Most people do not realize what this is. Having worked for a research university for most of my career and most of those years in areas where the research was highly funded by NIH and NSF, I literally sucked in my breath at this news. Faculty and researchers have complained for years about the overhead costs (indirects). Well let's see what it really cost to keep the lights on. This will cause a reduction in the bloat and there is lots of bloat. I am retired now and happy to sit this one out. Thanks for sharing it.

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Thank you.

How sad that for six decades the gut of colloquial education and academia has been in pain and it was denied by the high minded financial administrators who though they were more clever than the lot, discounting actual higher learning on the basis that AI would have all the answers so it was up to them to sell the institution off to the highest bidders.

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Took a while Eh?

But really big foundational cracks are growing larger.

I'd hate like Hell to give The Wuhan Cov19 lab made Flu strains any credit.

For todays good news about a New Frontier in America's wake up call to wellness.

So I'll let others do so.

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As a former fed and contract project officer, I was always outraged at 25% overhead with 15% indirect on top that. Clearly this long overdue. As is reform of the entire contracting process which most likely continues to take cancellation for poor performance virtually impossible.

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DOGe ‘em Elon... DOGe ‘em!

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About 15 years ago I retired from a two-year college in Texas. About 5 years later, they had increased the staff by about 10%. In that 5 years, the student enrollment remained the same as did the number of faculty. One solution is to cut a lot of the regulations. Then you won't need so many people pushing paper to enforce them.

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Makes perfect sense to me.

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Peter, you cited NPR without quoting Thomas Jefferson, "“To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagations (sic) of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical." And "...all Republican Presidents have recognized that public funding of domestic broadcasts is a mistake. As a 35-year-old lawyer in the Nixon White House, one Antonin Scalia warned that conservatives were being “confronted with a long-range problem of significant social consequences—that is, the development of a government-funded broadcast system similar to the BBC.” (Mandate for Leadership 2025). Can anything espoused by NPR be considered factual?

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I can’t wait to see and hear some of the fat cut off.

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Universities Are Becoming Billion-Dollar Hedge Funds With Schools Attached: The Nation, March 8, 2016. The American taxpayer is underwriting universities so they can take money they should be using and invest it in Hedge Funds? As Malcom Gladwell implied, let's just send the money to the University Hedge Fund. What are the universities doing with that money? The entire system needs to be reformed.

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A grant should be a fixed amount with nothing tagged on.

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The intentional Socialist bloating of Government and it’s propagandized arm called public education programmed to our children filters down from the Hierarchal tiers of academia that are to a great degree subordinate to who controls the White House, but then always reverts back to the hierarchal mindset in the top tiers of academia. If academia itself becomes captured like say Solzhenitsyn’s “First Circle”, the cancer grows exponentially until it is destroyed. The misconception is that the First Circle was predominately immune.

It’s not rocket science. If the financial administrators are lead to believe individual education is moot considering AI, their only incentive is obtaining money from the highest bidder willing to buy its academic prestige and laurels, including global influence.

Thus the Presidents of the top five perennially ranked ivory towers playing musical chairs eventually have no idea how to define a woman. Neither would your children in short time.

Six decades folks. Evil does exist, it’s not a complete conspiracy theory, but on a broader scale a phenomenon like cancer, something went terribly wrong, insidiously.

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GOOD! Slash and Burn Administrative Costs!

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All those educating dollars spent to fund an illusion, that a cure is just around the corner.

New discoveries are being made every day all across America.

Problems arise when for 75 years or more, one thing is clear as mud.


There never has been.

You've been used "Safe and Effectively" for Mega-profits and now Med Info Storage Data.

#NOTABOUTYOURHEALTH Is it? Was it? Not even close!

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Oh darn, does this mean Harvaud, Yale, Princeton, ilk of government dowry fame will have to work for a living like the serf’s? That the word artificial is no longer synonymous with official that has kept them among the top five tiered university’s according to World News and Report. The Hierarchal system that promulgates endowment rank as synonymous with market value, simultaneously promoting DEI hiring that make ignorant academics seem smarter on the basis of subordinates with disabilities?

It was a great scam begun around the mid 1990’s when the uniparty was initiated, immediately making old friends China and proxy Vietnam fav’s. Of course it will have to include gutting middle class skilled labor being sent abroad to slave regimes, but heck, they weren’t gonna seek higher education anyway so that relieves academia from that responsibility. Nothing like killing more than one bird with one stone, see how clever they were?

Realizing the potential of gobs of money being thrown around by investors collaborating with the CCP, and AI making individual education moot, why not just sell degrees? So administrators from the Bursar's office on up figured “Why be bothered with funding grants and tenured positions on mere minimal tuition and educating when AI will have all the answer’s, lets just sell our veneered market value based on our laurels as rank, charge premium rates to alumni offspring, celebrities, and global customers that want to buy a degree and rub elbows with winners who are always in the top five. That however does not mean that we won’t still save a few spots for DEI (affirmative action on steroids), .Gov money to include virtue signaling that polishes our image”. Stolen valor much?

The idea of selling off American prestige as academic market value to the highest bidder never occurred to be nefarious in the most high ivory towers given the wash of America “bad” that happened post 1960’s and 70’s intentional demoralization.

In the mean time as the other 92% of potential Socratic serfdom tiered below the hierarchy of Ivy League, the “other” private learning institutions, State colleges, junior colleges, etc. will just have to sort themselves out and be “dreamers” climbing the ladder to the top. The post hate America years became all about taking advantage of one’s stature, however obtained. It would be what hierarchy of academia is all about, if that’s your thing.

It inverted the hierarchal minded of academia and medicine since Aristotle secondary to it’s financial administrators who have become so smart they just priced themselves out of the money trough market of education they built over the last six decades since the intentionally tumultuous 1960’s. Exactly what Five Star General and President Eisenhower warned about.

To do this, collusion between government, academia, technology, and Corporate, all mentioned, would have to make the collaboration of the defense industry (the military industrial complex) the perennial villain, their whipping boy, to cover their tracks of the their war on humanity.

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Very good call, Dr. McCullough. Further, universities caught providing false data to support government narratives should be permanently defunded, and the offending 'professors' jailed for 20 years. Also, speaking of universities, Gain of Function research, making infectious pathogens...is simply insanity that is contrary to sound thinking, and should be forcefully ended...permanently.

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I agree.

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When Dr Bhattacharya heads NIH, adjustments will be made so that important research can continue. Secretary Kennedy supports research and will rely on those he can trust.

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