Starmer is a nightmare of toxic-incompetence.

He gets EVERYTHING wrong…100%.


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Not so much incompetence as blatant and intentional evil.

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Starmer is a British Democrat for sure, incompetent, viciously corrupt and inherently evil.

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Excellent reminder of why we’re always defending 2A rights that they’re trying to water down & make useless. Just as they’ve done with property taxes - you never truly own your property. Just miss a payment & see what happens.

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its more than obvious that ownership is the underpinning to freedom and when we no longer own we no longer have a true stake in sovereignty. How many times in recent months have we heard that soon we will own nothing and (be happy) care less. I wonder. Is that before or after the removal of 90% of the worlds population? Its frightening that so few see the trap being set by fiat currency becoming a digital mirage that destroys the very concept privacy.

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A mortgage is a fraudulent contract on several levels. And HM land registry only registers the legal fiction name that is property of the Crown, so there is no private ownership. Then there is the council tax… they should invoice the so called owner for their services!

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When your children are being raped and tortured on an industrial scale, your men chopped to pieces and beheaded on the streets, your women raped to death, something has got to give.

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And when those British people who tell the truth about that are jailed by bent judges for years in the "free" UK.

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They're trying to crush us so that we don't rise up, I think. It is so utterly despicable.

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As JFK said "When peaceful change is made impossible violent revolution is made inevitable." He was right about that for sure. More and more dry tinder is metaphorically being piled up. Who knows what the spark will be but it will clearly have to be greater than three little girls being murdered and more scarred for life by a "Welsh choirboy" who said in court he was glad he killed them.

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I'm not sure what could be worse than that, to be honest. The resulting crack down by the state is an indicator that they know they're losing control. Deportation and sustained mass remigration is the only answer.

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Senior retired generals and former heads of the armed forces Lord Dannatt and Lord Richards have both recently warned that the UK has insufficient troops for a Ukraine peacekeeping mission.



I don’t see Starmer as a war leader.

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The troops will take tactical nukes and will attack Russia with them hoping that Russia will not destroy the UK. If Dannatt doesn't know that he is a fool.

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We are witnessing the collapse of Great Britain and the EU from within. Had it not been for the Miracle of Donald Trump we were on the Cusp too.

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One of the things that I find so deeply concerning about Starmer is his refusal to address the horrific gang rapes, of young girls, by Pakistani men, in certain regions of England. This has been going on for many years. Starmer is the father of a 13 y/o girl. To learn more about this, many articles are available at The Conservative Woman web-site, which is out of the UK. The predominant thinking is that to say anything, is racist. Really???? The authorities are more concerned about being thought a racist, than to speak out/protect young girls???? What is happening in the UK is happening all over Europe, especially in Germany & Sweden. For more on this, read the book, "Prey": Immigration, Islam, & the Erosion of Women's Rights", by Ayaan Hirsi Ali (2021).

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There is a man in solitary confinement serving a sentence he did not merit, whose mental capacity is deliberately being eroded. An independent doctor has decreed that this is actual torture. How can this be happening in our country? Evil doesn't begin to describe it.

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In the US some amount of air was let out of the balloon with the election of Donald Trump. If the UK is not able to accomplish the same thing via the political process then they will one day wake up and realize that there is only one alternative left. I agree with Professor Betz regarding the 5 year timetable. It is likely to happen sooner if the situation in the UK continues to deteriorate.

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Starmer has now stated that he supports cousins marrying each other!

The Judiciary are bringing out new sentencing guidelines ,where ethnic minorities will get lesser sentences than white males.

This Muslim appeasement will definitely start a civil war, probably quicker than 5 years if they keep heading down this road.

The Labour Party are just the same as your Democrats

They have shifted so far away from the way they were years ago and now hate the white people of our countries.

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Speaking as a person who spent 30 years in England, close to its elites. I can confirm their uneducated condition. I was listening to Dr Dugin explaining Russian/ Ukrainian history to an intelligent Ukrainian journalist yesterday. His key point being that Russians and Ukrainians are the same people closer than the Scottish are to the English. They speak the same language. Scots Gaelic and English could not be more different. She asked searching questions and listening carefully to what the obviously knowledgeable, intellectual, thoughtful professor had to say. Just look at the education and intelligence level of the Russian leadership and compare with the shower presently camped out in London. A pitiful spectacle indeed. UK badly needs a Trumpian conservative revolution. But there is nobody fit to take up the baton. Farage thinks he is that person but he is not. He has no vision beyond UK's shores. The UK has ruined itself by either not studying or forgetting most of its own history and studying worthless technicalities instead - law, PR, business (excuse me) science. A sad thing John. It feels to me as if the lights really have gone out all over Europe this time. No vision. No intelligence. No mature understanding. Just war war war. America must lead the way now.

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True John Leake...and Canada's vermin, Trudeau and Freeland, are boasting about the nukes they can get from the E.U., while they excite the hatred of the simple folk in Canada against President Donald Trump. Trudeau failed to be a good neighbour, when asked a simple courtesy...stop the fentanyl from pouring across the border. Instead, he has whipped up a fervor among the low information adherents to mainstream media, and openly threatened those WHO KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON. The miscreants like Starmer inhabit the halls of power in many jurisdictions, and are truly dangerous at this time of unprecedented propaganda against the citizens, people, beguiled, who will ultimately die at the hand of these "politicians". TRUDEAU IS PLANNING A GUN GRAB SHORTLY. I wonder why...??? (rhetorical question). Civil war is looming.

