That guy has probably looked at his numbers IN CALIFORNIA and sees the writing on the wall. I'm telling you-- he's lucky he's not been put underground at this point. And the jury is still out on that.
EVERYONE hates this guy now. He's grasping onto ANY life preserver.
We fled in Jan 2021. Newsom had already made Commiefornia into his lawless, grift playground & we had enough. Praying he does not become President or have any future political power.
It does make one question how so many bad decisions could be made without at some point wondering if u r running it into the ground. In Canada we have some parts that are also being governed in the same reckless way, I don’t think it’s stupidity, I think we have been influenced by WEF/China/idk an elite cult?, something that is within the government (many leaders and much of the bureaucracy). Did you know that our new “leader” Mark Carney / was slid into the position with never having run for public office, he “won” the liberal leadership and I use that term loosely as they disqualified 2 people running for the position and 1/2 the people trying to vote, and we still don’t have our reps in parliament at all- since the Governor General sided w Trudeau to pause it. Ok now here is the sweet tea- Mark Carneys dad was married to Margaret Trudeau (her 2nd or 3rd husband)- that Justin Trudeau’s mom🤯 and he is god father to Chrystia Freeland’s kid. (Oh also there is some weird connection to Ghisele Maxwell- like his sister is married to married to a guy whose siblings is married to her a Maxwell sibling) (there are pics of MC and GM at an event chatting together.)
Now someone needs to figure out how this all makes sense. I mean besides the carbon tax scams I really feel we are manipulated in such a similar way I think both sides must be being influenced by the same people. Oh and that scandal that Candace Owens is exposing about the PM of France?? He always seemed grossly cosy w Trudeau. Who is his wife??? That story has to be seen to believed.
Thanks for the incest details of Canada. 😳 In general I see Trudea identical to Newsome both WEF puppets. Both incentivized to implode their State or Country.
So the dark lords of Marxism “ build back better” can then can sweep in save the day.
What looks to be playing out is globalism WEF vs
Nationalism Trump MAGA.
Thinking that is why Trump is teasing Canada to be
51st state. He is bringing light to this. The good news is these people mark Carney, are now under the light. Darkness flourishes in stealth.
Soon time will tell we shall stand to witness that we are in FAFO zone that evil is being sifted out. No longer do these people control the narrative. They will not go quietly. But Truth will be shown.
Funny considering on day 3 of the aftermath of the LA fires he was smiling about the possibilities of outside investors. At least one of satan’s leading puppets.
Gavin is a chameleon , he’s not “ courageous “ + please don’t insult brave people by using that term for Gavin ! He is Nancy Pelosi’s NEPHEW AND THAT SHOULD TELL U ALL U NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HIM . Or would u like to discuss his French Laundry escapade or the missing water for the wildfires ? Along with missing federal grant $$ !
Indeed! Don’t insult our intelligence. It’s not that we should not engage with Newsom, but not without his first admitting that he screwed his state residents. I trust that psychopath about as much as I trust my worst enemy.
That I have never heard. What I have heard is this:
Gov. Gavin Newsom's aunt, Barbara Newsom, was once married to Ron Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law. Barbara Newsom and Ron Pelosi divorced in 1977.
Part of the Getty cartel, that is for certain. Sharing DNA - even if only political, and not biological - with the witch Pelosi is hardly a recommendation, either.
Auntie Nancy must be schooling him on investments. That or governor's salaries are pretty darn good. He recently moved into a $10M house in Marin County. I wonder if they had to build him a new office as well since his office was in Sacramento at the state capital. Total rat shit scum!!!
How much of the billions allocated to the high-speed rail caper have been tracked? To paraphrase what an astute politician said many years ago, "A billion here, a billion there - pretty soon you're talking real money."
I have no complaint about Bannon. But I would like to know why Gavin Newsom thinks it's OK to spend a week interviewing people for his podcast instead of actually doing the work of Governor. I can't stand Newsom but he should at least pretend to do his job.
