrainians. Ukraine has just proved they are not a reliable partner, and anything we give them will end up who-knows-where, though some weapons are ending up in the hands of the cartels at the Mexican border with U.S. If we give Ukraine nuclear missiles, we are endangering the whole world because they will obviously sell anything to anyone. But I have been reading today that neo-cons in EU are urging everyone to support Zelensky, and to fight Russia - well, any arms given to Zelensky just endanger everyone, and fighting Russia will result in nuclear war. I don't think younger people understand the potential consequences which would be starvation through the entire world. When I was young college students protested against nuclear war - students at that time understood the danger. With all the nuclear debris in the air after nukes detonate, it blocks the sunlight from getting through - there would not be enough sunlight to grow crops, and the world would be colder. This has been called "nuclear winter" and between the actual radiation plus lack of food and inability to grow food throughout most of the world, there would be mass starvation. There are NO winners to a nuclear war - it is mutually assured destruction - they kill us, we kill them, with the press of a button, or click of a mouse. No winners. When people talk about and think about their ability to "win" a nuclear war, they are showing their vast ignorance. Russia's nukes are many times bigger than what we released in Japan at the end of World War II. Now, people take this so casually - but these days, students have been busy learning about pronouns and condoms and no history apparently.

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Probably stolen since income tax and Federal Reserve money was used for them, but Eisenhower put them there. I really doubt they were from the Ukraine, however.

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Okay, different missiles then; different era. I had read that there was a missing missile from Ukraine, unaccounted for, that was being searched for. Of course it is hard to tell these days what is truth and what is fiction, and so many lie about so many things, hard to tell. Anyway, good to know - I had not known about missiles in Turkey before, and you are right, probably not from Ukraine then.

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Zalensky is A CON MAN!! Trump is doing all the right things! Don’t want the war ended? Ok we will just starve you of ammo & self defense & money! That’s the only way to handle this! Want it stopped? CUT HIM OFF! The war will be over by July 4th!!

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Not just Ziolenskiy; most of the EU and all of NATO, too. Dump them down the Warsaw Pact sewer!

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Good probing! The crying soldier is a dramatic exclamation point. I love Ukrainians and for their sake I support Trump for peace.

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Good article. 👍

My read, rightly or wrongly, is that Trump, Putin, MBS, and likely others are working to expunge a hideous evil (think Carroll Quigley and beyond) that lurks in the background of humanity. That evil will see as much innocent life destroyed as possible in the process, much like terrorists killing their hostages.

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Mohammed bin Salman of Harvest Festival fame.

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Yes I know, and he’s supposed to be a fighter for humanity??

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Tucker Carlson has a few interviews covering this topic; I have learned much after signing up for TCN.

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Israeli arms dealers, a fake gay Jewish Ukrainian president, and Trump is controlled by Netanyahu and BlackRock. Don’t think this is progress just shifting the arms dealers.

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And possibly the illegal drug trade as well.

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A search of multi news outlets interestingly produced the same results…the stories about Zelensky’s wife buying this 4 million EU dollarBugatti sports car, the shopping trips for designer wear, Zelensky being wealthy…..a mighty scramble to cast all blame of “misinformation” on Russian attempts to cast doubts on Ukraine’s use of US military dollars. Without any doubt whatsoever, all such news items are considered misinformation! Does this bring back memories of the persecution people suffered with all the “misinformation theories” about COVID - all of which turned out to be TRUE and FACTUAL??

It would not be at all surprising to link a number of Democrats to an international arms cartel supplying Palestinian/Hamas terrorists as an example. And the deep pockets such sales fill - exactly like the little comedian Zelensky! Keep digging John….I’d wager a year’s pay you will uncover some dark and evil stuff. Hilary Clinton comes to mind, Obama….

Trump will dig to the bottom!! If only the world could be blessed with leaders like him!!

Up here in Canada we just got saddled with a new Liberal party leader called Carney….one of the slick and evil Davos elites that line their pockets on the backs of ordinary citizens!! Turns out he also socialized with Epstein and his jailed girl friend.

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Just ask the young Ukrainian men running from conscription, they can tell you how unjust the warmongers are who live like kings and watch the young men die.

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So well written and conceived. Of course, we know that Hunter Biden, who supposedly now sits in financial ruin in his burned-out mansions in LA, was an astute and skillful oil man that guided Burisma to success. (So nothing to look at there.) And we know that Blincken, Sullivan, Nuland, Vindeman, and others were models of ethical propriety, who never shuttled cash to major politicians, so nothing to investigate there. And we know that many Hollywood films were financed with money supplied by arms dealers, so it must be a legitimate profession. And we know that you can sit outdoors and sip wine in the Southern California hills (and even visit a private mini zoo nearby) on land owned by arms dealers. So, it is just all about sunny days and fine wine and the good life. Probably everything is as above board as the desk of an SEC bureaucrat overseeing the health of our financial system. All is well.

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/4NWnqxRjgM

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Would you shut up instead of spamming this to every Substack?

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What is ridiculous to me, is that billions of dollars of cash and matériels are sent from one country to another, but I never hear of any system whatsoever to keep track of it. Kind of how the USA government never seems able to keep track of and account for our monies. They’ve got everyone convinced that it’s impossible to do so. I call bullshit. A full, accurate amd transparent accounting is absolutely possible, and necessary.

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1) Not sure I'd call any DC knucklehead "naive" (I think they know exactly what they're doing), and 2) any amount given to the Z-man is too much.

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We should believe what we were told long ago. Ukraine is the most corrupt country in Europe. Btw, is Victoria Nuland still in the state department or has she been retired by Rubio?

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