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There should be little doubt that the powers that be have immigrated 100s of thousands of extremists into the UK and most, if not all, Western countries not only for the purposese of diluting the political cohesion of the home populations, not only for the purposes of creating division and strife in said countries, and a host of other reasons, economic, spiritual, psychological, etc., but one other purpose of these mass immigrations of criminals, extremists, poorly educated people who it is known by our overlords are people who for the most part, will have little chance of ever being able to assimilate in these societies, or even will not want to, inevitably resulting in the troubles as outlined above, and this is part of their plans.

Another bonus for our overlords can be a revolt, or civil war, which then will give them the golden opportunity they desire to take complete control of said society "for its own good". All the young, single, military-aged men might then possibly be deputized and armed for the purposes of "keeping the rabble in line". Just one other of their many goals in breaking down Western societies.

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John Leake, my sister lived in Britain for 17 years. She agrees with you, that Britain is imploding.

An impending civil war? Unlikely, but very possible.

The cause? The radical difference in opportunities between the royals and the common folk. It has warped the fabric of the culture. More and more foreign born residents see the royals as a cancer on the country. They certainly do stratify the wealth.

But John, this is the problem I have with your reporting. You then make a specious assertion that J.D. Vance has to save Britain from itself. Really? Do you comprehend the absurdity of that statement? The extreme arrogance to think that Vance can save Britain?

I don't think you really believe that. I think that's a statement to assert the current U.S. administration is much more powerful, informed and capable than it is. That appeals to your readers, who have a greatly overblown estimation of DJT's intelligence and ability to suss out the right move among international relations. He doesn't and he can't. So, in a real sense, you're preaching to the chorus and pandering to the MAGA base.

But you're not being truthful. The current U.S. administration is not going to save any other country from itself. Get real.

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Doc, Your inability to understand the satire in Vance's assertion "J.D. Vance has to save Britain from itself" is unfortunate. As for pandering, it sounds as if you would be quite content for the status quo to prevail. The times are achangin and as Ted Turner once said you can lead, follow or get the hell out of the way.

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Your assumption that I would be happy with the status quo is, of course, balderdash. I don't even have an opinion about all that. The MAGA crowd always assumes anyone who has a different opinion is suffering TDS, which is, of course, is the defence offered by a shallow thinker.

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I can assure you that there was no Satire in Vance’s speech.

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The Royals? Are you kidding? We are imploding because of the mind virus that actually came from across the pond. We need the strength and the trade of US and so we had better listen to Vance and change our ways.

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Oh my, Doc Pruyne. Still battling that raging case of TDS, eh? Ever heard the phrase, "Physician, heal thyself"?

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A broken clock is correct twice a day and the US and Vance wrong about so much happen to be right about this, so yes he can save the UK as I don't see anyone in the UK having the balls to stand up to the traitors in parliament and in Buckingham palace as he is doing, admittedly with zero possible comeback on him unlike those who would do the same in the "free"UK.

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One concern we should have is Fauci created False Flag COVID19 and perpetuated the Death Jab. The USA has culpability in the demise of the EU and Great Britain. One fine day Nuremberg stile trials should occur. I Pray truth will prevail. Our Government also is responsible for the Ukraine Biolabs. The Russian Occupation was for multiple reasons including the Hunter/Soros and Others Biolabs.

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Oh yes the US is 100% culpable. They clearly tried to attack China and "give them a cold", as they had discussed doing years before, during the Wuhan games that Fort Detrick personnel attended and the only reason Obama moved the "research" to Wuhan from Fort Detrick years before was so that the US would have plausible deniability when it decided the time was right to attack hence the nonsense about bat soup etc and attacking anyone who said it was a lab leak because what they were really hiding was that this was an attempt at genociding China. That was why the Chinese government "overreacted" because they knew it was a weapon ........ but something prevented that weapon working. And here we are with all being slowly revealed about everything bit by bit. Who knows where things come from on the internet and they daren't switch it off as that is what they use to track us. They are caught between a rock and a hard place and it is a sheer delight to watch.

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John, you have fantasy spinning in your head. The DoD and China were working together to develop the shots. Get your facts straight.

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I think we English/British don't ever have a large standing army because of General Monck back during the Civil War - he had a big enough army to challenge all comers and he put a King back on the throne. Obviously, it dawned on said King that anyone with a big enough army to restore the monarchy could also depose it! So we never subsequently had a large standing army, preferring to recruit men to fight old Johnny Foreigner as and when required.

Old Kiki Starmer is an ignorant fool - even the half dozen soldiers we currently have aren't going to go fight the Russkies and he will find that nobody will enlist to die on foreign soil in a foreign war. Not that there's any money for any of his grandiose plans anyway.

And I doubt we are heading for another Civil War - we're all too fat, lazy, old or foreign to bother. The Muslims might try and that would cause localised trouble but we're not likely to fight other proper Brits!

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China CCP too can use Taiwan as a war distraction for their people

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