The closing quote about Bannon is brilliant; "I suspect that much of the Left’s fervent loathing of Bannon is simply the loathing that many ignorant and daft people feel in the presence of an intelligent man." Especially these days, when TPTB exploit the principle of Divide and Conquer, the dynamic of "You're either with me or agin me" tends to poison creative exploration of what is and could be.
don't be fooled...He is setting himself up for a run for the presidency and the way to do it is to appear that he is open minded and fair and unbiased....which couldn't be further from the truth.
Look at what he and his kind have done to California and decide whether you want him to lead our country down the same path of destruction.
NO. Gavin Newsom is the consummate politician. He is paving the way for his presidential run in 2028, by interviewing conservatives/MAGA in an effort to distance himself from the extremes of the current left, and introduce himself as a moderate who can build bridges between parties. Conservatives are naively assisting him in this goal. This is not a courageous act, but one of consummate political sleaziness. Do not be fooled.
Do people ever research a person's history. A good predictor of the present and the future is the past. Mr. Pretty Boy is a graduate of the WEF's, Young Global Leaders Club. Do you remember Gavin's WEF,s three year stint with his classmate, Justin Trudeau. Trudeau ruined Canada.
It is a rarity these days for any voter to do any research on a candidate. Sound bites and clicks are what win elections these days it seems. Hell, in Texas they re-elected a congresswoman who had been committed to an assisted living facility with advanced dementia (Kay Grainger).
I have no idea how I came to be so fortunate to have access to this substack. Am grateful as I have learned so much and it is so well written.
Personally, I think Newsom is doing this to gain access to the more conservative voter whom he hopes to win over in 2028. However, since more liberal people will follow his podcast, they will be exposed to ideas and concepts which they might not have listened to before.
All anyone has to do was to remember back to when he got caught eating at the French Laundry while the rest of us were stuck at home to understand that rattlesnake.
And the mother he outright lied to when confronted about her daughter’s school burning up in the LA fire. He told her he was on the phone with Biden🤥 as he ran to his black Suburban to escape her questions.
Newsom? Disingenuous? Or the time he said he supported vaccine mandates but had his AG fight a ruling which required prison guards to get vaccinated (more like MRNA’ed but whatever, change definitions and all)
Newsom? Disingenuous? …or when he got caught having an affair with his best friend/campaign managers wife, two weeks later said he was getting treatment for Alcoholism, then two years later announcing he is not an alcoholic and can drink
I wish neither Charlie Kirk nor Bannon had entertained Newsom's delusions. The less attention that dude receives, the better. No idea why anyone on team sanity would give him a second of their time. My God, but isn't the state of the state of California all anyone needs to get the "full experience" of that oleaginous (thanks, Jeff Childers), malignant narcissist? He should be utterly ignored till he goes away someday.
Is Gavin Newsom trying to make himself look good for the next Presidential election??
That guy has probably looked at his numbers IN CALIFORNIA and sees the writing on the wall. I'm telling you-- he's lucky he's not been put underground at this point. And the jury is still out on that.
EVERYONE hates this guy now. He's grasping onto ANY life preserver.
We fled in Jan 2021. Newsom had already made Commiefornia into his lawless, grift playground & we had enough. Praying he does not become President or have any future political power.
How can he undertake a podcast when he runs the 5th largest economy in the world?
He has bankrupted Cal Med paying for the illegals health care.
LA Fires
The Train that has cost 14 billion and no progress
The ? 42 billion for homeless and its worse
An Oregonian would think he’s imploding CA on purpose!
His pandemic response was one of the worst arresting a surfer on the beach
Going to his party not wearing a mask
I hope he runs for president bc he has the receipts 🧾 to back up his colossal failures. Charm gets you only so far! We need VOTER ID in CA
CA is dying bc of his policies.
BTW- He and California will NO LONGER be able to make that claim.
TEXAS is finally going to overtake California in GDP by the end of 2025.
Newsom doesnt get to make that boast anymore.
It does make one question how so many bad decisions could be made without at some point wondering if u r running it into the ground. In Canada we have some parts that are also being governed in the same reckless way, I don’t think it’s stupidity, I think we have been influenced by WEF/China/idk an elite cult?, something that is within the government (many leaders and much of the bureaucracy). Did you know that our new “leader” Mark Carney / was slid into the position with never having run for public office, he “won” the liberal leadership and I use that term loosely as they disqualified 2 people running for the position and 1/2 the people trying to vote, and we still don’t have our reps in parliament at all- since the Governor General sided w Trudeau to pause it. Ok now here is the sweet tea- Mark Carneys dad was married to Margaret Trudeau (her 2nd or 3rd husband)- that Justin Trudeau’s mom🤯 and he is god father to Chrystia Freeland’s kid. (Oh also there is some weird connection to Ghisele Maxwell- like his sister is married to married to a guy whose siblings is married to her a Maxwell sibling) (there are pics of MC and GM at an event chatting together.)
Now someone needs to figure out how this all makes sense. I mean besides the carbon tax scams I really feel we are manipulated in such a similar way I think both sides must be being influenced by the same people. Oh and that scandal that Candace Owens is exposing about the PM of France?? He always seemed grossly cosy w Trudeau. Who is his wife??? That story has to be seen to believed.
Thanks for the incest details of Canada. 😳 In general I see Trudea identical to Newsome both WEF puppets. Both incentivized to implode their State or Country.
So the dark lords of Marxism “ build back better” can then can sweep in save the day.
What looks to be playing out is globalism WEF vs
Nationalism Trump MAGA.
Thinking that is why Trump is teasing Canada to be
51st state. He is bringing light to this. The good news is these people mark Carney, are now under the light. Darkness flourishes in stealth.
Soon time will tell we shall stand to witness that we are in FAFO zone that evil is being sifted out. No longer do these people control the narrative. They will not go quietly. But Truth will be shown.
I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything....
President? You mean the anti-christ?
Funny considering on day 3 of the aftermath of the LA fires he was smiling about the possibilities of outside investors. At least one of satan’s leading puppets.
Gavin is a chameleon , he’s not “ courageous “ + please don’t insult brave people by using that term for Gavin ! He is Nancy Pelosi’s NEPHEW AND THAT SHOULD TELL U ALL U NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HIM . Or would u like to discuss his French Laundry escapade or the missing water for the wildfires ? Along with missing federal grant $$ !
Indeed! Don’t insult our intelligence. It’s not that we should not engage with Newsom, but not without his first admitting that he screwed his state residents. I trust that psychopath about as much as I trust my worst enemy.
And he fucked them deep, too.
No apologies for my language. 😄
The ones who don't do that moved to Texas.
He was her nephew (or something like that) by marriage and no longer actually is, but yes, he's a reptile.
His mother is Nancy’s sister although it’s hard to confirm that because msm + Dems wont release info .
That I have never heard. What I have heard is this:
Gov. Gavin Newsom's aunt, Barbara Newsom, was once married to Ron Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law. Barbara Newsom and Ron Pelosi divorced in 1977.
Thank you for clearing that up . Gavin I’m sure Idolized his “ auntie Nancy !”
Part of the Getty cartel, that is for certain. Sharing DNA - even if only political, and not biological - with the witch Pelosi is hardly a recommendation, either.
Auntie Nancy must be schooling him on investments. That or governor's salaries are pretty darn good. He recently moved into a $10M house in Marin County. I wonder if they had to build him a new office as well since his office was in Sacramento at the state capital. Total rat shit scum!!!
How much of the billions allocated to the high-speed rail caper have been tracked? To paraphrase what an astute politician said many years ago, "A billion here, a billion there - pretty soon you're talking real money."
What r u serious??? That is crazy!
I have no complaint about Bannon. But I would like to know why Gavin Newsom thinks it's OK to spend a week interviewing people for his podcast instead of actually doing the work of Governor. I can't stand Newsom but he should at least pretend to do his job.
Noisome is pretending to do his job. He's pretending to communicate with his constituents.
If all he did was slack off, I wouldn't care, but he actively has destroyed the state and much of San Francisco.
And he made sure San Francisco got that bronze statue of his smarmy face,
The closing quote about Bannon is brilliant; "I suspect that much of the Left’s fervent loathing of Bannon is simply the loathing that many ignorant and daft people feel in the presence of an intelligent man." Especially these days, when TPTB exploit the principle of Divide and Conquer, the dynamic of "You're either with me or agin me" tends to poison creative exploration of what is and could be.
don't be fooled...He is setting himself up for a run for the presidency and the way to do it is to appear that he is open minded and fair and unbiased....which couldn't be further from the truth.
Look at what he and his kind have done to California and decide whether you want him to lead our country down the same path of destruction.
Gavin Newsome is authentic in the same way that Kamala Harris was authentic -- seasonal, like allergies. 🤧
Just to be blunt. It’s all an act. Newsom is scum. He ruined California. Do not trust him.
Only the brain washed will believe Newsom is changing his spots. Once from WEF, always with WEF.
NO. Gavin Newsom is the consummate politician. He is paving the way for his presidential run in 2028, by interviewing conservatives/MAGA in an effort to distance himself from the extremes of the current left, and introduce himself as a moderate who can build bridges between parties. Conservatives are naively assisting him in this goal. This is not a courageous act, but one of consummate political sleaziness. Do not be fooled.
Newscum is playing conservatives. Why would Bannon do this?
Rick - good question!
Do people ever research a person's history. A good predictor of the present and the future is the past. Mr. Pretty Boy is a graduate of the WEF's, Young Global Leaders Club. Do you remember Gavin's WEF,s three year stint with his classmate, Justin Trudeau. Trudeau ruined Canada.
It is a rarity these days for any voter to do any research on a candidate. Sound bites and clicks are what win elections these days it seems. Hell, in Texas they re-elected a congresswoman who had been committed to an assisted living facility with advanced dementia (Kay Grainger).
Newsom has zero principles. He is just trying to shift with the political landscape. Sociopath.
I hope he can't make it anywhere near the presidency. It's time for the Republicans to gather all the information against him.
I have no idea how I came to be so fortunate to have access to this substack. Am grateful as I have learned so much and it is so well written.
Personally, I think Newsom is doing this to gain access to the more conservative voter whom he hopes to win over in 2028. However, since more liberal people will follow his podcast, they will be exposed to ideas and concepts which they might not have listened to before.
Newsom is doing everything he can to appear more in the center. He’ll say what he needs to say to appear that he’s a changed man politically.
Unfortunately it’s my opinion this is all disingenuous on his part so he can get elected as POTUS then revert back toward his real self.
RINOs like Dan Crenshaw and many others do this all the time.
Seems like Newsom may be one of the first DINOs in a long time…
Newsom? Disingenuous?
All anyone has to do was to remember back to when he got caught eating at the French Laundry while the rest of us were stuck at home to understand that rattlesnake.
And the mother he outright lied to when confronted about her daughter’s school burning up in the LA fire. He told her he was on the phone with Biden🤥 as he ran to his black Suburban to escape her questions.
…or when he kept public schools closed while his kid went in person to private school…this Newsom Disingenuous? Game can go on forever :)
Newsom? Disingenuous? Or the time he said he supported vaccine mandates but had his AG fight a ruling which required prison guards to get vaccinated (more like MRNA’ed but whatever, change definitions and all)
Newsom? Disingenuous? …or when he got caught having an affair with his best friend/campaign managers wife, two weeks later said he was getting treatment for Alcoholism, then two years later announcing he is not an alcoholic and can drink
I wish neither Charlie Kirk nor Bannon had entertained Newsom's delusions. The less attention that dude receives, the better. No idea why anyone on team sanity would give him a second of their time. My God, but isn't the state of the state of California all anyone needs to get the "full experience" of that oleaginous (thanks, Jeff Childers), malignant narcissist? He should be utterly ignored till he goes away someday.